Page 1: CMS Week, CERN, 15-20 Mar 2004 18 Mar 2004CMS Week - Module ProductionSalvatore Costa - Catania Report on Module Bonding Salvatore Costa Università di

CMS Week, CERN, 15-20 Mar 2004

18 Mar 2004CMS Week - Module ProductionSalvatore Costa - Catania

Report on

Module Bonding

Salvatore CostaUniversità di Catania and INFN – Sezione di Catania

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1. Global info on production bonding of the Modules

2. Global review of Module bonding quality indicators

3. Short summaries on specific topics discussed at the WG Meeting

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info on production bonding

review of Module bonding quality

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Production rate

• In all centers which have received modules (mainly IT & US) production bonding has started in earnest.

• All involved centers say they are currently limited by delivery of modules, not by their bonding capacity

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Production Totals


after Hyb prod resumed with stiffener added to kapton cable


(180 TOB 27 TEC)


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Center Summaries

# Modules bonded & Repaired failures during bonding[Only Modules bonded after 01Dec2003] [Values in () are at time of last Mtg)]

center # Modules <N_failures>/Module

Bari 64 (26) 1.3 (0.5)

Catania 25 (11) 12.6 (7.6)

Fermilab 79 (7) 0.7 (0.9)

Firenze 54 (29) 2.3 (1.0)

Padova 55 (8) 0.4 (3.6)

Pisa 140 (87) 0.2 (0.4)

Santa-Barbara 207 (164) 2.1 (1.7)

Torino 61 (18) 0.0 (0.0)

Vienna 2 (0) 0.0 (-)

Zurich 27 (4) 0.0 (0.0)


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Module Pull Tests Performed

# Modules pull tested, separately per bond type# Modules pull tested, separately per bond typeafter 01Dec2003 (at time of last Mtg)after 01Dec2003 (at time of last Mtg)

• Results in DB from 10 Centers out of 14 (up from 9 at last Mtg)

Center PA TA PA-Sen Sen-Sen

Bari 56 (24) 58 (24)  n/a

Catania 25 (11) 25 (11) n/a

Firenze 1 (1) 0 (0)  n/a

Padova 0 (0) 33 (0)  n/a

Pisa 1 (1) 19 (18)  n/a

Torino 19 (19) 19 (19)  n/a

Fermilab 49 (7) 7 (7) 4 (0)

Santa-Barbara 36 (20) 35 (20) 35 (20)

Strasbourg 0 (0) 16 (0) 16 (0)

Zurich 0 (0) 30 (4)  n/a

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Readout bonds











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


avg 01Dic-18Feb

st dev 01Dic-18Feb

avg 19Feb-15Mar

st dev 19Feb-15Mar

Module Pull Test Results Summary


(irr#) (1n) ss ss ss

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Module Quality BondingSummarizing from individual center reports …Summarizing from individual center reports …

• Overall, the fraction of modules that may be declared “bad” or “faulty” after (but not necessarily because of) bonding is very small: 6 currently known to me over ~650 (~1%).

• Virtually in all cases, however, this seems to be due to operator mistake or mishandling rather than to the bonding process itself. Mishandling may have occurred during bonding or at other times.

After ~650 modules we can say that Bonding does not seem to be After ~650 modules we can say that Bonding does not seem to be a critical operation for the safety and the quality of the trackera critical operation for the safety and the quality of the tracker

Faults In detailFaults In detail:• 1 module w/ unbondable PA because of a foreign liquid poured on it• 1 module w/ APV-PA bonds crushed by bonding operator shorts• 4 modules draw high current and show visible scratches (in 1 case scratches predated bonding, in 3 stiil

investigating)Less severe accidents/failures (lead to less than 2% bad strips)Less severe accidents/failures (lead to less than 2% bad strips)• 2 modules have had a few bonds pulled for shorts and pinholes caused by inexperienced operator.• 1 module ~100 bonds failed because of wrong parameter file, then were successfully redone• 1 module ~100 bonds failed because of wrong reference file, then were successfully redone• Few more accidental crushing of APV-PA bonds reported but no shorts have results in these cases.

In general, we should be more careful in handling the modules. However, having to handle 16000 In general, we should be more careful in handling the modules. However, having to handle 16000 pieces, a few accidents serious enough to lead to modules rejection are to be expected.pieces, a few accidents serious enough to lead to modules rejection are to be expected.

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CMS Week, CERN, 15-20 Mar 2004

18 Mar 2004CMS Week - Module ProductionSalvatore Costa - Catania

Selected highlights from the

Bonding WG Meeting

of 16 Mar 2004

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• New center: Mexico CityMexico City– Effective clone of UC Santa Barbara– Will help with Hybrid bonding and testing

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DB Web I/F v. 4.0Released 14 Mar 2004 - Major changes: Released 14 Mar 2004 - Major changes: 1.1. Automatic upload to Automatic upload to TrackerDB TrackerDB of the XML files generated by the I/Fof the XML files generated by the I/F2. Improved input info download from TrackerDB:

1. Contacts backup host if main host is down at Lyon2. Times out if answer takes more than 60 sec3. Informs if connection failure or timeout. Will be applied to ModProd DB Browser tooWill be applied to ModProd DB Browser too

3. New skip rule (decided 2 Meetings ago, in agreement with Sensor Group) to produce the list of Sensor strips to skip.

4. Failsafe Sensor data search in DB to get bad IDIEL and CAC info: 1. it looks first for 'reference' data, 2. then for the most-recent non- 'reference‘ data, 3. finally suggests to bond all strips only if no data whatsoever are found for a

given Sensor.

5. More changes concern details of forms filling

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The 2 Bonding WG The 2 Bonding WG reference docsreference docs have reached maturity and now are have reached maturity and now are “final” versions“final” versions

1. Module Bonding Procedure

2. Module Bonding Specs

No more missing/not yet available info But these documents are not frozen, info and data will be

updated as need arises or growing experience suggests.

WG Official Documents

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TEC ceramic stiffener• All centers involved had to modify bonding jigs. Details of the

mods done at each center were given. [These are center-specific because each center specializes in bonding modules of certain EC rings]

• In general no major problems for bonding that could arise from the addition of the stiffener were reported

• Vienna said bonding with stiffener was as easy as before• Strasbourg said they now apply vacuum on the stiffener

now, not on the sensor, to hold the module steady during bonding

• Karlsruhe reported problem with vacuum because of excess glue under stiffener [Modules glued by hand] – Hopefully problem will go away when Module assembled with Gantry.

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PA-Sen Bonds in TIB L1&2

1st series (inner row) – loop height 200 micronBond for pull test [every 25 of 1st series (inner), repair as the red ones2nd series (external) [after all repairs on 1st series] – loop height 300 micron








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PA-Sen Bonds in TIB L1&2Courtesy of L.Demaria and F.Dumitrache, Torino

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Hybrids with ‘weak’ control bonds• This concerns two batches of Hybrids that are good enough

not to be rejected but not of the usually good quality. • Marked by blue labels on box and hybrid cable

Alan conveyed this recommendation:Alan conveyed this recommendation:• If these bond wires get moved due to an accident or due to

necessity for a repair, the wire should be considered bad. It should be pulled and replaced (if there are just a few per hybrid), otherwise the whole hybrid should be considered bad because a hybrid with a large number of replaced bonds cannot be considered as reliable.

• Such damaged hybrids/modules can be sent to CERN for repair as the required bond parameters and bond jig support may not be suitable at all centers.
