Page 1: COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT Between DELTA WIRE & MFG. And ... Fabricatio… · collective agreement between delta wire & mfg. and teamsters, chauffeurs, warehousemen and helpers union local






Expiry Date: OCTOBER 31, 2008

Page 2: COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT Between DELTA WIRE & MFG. And ... Fabricatio… · collective agreement between delta wire & mfg. and teamsters, chauffeurs, warehousemen and helpers union local


Page 3: COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT Between DELTA WIRE & MFG. And ... Fabricatio… · collective agreement between delta wire & mfg. and teamsters, chauffeurs, warehousemen and helpers union local

ARTICLE 1: PURPOSE 1.01 The general purpose of this agreement is to establish and maintain collective

bargaining relations between the Company and its employees to provide for settlement of grievances and to maintain satisfactory working conditions, hours of work and wages for all employees subject to this agreement.

ARTICLE 2: RECOGNITION 2.01 The Company recognizes the Union as the sole Bargaining Agent for all of its

employees save and except, Foreman and persons above the rank of foreman, office, clerical and sales staff.

2.02 The Union recognizes the right of the Company to hire, assign work, promote and

demote, transfer, suspend or otherwise discipline and discharge any employee, subject to the right of the employee concerned to lodge a grievance in the manner and extent herein provided.

ARTICLE 3: NO DISCRIMINATION 3.01 The employer and Union agree that there will be no discrimination against any

employee for any reason. ARTICLE 4: UNION SECURITY 4.01 As a condition of continued employment, all present employees covered by this

agreement shall become and remain members of the Union at the signing of the agreement and all new employees covered by this agreement shall become and remain members of the Union after the completion of their probationary employment. Only members with seniority on date of signing to become members of union. All others to become members upon achieving their seniority.

4.02 The Company agrees to check off initiation fees, regular monthly union dues and

assessments in the amounts as authorized in accordance with the Constitution and By-laws of the International Union and the Local Union.

The Company agrees, for the duration of this Agreement, to deduct from the last

pay cheque each month, the monthly dues of any employee covered by this Agreement, and to remit such monies so deducted to the head office of the Local Union along with a list of the employees for whom the monies were deducted not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the date upon which such monies were deducted. The check off list will include social insurance numbers and names. In the case of an employee on Worker's Compensation, the check off shall indicate that such employee was on W.C.B.

4.03 The Company agrees to show the total amount of dues deducted for the year, on

each employee's T-4 slip when issued.

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ARTICLE 5: PLANT COMMITTEE 5.01 a) The Company acknowledges the right of the Union to elect from the plant

union membership, a Plant Committee composed of not more than one (1) steward and one (1) alternate steward per shift.

The committee shall meet monthly to maintain a harmonious relationship

between management and labour. The committee shall be paid at their straight time hourly rate for attendance at scheduled meetings held on Company premises.

The Union Business representative may sit in on any and all such

meetings. Notification of the Union Business representative shall be the responsibility of the committeeperson.

5.01 b) Each member of the above committee shall have at least one (l) year of

seniority. 5.01 c) The Union agrees to notify the Company in writing from time to time of the

names of the members of the Plant Committee and the effective date of their appointment.

5.01 d) If the Union Steward is absent from the Company's employment, the

Company will recognize an alternate steward on that shift. 5.02 The Union will notify the Company in writing of the name of the Union Business

Representative. The Union Business representative shall be allowed to enter the Company's

premises to deal with the administration of this Agreement, provided he does not interfere with the normal operation of the Company. Such entry is limited to the normal working hours of the plant, subject to prior notification to the Company.

5.04 The Company agrees to pay Union Stewards at their regular rate of pay for a

reasonable amount of time spent dealing with potential grievances or problems in the plant during the Union Steward's regular working hours, and does not include time spent on grievances after they have reached the arbitration stage. The above procedure shall also apply to group grievances.

5.05 The Union recognizes and agrees that stewards as well as other employees have

regular duties to perform. Stewards will notify their supervisor of the department where they are respectively employed and shall be permitted during their working hours without loss of time or pay to attend to Union business requirements including but not limited to dues receipts, Workers' Compensation issues, Leaves of Absence issues, and discussions with management, union, and workers with complaints or grievances, subject to a maximum absence from their regular duties of one (l) hour within the hours comprising one working day. The time may be extended with mutual agreement of the supervisor and steward. (Such approval shall not be unjustly withheld).

Whenever, in the opinion of the supervisor concerned more than a reasonable

period of time shall have been taken by a steward to accomplish such business

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requirements the supervisor of the department to which the steward is attached shall decline to approve payment to such steward for such excess time.

5.06 The Company will verbally notify the Union through the Alternate Steward, by

telephone, or FAX prior to the suspension or discharge of a Steward. 5.07 The Company agrees to make available to the Union Stewards an Office, for their

use when conducting union business. 5.08 The Company will provide an enclosed, locked bulletin board conspicuously placed

for the exclusive use of the Union. ARTICLE 6: GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 6.01 a) Any employee who has any legitimate complaint or question shall first discuss the

matter with their foreman. Their Union Steward shall accompany the employee when requested. Any matter not settled at this stage may become the subject of a grievance and dealt with as follows:

STEP NO. 1 The grievance of the employee shall be stated in writing on a standard form to be

supplied by the Union. The form shall be completed and signed by the employee making the complaint or question, and steward. The form will then be presented to the foreman who will answer the grievance in writing and return the form to the steward within five (5) working days of receipt.

STEP NO. 2 If the decision of the foreman is not satisfactory, the steward may appeal the

decision to the supervisor or management appointee in writing. Such meeting shall take place not later than five (5) working days after the appeal

was registered or at such time agreed to by the parties. STEP NO. 3 If the decision in Step 2 is not satisfactory, the steward may appeal the decision to

the Plant Manager or his designate. The Plant Manager or his designate shall contact the Local Union Business Agent and arrange for a grievance meeting at a mutually agreeable time in an attempt to settle the grievance.

STEP NO. 4 If management's decision at Step No. 3 is not satisfactory, then the grievance may

be referred to arbitration as herein provided. Management shall give its decision to the Plant Committee within five (5) working days following the meeting at Step

No. 2. The Union Business representative shall be supplied by the Union, minutes of all

labour Management Meetings.

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6.01 b) Any time limits mentioned in this Article may be extended by mutual agreement, in writing.

6.01 c) It is mutually agreed that no grievance will be considered, the alleged

circumstances of which originated or occurred more than three (3) working days prior to the original presentation, except in the case of a grievance regarding wages which shall have a time limit of one (l) full pay period after issuance of pay.

6.01 d) A grievance which has not been processed to the next step of the grievance

procedure within five (5) days after the answer has been received, or a shorter period where such is stipulated, shall be deemed to have been withdrawn unless written notice to the contrary has been received.

ARTICLE 7: ARBITRATION 7.01 a) If the decision of Management is not satisfactory the Union may, by serving

written notice of appeal to the Company, within ten (l0) working days of the delivery of Management's decision, appeal there from to an impartial arbitrator to be selected by the parties to the agreement. Should the parties fail to agree upon an arbitrator within five (5) working days of receipt by the Company of the notice of appeal, then either party may request the Ministry of labour of the Province of Ontario, to appoint an impartial arbitrator. The decision of the impartial arbitrator shall be final and binding on both parties.

7.01 b) Each of the parties hereto will bear jointly the expense and fee of the

impartial arbitrator. 7.01 c) The arbitrator shall not have jurisdiction to alter or change any of the

provisions of this agreement, or to substitute any new provisions in lieu thereof, nor give any decision inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this agreement, or to deal with any matter not covered by this agreement. The arbitrator, however, in respect of a grievance penalty shall be entitled to modify such penalty, if in the opinion of the arbitrator; it is just and equitable to do so.

ARTICLE 8: GENERAL GRIEVANCES 8.01 An allegation involving the interpretation or violation of any provision of this

agreement may be lodge in writing by the Union with the management of the Company, or by a representative of the Company with the Union. Such grievance shall be lodged beginning with Step No. 3.

Should the parties fail to agree on settlement of the issue, it may be appealed to an

arbitrator within the time and in the same manner and to the extent set forth in the grievance procedure Steps 3 and 4.

Such general grievances shall not be lodged unless the grievance could not

properly be processed by an individual employee, and in any case the Union and the Company agree that a general grievance will not be used to circumvent any provisions of the grievance procedure.

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ARTICLE 9: MANAGEMENT GRIEVANCES 9.01 It is understood that the Company may bring forward at any meeting held with the

Joint Committee any complaint or grievance with respect to the conduct of the Union, its officers, committee people, or with respect to the conduct of the employees generally. If such a complaint or grievance is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties, it may be referred to arbitration in the manner provided for in the grievance procedure.

ARTICLE 10: SENIORITY 10.02 Any employee hired shall be considered to be on probation and will not be

placed on the seniority list until they have completed a total of 90 days worked for the Company.

10.03 Employee's names shall appear on the seniority list in the order of their respective

dates of hiring. 10.04 Until an individual has completed their probationary period they shall not be

eligible to any of the rights or privileges of seniority or access to the grievance procedure under this collective agreement.

10.05 Seniority lists shall be kept current and shall be posted on the Union bulletin

board and revised quarterly. 10.06 The purpose of seniority is to provide a policy governing work assignment, layoffs

and recalls as set out in this collective agreement. ARTICLE 11: LOSS OF SENIORITY 11.01 An employee shall lose their seniority and their employment will be terminated for

any of the following reasons: a) If an employee voluntarily quits the employ of the Company. This shall

include any employee who leaves the Company premises without authorization.

b) If the employee is discharged for just cause. c) If the employee has been laid off and fails to return within three (3) working

days after they have been notified to do so by the Company or by registered mail addressed to the last address on record with the Company.

NOTE: It is the employee's responsibility at all times to keep the

company and the Union advised of their correct home address and telephone number.

d) If an employee fails to return to work on the first day following the expiration of

a leave of absence granted by the Company without securing an extension of such leave in writing.

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e) If an employee is absent from work for three (3) of his/her consecutive

shifts which he/she had previously been scheduled to work, without notifying the Company or securing a leave acceptable to the Company.

f) If an employee accepts other employment or self-employment while on leave

of absence. g) If a seniority employee is laid off by the Company in excess of 12 months. ARTICLE 12: LAYOFF AND RECALL 12.01 a) In the event of a layoff, the following procedure will apply: 1) All non-seniority employees will be the first laid off. 2) Employees with the least seniority will be laid of in order of their

seniority. 3) The employees to be kept on the basis of seniority must be able and

qualified to perform the work available. 4) Stewards shall be continued at work as long as there is work in the

plant they are able to do. 12.02 When recalling employees who have been laid off, recall will be made in the reverse

order of the layoff procedure, provided the employees eligible for recall are able and qualified to perform the work, which is available.

Employees not able to perform their regular duties due to illness or injury, shall

remain on layoff status with medical evidence until they are able to resume their regular duties with medical evidence. It will be the responsibility of the employee to notify the Company when they have recovered and are able to return.

12.03 Employees being recalled will be contacted directly at their last phone number on

record with the company, failing to contact directly, employees will be contacted by registered mail at their last address on record with the Company.

12.04 Whenever practical, notice of layoff shall be given to seniority employees as soon as

possible in advance of layoffs. ARTICLE 13: SAFETY & HEALTH 13.01 The Company, Employees and Union agree to maintain the highest standard of

safety, health, sanitation and working conditions in and around the Company's premises.

13.02 The Company and the Union shall maintain a Joint Occupational Health and

Safety committee. There will be a member on each shift elected or appointed by the Union.

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In the event that a regular safety committeeperson is absent from the plant the union may appoint and the Company will recognize an employee designated as an alternate safety committeeperson who will act only during the period of absence of the regular safety committeeperson.

13.03 The general duties of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee shall: a) Require one worker representative and one management representative to

make a monthly inspection of the workplace plant areas for the purpose of determining hazardous conditions and to check unsafe practices.

b) Hold a Joint health & Safety Committee meeting once a month for

discussion of current accidents, their causes, suggested means of preventing their recurrence, reviewing reports of the workplace inspections, and any other matter deemed relevant by the Committee.

c) Keep minutes of meetings. The minutes shall indicate what action has been

taken with respect to suggestions or recommendations previously made, and if no action has been taken, the reason therefore shall be given. Keep records of all investigations and inspections performed by the Committee.

13.04 A member of the Joint Health and Safety Committee representing workers shall

have the right to accompany a Ministry of Labour Safety Inspector on a plant inspection or investigation and shall receive copies of any reports sent to the Company pertaining to such inspections.

13.05 Reports required by the Ministry of Labour under the Occupational Health and

Safety Act (O.H.S.A.) shall be available to the Safety Committee. The Company also agrees to make available to the Committee upon request, the trade name and or technical description, (including chemical analysis, if available) of any compounds and substances used in the plant.

13.06 a) The Company shall provide time off without loss of pay for one (l) Union

member of the Joint Health & Safety Committee to receive certification training. Such training must be approved by the Ministry of Labour as meeting their training requirements for certifying a Joint Health and Safety committee member representing workers (certified member.)

b) The time spent by the Certified Member in the performance of his/her

duties as a member of the Joint Health and Safety committee shall be recognized by the Company as work time, and he/she shall be paid at the applicable hourly rate plus any premiums, if applicable.

13.07 The Company agrees to keep posted in a conspicuous place in the Plant a copy of

the Occupational Health & Safety Act (O.H.S.A.) for employee review. 13.08 No employee shall be disciplined because the employee has acted in compliance

with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. 13.09 Any new substance, material agent or chemical shall be introduced into the

workplace with an up-to-date Material Safety Data Sheet supplied to the Joint Health and Safety Committee. Employees will be trained according to the

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requirements of O.H.S.A. 13.10 The Company has the right to formulate and publish from time to time, rules and

regulations to ensure the safety and health of its employees and the terms and conditions upon which special equipment and clothing is issued to employees. Such rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement.

ARTICLE 14: PROMOTION AND JOB POSTING 14.01 Persons occupying a job not covered by the terms of this collective agreement,

but who previously acquired seniority in the bargaining unit, shall be given the right to transfer back to a job in the bargaining unit, within sixty (60) days.

14.02 Vacancies in regularly assigned jobs and newly created jobs shall be posted for five

(5) working days (excluding weekends and Holidays) on Company bulletin boards accessible for all employees. Such bulletins will show the job title, job requirements, rate of pay and to whom the application should be directed.

14.03 In the event two (2) or more employees apply, the most senior applicant with the

necessary qualifications to perform the work shall be given the job. If the senior employee is awarded the position and his position requires training of a new employee, the employee that has been awarded the new position may be required to train the person filling his old position prior to him moving to his new job. A temporary position will be created for another employee until the training period is complete.

14.04 If an employee has applied for a vacant position or a newly created position and

has been accepted under the conditions stated in Job Posting, he/she shall have to complete a training period of 720 hours as outlined below.

The length of the training period shall be seven hundred and twenty (720) hours

worked. During the training period, the trainee shall receive 4 increases in hourly pay-rate which shall bring him/her up to the full rate of pay for the respective job classification.

The increases shall be as follows: The increase in wages for training shall be

determined by taking the difference between the full rate of pay of the old wage classification and the new wage classification. Each increase during the training period will be equal to 25% of the difference between the two classifications at the time training begins. The training allowance is in addition to the employees current rate of pay regardless of whether or not the employee has achieved the full rate of pay for their classification, in which case both the training and the employees regular wage status-will have to be considered.

PHASES OF TRAINING Upon start of training + 25% of wage difference After 240 hours of

training worked + 25% of wage difference

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After 480 hours of training worked + 25% of wage difference Upon completion of training (720 hours of training worked) + 25% of wage difference (FULL RATE) If management should decide during the training period that the employee is

unsuitable for the job, the employee shall return to his former job classification and revert to his former pay rate immediately. In the event that this occurs, the employee may be considered for training again at a later date, in which case he/she will have to recommence training from the start and will not receive credit for previous training which was not entirely completed.

ARTICLE 15: HOURS OF WORK 15.01 The regular work week shall consist of five (5) days per week, Monday to Friday

inclusive, together with a daily half-hour unpaid lunch period. The hours of work shall be up to forty (40) hours per week. The regular workday

shall be from 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. During the months of June, July, August and September, the work day shall be from 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. All work performed in excess of forty (40) hours in one week shall be paid for at time and one half (l½).

Above noted times will be in effect for all employees except one painter, paint line

loaders and a lift truck driver for shipping and receiving. The Lunch period shall be between the hours of 12:00 o'clock noon and 12:30 p.m.

or as close to mid-point of the shift as possible. If an employee is required to work on a Sunday he shall be paid two times his/her

applicable rate of pay for the hours worked. The rest period shall take place at approximately l0:00 a.m. daily, not to exceed ten

(l0) minutes in duration. Should an afternoon shift be required the hours of work shall fall between the

hours of 3:30 p.m. to ll:50 p.m., with a lunch period from 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. and a ten (l0) minute rest period midway between the first portion of that shift.

Should a third shift be required, each shift will work 8 hours with a twenty (20)

minute paid lunch period as well as 2 - ten (l0) minute breaks. The Company will continue to allow employees to combine their 2nd paid ten (l0)

minute break with their paid five (5) minute wash-up period and allow these periods to be used at the end of their shifts.

The employer agrees to give notice of overtime as far in advance as is practical. Up

to eight (8) hours overtime per week shall be mandatory. Overtime shall be first

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offered to and shall be equally distributed among the employees regularly doing the job. Overtime for Saturday, if not posted by noon Thursday is on a voluntary basis only.

When a holiday occurs during a workweek the holiday shall count as part of the

regular 40 hours when calculating overtime over the 40 hour workweek. All employees are required to work a minimum of 8 hours overtime per week if it is

deemed necessary to meet our production requirements, and are asked by a supervisor. anyone refusing this overtime will be treated as absent for that day. Overtime in excess of eight (8) hours per week is on a voluntary basis only.

15.02 The Company agrees to pay four (4) hours of wages in the event that an employee

reports for work in the usual manner at the beginning of their scheduled shift and is prevented from starting work due to any cause not within his control. This provision shall not apply when such prevention is due to a labour dispute, fire, floor or plant-wide utility failure. The Employee must stay for one (l) hour in order to receive the above.

ARTICLE 16: LEAVE OF ABSENCE 16.01 An employee will be allowed a thirty (30) day leave of absence without pay for

personal reasons if: a) He requests it from the Employer in writing, and b) The leave is for a good reason and does not seriously affect operation,

except in the cost of emergency situations, e.g. death, illness of immediate family where leave shall be granted regardless. A leave of absence will be extended for an additional 30 days if there is a good reason, and the Employer and the Union mutually agree. The employee must request the extension in writing before his 30 days leave is up.

Any leave of absence will be in writing and no such leave will affect any employee's

seniority rights when used for the purpose granted. Any employee who accepts gainful employment during a leave of absence shall be

deemed to have voluntarily terminated his employ with this Company. An employee who has requested a leave of absence is not entitled to holiday pay

should a holiday fall in the period of the requested leave. ARTICLE 17: PAY ON DAY OF INJURY 17.01 An employee hurt in an industrial accident shall be paid for the time lost on the

day he was injured at his regular daily earnings if he is unable to return to work. The employer shall provide transportation and pay for time spent by the employees

during their regular shift hours for medical treatment required as a result of an industrial accident or industrial disease on the day of the injury.

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It is not the intent of the above provisions to make the Employer responsible for the payment of such time and transportation which is compensated by the Workmen's Compensation Board.

ARTICLE 18: REPORTING 18.01 New employees shall be responsible for informing his employer of his full name,

address and telephone number. Each employee shall be responsible for reporting any change of address, and/or

telephone number within twenty-four (24) hours of such change. Any employee who is called back to work after having finished his normal day's

work shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay. Each employee must call in and report if he/she is going to be absent for the day,

within one half hour (½) of the beginning of the shift they are on. This is to be done for every day absent.

ARTICLE 19: MEDICALS 19.01 Any medical examination requested by the Company shall be promptly complied

with by all employees provided, however, that the employer shall pay the costs of all such examinations. The Company reserves the right to select their own medical examiner or physician, and the Union may, if in their opinion an injustice has been done to an employee, have said employee re-examined at the Union's expense.

ARTICLE 20: PAY DAY Pay day will be on Thursday of each week by 5:00 p.m. ARTICLE 21: BEREAVEMENT

In the event of a death of an employee’s spouse or child, the employee shall be allowed five (5) days off without loss of pay.

In the event of a death in the employee's immediate family (e.g. mother, father,

brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, spouse, children, grand-mother, grand-father with proof of obituary), the employee shall be allowed three (3) days off without loss of pay to attend the funeral or memorial.

ARTICLE 22: PAID HOLIDAYS The Employer consents and agrees to pay to its employees in respect of whom this

Agreement is entered into, one (l) day's wages at the then applicable rate in respect to the following holidays, being:

New Year's Day January l

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Extra February Good Friday April Victoria Day May Extra June Canada Day July l Civic Holiday August Labour Day September Thanksgiving October Extra November 11 Christmas Eve December 24 Christmas Day December 25 Boxing Day December 26 New Year’s Eve December 31 When such holiday(s) fall on Sunday another day will be proclaimed and shall be

observed as the official holiday (Friday or Monday). Only employees who are on the seniority list and work the scheduled day before

and after the said holiday will be paid for said holiday provided they are not on lay-off.

An employee with a medical certificate or management approval outlining his reason for not working as per above herein will still be paid for the holiday provided he is not on lay-off or leave of absence.

In the event that one or more of the holidays occurs during an employee's vacation,

he shall be paid for the holiday(s) in addition to his vacation pay. The employee must stipulate prior to his vacation period if he wishes to take an extra day(s) in lieu thereof.

An employee required to work on any of the above mentioned holidays shall be paid

at the rate of two times (2x) the then regular rate in addition to their holiday pay or triple time.

ARTICLE 23: VACATIONS 23.1 Each employee shall be entitled to an annual vacation with pay in accordance with

the employee's length of service as provided in the following manner: Employees with less than one (l) year's continuous service, part-time and casual

help, shall receive vacation pay at the rate as set forth in the Hours of Work and Vacation with Pay Act of Ontario, and as amended by the Employment Standards Act, which is equal to four percent (4%).

Employees who have completed between 1 - 3 years in the employ of the Company

shall receive one (l) week off for every year worked with vacation pay calculated at four percent (4%) of gross earnings.

Employees who have completed 3 years or more in the employ of the Company

shall receive three (3) weeks off with vacation pay calculated at seven percent (7%) of gross earnings.

Employees who have completed 8 years or more in the employ of the Company shall receive four (4) weeks off with vacation pay calculated at eight percent (8%) of

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gross earnings. Employees who have completed 15 years or more in the employ of the Company

shall receive five (5) weeks off with vacation pay calculated at ten percent (10%) of gross earnings.

Vacations will be taken at a time mutually satisfactory to the employee and the

employer. All vacation requests are to be submitted four (4) weeks prior to the requested time

off in writing to the supervisor. Requests will be answered one week after they are submitted.

If vacation requests have not been responded to within one (1) week, then it will be

deemed to be approved. When requests are submitted a copy of the request must be signed by a supervisor and a copy given to the employer. When submitting a request it must be given to a supervisor.

ARTICLE 24: NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT 24.01 The Company agrees that during the term of this Agreement there will be no

lockout and the Union agrees that so long as this Agreement continues to operate, it will not cause, authorize or sanction, or threaten to call, authorize or sanction any picketing or strike activity, including any sit-down stay in, slowdown, curtailment of work, or restriction of or interference with the production of the Company, nor shall the Union permit any employee in the bargaining unit to cause, counsel, procure, support, encourage or take part in any such activity. The Union further agrees that it shall not involve any employees of the Company, or the Company itself in any dispute which may arise between any other company and the employees of such other company.

ARTICLE 25: CLASSIFICATION AND WAGES 25.01 The schedule of Job Classification and rates of pay applicable thereto as Appendix

"A" and forming part of this Agreement. In the event that it is necessary for an employee to go from a higher classification to

a lower classification due to a lay off or lack of work, the employee's rate of pay will drop to the lower rate of pay to reflect the lower classification after they have been doing the lower classification job for sixteen (16) hours.

In addition, if an employee is required to fill in temporarily in a higher classification

position, the employee shall be paid the higher rate of pay for the time he/she is doing the higher classification job, provided that the employee has previously completed the training period for that particular classification.

It is the responsibility of both the employee as well as the employee's immediate

supervisor to have time cards marked to reflect a temporary change in classification. No rate changes due to a change of classification will be considered without the supervisor’s signature on the time card.


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26.01 The Employer agrees to pay the full cost of the insurance and welfare plan as set forth in Appendix "B" attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement for all eligible full time employees.

The Company agrees to pay two (2) months premium in addition to absence due to

illness for all eligible employees and their families. ARTICLE 27: GENERAL 27.01 Any rights and privileges enjoyed by the employees in respect to their job

classification prior to the execution of the Agreement shall be continued and no change shall be put into effect with the following exceptions.

27.02 If an employee voluntarily requests a transfer to a lower paid job classification

then the premium rate of pay he is receiving prior to his transfer shall cease immediately. His then rate shall be as set at the then rate of pay for the job classification to which he has transferred.


as part of this contract. It is the responsibility of each employee to be aware of and knowledgeable of all company policies and procedures.

27.04 The Company will reimburse operators up to fifty percent (50%) of the purchase price and one hundred percent (100%) of the replacement cost of hand tools and measuring tapes needed for their job and approved by the foreman. Receipts must be provided.

27.05 If any employee with seniority has been called for active Jury Duty, the Company

will reimburse him/her the difference between his regular hourly rate and the allowance by the court.

The length of Jury Duty will not affect his/her seniority in any way. ARTICLE 28: SAFETY 28.01 Safety glasses are compulsory for all employees. These are provided by the

company. If lost, the employee pays the replacement cost. The Company will supply five (5) pairs of overalls or shop coats for employees. The

Company will replace such garments after a reasonable time period, and if they are beyond the stage of repair, providing the garments have been used exclusively for shop work. Garments will be washed and maintained at employer's expense.

ARTICLE 29: HOUSEKEEPING 29.1 To ensure safe and respectable working conditions, the machine operators and

their helpers are responsible for keeping the work areas around the equipment clean. Cleaning of the main plant, storage areas, and scrap removal shall be done by one or two employees as needed.

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ARTICLE 30: DURATION 30.01 THIS AGREEMENT shall become effective on date of ratification and shall remain

in full force and effect until the 31st day of October, 2008, and from year to year thereafter, unless notice or amendments by either party is given by registered mail within 90 days of date of expiration, setting forth the amendments desired.

30.02 THIS AGREEMENT shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their Successors,

Administrators, Executors and Assigns. 30.03 THIS AGREEMENT shall continue in full force and effect until a new agreement is


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APPENDIX "A" CLASSIFICATION AND WAGE RATES Wages: Nov 1/05 Nov l/06 Nov l/07 Labourer $16.60 $16.80 $17.00 Painter 17.10 17.30 17.50 Mesh Welder Operator 18.35 18.55 18.75 Wire Straightener 17.60 17.80 18.00 Wire Drawer 17.10 17.30 17.50 Forklift Driver "A" 17.35 17.55 17.75 Forklift Driver "B" 16.85 17.05 17.25 Mig Welders 16.80 17.00 17.20 Long Service Bonus: Additional $.15/hr after five (5) years of employment Additional $.15/hr after ten (l0) years of employment Additional $.10/hr after fifteen (15) years of employment Wage Schedule for New Hires Starting Rate $2.00/hr less than full rate of labourer. After 90 days worked $l.50/hr less than full rate of labourer. After 180 days worked $1.00/hr less than full rate of labourer. After 270 days worked $ .50/hr less than full rate of labourer. After 360 days worked Full rate of labourer. Shift Premium Any shift other than Day shift - $.40/hour. Wages shall not exceed the full pay rate of the respective Job Classification except in Maintenance or Trade where exception may be made. Perfect Attendance Bonus To supplement wages, the Company will give a weekly perfect attendance bonus as outlined below to all employees that achieve perfect attendance, 40 hours, from Monday to Friday, (8 hours/day, 5 days/week). Effective date Hourly perfect attendance bonus Upon ratification $1.50

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Saturdays do not count towards the 40 hours for perfect attendance. If an employee has earned the perfect attendance and is schedule to work O/T that week, their O/T rate will = (Reg rate + bonus x l½). Employees will loose their perfect attendance for the following reasons: a) Employee works less than 40 hours from Monday - Friday b) Employee punches in more than three (3) minutes late c) Employee fails to punch in or out d) Employee punches out early e) Doctors notes do not count towards perfect attendance. f) Employee off on Workers Compensation. g) Employee has approved vacation for entire week. The following will be counted towards 40 hours for perfect attendance: a) Employee has scheduled vacation for part of the week, in which case the employee

will receive bonus for hours worked if they work all scheduled hours for remainder of week.

b) Are on bereavement leave in which case the employee will receive bonus for hours

worked if they work all scheduled hours for remainder of week. c) Are sent home early by the Company due to uncontrollable circumstances such as

power failure, and would have achieved perfect attendance if not for these circumstances.

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APPENDIX "B" Health & Welfare The Company will pay all of the benefits after six (6) months of continuous employment for the following: 1) Benefit covered: a) Life insurance - graduated with income D/A double indemnity accident b) Drugs and Health guard benefits - drugs paid l00% c) Vision care coverage up to a maximum of $175.00 per year for each employee

and/or their eligible dependents paid by Delta Wire & Mfg. with presentation of the receipt. This is not cumulative from one year to the next.

d) Long Term Disability e) Benefit coverage will continue for sixty (60) calendar days after date of layoff f) Prescription safety glasses will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $100.00 per

year for employees only with presentation of the prescription and receipt. This is not cumulative from one year to the next.

2) Short Term Disability - covered by E.I. Sick Benefits 3) Dental Care - Unconditional reimbursement with presentation of a receipt to a maximum

of: $500.00 for each employee and/or their eligible dependents. Dental care runs from January l to December 31 and is not cumulative Note: An eligible dependent includes the employee's spouse, and children up to eighteen (l8)

years of age if out school and living at home or up to twenty-two (22) years old if going to college or university.

A maximum of One Hundred Dollars ($l00.00) plus G.S.T. annually will be provided by the company to any employee with one (l) year or more seniority for protective footwear.

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APPENDIX "C" PENSION The Company will give a contribution of $0.65¢ per hour for every hour worked, toward a pension plan. In order for the employee to receive the company contribution the employee must match the $0.65¢ per hour contribution personally. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee’s weekly paycheque. GENERAL The Company will provide a working refrigerator in the upstairs lunchroom for the employee’s use. The employees are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the refrigerator.

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APPENDIX "D" DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS For repeated violations of minor rules and regulations, progressive discipline will be

imposed as follows: FIRST OFFENCE Verbal warning confirmed in writing SECOND OFFENCE Written warning THIRD OFFENCE Final warning and three (3) day suspension of record FOURTH OFFENCE Employee will be subject to discharge With respect to suspensions, the Company reserves the right to note the

suspension on the employee's record and not have the employee serve the time. Any employee may clear their disciplinary record after one (l) year without any

disciplinary actions. For major infractions, the offence will determine the severity of the discipline

imposed, which may include immediate termination. All disciplinary action must be issued within three (3) working days from the time

the infraction became known to the Company with a copy to the Plant Committee, otherwise the action will be considered null and void.

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Delta Wire Mfg.


Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers Union Local 880

RE: OVERTIME The parties agree that the Employer may require overtime to be worked by the Employees. Wherever possible, employees on the afternoon shift shall be scheduled to work their overtime Monday through Friday instead of Saturday afternoon. Should overtime scheduling problems still exist after the signing of this Agreement, the parties agree to meet in an attempt to rectify the problem. FOR THE COMPANY FOR THE UNION DELTA WIRE & MFG. TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS, WAREHOUSEMEN AND HELPERS UNION LOCAL NO. 880

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1) ATTEND YOUR UNION MEETINGS. 2) Help new employees become acquainted with the agreement. 3) If you leave the employ of the Company, contact your Local

Union Office for a withdrawal card. 4) If you leave the employ of the Company, or are laid off, register

with the Local Union Office so that we may help you to find employment elsewhere.

“B E A G O O D U N I O N M E M B E R”
