  • 8/13/2019 College Students Physical Activity final version


    Harper 1

    Andrew Harper II

    English 1102

    Malcolm Campbell

    September 23, 2013

    College Students Motivation to workout

    As most college students have trouble balancing school and work, exercise may be the

    last thing most college students are worried about. Research shows that physical activity

    decreases for students who transition from high school to college. It is my goal to discover and

    explore why some college students are motivated to work out and others are not. What

    separates these groups? Also, how can you teach this motivation?

    Many people have different things that motivate them to work out. According to the

    article College Students Motivation for Physical Activity, men and women usually have

    different motives. Men are more physical and have more pride and bigger egos, which results in

    guys competing to see who can build bigger muscles. Women usually lean toward the more

    internal side. Tables in this article indicates that men are usually motivated to exercise because

    of challenge, competition, and for strength and endurance. However, women are motivated to

    exercise because of appearance, stress management, and weight management. Most people

    can say that women are more concerned with their weight way more than men are. Studies

    show that women use exercise as a form of relief. In College Student motivation for physical

    activity,female college students tended to score higher when it came to emotional reasons

    like revitalization.

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    It is evident by research that most people who work out in college are mainly in

    organized sports. As a player of a sport, you are obligated to work out almost every day. Sport

    participants have a different type of motivation than those who are regular exercise

    participants. As a former sport participant, I can honestly say that sports will make exercise

    over and beyond than what a normal person would do. When I played football in High School I

    worked out around six days per week. As a defensive end, I knew I had to be as strong and

    explosive as possible. Since strength was my main goal I focused a lot on my upper body

    exercises which consisted of bench press and curls. For my explosion exercises, I did power

    cleans and squats which developed my lower body. Now I consider myself to be an exercise

    participant rather than a sports participant. I no longer workout for just explosiveness and

    upper body strength. When I work out, I focus more on my appearance. I do anything from

    kickboxing, to running, to lifting weights. My goals now are to be attractive, toned, and healthy.

    In my opinion, a factor that plays a big role in being motivated to workout is your

    environment. If all of your friends have six packs, it will probably motivate you to do more

    abdominal exercises. Motivation can be stimulated physically, mentally, and visually. There are

    multiple networks that supply videos that are made to get you motivated for exercise, along

    with other activities. An example would be the Nike Just Do It commercials. Studies show that

    what a person sees visually does effect ones subconscious mind. Businesses use this factor to

    sell products for their companies. Subliminal messaging in commercials are key motivators to

    buy the products being shown. The same idea can be used for exercise. On the mental side of

    things, exercise is seen as a positive outlet for the mind. People are usually motivated to

    exercise because it helps them clear their head. Exercising is one of the biggest stress relievers,

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    more neurons than the other mouse. A cognitive test was given, both mice were placed in a

    maze and the mouse who ran the wheel regularly finished the maze first.

    Three professors from the University of California, Irvine Institute for brain aging and

    Dementia covered how exercise stimulates the brain in an article titled, Exercisebuilds brain

    heath: key roles of growth factor cascades and inflammation. These professors were Carl W.

    Cottman, Nicole C. Berchtold, and Lorie-Ann Christie. Cross-sectional studies indicate that

    physical activity reduces risk of Alzheimers disease, Huntingtons disease, and Parkinsons

    disease (Cottman, Berchtold, Christie). It is essential that college students workout every day to

    prevent these horrible diseases.

    Exercise Enhances Memory

    The hippocampus is the part of the brain that controls memory, retention, and formation of

    the brain. In most adults the hippocampus shrinks in their late 20s. It is evident by research

    that elderly adults who did simple physical activities such as walking, jogging, cooking, and

    gardening were less likely to have memory loss and crumbling vocabulary like their peers. A

    group of senior citizens were randomly assigned to a stretching program or a walking program

    for a year. After the year was over, the stretching groups brains were scanned, and their

    hippocampuses had shrunken according to normal expectations. In the walking group,

    however, the hippocampus had grown. For college students, the implication is clear: regular

    exercise could benefit the parts of your brain that help you recall information. (5 reasons)

    Exercise for better focus and concentration

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    In 2009, a study took place in a Canadian school for children with ADHD and learning

    disabilities. The students were instructed to exercise for 20 minutes before math class. The

    teachers noticed that the focus and concentration of these students were improving. Exercise

    increases oxygen to the brain and it also increases brain neurotransmitters. Physical activity

    goes way beyond improving grades in school. "The healthy, physically active child is more likely

    to be academically motivated, alert, and successful," agrees Karen McGahey, principal of Grant

    School in Petaluma.

    Mood Booster

    Exercise helps the emotional balance in the brain. Based on my observation most of my

    college peers hit the gym when something is bothering them. Many people know that exercise

    relieves the mind. It is proven that when you are depressed or in a bad mood, exercise can

    change that to happiness.After a workout the body leaves chemicals that will make you

    happier and more relaxed. The physical proof of exercise will leave you confident and proud of

    the physical obstacles you have overcome. Stress is relieved when a person is physically active

    daily. It is also proven that exercise makes sleep a whole lot easier at night.

    Energy Booster

    Exercise delivers oxygen and many nutrients to your muscle tissues and assist your

    cardiovascular system to work better. When your heart and your lungs are working better, you

    have more energy to take on your daily task, such as work, studying, and chores.

    Unfortunately there is no scientific proof or research that tells us that motivation

    to exercise can be taught. Motivation stems from stimulation (Adams) However, there are a

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    roles of growth factor cascades and inflammation." University of

    California, Irvine Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia. Web. 28 Oct 2013. Warner Jennifer,

    Landry, Greg, and Greg Landry. "Top 10 reasons to exercise in the Morning."

    N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Dec 2013.

    Adams, B.. "Helping Students Become Motivated Learners." N.p., n.d.

    Web. 5 Dec 2013.

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