Page 1: Club Elects 0/f icers Fr - Montana State University

MONTANA EXPONENT Vwtm t x0••0 ""X1"x"'·""v"'1"'1===========~===1:B~ozeman,' Montana. Wednesday, Apri)~46:;·==========

Number 16 ======

Fr d

J lar.,ori"" tv.:o n, m~rs accon~­

ramc\l by El!nor Ann Finch, and :\fary Lou Adamson gave a reading of the "Wa tz" by Dor thy Pa.-kcr.

'Ihe retiring offit'crs of A. \V. S. are as foJlows~ president, \Vin :Mc­Dermott ,. 1cc pre,;ident, Ruth Mc­Donald, secretary, Rose Clair Hon-

the ballroom. son; historian, Pat Robinson, The climax of High School Week points system, Jane Bratton; treas­

will come Saturday, May 4, with w·er, Rausie Lou Solberg, and de-

(Continued on Page 6) ft'"nse chail'man, Ann Mercer .

Cd ·d te Cho en Newman Club Elects 0/f icers

man. st,1dents must rank in the upper

one-eighth o! the senior class to be eligible for membership in !'hi Kappa Phi. Only one-tenth of the ~en:or class can Le elected, and character as well as scholarship is a quality used in determining mem­bership.

;,\~mg the b&.,que .. Dr. Ruy D " ( the Dlv1.s l !l of House·

cld and Industrial Arl.'l, spoke of her expcrienct''S at KLmsas State

c 1.c crs c, Hege Other numt,crs on the program wero a piano duo ':>y Rausie Lou Solberg aml Dor­othy Rydeberg and a skit by EdiL'l Gibbs, Allee Sugimoto, Marjorie Gleason and Marjorie Pott. The program was arranged by Shirley Anderson.


The race wns close bet,vcen N cy Austin and Ruth Dobler for &I l;;;r of the Exponent, w, h Ruth Dooler in the lead. Ruby ~litchell wos written in to oppose Glady• Anderson for Editor of :\fontan an. Harold Watling was written in Iv oppose W. G. Walter !or Faculty Book Store Board Member. Clyde

( Continued on pugc- sLx)

From left ta right the candidates are: Elinor Arneson, Dons Plyma1e, r a t Burke, Dwayne Talcott, Jean Stehlik, Billie Sorensen, Virginia Boid. The Les Bou!fons will hold their all men on the campus will be an- Phi; Virginia Bold, Alpha Omicron Also on that ntght wlll be an- ncter, scholarship and acttvtUe.s.

traditional all...scbool formal dance I nounced The choice will be made p,; Jean Stehlik, Alpha Omicron nounced the several men chosen to Approximately ten new pledges OR Friday night, April 26th, In the from the following candidates: Pi ; Doris Plymale, Kappa Delta, be the new members of Les Bouf- ,vtll be chosen. Moon Room of the Baxter Hotel. Dwayne Talcott, Alpha Gamma and Pat Burke, Chi Omega. The fons. These men are selected by Music for the evening's entel'­Durtng the evening, the all-school \ Delta; Billie Sorenson, Alpha Garn- voting will take place durtng the the pre.sent members and alumni tainment will be furnished by the queen chosen by popular vote of ma Delta; Ellnor Arneson, Pi Beta week of the dance. on the basis of leadership, char- college band.

Page 2: Club Elects 0/f icers Fr - Montana State University

Page Two THE MONTANA EXPONENT Wednesday April 10 1946

Dear Mom: Montana Exponent PRINTED BY THE OURONICLE PUBLISHING CO~ll'ANY Send Ulose striped overalt.. \\11!-

~ ya Mom, those one's of dad's with -------------=::.._ _____________ the patches stuck on with pine Acceptance tor Ma.lllng at Spool&! Rate Of Postage Provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1927, Authorized February 17, 1919.

Continuance of Weekly Exponent and Monthly Exponent Founded 1295 Published every Wednesday of the College Year by the ASsociated Stu­denta of Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana.

sap. The Les Buffs have let the cats out of their bags. I thot sure my girls would catch me cause she's been pracUcln' on the track ever since this thing was announced. But it wasn't me she was getUn' in shape for- she's had her eye on that Boyd DeTonancour for quite a long lime now- and I thot he could run faster than that. Wish I could play basketball. Tes­sie (named after the song) Ploom­bottom had her sign ready anctwa.s giving me the run around this A.M. Boy, I was running for my life. The only thing that asved me was the frog pond and the bitch I served in the Merchant Ma­rine. I've been doln' my studyin' on a rafter in the haybarn today cus Tessie gets hayfever from cows

Panhel Lists \

R:_~~t~,1~- · l·1l!i:!]~I A.nn Ma.han.- .............................. ----·-········ ···············-··-·········-·-···· ..... Jndt tor

Phone 119 Ruth McDon&ld. ..................................... -............................ ..Managing Editor

Phone 769 N'ancy Auatln ......................... -------------------·--·------····---·News Editor

Phone 304 Peg Rhoadio Oerry.- .. - .... ------·-.. ··-· .... - .... .SOciety Editor

Phone 485 Dean Vaugl'..Ul. .......................... -·-.. - · .. -····-··· ................ .Business Manager Darrell Coover .. .Sports Editor Doug Stearns ......... ·-··-·-·-·-...................... _ ......'t. Sports Edltol' -Bob Anspach, Ruth Dobler. Feature Editors

uc1,orte~Helen Buchhousc, Lois J ensen, Ruth Boller .. Donna Mason, Marjorie Pott, Helen Wolf, Mary Baarson, Betty Kelly, DoroU1y Jean Bruce, Joy Bowden, Marie Mysse, Frances Schellhorn, Kenny Braziel. Janice Cluisten.sen, Anna Jean Sockness. Shirley Coe, Agnes Root, Judy Belshaw, Eleanor Anne Fmch, Carol Sherrer, Nancy Stenson. Barharn Beers, Alice Johnson, Lois Casey, " 'ally Eagle, Jcru1 tte Stcven ... o:t, Beverly Vatcher, Dorothy Callan, Linda Bliler, Edith Gibbs, Mnn•el Braziel, Catherine \'ander Pas, Pntty Davidson, Allee Johnson. Garnet Rose Kotkin. Nina Murfitt. Marjorie Sargeut, Betty Jo DePuy, Sue Horrom, Petey Knn ... BiH Strick.faden, Mary Lou Pasha, Sara Jane Forgey, Florence

ed va.rtous rules and regulations govcrnlng next year's deferred rushing program.

Plans under discussion include tentative plans to allow one or more parties, such as teas, two weeks before nnats du.ring winter quarter for rusbees.

Margaret Linfield, out-going president of Panhellenlc, states that rushing during fall and winter quarters "';u be restricted to in­vitations to dinner in the Greek houses, but no more than sLx guests a week ; coke dates, and show dates.

Fres.hmen women cannot be guests at sorority parties, such as !aU and winter parties and fire­sides. It has been sugge.sted that

and she has a terrible temper. the freshmen women give parties My girl told me (before she so that they will not be deprived

caught Dete) that the Kappa Sigs ot such social affairs. kinda foxed 'em week. They Freshmen women groups will be were all blacked out for a sere- included ln lhe customary Greek nade about the ttme the boys dinner exchange. ~tarted shouting "April FOOi". The The Panhellenic booklet ,-;11 be gals were stuck '"'ithout any song given to the freshmen women dtir-to sing back, but I guess it was fun .ng winter quarter for study. Pan-

Buslne~s Starr Kenny Parsons, Adena Parsons, E\'clvn Harrison, an:yway. hellenic council prepares and clLs-Manlou Adan:son. Loraine Eaton, Rubv lllitcheli, Lois Cass, I'll sure be glad when Easter U'ibutes this booklet. Beverly Harrison, Dunny Jack.son, Phyllis Todd. gets here, and I'll bet Ed Hinds Three faculty members are to be

Circulation S ta.rt ramp Oglesby, Esther Reardon, Gloria Sampson too. He's lost 17 steak dinners on chosen to serve a.s a jury, and dis­Helen Boller, Jean Robin.son. Joan Funk, Kttty Hancock, Rutn hls Lenten bets already. cuss with Panhellenlc Council vlo-Woodru.ff, Betty Don lllcMUlan. The senior girls have been look- lations of the rules by the soror-

APRll.. 11-12-13 - "TARS AND SPARS" with Janet Blair.

APRIL 14-15-11>-"BLOOD ON THE SUN" James Cag­ney.

APRIL 17-"MAN ALIVE'' Pat O'Brien.

APRIL 11-11>-"BECAUSE OF HIM" with Deanna Durbin and Franchot Tone.

APRIL 11-12-13 - "DON'T FENCE l\lE IN" with Roy

ogers: ";'l,IY NAME IS Jl'LIA ROS .'' Nina Foch.

APRIL 14, 15 11>-"HOUSE OF DRACULA'' Lon Cha­ncy and Lionell Atwill; ··RIVERBOAT RHYTHM", Leon Errol and Glenn Ver­non.

Art Stall-Neva Todd, Kay Hottman. n lot better lately. Seems that the I ltie.,. The jury will make the final ·-------------­dean found it necessary to turn <lrci ion in each case.

Proofreading-Ruth Adalre Morris, Helenray Randall, Tod Hagluna. the1r keys in for the scrap metal Panhel is planning to send a let-=========-================== drive (Russian, ya know) and so tcr to all registering freshmen

The Odds Are Agin You Ten to one m u didn't know the constitution of the As­

sociated Students at M.S.C. was being revised. Ten to one now that you know, you aren't the least bit interested. In fact, ten to one you're griping about the space it is taking up m this week's Exponent. Ten to one come next Tuesday when you put your ·'x'' either for or against the revisions, you will not be fully acquainted with what you are \'oting on.

the t.ownspeolJ'le get to dance at I women explaining the def err. ed I Georgia's and 'Merrill's from one rushing program and acquaint o'clock on. them with rules and regulat:ons

This is a'\'\--fUl short, mom, but its ~o,·erning the program. , rainin' and I have to go out and These regulations are not fin&! help lllr. Watling catch frogs. and the Council is contacting othe! Don't forget to send those pants rn.mpusus which have deferred cause I'm still a rushing in order to outline the

The constitution has not undergone major revision for six Hopein' Homer. most satisfactory plan.

years. This year's president of Associated Students has spent Record Album a good deal of time and effort in working with the boards concerned to bring about the proposed revisions. Part of Lhe p t p revisions are lo clear up ambigulies and to bring the constitu- resen s rogram tion up-to-date; others for a clearer definition of powers, while Record Album presents the fol-others are almost a complete revision of their particular sec- lowing i,rogram trus week: tion. Especial attention should be given to the proposed


"Claire de Lune," by Debussy; changes of the Boa.rd of Publication. "Second Movement from the Sym ..

All changes in the constitution which appear on the ballot phony No. 5 in E Minor,'' by at the general election next Tuesday have been approved by Dvorak; "Largo" from the New the respective student-faculty boards and the Student Senate. York Symphony, "Nutcracker," by These changes have been made for the benefit of the student Tschaikowsky. I body and are being presented for their approval. The fact All are played by Stokowski and that the changes have been made for the benefit of the student the Philadelphia Orchestra. body, howover, does not necessarily mean that you approve Every Wednesday afternoon at of them. These changes affect you as a member of the stu- 5 in u,e Faculty Lounge, the Rec­dent body. You are the judge of whether they are for your I ord Album meets to listen to their benefit or not. If you feel they are, then express your ap- favorite mus c. proval. If you feel they are not, then indicate that opinion at -----------­the general election. None of these changes become effective , unless you want them. At least let it not be said on election day that ten to one you haven't even read the proposed chan­ges.

• .a •• • ••. .a ••. II•• Ii ......

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tho stage crew and business and r roduction end of the spring play, "The Sb.-iu of Our Teeth", meet \\ lt h , Ir. Wheler In the play lab Friday, April 12 .from 7:80 t-0 8:30 p. m.

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Page 3: Club Elects 0/f icers Fr - Montana State University

Wednesday, April 10, 1946. THE MONTANA EXPONENT

Juniors Make Plans for Prom

Mortar Board Sponsors Dance

Page Three


A . W. S . elections will be held Tuesday, April 11, 1946, In the S. U. B. All women students on the campus must vote. Polls will be

Congratulations to tile new Clll I That nJght Pat Jelinik and Leila Although the theme for the an- The Ladies' Choice open from 8 to 5.

Omega pledges, Joyce Cooper and Moniger were dinner guests, and nual JunJor-Senlor Prom is as yet carol Addis. Betty Stratton was a dinner gue,,t undisclosed, plans are underway

Chi o Pamp Ogelsby has return- Friday evening. for a bigger and better prom than

dance wll! be given again thLs

year May 10, !n the ballroom of

the Student Union. This annual

affair is the girls ' chance to abow eJ to 5chool this quarter. I.{. D. Bonnie Galloway has de· ever before. Prom is an annual 'hlrley Campbell went to Absar- cided to rejoin us after all. Phy!- , semi-formal dance sponsored by

okee for the week end Irene Sher- Us Fox vllsted in Butte week the junior class in honor 0 t the the stronger sex: jus t how to get a i·ow and Jean Dolliver went to end, Marjorie Staudenmeyer went out-going seniors. All members of date and, having gotten it, how Laurel, and D. J . Bruce spent the to Dillon, SbJrley Salo spent the I the senior claas and tllelr dates are to carry lt through. Mortar Board, weekend in Billings. week end In Great Falls and Shir- guests of the junior cLass at the sponsors of the dance, promise a

Dinner guests at the Chi Omega ley Cole wa.s in Billings. Dorothy prom. Junior Prom is to be held hilarious time tor all. house Sunday includ"<I Mrs. Sig- Knesal recontly received flrst de- April 20th In the Student Union Duties of the girls Include the lets, Patty Dye and Betty Strat- gree Into Kappa Delta. ballroom. Tickets will be sold to exchanging of the dance program. ton. CongratU!Stions to tbe new Sig- members of the freshmen and soph- the shoUlderlng of all financial re-

Congratulations to the new SAE ma Chi pledge, Clayton Ward! A omore classes in lhe lobby of the pledge Dick Teslow! SAE's who new aff! llate of Sigma Chi Is Frank Student Union Building every day sponslblllty, calllng for the boys, !lN! back this quarter include Dan Hick from Michlgan State. next week. starting April 16th waltlng for hours for their dates, o·Brten, Gene Trowbridge, Bob Sigma Chi slums who v!Bited the through April 20th, the date of carrying all miecellaneous equip· Clark, Ken Dow, Bob Poor and house Jut week included Don Lee the Prom. ment such ._. combs, shaving kJtJI, Harold Shotwell and Ed Wismcyer, both from BIU· 1 Members of the junior class will etc.: providing cars or other ault-

SAE"a Bill Shaver, Bert Casey, ings. be admitted to Prom tree of charge able means of transportation, pro-and Wayne Herren did not reb.lm New Phi Sig pledges include Ed by means or an Invitation that w!Il ,idlng corsages sometimes made of this quarter. Parmelee, Bob Wilson, Csrol sent out upon receipt of their junior vegetables, but nevertheleas cor-

Bob Boyd Is 1n MlssoUla today Walsh, Walt Narkevic and Dutch class dues. The dues are $2.00 for sages, and then performing of tbe as tho Sigma Alpha Epsilon's del- Turner. each junior and are to be pe.ld to little niceties such as opening egatc to the SAE Province Conven- Alpha Garn France• Oswald the Alwnnl of!ice. Juniors who doors, holding coats, carrying tion. Bud Maras attended the went home to Great Falla, Vlvtan have not as yet paid tbelr dues across mud puddlea. World Student Convention In Port- Keating was In Llvlngoton, and Pat are requested to do so immediate- Boys, start working on the girl !and, Oregon April 1·8. Tocci spent tile week end at home ly. If the duea are not paid, juniors across ~ aisle · maybe she'll ask

Sunday dinner guests at the in Three Forks. Jay S~eetster of de.siring to attend Prom shall have you to a super~good time. Glrla, SAE hoUBe were J,!r. and Mrs. Hysham hu been visiting Patty to purchase a regular ticket t<r get your men lined up. Thie will F rank Strong, Dick Te.slow, Col- David.son. Prom which shall cost $2.15(). In be tun you don't want to m!BB. Jette Meyers and Peggy Rhoads. Congratulations to Alpha Garn order to keep Prom plans rolling

Newly elected officers of the Jane Matzke who received a pin the dues money is needed despe­Girls Co-op house are : president, from A. G. R. Mag Ronning last rately so please remember to pay Elaine Heleen; vice president, week! them today or as soon as you poe-Frances Thomas: secretary, Wa- Out of town guests at the Kappa s!bly can. lene Hockett, treasurer, Louise Sigma house during the week in- Remember juniors: The Place- FOR A Turley ; manager, Thelma Sten- eluded alums Ens. Gordon MeLeod, The Alumnul office: The Amount mark: social director, Edythe Tur· Lt. J . G. Harold Steese, and Pete $2.00. ley; music director, Frances Lea; Higman Bob Kramer of Glendive athletic director, Barbara Ward ; was the house guest of Les Vye. historian, Beverly Needham. Dinner guests last week at the

Barbara Ward has been in Liv- Kappa Sigma house Included Lou ingston for the past week due to Sneddon, Ray Pilcher, John Me­the !!lness of her mother. Mary Donnell, Hank Kathreln, Jim Kortum announced her engage- Payne, Pete Swanson, Bill Nl\'en ment to Dean Jones. She passed and Jim Marshall. her five pounds at tbe Girls Co-op Good for a laugh : watching the last week. Elaine Heleen was ID dogs outrun Kappa Slgs Doug Polson last week end for the wed- Young and Harry Johnson 1n their ding of her sister, Lt. Lorene John- Uttle Croseley car. son.

Sunday dinner guest.a at the To All Houses: AOP1 house were Marge Frazier I would like to make this Inter­and ViV!an Heald. AOPl 's Marge pretstion of one of the college rules and Muriel Roberts went to Butte which I believe will be helpful. In last week end. Rule Three where special penn!s-

TbJrt -four girls are being en- s!on ls mentioned, spec~al permls· rta· ~ tb be th 3 on means permission gwen by tbe

:ort:,e Bo!~d a~ :::0c:i::f hou; :ouncil and Housemother to take this aftern<>on in the Fireplace care of an unusual emergency dur­Room of Renick Hall. These girls ing the week. are scholastically eligible for mem- gi~~te aiter~;: ~n aw:.,~_:1;:':. berah!p 1n Mortar Board, having Late permission on s tudy nights Is met the requirement of an all- to take care of late study.

Correction Many readers were led to be­

lieve, by the article concerning the Montanan Ln last week's paper, that the annual would not come out this year.

We apologize lf the article was m lsleadlng. The Montanan will come out, but due to printing dlf­ficUltles will be late, probably not appearing until m!d-,,ummer.

Schlecten's Studio

• Kodak Finishing

Portraits school record of 82.01. Ethelyn C. Harrison, Dean.

Congra tulations to Sara Jane -----------------------------: Forgy and Margaret Cruttenden, who were Initiated !Dto Pi Beta Phi on Saturday, April 6.

Mary Hanson spent the week vis­iting at the Pi Phi house. She left on Friday for West Yellowstone. She plans to return to schoal next !all. Betty Germeraad left last Wed­nesday for Portland, Oregon to at­tend a student conference on world peace.

Best of luck to K. D. Gladys GaU1es, M. S. C. 1944, and her groom, Kermit Eggensperger! As the newlyweds Ie,fl for their honey­moon on the 9 :30 train last Tues­day night, the Kappa Deltas were on hand to serenade them.

The Kappa Delta Mothers and Alum club held a luncheon and a meeting at the house last Tueeday.




Easter Cards and Gifts

f ··-·····················-·····-·-····o····A·········c··-·E-·-·-·-·-·-···········-···-·-·····-·-·-·:!: ~ ~

~j Where?-At the Gallatin Roller Rink. [~ ~: When?-Friday and Saturday nights. @ ~ Music?-Red's Swing Band-Friday :::

r------------. ::: A New Western Orchestra-Saturday ::; :!: College Students Welcome :•: •!• Admission and tax, 50c; Dance time, 10:00-1:00 A. M. ;!: ::: Plenty of Soft Drinks-Roller Skating Every Night •!• :!l Except Monday and Dance Nights ~ •:•:•:•:•·•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:+:+:+:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:~


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Sunset Chapel






City Taxi Co.

Breakfast Lunch


Bozeman Cafe

A.cross from Post Office 7:00 A. IM. 7:SO P. M.

Candld snapshots or students, oa or off of the campus would be appreciated by the Montanan sts!f tor publication on the activity pages. Anyone having any snap­shots may get them published in the annual if they turn them into the Montanan box or the office during the next two weeks.

Vince's Beauty Shop Get Your Easter Permanent Now

• Cold Waves

New Hair Styles

Give Your Angel

by Helena Rubinstein

She's an angel but so worldly-wise. She keeps you guessing and you love it! Enchanting bouquet-blend with an artful undertone.

lTEAVEN·SENT PERFUM~ 7.50, 6.00, 3.50. Pune ai:lo 1.00 HEAVE '·SENT EAU DB TOILETIE, 3.25, l.75, 1.00 JIEA VEN-SENT COLOCNII


Pl-, IJ•rJ Y•



* Has the Newest

and S m a r t es t

Suits for Your

Spring Ward­

robe .

Page 4: Club Elects 0/f icers Fr - Montana State University

Page Four

Students Vote on Constitution THE MONTANA EXPONENT

recognized by the Senate, and the

faculty advise1· appointed by the

President of the college to each recognized student publication. The

Wednesday, April 10, 19-16

discretion of the Board of Pub\1-

cations. Any contract the editor

may make with any staff member

must be approved by the Board ot Publications. No other salaries, Upon recommendation of the fined who should be a voting mem- 1 Student Accountant shall serve as

Student Senate, the Constitution ii<'r of U,,e Senate and who should ex-officio member of the Board. The In Clause 1, the Student Ac-

of the Associated Students with be an ex-officio member.

1mp0rtant changes will be sub-I new section provides specifically milted to members of the Associa- the membership or the senate.

countant has been added to the Board as an ex- officio member so that administration and finance of student publications may be better coordinated.

bonusues or commtsslons or labor c. The Editor of the Montanan payments shall be paid out of Mon­

tanan funds advertising conec­shall be paid not more than $400 I

er ear and the Bu.sines.a Manager lions of other sources of income. ~ot Y more than s2oo per year in No sala1·.ies shall be pald at any equal quarterly lnBtallments at the time unW book.s are balanced and

are approved by the Student Ac­countant who has the sole author­

year in which appointed. To be eli­gible for Business Manager a per­son must have served one year on the Montanan and shall have the same scholastic qualifications a.s for Edltor.

ted Students ior vote at the Gen- I Sf'C't ion 3-('ommtsi.ion<'N, quali-eral Election on April 16, 1946. ficallons, dut!M.

No major changes have been Clause 6.The ComruJssioner of Clause 2. Dutte~. The duties of the Board of Publications shall be: First. to meet once a month dur­ing the college year; second, to keep permanent minutes of the business transacted at each meet-

ASCE Meets With State Engineers

The Montana State College Stu-

made to the constitution for the past six years; however, changes have been made in U1c POiicies and duties of the Senate and vari­ous boards set up hy the Associated Students and college administra­tion. Tbe recommended changes are in rearrangement and reword­mg to p1:ovide a clearer definition of powers of the Senate, the offi­cers qf U1e Associated Students. and the board created by the As­sociated StudcnL<J and college ad­ministration w ho administer ac­

:\lu'ilcal Affairs. The Commission­er of ~fuscial Affairs must have been a member of one of the rec­ognized college musical organiza­tions, I. e.. Bobcat band ( other than ROTC band). orchestra, chor­us. He shall represent all musical actt, iUcs in the Senate. The mus­ical affairs are under the supetvl­sion and management of the music department and the Commlsisoner of Musical Affairs. He shall sup­ervise all expenditures o! ,any As­sociated Student funds allotted to any musical organization. The Commissioner shall direct the tra­ditional intrfraternity Christmas sing.

ing; third, to make such recom- dent Chapter of the American So­mendaUons to the Student Senate clety of Civil Engineers Is making as it deems advisable in the con- plans to hold a. joint meeting with duct and management of the stu- prominent engineers of the 1'Ion· dent publlcations; fourth, to re- tan.a Section of the A.S.C.E on ceive and a ct on regular financial April 18, 1946, at Montana State reports of student publications as college. submitted by the Commissioner of This joint meeting will be the Publications. Such reports to be first of Its type to be held B!nce obtained from the Student Ac- the founding of the local s tuden t count; fltth, to approve or disap- chapter I t is the result of efforts prove sWf appointments to stu- of the Student Chapter to contact dent publlcationB; sixth, to r ec- prominent civil engineers tbrough­ommend to the Student Senate the out Montana to discuss matters of removal from office of any editor interest concerning the civil en­

u,·ity funds.

Following is the content of the major cha11ges and what they will mean to you as memher of the As­sociated Students: The Music Department as now

ARTICLE IV-THE SENATE organized at Montana State col­lege Include• chorus, orchestra and or staff member who does not dis-

charge his duties to the satisfac­tion of the Board of Publications: seventh, to adh~re to the Senare Regulations of Clause 3.

Clause 1. Namo. There is hereby band. The new duties of lhe Com­provided for the purpooe of carry- missioner wlll be to supervise the ing out the aims of the Associated expenditure of all student funds al­Students a bOdy which shall be loted to Music. Heretofore, the k now as the Senate of the A.ssoci- funds alloted to the college band ated Students of Montana State were under the supervision of the Clause 3. Senate Regulations College, hereafter called the Sen- director of lhe band and a separ- for Board of Publications.

ate. a te fund was alloted tc the Music a. The Editor and Business Clause 2. Composition. The Sen- Department. Manager of the Montanan shall be

ate shall consist of the following These changes have been approv- appointed by the Board of Publlca-1 membership: ed by the Director of the Band tlons from among the persons ap-

Voting members: and by tile Music Department. plying who have the necessary The President of the Assoelated qualifications as set f orth in par-

Students. ARTICLE \ TI-Boards agraph 6. Applicants for Edltor The Vice President of the AB- Section I-Nomination and E lec.- and Business Manager of the Mon-

soclated Students, lions. tanan shall file their applications The President of the Senior \\;th the Commissioner of Publi-, the Junior Class, and the Clause 4· Time... The P rlmary cations not later than April 1 . Ttfe Sophomore Class. Election shall be held the second Commissioner of Publications

The Pi·esident of the Associated Tuesday in April : the General Elee- shall submit to the Board of Publi­\\'omen Students.

The President of the Independ­ent Club (Men"s).

tlon the third Tuesday In April. cations all such applications at the When one candidate baa the larg- Board's meetings In May and ap­est number of votes and his clos- pointment.s shall be made at that est opponents tie, a second Pri- meeting. The persons appointed

Store Board and the commission mary Election for the particular shall take office at the beginning A student member of the Book

ers as provided for in Section 2. office in question , .. 111 be held the of the fall quarter following the Ex-Officio Members: thlrd Tuesday in April and the Gen- spring quarter In which they were The Student Manager of Athletic era! Election shall In that case be appointed.

Activities, held on the fourth Tuesday in b. A person to be eligible for ap-The President of the Freshman April. If any day set fo r an elec-

Class. tton !.s a school holiday, the elec- Polntment as Editor of the Mon-tanan shall have served at least

The Prnsident of the Independent lion will be held on the first regu-Club (Women) , Jar school day that follows. two years on the staff of the Mon-

The Men's and Women's Chair This new clause provides that ~:;; ~:v!xp:e:e:t·th:as~:~t:~~ men of High School Week, the elections be postponed one have a "C" average for each sep-

The Editor of the Exponent. week, that is from the first Tues- a rate year in college and a "C'' The Editor of the Montanan. clay in April to the second Tuesday average for each of the two quar-The Editor of the Montana En- in April for the Primary and from ters preceding apPQlntment, and

gmeer, the second to the third Tuesday in . . . The President of the Spurs, and April for the General Election. I shall have a rating o.f a Juruor or The President of the Intercol- These changes have been recom- senior at the close of the school

To be eligible for membership Primary Election does not fall In legiate Knights. mended by the Senate so that the I in the Senate, any of the above ex the first week of Spring quarter. l' CoUee officio members shall have the gen- ARTICLE VU-Boards er~l qualifications e.s a cceptable to Section 2-Boards of Publlcatlons the organization which they repre Clause 1. Oomposltlon or Board. sent. Campus organizations rec All student publications at Mon­ognlzed by the Senate may upon Lana State college shall be subject petition to the Senate appeal for a I to the control of a Board of Publl­temporary ex-officio (non-voting) cations composed of the following !;'"~at. A peimanent ex-officio seat 'The Commissioner of on the Senate shall be referred to Publications, the President of the the Associated Students for vote. j

The changes in this section have Associated Students, the Editor-in-been only in Clause 2, "Composi- Chief of each student publication

Uon of the Senate/' Heretofore the constitution has not clearly de ... ,.._,


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gineering profession.

The meeting will be held ln the Faculty Lounge of the Student Un­ion Building, at 8:00 p. m.

All student members of the So­ciety are requested to attend.

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ity to write checks. The last quar-ter's salaries shall not be paid un­til the incoming Editor and Busi­ness Manager of the succeeding :M ontanan shall have approved the


(Continued on Page 5)


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Page 5: Club Elects 0/f icers Fr - Montana State University

WednPsdav. April 10, 1946. THE MONTANA EXPONENT Pa e Five

OONSTITUTION CHANGES j The Editor of the E.'<!)Onen t (Continued from Page Four) and Montanan shall submit bud- statement of the out- gets for the coming year's oper­gotng Montanan Editor and Busi- ations to the Board of Publications ness Manager. at the first meeting of the board in

all material which In Its opinlon all business of the Board of Ath- of the Associated Student.. Store la is malicious, abusive, vindictive, letics o! such a nature as to be elected by the Board. The articles profane or otherwiSe unsuitable dependent upon the support of part of Lncorporatlon and the by-l&wa for publication. It shall also be or all of tbe Aasoclated Students, of the .A.ssoctated Students Store tbe duty of the Editorial Board to shall be subject to the supervision (Continued on Page 6)

d. The Editor and Busloess the fali quarter. Such budgets Manager of the E.xponent shall be shali contain all anticipated ex­&PPointed by the Board of Publi- penditures, Including salaries au­cations from among those persons thorized for the Editors and Busi­applying who have the necessary ness Managers, as well as anttci­qualiticaUons as set forth in Para- pated income from all sources. graph C. Applicants tor Editor k. Temporary vacancies In the and Business Manager Of the Ex- editorship of either the Montanan ponent shall file their applications or Exponent shall be filled by the with tbe Commissioner of Publica- next ranking member of the staff. tlons not later than April 1. The I. A permanent vacancy tn either Commissioner of Publications shali editorship shall be filled by ap­submlt lo the Board of Publ!ca- polntment of tbe Board of Publi­ttons all such applications at the cations. Board's meeting in May and ap- m. Staff appointments for the polntments shall be made at the Exponent and Montanan shall b meeting. The persons shali take submitted to the Board of Publica: office at the ~egi.nning 0 ~ the fall tions by respective Editors ana qWU:ter foliowmg the sprmg quar- such appointments shall not be­ter m which they were appointed. come effective until appr ved b

c. A person to be eligible for ap- the Board. 0 y pointment as EcUor of the Ex-ponent shall have served at least n. Advertising for al.I minor pub­two years on the staff of the Ex- lications cannot be solicited with­ponent or Montanan, the last of out advance approval of the Board which shali have been on the Ex- of Bublications and the College. ponent, shall have a "C" average The Board of Publications is em­for each separate year in college powered to approve all request t o .uid a ·'C" average for each of the solicit advertising. two quarters precedlng appoint- o. Before a special edition of m.ent. and shall have the rating of the E.xponent that 1s to be written a Jun~or or Senior at the close of and edited by persons other than the college year in which appoint- the regularly appointed Editor of ed. To be eligible for Business the Exponent and his staff may ~fanager a person must have ser- be published it will be necessary t o •;ed one year on the Exponent and obtain permission from the Board have the same scholastic quali!lca- of Publications. Applications for tions as tor Editor. The Editor or such perm.ssion shall be made the Exponent may be paid not through the regularly appointed more than $400 per year, the Bus- editor of the Exponent.

approve the contents of the special of the Senate. It shall be the duty edition after It ts printed and be- of the Board to submit Its constitu­fore i t is placed 1n circulation. tlons and its regulations to the

q. No new publications may be Senate of Aasoclated Students. started without the approval of This new section provides for one the Board o! Publications. new member of the Board Of Ath-

The duties of the Board of Pub- •letics, the Student Manager of lications have been more clearly Athle tic Activities, whose duties defined to provide better supervi• are as outlined. The various stu­sion of college publications. It is dent managers of sports have ser· provided that the Montanan ved in tum, heretofore, on the Editor and the Montana Exponent board. With the proposed changes Editor be elected by the Board of the Student Manager of AUtletic Publications from qualified appli- Activities shall represent ali-stu­cants rather than by Assocaited dent managers and shall serve on Students. the board.

Section S-Board of Athletics The Treasurer of the Board, fOl'­Clause 1. OompoBltlon of the merly elected by the Aasociated

Board. Afl aUtletlc actiVities of Students will, with tbe proposed Montana State college shall be un- changes, be a Graduate Manager der the direct management of the of Athletics as appoLoted by tbe Board of Athletics. The Board is President of Montana State Col­composed of six members. one of lege. which shall be the head of the De- Section 9--Book Store Board partment, tbe second of which Clause 1. The Associated Stu-shall be an alumnus, the third and dents' Store. The Associated Stu­fourth of which shall be faculty dents Store is a corporation under members, and the remaining two the laws of Montana, owned and shall be members of the Associated operated by the students with fae­Students. The chailman of the ulty supervision and assistance on Board of Athletics shall be a mem- the board of directors, known as

ber of the faculty and appointed the Book Store Board. It is a non­by the President of Montana State profit organization, the mark-up college, and the Graduate Manag- j on supplies calculated to cover only er, who shall be appointed by the rent, overhead, and salaries. President of Montana State col- Clause 2. Composition of the lege. shall act as treasurer. The Board. The Associated Students alumnus member shall be selected Store Is controlled by a bOard of by the Alumni A-.c;.sociat :on of Mon- directors, consisting of two stu­tana State college. The student dent members and two faculty seats of the Board shall be held by members, each serving two- year the Commissioner of Ath1etics and terms, and tile Treasurer of Mon­


'\ _.,..··

C. IU IT JOHMSTOM, ,,., "- "- ...,, ,.... ,...,_ ..,..._ .. -

.J,-.,1_..J .... ,..._,....., .. _ _.,_,. IJ--'-' ........ ~ /1.,,1/J,-' ""--'---' ......

iness Manager not more than S200 p. When the Boa.rd of Publica­per year, payable in equal quarter- tions gives its permission for the ly installments during the terms o! publication of any special edition office at the discretion of the of tbe Exponent to be edited and Board of Publications. No other wr~tten by persons other than the salaries, bonuses, commissions, or regularly appointed Editor of the labor payments shall be .paid out of Exponent and his staff, such pub­Exponent student funds, ad,·ertis- lication shall be supervised as tol­ing collections or other source of lows: Prior to the date of publi­inccme. No salaries shall be cation, tbe editor of the special a.t any time until the books are edi tion sball submit his plans for balanced and approved by the Stu- the paper to an Editorial Board dent Accountant. consisting of tbe regularly ap-

by the Student Manager of Ath- tana State College. The Manager -------------­letic ActiVities.

Clause 2. Managers. The Stu­dent Manager of AUtletic Activl-ties shall have the same qualifica­tions as the Commissioner of Ath­letics as provided In Article IV, Section 3, Clause 3. He shall be a

f. Final payment of Exponent pointed editor of the Exponent. 1nd Montanan salaries shall be con- who shall be chatrman, and two tingent upon tbe qual ity and fin- regular staff members appointed ancial success of the publications by the Exponent Editor. After ap­produced. proval of the plans by the Editorial

voting member of the Board as provided above and shall represent the interest of the managers of in­tramural, major, and minor sports. The Student Manager shall be elected by tbe Associated Students Associated Student Elections. The managers ot intramural, major and minor sports shall be elected by the Board of Athletics for a

g. The Editor of tbe Exponent Board, tbe staff of tbe special edl­sball be held accountable for all lion shall prepare all news, editor­receipts and disbursements of Ex- ial, feature and advertising copy ponent funds. All bills must be and submit same for review by the one-year term and shall be mem­accompanied by a requisition s ign- Editorial Boaru. It shall be tbe bers of the Associated Students. ed by the editor. No other bill duty of tbe Editorial Board to Clause 3. Duties of the Board. shall be valid. withhold from publication any and It is hereby provided that any and

h. Only staff members shall tra' ,·el on Exponent funds and names of all members making trips shall be submitted to the Board of Pub­lications for approval at the monthly meeting preceding tbe month In which the trip is to be made. An itemized account must be submitted to the Board of Pub- I licatlons at the first Board meeting after such trip is made.

i. All bills against the Exponent fund must be paid by the Student Accountant.


Fresh Breakfast EGGS

P.ntterv fattened chickens, broilers, !rvers, roasters, hens, fresh killed or fr ozen in sea­son. Dressed and drawn, whole, half. or cut up. Sold in parts tt you wish. Delicious ln qual­ity and taste. Call In person or phone your order .

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April 20, 1946

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APRIL 15-20


Page 6: Club Elects 0/f icers Fr - Montana State University

M-Cluh Elects New Officers

McCormick Elected President; DeTonancour Vice-President Perhaps you ha\·e noticed some

n·en on the campus wea1•ing blue sweaters with gold }('hers set on U1:cro. Th1 se nun belong to the

I\ , :ill n t be a I )Wed t

T .s ruJ; g ,Vi J stri h cnf cd in order t pre nt n Uisputl·s on,_ Jig·iLihty of play1...·


Softball Fans ,J,·~~n~~~;,, page one) IMSC to Battle MSU Begin Tourney Carpenter was written in to oppose In Minor Sports

Pat Dolan for Faculty Athletic Coaclt John Breeden has jµst Following the s:oftbnll practices Board Member. I lssu- d a call for all men wanting

which are being hc>ld among the I Bill Brolin and Pete Roberts1 to try out for m.1nru.· sports com­various organized houses at pres- with Bill Brolin in the lead, will petition in tennis. golf, and hand­ont, a Rowul Rollin tournament apl,:)ear on ne...~t Tuesday's ballot. ball. Those \\"ho w.iS.h to try out will be held. 'l' tournament will \Vrlte-in candidates to oppose should sign up on n list ,,· wi.U go \\iLh basketball und 'olleylra11 the cfos!< presidents were as. lol- he posted for each sport on the bul­towntd winnJng U1~ athlet'c cup. lows: J,mcs Good agai.nst Gene Jct n board i.n the gy1nna!,'ium. Jn n. Round Rot in tournamC'ut e\T~ - oombs for sophomore class pre1- All tb0..:c s1g111ng up wlll com­ery housl dUitng the CoUl:$0 O:f Ute idc-nt. .Toe ICng against. Jlm Lyons ncte , 1th each other to determine tournru.,,i'nt 11luys e\e:ry other for ju::iil)r cla s pre~idcnt, and El- the top men in each sport for the house. ThC' wiro• team 1q l1l' l.iott Hu tt against Bob Balch !or se of selecting a tca.m to rt:'p-

thnt lu s \\ on the moist ;,,C"Oi ,. rlnss prt.--sident. M.::;.c. in int colleg ate

\\ ho , 11 have

P:-ulnr C'Onl t­Sf'e tb.nt U1cy


A team

I CJ~ ea n l 1s"c r ~ appro\'t't then Urn list I men may piny.

lf there ale enough p£.1"Sons 1n tere-5 · ed in a baseb.tll league, one will I,e started. However, botlt ~ softball and a baseball league may not be started.

1·e r a ong \\ 1 tti.1.: t·('guJar

[ regi.!ittred cont~stants for High

Complete c-c p·es of the revised Ct'.'n.stitution. st-ow mg all changes, ' ,, l te sted on aJl colleg~ bulle-t n boards at least n,·e days ptior t U1e Ge-nerru Eluction. Sc-ho il '\

p 0

Wednesday, April 10, l!J46

Gridders Get Uniforms Soon

* .. *

to season the softball league was "tops" in competitive spb·ft, and the was a dose one. "Many of year's stars are still around and many new players have come llere, prom.iaing a successful sea· son \\1th a hard fought Utle race.

•.. /or f1att t!zal u•om.zn e,wy and >nen ad1mre

BELL TELEI'Hll\F "') I ''f

It is hoped tbat there will be great interest shown in intramural track also. Track ha.s been dor­mant, but with increased interest a good meet could be held in tl1e mtramuraJ league.

Stephen A. Kaselnak


Phone 957-W 107 S. Willson

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