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Joss is back with a brand new adventure….

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The (vague) plan…• Intro and warm up!• Learning styles + quizz• What is collaboration? What are the problems we come across and how

do we overcome them?• Technology, possibility and games• Strengths

HOW I ROLL• Choose your own adventure, going off road, experiential learning, playing

with it, trial and error…• I’m interested in the motivations and behaviours of people…• Collaboration requires participation!• Here is 10 seconds of thinking music in case you want to swap workshops

and do something else, that’s Vanilla Ice on ‘Skating with the Stars’, for reals…)

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• To make mistakes, failure is good for learning.• To play and have fun, and forget we are back

at ‘work’.• To be in flow, to work at that ‘high challenge, high support’ level we set for our classrooms.• To raise more questions than I answer.

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Getting centred… brain warm up

1. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

2. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

3. Name the winners of MasterChef/The Voice4. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.5. Name five Australians of the year and what they did.


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How about these?

1. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

2. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

3. Recall an special/ important birthday 4. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with. 5. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

Was that a bit easier? Why?They have more emotional weight and get stored in different parts of your memory.

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The point?

• Sometimes we measure success in weird ways.• Sometimes success and influence isn’t in the headlines.• Sometimes we don’t value ourselves, especially when the system doesn’t.

• Hmmmmm….

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Learning Styles

• What are they?• How many people know their own learning style?• How does the teachers learning style influence the

way we teach?• Now go here: (google key word : edutopia learning styles) And work yours out…. Surprised?

• How many teachers know the learning styles of their students?

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So, onto Collaboration…Lets explore what we already know, with a collaborative tool called Lino It.

It’s like a sticky/postit note board! Totally easy to use, doesn’t need you to login in. Just go to:•• Start playing with it and answer the question


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Collaboration – what Jane says…Umm, wait who is Jane?

Dr Jane McGonigalShe’s the Jane Fonda of games.She’s a game designer and author, her book ‘Reality is Broken’ is epic. She just gave her second TED Talk and has launched a game called SuperBetter which is awesome.(Also, I am a little bit in love with her #nerdcrush)

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Collaboration • Basically it’s teamwork and like an expertise

exchange of collective intelligence• People get to use what they're good at – skills,

strengths and interests• Successful contribution (and doing what

you’re good at and at like) means increased self-esteem.

• Improved self-esteem improved self-efficacy (believe in self) = GOOD*

* Massive summarisation - contact me for the research behind it.

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Common goal pursuit!

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Here are some examples of collaboration

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Team work = group work ?

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Problems with collaboration?

Why does ‘group work’ get such a bad wrap?• Let’s go back to Lino It.• Go to• Collaborate on:WHAT ARE THE MYTHS, PROBLEMS AND BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE COLLABORATION?

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So how do we overcome these?

• Make it meaningful – make it satisfying• Create community – collect allies • Provide feedback – regularly and quickly

• ENGAGE KIDS What do they seem naturally engaged in?

Technology…. And games….

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Where the web is at

• WEB 2.0 is a COLLABORATIVE TOOL / PLATFORM– characterised by participation wikis, tagging, social networking, spamming, trolling, commenting, discussion etc…

• WEB 3.0 is about the meaning of data – curation of information, it’s personalized/tailored/specific to your profile, intelligent searches relevant to you (Siri etc)

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What do we do with all this technology???

- How do you really feel about integrating ICT/digital technology? Be honest!

- We’re all still a bit scared, nervous etc- It’s super time consuming to set up, we need

to invest in it, we’re so busy/time-poor- Oh and we fail a bit in doing it… which is also scary, so best we use it like our cat friend!

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• There are more iPhones sold every day, than babies born (About 390K vs 370K, and that excludes 900K Androids , Blackberries etc).

• The processing power in a smart phone is about the same as NASA was using in 1969. NASA used the technology to launch humans into space, we use it to launch angry birds into pigs…

• By 2014 most people’s primary access to the Internet will be on their phone (except for my Mum, she still has a nokia…).

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Hold on a minute…

Q: There is a powerful computing device in the hands of about 90% of my students and they are not allowed to bring that to school/into the classroom???A: Umm, Yes.

It’s tricky though, for equity reasons, not ALL kids have a phone, not all are the same, some will have the best/flashiest, some will lose them, how do we use them for good and not “for evil”/non-educational activities etc…

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Adapt or die!?<Insert person playing with a smart phone here>

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#FAIL• Fail early, fail hard. • The most successful entrepreneurs were big losers in the first stages of their careers.• 80% of time in games is spent failing, so why do people keep playing?• Today we have failed in some ways to have a smooth

preso. What did I/we learn?• Are we still really scared of failing? Didn’t you just talk

all about needing to set up learners for success?

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Sometimes preventing failure, prevents learning.

• Its what we learn from the mistakes that matter, right? Anyone want to share an example?

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Gameful design

• Gameful design does not mean gamification• It means integrating elements of a game into

the design of something (rather than adding them on top).

• Here’s an example:Sweden: They have created BEHAVIOUR CHANGE by REWARDING AND RECOGNISING good drivers. By entering them into the draw to win the proceeds of the money raised from the people speeding! Clever huh?

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How do we use gameful design?

• Set rules! All games have rules. Make the rules clear (schools are v good at this!).

• Integrate into the curriculum new styles of collating, and interpreting information

• Recognise and reward regularly• Work out what motivates your students, what do they value, what currency can you use to trade with them?

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Let’s play!

According to the National Institute For Play in the US,

Play is the gateway to vitality, it is uniquely and intrinsically rewarding. It generates optimism, seeks out novelty, makes perseverance fun, leads to mastery, gives the immune system a bounce, fosters empathy and promotes a sense of belonging and community.

What’s not to like about play?

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Harness strengths!

Use what kids are GOOD at, give them RULES To do that you need to WORK OUT WHAT THEY’RE GOOD AT.Also – what is satisfying and meaningful IN THEIR WORLDS To work that out we need to GET INTO their worlds a bit more (collaborate with them IN THEIR SPACES).

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• That was a bit round-and-round the Mulberry bush!• WHAT DID YOU GET?

• No, I didn’t give you the slides or heaps of instructions or help. Wasn’t that mean! Did you notice who collaborated to work it out, did you notice how you figured it out without me to tell you…?

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Further reading, resources and inspiration!

• Jane McGonigal, Sir Ken Robinson, Daniel Pink• and• TED Talks, RSA Animate talks• and• INTEL TEACH ELEMENTS – Collaboration http

://• TALKING TO ME! [email protected]
