Page 1: Coastal Prairie Quilt Guild Of fee is $15. February 19, 2015 -Deb Karasik will present the workshop, Turning Over a New Leaf (22” X 22” wall hanging or the start of

January 2015

Coastal Prairie Quilt Guild Of Texas

Volume 7, Issue 5

President’s Letter 1 Workshops 3 Birthdays/Membership 9

Community Service 2 Quilt Bee 3 Treasure’s Report 10

Programs 2/3 Quilt Retreat 6 Business Meeting 10

Kudos/Congrats 4 Kroger Community Rewards 6 Board Meeting Minutes 11-13

Rep At Large/Parliament 4 QOV 5 Calendar 9

Activities 4 Library 6 Officers and Committees 13

PRESIDENT’S LETTER Mary Goodman HAPPY NEW YEAR! There’s nothing quite like a fresh start, is there?! In Coastal Prairie Quilt Guild, we get TWO fresh starts, one in September and one in January. I’m rather partial to the one in January with a fresh new year, and just maybe a fresh new outlook. It makes me want to clean my house and get rid of all the old unusable, broken stuff and shine up the beautiful, current things that make me smile. I’m hopeful I can do that with the inside of me as well. This holiday season was filled with vis-ual examples of the immense generosity of our members, giving to those who are hungry, lonely, and in need. I hope that this new year will find us all bringing that generosity of spirit to ourselves. Let’s all find more time for our friends, more loving attention to our quilts, and more participation in our guild.

You may not be able to serve on the board or volunteer to head a committee, but there are many small jobs that just need doing. We have a need for someone to monitor the door at the day meeting to let in latecomers; we need someone to bring the tri-folds to the meetings and take them back to the storage room; we need quilters and binders for charity quilts; we need someone to be in charge of bringing the magazines to each meeting and taking them out. There are many, many small but valuable jobs that need to be done. I hope you will consider contributing in this way to your guild!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let the generosity of spirit continue on!

Best Wishes!

Mary Goodman


Evening: January 7th, 6:45 p.m. Day: January 15th, 10:00 a.m.

Meetings and workshops held at the First United Methodist Church of Missouri City.

What’s New!

Want to sell your stuff? Or clear out your sew-

ing room and buy more stuff? Well you can!

Our website has a page called “Sew It’s For Sale” and for $10 a

month you can adver-tise your items!

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We are well on our way to the goal of 250 quilts for the 2014-2015 year. The totals above are as of the December 18, 2014, meeting. Bunches of thanks to the following who assisted by piecing, quilting, binding and donating. I know there are more of you; these are the names from the sign out – sign in sheet at the meetings.

Pauline Manes Kay Paul Barbara Baxter

Nancie Roach Dana Comer Beth Duffy

Judy W Helen Wel Julie Dayton

Dorothy Kelly Wilma A Doris Mahaffey

Kathy Perry Dorothy Rose Shirley Grover

Liz Narcisse Gwen Goldsberry Allison Etyler

Lisa Patterson Pam Biswas Debbie Garner

Laura Lovelady

PROGRAMS Barbara Young

January 7, 2015 our presenter w ill be Connie S. Silber /

Connie Silber has been an avid quilter since 1989. Her interest in judging culminated in her becom-ing a Certified Judge of Quilting in 2008. She has judged, lectured and taught workshops through-out Texas and in Oklahoma, Louisana and Illinois. She is active in her local Brazos Bluebonnet Quilt Guild and continues building her quilting skills and quilt knowledge.

She will present her trunk show: The story of how Connie became a quilter and an NQA Certified Judge is told with examples of her works, stories, and laughter. This lecture is a gift of encourage-ment for all quilters.

January 15, 2015 Lisa Erlandson w ill present her program Orphan Quilts – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (subtitled Bless Her Heart)".

A humorous look at some of the results of our quilting ancestors. How did some scrap quilts come out looking so great and others come out looking so horrible. Design elements as well as hue and color value are discussed.

Lisa Erlandson is an AQS Certified Appraiser of Quilted Textiles, lecturer, quilt restorer, quilt show judge, teacher and quilt historian.

In 2005, one of her hand appliqué, hand quilted quilts was named one of 15 finalists in the interna-tional Marcus Brothers “Friends Around the World” challenge.

In 2006, she opened a retreat house in Gainesville, Texas for quilters and other crafters. It remains filled to capacity each weekend.

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Lisa has an extensive collection of antique quilts that she shares during many of her lectures. She has spoken internationally and teaches and lectures at venues from small local guilds to national quilt shows. She also judges quilt shows ranging from county fairs to statewide shows.

February 4, 2015 Karen Lam bdin w ill present her trunk show of dom estic m achine quilting and applique entitled "I Quilted It - You Can To!" Her Bio is as follows:

Hi, I’m Karen Lambdin. I have been quilting for 25 years and in all that time I have quilted all of my own quilts, either by hand or on my domestic machine. I have been in San Antonio for 10 years, and I am a native Texan. I have a degree in chemistry that I haven’t used too much because I was a stay-at-home mom for my 3 children – all grown now. Guess that makes me retired… from the job of raising kids anyway. I have 4 grandchildren (3 of whom are tri-plets!) I teach water aerobics in the summer for my neighborhood and love tubing and kayaking also. That’s if I can find time away from my true love…. Quilting.

QUILT BEE … Lisa Patterson

Thank you to everyone who filled out the bee survey at the November day meeting and December

night meeting. I am in the process of compiling all the information and will be contacting the

Queen Bees who have shown interest. I am hoping to announce our Bees for the remainder of this

year at the January Day meeting, once the days and times are set with the Queens! We have had a

good variety of interest shown and I'm hoping that if you are interested in a bee that you will be

able to find one that interests you! The actual bees should start meeting in February, and a

"schedule" will be posted to our next newsletter! If you would like to be a “Queen Bee”

please contact Lisa Patterson at [email protected].

WORKSHOPS Barbara Baxter January 15, 2015 -Are you tired of trying to make your blocks fit the measure-ments of quilt layout in the pattern…tired of the same old straight sets for your quilt blocks…are you ready to try something new, different and original? This class is for you! Lisa Erlandson will give the January 15, 2015 workshop, Quilt Design By The Seat of Your Pants, from 1PM until 4 PM. No sewing machine required! The work-shop fee is $15. February 19, 2015 -Deb Karasik will present the workshop, Turning Over a New Leaf (22” X 22” wall hanging or the start of a great quilt) from 1 PM until 4 PM. You will learn basic paper piecing that will take you soaring onto even greater projects. The fee is $30 plus $10 kit fee.

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GOOD NEWS TO SHARE! One of our members, Grace Sim, has a quilt that has just been accepted to be shown at the AQS Quilt Show in Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 14-17 2015. The quilt is titled "Fragments of my Childhood Memories" and was a finalist and shown at the Houston Quilt Show. It now has just been accepted as a semifi-nalist in the AQS Quilt Show! If anyone is going to be in that ar-ea, Grace hopes that you will have time visit the show. For more information you can go to for more info. Way to go Grace!!!


Door prize tickets are available at most meetings. Red tickets are for all at-tendees, (members & guests). Blue tickets are for attendees who will cele-brate their birthday during the month of that particular meeting. Drop half of the ticket in the container for the prize you hope to win. The numbers match on each half, so either half will work.


The Bylaw Review Committee will convene this month as re-

ACTIVITIES Julie Dayton -Activities Chairman

The December Holiday parties were wonderful times of food, fun and fellowship! A huge thank you goes out to the hard-working and fun-loving committee members -- Sandi Win-ston, Elaine Veselka, Rita Evans and Allison Etzler. Thanks also to those who donated door prizes, especially Quilter's Emporium, CJ's Quilt Shop, JoAnn Gemmill and Becky Richard-son with Hobbs Batting, and Sydney Stilling with all her cute Santa figures! Thanks also to Barbara Baxter for arranging the Quilts of Valor presentation.

Watch for news next month of a spring block exchange!

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QUILTS OF VALOR Barbara Baxter If you did not attend the Christmas Party on Dec. 18 th, you missed the QOV award presentation to James Money, a medically retired Army Vietnam veteran. James earned a Silver Star and two Purple Hearts while in the Army. He was very appreciative of receiving the quilt and the big “Welcome Home”.

Fourteen ladies came to the sew-in on December 20 th to include two “newbies”. Three completed tops were turned in and are ready to be quilted. On Saturday, we were treated to a demo by a new pattern maker, Erica Plank. Quilters Cottage will be carrying some of her designs.

Our next sew-in is January 24 th. Mark your calendar and come join us for a day of fun!

Many thanks to the following for their donation to QOV:

Elizabeth Barrow Sandi Pederson Carol Ann Barley JoAnn Gemmill

Denise Gault Linda Payonk Gwen Goldsberry Rebecca Trevino

Sandy Winston Helen Wilems Stephanie Hoogerwerf

Kay Paul Liz Narcisse Shirley Grover Gail Hall

Micky Wong Doris Mahaffey Dorothy Rose Carol Kettlewell

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QUILT RETREAT Sandi Pedersen Save the dates for next year! April 26 - 30th, 2015 and Sept. 20 - 24th, 2015. For more info on the next retreat, or to sign up, please contact Sandi Pedersen at [email protected] or 281-948-5548


Do you shop at Kroger? You can partici-pate in the Kroger Community Rewards Program by linking your Kroger Card to the Coastal Prairie Quilt Guild of Texas. Every time you shop Kroger will donate to our guild. The next year of Community Rewards be-gins on September 1, 2014….NOW IS THE TIME TO RE-ENROLL (or enroll for the first time). Please visit our website ( to get detailed instructions on how to link your Kroger Card to the Coastal Prairie Quilt Guild of Texas. Our organization’s number is 90143. You can also go directly to to begin the enrollment process. LIBRARY Linda Towle

We have a wonderful book in our library

entitled Casting Shadows: Creating

Visual Dimension in Your Quilts.

There are many techniques in this book to make quilts have a three-dimensional look. The ones I would use are color and value

placement, pieced shadows, and appliqued shadows. For those who are more adven-turous there are directions for discharging, painting, and stamping. The quilts in this book are stunning. Take a look!

If you would like to borrow this book or any of the books or magazines in our library, please e-mail me [email protected] and I will bring them to the next meeting. Please check out our website: We have over 470 wonderful books.

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NOV INCOME: $ 2,383.75 NOV EXPENSES $ 1,928.63 DEC INCOME TO-DATE (12-31-14) $ 2,545.66 DEC EXPENSES TO-DATE (12-31-14) $ 47.95 FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE (12-31-14) INCOME: $ 33,973.96 FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE (12-31-14) EXPENSES: $ 19,840.42 Account Balance (as of 12-31-14) $ 47,715.09

BIRTHDAYS/MEMBERSHIP Rebecca Trevino- VP Membership

Coastal Prairie Quilt Guild Birthdays for January 2015

A Very Happy January Birthday to:

Bonnie McCormick Jan 01 Dana Comer Jan 23

Nancy Schoepf Jan 02 Helen Wilems Jan 23

Penny Stanaford Jan 05 Deborah Smalling Jan 26

Marie Doffing Jan 08 Shirley McCaddon Jan 27

Mary Goodman Jan 09 Gail Wallace Jan 27

Sandra Winston Jan 14 Rosalind Bippus Jan 28

Jodie Douglass Jan 16 Carole DeGruy Jan 30

Doris Mahaffey Jan 16 Dixie Mullins Jan 30

Margaret Bock Jan 17 Miriam Beck Jan 31

Peggy Johnson Jan 18 Dorothy Reyna Jan 31

I wish all of you the happiest New Year for 2015! “Thank you”, to all my fellow guild members, for your friendship and companionship throughout this past year. You all made 2014 a very special year.

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Volume 7, Issue 5 Page 9

Business Meeting Minutes for December 18, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Mary Goodman.

Minutes of the last general business were approved as posted in the newsletter.

The Treasurer’s Report was approved as posted in the newsletter.

At the November General Business meeting volunteers agreed to serve on the By-Laws Review commit-tee (Trena Stephens, Susie Doe, Sally Staner, Bonnie McKinzie, Deborah Bryson and Gayle Scholer). Mary Goodman asked and received the membership’s vote to approve this committee.

Barbara Young, Program VP, announced our upcoming programs: Connie Silber will present a trunk show at the January evening meeting. On January 15th Lisa Erlandson will present a program on antique quilts and working with orphan blocks.

Barbara Baxter, Workshop Chairman, announced that the January workshop by Connie Silber is a de-sign class which does not require the use of a sewing machine. February’s workshop by Lisa Erlandson is a paper-piecing project.

Candy Horsley announced that there are charity kits available for pick-up today.

The program for the day included a Quilts of Valor presentation to a Vietnam veteran; many of his fami-ly members were in attendance and participated in our holiday party.

Respectfully submitted, Susie Doe, Secretary

Coastal Prairie Quilt Guild

Minutes of the November 4, 2014 Board Meeting (Approved at December 2, 2014 Board Meeting)

The meeting was called to order by Barbara Wall, President-Elect, at 1:30 p.m. at the Keegan’s Woods Community Building. Board Members in attendance: Barbara Wall, Barbara Young, Barbara Baxter, Susie Doe, Linda Towle, Jennifer Pazicni, Trena Stephens, Katherine Onstott. A quorum was present. Committee members in attendance were: Julie Dayton, Pauline Manes, and Lisa Patterson. The Minutes of the October 7, 2014 Board Meeting were approved as presented. The November 2014 Treasurer’s Report was approved as presented (see attachment). Announcements by Barb Wall –

Mary Goodman is absent due to a family health issue. The guild is looking for a new Quilt Show Chairman to co-chair the 2016 show with Mark Towle. On October 8 at 7 pm there will be a New Member Orientation Meeting at FUMC in Rm 258. The

plan will be to host these meetings either twice a year or quarterly. FUMC is participating in a November Food Drive and the board will be asking the membership to

participate. BOARD REPORTS

President-Elect -- Barbara Wall

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Barbara Wall and Mary Goodman met with FUMC staff recently to introduce Barb as our new liai-son with the church. Barb presented the first draft of the Membership Survey put together by Mary Goodman. Several changes were discussed and made. It is hoped that the survey will be ready for the December meetings. It was suggested that some topics removed from the survey could be addressed in a new section of the Newsletter called “Did You Know?. VP-Programs – Barbara Young Barbara reported that the new projector has been purchased. She will be responsible for storing it, so anyone needing it for a presentation should contact her. Program presenters will be informed that there is to be no merchandise sold after our meetings, so that we can be out of the building at our agreed-upon time. Linda Everhart will be the speaker at tomorrow night’s meeting. On the 20th the program about Hobbs Batting will be presented by Becky Richards and JoAnn Gemmill. Membership – Rebecca Trevino (absent) No report. Secretary – Susie Doe -- Nothing to report. Treasurer -- Linda Towle Nothing additional to report. Workshop Chairman – Barbara Baxter The workshop for November 5th (“Emerald Aisle” table runner with Linda Everhart) currently has 8 people registered. Editor/Advertising – Jennifer Pazicni Jen would like to revamp the newsletter format in order as it’s becoming too large (additional ar-ticles, minutes and advertisements have increased the number of pages). Pauline will help by transfer-ring some items (e.g. meeting minutes and financial reports) to our website and Jen will add “hot links” to the newsletter for these topics. In the future article headlines will include board/committee positions/titles in addition to the writers’ names. Representative-at-Large – Trena Stephens The board approved the addition of a “Did You Know?” article in the newsletter (to be written by Trena Stephens) that will provide information to the membership on various subjects of interest (e.g. how much it costs the guild to bring in national presenters, what is a rep-at-large, etc.). Program Chair-Elect – Katherine Onstott Katherine is asking for a committee to work on scheduling programs for 2015-16. Workshop Chair-Elect – Martha Baldwin (absent) No Report.


Quilts of Valor -- Barbara Baxter All current kits have been sewn or distributed for sewing. Barbara will be making more kits. Next sew-in is scheduled for November 22. Activities – Julie Dayton

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There will be a committee meeting this Friday to plan the holiday parties for the December meet-ings. A voluntary mug rug exchange has been planned. Julie will have the patterns available at meetings and they will also be posted to the website.

The remaining charity quilt top kits have all been given out. Passing out the kits will become a twice a year activity.

Julie asked for board approval to hand out purple Crown Royal bags as a fun challenge activity; members must use the bags to make something original. Board approved the activity.

Fall Festival – Dorothy Kelly (absent) Katherine Onstott reported for Dorothy that everything is ready for the FUMC Festival

booth on Saturday. Bee Keeper – Lisa Patterson Lisa presented a detailed report on the meeting of the Bee Keeper planning committee meeting

(see attached). Discussion was held on the relationship of the current bees to the guild. Current bees are associated with the guild, but are separate. The proposed new bees will be more goal-oriented and will be open to guild members only.

Community Service Report – Candy Horsley (absent) Barbara Young reported on the organization of the charity areas as coordinated by Candy. Donation Quilt -- Katherine Onstott The 2014 Donation Quilt is scheduled for one more guild showing this year. Cheryl Jabobs

has agreed to be the Donation Quilt Coordinator for 2015. Guild Guides / Hospitality – Rita Evans / Allison Etzler (absent) No reports. Web Administrator – Pauline Manes Nothing to report. Parliamentarian – Trena Stephens As per the By-Laws a review of the By-Laws is needed during this fiscal year. Trena will

chair a review committee consisting of one voting board member and 4 regular guild members. A call for volunteers will be made at the November general meeting.

Retreats – Sandi Pedersen (absent) No report. Show and Share -- Carol Kettlewell No report. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. NEW BUSINESS FUMC participates each year in the Seafarer’s Christmas Project. It was proposed that the

guild members should be made aware of this project (through meeting announcements and e-mail) so that those who would wish to donate may do so. A jar for collecting donations will be provided at the next few meetings.

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The Monarch is published m onthly by the Coastal Prair ie Quilt Guild of Texas. It is distr ibuted, via e -mail, free to members. We are always looking for news items, articles, and suggestions. Inclusion subject to space avail-ability. Articles must be received by the Monday following the Thursday morning meeting for inclusion in the next month ’s newsletter. Send articles to [email protected]. If you do not have e-mail capability, legibly written information will be accepted by the deadline. According to the CPQG By-laws, if you need a printed copy of the newsletter, please notify the editor. A fee applies to all printed copies of The Monarch.

OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES CHAIRS President: Mary Goodman President Elect: Barbara Wall Vice President Programs: Barbara Young Program Chairman Elect: Katherine Onstott Vice President Membership: Rebecca Trevino Secretary: Susie Doe Treasurer: Linda Towle Workshop Chairman: Barbara Baxter Workshop Chairman Elect: Martha Baldwin Representative at Large: Trena Stephens Editor: Jennifer Pazicni IMPORTANT EMAIL ADDRESSES [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Activities: Julie Dayton Advertising/Sponsors: Barbara Wall

Bee Coordinator: Lisa Patterson Community Service: Bo’s Place: Katherine Onstott Cinderella/Cinderfella: Martha Baldwin Project Linus: Elizabeth Barrow Quilts for Kids: Barbara Young Quilts of Valor: Barbara Baxter Donation Quilt: Katherine Onstott Fall Bazaar: Dorothy Kelly Guild Guide: Rita Evans Hospitality: Allison Etzler Librarian: Linda Towle Online Auction: Lisa Patterson Parliamentarian: Trena Stephens Quilt Show: Julie Dayton & Mark Towle Retreat: Sandi Pedersen Show & Share: Carol Kettlewell Web Admin: Pauline Manes

There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 3:15 pm. Respectfully submitted, Susie Doe, Secretary Coastal Prairie Quilt Guild of Texas
