
Co-relation of Motivational theories to strategy

Self Actualiza-tion

Esteem needs

Social needs

Safety needs

Physiological needs

Maslow's Hierarchy Pyramid

Performance Manage-ment Training And Devel-opment

Employee Engage-ment

Compensa-tionRecruitment And Se-lection

Herzberg’s Theory

High Low

Low High


Motivating factors

Hygiene factors No dissatisfaction

No Satisfaction




Work itself




Company policy


Relationship w/Boss

Work conditions


Relationship w/Peers

Motivating fac-tors

Hygiene factors

ERG Theory

ERG The-ory


Growth Related-ness

• Existence – salary , insurance benefit ,job security

• Relatedness - employee engagement• Growth – Training and Development

Comparison Of Motivation Theories

Motivation Self – Actualiza-tion


EsteemHygiene Social Relatedness

Safety ExistencePhysiological

Herzberg Maslow AlderferHigher Order Needs

Lower Order Needs

Intrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic Motivation

McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

Co-relationTheory X

– Code of conduct – Rules & regulations– Disciplinary actions

Theory Y– Job enrichment – Participative programme

McClelland's Needs Theory• Need for achievement – To achieve in relationship

to a set of standards , & to strive to succeed

• Need for affiliation – the desire for friendly & close interpersonal relationships

• Need for power – the need to make others be-have in a way in which they would not have be-haved otherwise

• Need for achievement – performance management system ,

Rewards And Recognition • Need for affiliation – employee engagement • Need for power – career planning

Equity Theory Individual compare their job IN-PUT and OUTCOME with those of others and then respond to eliminate in-equities Establishing Pay Structure

• Balancing Internal equity• Balancing External equity

Expectancy Theory

Indi-vidual Effort

Individual Perform-ance

Organiza-tional Rewards

Personal Goal

1 2 3

1. Effort- Performance Relationship

2. Performance-Rewards Relationship

3. Rewards-Personal goals Relationship

Flexible Benefit Program

Modular plans – predesigned packages to meet the needs of a

specific groupCore-plus plans – core of essential benefits and

menu of options to choose fromFlexible spending plans – full choice from menu of


Job Characteristics Model

Skill variety Task identity Task significance Autonomy Feedback

Ways To Put JCM into Prac-tice:

• Job Rotation The periodic shifting of an employee from one task to another

• Job EnlargementIncreasing the number and variety of tasks

• Job Enrichment Increasing the degree to which the worker controls the planning, execution and evaluation of the work

Alternate Work Arrange-mentsFlextime

– Some discretion over when worker starts and leaves

Job Sharing– Two or more individuals

split a traditional jobTelecommuting

– Work remotely at least two days per week

Employee Involvement

A participative process that uses the input of employ-ees to increase their commitment to the organiza-tion’s success

Two types:Participative ManagementRepresentative Participation

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