Page 1: CLUB CORVETTE OF CONNECTICUT, INC€¦ · August 5 CCRI Cruise August 12 - 25th anniversary picnic ... Jim Newton 08/09 Carole Desenfants ... (Roe for short). Did you know? Buffalo





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P.O. Box 120236 East Haven, CT 06512

Page 2: CLUB CORVETTE OF CONNECTICUT, INC€¦ · August 5 CCRI Cruise August 12 - 25th anniversary picnic ... Jim Newton 08/09 Carole Desenfants ... (Roe for short). Did you know? Buffalo



See you at the show on July 8!

Rain date is July 15.


PRESIDENT Jack Stacey [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Stan Griskewicz [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Dennis Krajewski [email protected]

TREASURER Ernie Betulia [email protected] SECRETARY Sharon Tosetti [email protected]

DIRECTOR Susan Wadyka [email protected] DIRECTOR Ivan Chasnoff [email protected]

CAR SHOW Ed Karedes [email protected] EVENTS Les Browne [email protected] WEBSITE Les Browne [email protected]

GOOD & WELFARE Ann Krajewski [email protected] VETERANS’ AFFAIRS George Macary [email protected]

NEWSLETTER Roy Master [email protected] Les Browne [email protected] MEMBERSHIP Mary & Stan Griskewicz [email protected]

TECH ADVISOR Bob Wadyka [email protected] NCRS LIAISON Ron Goldberg [email protected]

NCM AMBASSADOR George Sipprell [email protected] NCM AMBASSADOR Kurt Ryder [email protected] CLASSIFIEDS Roy Master [email protected]

CLUB ATTIRE Walt Kaercher [email protected] PUBLICITY

& ADVERTISING George Macary [email protected] PHOTOGRAPHER Sandy Hague [email protected] FACEBOOK Mike Dansereau [email protected]

YAHOO GROUP Mike Dansereau [email protected]

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- Meeting commenced at 7:01 p.m. - Pledge of Allegiance led by Ken Uliano

- Motion to accept June Minutes

- Treasurer’s Report - Club is in good standing - Correspondence - St. John’s school raffle for a 2019 Grand Sport - $100 per ticket.

- Sponsors - None in attendance

- Old Business o The Club picnic was a great event. The weather held out and a good time

was had by all. Thank you Stan and Mary. o Corvette Museum - Raffle tickets are available

o Car Show - Bring gift baskets to the show. - All show details have been finalized. - No billboards will be provided this year.

o June 30 car cleaning clinic at George’s House – 9 a.m. o Stuffing of goodie bags at McDermott – 6 p.m. on Friday, July 6

o Saturday morning set-up at Moroso 8:00 -10:00 a.m. o Facebook/Yahoo, Vette Gazette, NCRS – No representatives in attendance

o Club Apparel - Wind shirts can still be ordered.

- New Business

o Carlisle - Two rooms are available and will be held until the middle of July. o 25th Anniversary Weekend - 8 rooms still available. See Rhonda for details.

o Upcoming Events 4th of July parade in Madison - See Les for details.

August 5 CCRI Cruise August 12 - 25th anniversary picnic – Sign-up sheet available

o Other Business $12 windshield clings are available - see Sue Wadyka

50/50 raffle

- Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Tosetti, Secretary

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The usual July President’s Message is all about the annual Corvette Show we host each year.

Well this cannot be because the show hasn’t happened yet! The show is this weekend and we

need everyone’s help if we are to have another great show. I needn’t remind you members

that this year we want to make the show something special to honor the memory of Michael

D’Avino, the man who worked so hard to make Club Corvette’s Annual Show the “classiest”

show in the country!

This Friday we will be stuffing the Goody Bags at our sponsor, McDermott’s Auto Group, in

East Haven. Plan on being there between 5:00 and 5:30. If the evening goes as it has in the

past, there will be food and drink following. On Saturday morning we will meet at the show

site, Moroso’s in Guilford, to set-up and prepare for the next day’s event. Sunday, as Dennis

explained at our meeting, it is all hands on deck. The weather is supposed to be magnificent

and we’re hoping for some record numbers both with Corvette’s to be judged and with the

gate attendance.

Tommy Jannette of Tommy and the Rivieras will be at the show signing copies of his new book,

“Happy Daze.” Tommy’s band was the opening act for the “Doors” at the New Haven Arena in

December 1967. Tommy signed the complaint that got Jim Morrison arrested. It’s a great

story. Stop by if you get the chance and have Tommy tell you about it, or better yet, buy the

book and read all the details for yourself.

Most of you know what to expect and what is expected of you. Let’s try to remember that

some people will be attending our show for the first time. Let’s be courteous and respectful

and make their visit memorable.

I’ll see you sometime this weekend I’m sure!



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Jack Stacey Les Browne Roy Master

Sharon Tosetti Ernie Betulia Ken Uliano

Walt Kaercher

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Patricia Bernardo 08/01 Rick Wasserback 08/19

Anne Stirlen 08/02 Paul Petrucci 08/21

Harry Moore 08/02 Mary Griskewicz 08/22

Rich Besitka 08/03 Nancy Malafronte 08/22

Michael Loeb 08/03 Anthony Rasile 08/22

John Schroeder 08/06 Harry Hart 08/23

William Ogonowski 08/08 Patty Macolino 08/24

Jim Newton 08/09 Carole Desenfants 08/29

Margaret Siena 08/17 Sandy Simpson 08/29

Lesue Perkins 08/18 Russ Tether 08/31

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BUFFALO - CITY of 1000 ADVENTURES - Who Knew? By Ken Uliano

Lou knew!! As in CCC members and Buffalo residents Lou Merzacco and his wife Rosanna (Roe for short).

Did you know?

Buffalo was once home to more millionaires than anywhere else in the world.

Forbes recently voted Buffalo the 10th best place in the country to raise a family.

The city’s park-scape was created by Frederick Law Olmsted, who also designed Central Park.

In Buffalo, buffalo wings are just called chicken wings.

The Pierce Arrow company got its start making bird cages and bicycles.

Some time back, the Merzaccos had an idea that the Museum in Motion might be interested in scheduling a

Meet and Greet in their fair City. So they contacted the Corvette Museum and made it happen on a 4 day

weekend in June.

The event started on Wednesday evening, June 21, when George Sipprell and Valerie stopped by to say “Hi”

on their way to Watkins Glen and then later there was a Meet and Greet dinner where Bryce Burklow, the

Museum’s Ambassador, handed out guide sheets and agendas.


o Tour of the Martin House designed by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright

o Caravan to the Buffalo zoo

o Dinner Cruise of the Erie Canal locks 33 and 34


o Private Tour of the Pierce Arrow (Buffalo Transportation) Museum, by its founder

o Lunch at a local favorite restaurant called Chef’s. (Everything was delicious!)

o Caravan to the Buffalo Naval Park

o Night Cruise on the 57 foot catamaran Moondance.


o Caravan to Niagara Falls

o Farewell Dinner

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Following is a recap of our tours:

On Thursday morning we took a tour of the Martin House which was commissioned to Frank Lloyd Wright and

finished in 1907. What a place! This is a “must see” if you’re in the


We then toured the Buffalo Zoo which was within walking distance. Barb loved it because she was counting

her steps (Look out Don Byrne, she’s gonna give you a “walk” for your money).

Late that evening we headed for the Lockport Locks/ Erie Canal where we boarded a stern wheeler for a

dinner cruise through locks 34 and 35. We had a fantastic time reliving how commerce moved almost 200

years ago. The captain of the boat has a 63 Corvette so I think he gave us the grand tour. Afterwards, our

hosts Lou and Roe took a few of us to a local favorite ice cream shoppe that overlooked the “Flight of Five,”

which was five remaining original locks.

On Friday morning we caravaned to the Pierce Arrow Museum and got a private guided tour by the Museum’s

owner and operator. Here’s a sampling of the hardware we got to see:

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After looking at all that automotive history, we were hungry and it just so happened that one of Buffalo’s

favorite restaurants, called Chef’s, was just a short stroll down the street. One thing about these Meet and

Greets is that you sure do eat well and Chef’s didn’t disappoint.

The remainder of the afternoon was taken up with a trip to the Buffalo Naval Park where our very spry

septuagenarian guide, Jess, led the way through the Destroyer USS the Sullivans, (named after the 5 brothers

who lost their lives when their ship, USS Juneau, was sunk by a Japanese submarine during the Naval Battle

of Guadalcanal). We then toured the Light Cruiser USS Little Rock, and, later, a submarine named the USS

Croaker built right here in CT. Our salty guide, Jess, was really in great shape. He had us out of breath trying

to keep up with him as we moved between decks and through hatches (Don’t call them doors).

After all that exertion, it was time to eat – AGAIN - and boy did we eat - right there on the fantail of the Little

Rock (that’s the tail-end of the boat for all of us non-sailors).

There was a scheduled evening cruise on the 57 foot catamaran, Moondance, but we had some bad weather

coming in so our MIM Ambassador, Bryce Burklow, wisely pulled the plug.

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On Saturday we caravaned to Niagara Falls where we did what all visitors to the falls do - we got wet - not

once but twice. First by being up front in the Maid of the Mist when the captain put that boat right in the middle

of the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side and then as we visited the Cave of the Winds that put us right at

the base of the American Falls where the wind caused by the falling water gets up to 60 mph.

Saturday night was our farewell dinner (more food!) where Bryce presented an official Corvette Museum brick

to our Hosts Lou and Roe Merzacco for all their hard work. An exact duplicate of this brick will be put in the

Museum’s Walk of Fame.

Another special thank you goes to the local Corvettes of Buffalo Club President and his wife, Frank and

Marianne Pastore, who also guided us for the entire trip.

We travelled home Sunday morning and only then did we hit rain - and boy did it rain. We were very happy that

we had new tires put on the Corvette just the week before and thank you George Sipprell for the suggestion.

They worked great.

Lastly, after all that time in Buffalo, not a flake of snow . Sorry Lou, I couldn’t resist.

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IIff yyoouu hhaavvee aann iiddeeaa ffoorr aann eevveenntt oorr ccrruuiissee,, ccoonnttaacctt LLeess BBrroowwnnee aatt::

[email protected] ttoo ddiissccuussss yyoouurr iiddeeaa..

Do you have a favorite hometown restaurant that you think members would

enjoy? E-mail the information to me and we will try to set up a dinner at

that location during one of the upcoming months.

Les Browne – [email protected]

WWee rreeaallllyy nneeeedd yyoouurr hheellpp iinn wwrriittiinngg aarrttiicclleess ffoorr tthhee nneewwsslleetttteerr.. YYoouu hhaavvee

rreessppoonnddeedd vveerryy wweellll wwiitthh pphhoottooss ooff eevveennttss,, bbuutt wwee aallssoo nneeeedd mmoorree aarrttiicclleess..

AAnnyyoonnee wwhhoo oorrggaanniizzeess aann eevveenntt sshhoouulldd pprreeppaarree aa wwrriittee--uupp ffoorr tthhee

nneewwsslleetttteerr aafftteerr tthhee eevveenntt oorr aasskk ssoommeeoonnee iinn tthhee ggrroouupp ttoo ddoo iitt.. YYoouu ddoonn’’tt

hhaavvee ttoo bbee ccoonncceerrnneedd wwiitthh tthhee ssppeelllliinngg oorr ggrraammmmaarr -- II’’llll ttaakkee ccaarree ooff tthhaatt..

TThhaatt’’ss mmyy jjoobb aass eeddiittoorr..

I also look forward to any tips you can contribute to the newsletter to help

your fellow members. Let’s try to continue the “Tips From Members”

section of the Vette Gazette, similar to what you see in your car magazines.

Send your inputs directly to my email [email protected] Do not

send them through the Yahoo group email.

TThhaannkk yyoouu..

RRooyy MMaasstteerr –– rrooyybblluueevveettttee@@ooppttoonnlliinnee..nneett

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June 26th General Membership Meeting – Local Restaurant – on the Hill in Branford at

7:00 PM

July 4th – Madison 4th of July Parade - Parade steps off at 11:00 AM – Formation time

is 9:30 to 10:45 in the marshaling area in front of Stop & Shop. After that

you will not be allowed into the marshaling area. Questions contact Les at:

[email protected]

Car Show Weekend

July 6, 7 & 8

All Hands On-Deck

We need everyone’s help to make the show a success!!!!!

Pre-show Activities

o Judging Class – Whether you are a new judge or a seasoned veteran,

classes will be held and everyone is encouraged to attend:

o At the Car Cleaning Clinic

o Each Wednesday at the Heavenly Donuts Cruise night

o Before each of the business meetings in the parking lot

o Raffle Table Items –

o Items can be brought to any Club activity or on the day of the

car show. – see Joyce Baiardi or Judy Townsend – these items

can be Corvette or car related but they do not need to be.

They can be whatever you like, be creative. – Ask yourself,

“Would I like to win this item?”

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July 6th – Stuffing Goodie Bags – 6:00 PM at McDermott Auto Group – Yes, we will

feed you.

July 7th – Set-up for the Car Show at Moroso’s in Guilford – 8:00 AM – Bring

blowers, rakes, and brooms to help clean up the site.

July 8th – The 26th All Corvette Show & Swap Meet – Moroso Performance

Products, Guilford, CT – All hands on deck by 7:00 AM.

July 15th rain date

July 31st E-Board Meeting – Local Restaurant – on the Hill in Branford at 7:00 PM

Upcoming Events

Aug 5th 48th Annual “Corvettes by the Sea” - Presented by Corvette Club of Rhode

Island - Entrance fee: $20 per car plus food donations for the RI Community

Food Bank are welcomed.

The show will be held at Scalabrini Villa Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, located at 860 N. Quidnessett Rd, North Kingstown, RI, location – We will have a cruise from the Madison

rest area I-95 northbound meeting at

7:30 AM and leaving at 8:00 AM SHARP. Dennis will be leading this


[email protected]

Aug 7th General Membership Meeting – Local Restaurant – on the Hill in Branford at

7:00 PM

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Aug 11th NCRS Chapter Meet


Corvette Mike New England

74 North Main Street, Route 58

Carver, MA 02330

For more info: (508) 747-8388

Corvette Mike New England website:

Aug 12th 25th Anniversary Celebration – Come celebrate our 25th anniversary at

Clinton Country Club. Enjoy a relaxing leisurely Sunday afternoon BBQ. –

Menu: steak, shrimp, ribs, corn-on-the-cob, salads - Coffee, tea and soda

included and we will have a 25th anniversary birthday cake for dessert – Cost

is $45.00 per person. We will have some friendly competition. The Club pro

is organizing a putting and chipping contest. – Whether you are a golfer or

not, come and have some fun. There will be a sign-up sheet at the monthly


Aug 23-26th Corvettes at Carlisle - Register for your Fun Field Pass Now!!!! Don’t forget

your club affiliation when you sign-up. As usual, we will have several

cruises leaving for Carlisle. Meeting places and times will be discussed at the

monthly meetings.

Thursday, Aug 23rd - Dennis’s cruise will leave from Heavenly Donuts – Meet at 6:00 AM and leave at 6:30 AM sharp. He will do a drive-by at the

Commuter Lot, Exit #11, I-84 West Bound at 7:30. Let Dennis know you

are coming so that you do not get left behind. Contact him at: [email protected]

Aug 28th E-Board Meeting – Local Restaurant – on the Hill in Branford 7:00 PM

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Save these Dates

Sept 9th Jets & Vettes - Gate fee for cars is $20 - Proceeds are to support

aircraft restoration.


New England Air Museum

36 Perimeter Road

Windsor Locks, CT 06096

For additional information

New England Air Museum website:

Sept 16th Vettes at Crystal Mall – This is a new venue due to construction at the Old

Mystic Village. Proceeds to benefit local and national charities - Dash plaques

and T-shirts for the first 225 cars, 50/50 raffle, raffle table, celebrity pick

trophies - Hosted by For Corvettes Only, Inc. - Rain date is September 23,

2018 - Entrance Fee of $15.00 per car


Crystal Mall

850 Hartford Turnpike

Waterford CT 06385

Google Map

For more info:

Paul Havener – (860) 460-5507 or [email protected]

Sept 30th Vettes to Vets


Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital

200 Springs Road

Bedford, MA 01730

Google Map

For more info:

Karen Blandini – (781) 858-1810 or [email protected]

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Oct 19th–21st – Join us for our 25th Anniversary Cruise to Lake George – We will be

staying in the Fort William Henry Grand Hotel - Visiting the Fort William

Henry Museum, the Saratoga Auto Museum in Sarasota, NY, and a

private Corvette collection. Mark your calendar. More details are in

the flyer in this newsletter.


East Haven Village Family Restaurant – Dinner every Thursday evening

– Meet around 6:00 p.m. or later for dinner and conversation. – Join us!!!

Heavenly Donuts – Every Wednesday night throughout the season.

- 5-9 p.m. weather permitting – For info contact Jeff at:

[email protected]

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Subject: MIM R&R

Hi Everyone,

Registration for the National Corvette Museum's MIM at the

Stonewall Resort in West Virginia is open. This was one of our

stops in 2014. Join Judy and me for some fun and relaxation.

West Virginia - Wild and Wonderful. Check it out at the Museum's



Randy and Judy

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The Anniversary Committee has put together a weekend package. The highlights of the itinerary

are listed below. Questions can be directed to Rhonda and Rich Forristall, Sue and Bob Wadyka,

Joyce and Barry Baiardi, or Pat McPherson and Judy Townsend. We have set aside 30 rooms ,

based on the interest from last month’s meeting. It will be important for those interested to

call the hotel as soon as possible to book your room.

FRIDAY OCT 19 th Drive to Lake George. Bob and Sue Wadyka will lead the cruise from their end

of the state. There will be one pit stop about half way to Lake George. Rich and Rhonda will

lead a separate group up RT 9 to the Mass Pike , meeting up with the first group at the rest stop.

We will continue all together to the hotel. This is approximately a 3 hour cruise. Check -in is

4 p.m.

Fort William Henry Hotel

Package Inclusions and Rates:

2 Nights Lodging (Room types listed below)

Friday night: The Gold Package Cocktail Reception

Saturday night: The Lake George Buffet

All taxes and service charges


GRAND LAKE: Single Occupancy - $421.27/ Double Occupancy - $256.99 per person

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GRAND MTN: Single Occupancy - $379.09/ Double Occupancy - $235.90 per person

PREMIUM LAKE: Single Occupancy - $334.69/ Double Occupancy - $213.70 per person

PREMIUM MTN: Single Occupancy - $312.49/ Double Occupancy - $202.60 per person

*Bar service each night will be on a cash basis and is not included in the above package prices.

Billing Arrangements:

Each individual is responsible for paying all package charges and incidental charges. Please note: packages are inclusive and cannot

be broken apart.

Individual Cancellation:

Individuals may cancel without penalty up to 72 hours before arrival. After that time they will be charged a one night’s room rate.

Breakfast: is not included in this package. People will purchase breakfast on their own. The hotel wanted an

$18 package per person, per day, plus tax and gratuity. There are plenty of cheaper opportunities around in

close proximity to the hotel and even in the hotel.

Friday Afternoon activities: No structured events are planned. Everyone should feel free to

explore on their own. Fort William Henry is free and onsite, or walk downtown or along the


Fort William Henry was a British fort at the southern end of Lake George, in the province of New York.

It is the site of notorious atrocities committed by the Huron tribes against the surrendered British and

provincial troops following a successful French siege in 1757. That event was portrayed in James Fenimore

Cooper's novel, The Last of the Mohicans.

There are stunning views from the battlements of the fort.

Friday Oct 19 evening – Gold Package Cocktail Reception in Fort Edward Room at the hotel –

Cash Bar. This includes 4 hot appetizers of our choice, 4 cold appetizers and a chef attended

pasta station. (Served for 2 hours)

Saturday Oct 20th 9:30 am Meet in the lobby We will be traveling to the Saratoga Auto Museum

in Saratoga, NY, formerly a bottling plant. This is a

45 minute journey south.

The first floor houses a changing exhibit. The

second floor houses a permanent display of New

York Racing. Cost: Adults 65+: $6.00 Group Tours: Groups receive discounted admission and enjoy an hour-long tour led by trained volunteer docents or Museum staff. Rhonda will be contacting the Museum to arrange this. We will be collecting the cost of this trip separately.

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LUNCH ON OUR OWN, MEETING BACK AT HOTEL AT 2:00 PM. Rhonda will be providing a list of restaurants and directions.

At 2:30 pm we will be traveling south to the MAGIC FOREST AMUSMENT PARK. DON’T PANIC IF IT IS CLOSED FOR THE SEASON.

Jack Gillette will give us an opportunity to view his private corvette collection. I believe the collecti on is now up to 52 vettes! He has a ‘53 with the window sticker still on the window. His collection of 61’s encompasses every color made that year.

October 20: Saturday night dinner buffet at the hotel – (time to be determined) Buffet includes soup, salad,

1 chicken entrée, 1 fish entrée and a beef carving station, vegetable and starch with 2 desserts. Cash Bar

October 21: Sunday At this time there are no planned activities. However, there are several options

available if you want to do something before the trip home.

Saratoga Casino is 20 minutes away

Fort Ticonderoga is 1 hour away – beautiful lake cruise

Adirondack Winery – Canada St or cruise Upper Hudson Valley Wine Trail

Adirondack Craft Brewing Co. Trail and map

Lake George Distillery Co. – Adirondack Pub and Brewing Co. - Coopers Cave Ale Co.

Shopping – Antique shops galore within easy driving distance from Lake George

Please call the hotel to book your room as soon as possible. Call 1-800-


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Happy Birthday, Corvette!

On June 28, in Corvette history, the very first Corvettes were being assembled in Flint, MI with June 30, 1953 being the day the first completed production car rolled off the assembly line. Only 300 were made, all Polo White with red interior, and all convertibles.

Vette City Motorcycle Music Fest

A press conference was held to announced a new event, hosted by the Bowling Green Daily News on the grounds of the National Corvette Museum called the Vette City Motorcycle Music Fest. The inaugural festival will take place October 12 and 13, starting at noon each day.

The festival will feature 14 bands over two days at the NCM Amphitheater, and the headliner Friday night will be Gretchen Wilson. Saturday's headliner will be announced soon. Musical acts are classic rock, southern rock and country.

Other activities include a car and truck show (Corvettes welcome!), custom bike show, daily Poker Runs with $1,000 prizes, dyno drag races and even a kid zone with inflatables. Tickets are general admission and are $40. VIP tickets are $65, and both include two days of music and entry into the National Corvette Museum. Tickets will go on sale soon.

2018 NCM 24th Anniversary Celebration and Hall of Fame Induction Aug 30 – Sept 1, 2018

Every year around the Labor Day weekend we celebrate the Grand Opening of the Museum in

1994 with a participant focused event. This year we mark the 24 th Anniversary milestone and

focus on the diversity of the people that Corvette has brought together for a look back on the

Museum’s history and forward to the future! Registered can enjoy 3 days of activities in and

around the Museum including access to interesting and unique road tours, special video

presentations, raffles, the annual open Membership meeting and more during this event in honor

of your help and support! The event will also include the Lifetime/HOF Inductee dinner,

10/15/20/25-year member recognition, Ambassador Luncheon, and the “Corvette Hall of Fame”

Induction Ceremony and banquet where we will induct new members into the prestigious and

elite group of recipients who have made a significant contribution to Corvette history.

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Hall of Fame inductees for 2018 are John & Burt Greenwood, Tom Wallace, and Mike Yager.

Individual seating and group tables are available.

Upcoming Museum Events

MiM 'History of the American Auto: Ford vs. Chevrolet | July 8-12, 2018

MiM R&R Roanoke, WV | August 26-28, 2018

24th Anniversary Celebration | August 30 - September 1, 2018

Monterey Racing Banquet, Monterey, CA | September 8, 2018

MiM Pacific Coast Highway, North California | September 10-15, 2018

MiM National Parks Tour 1 (AZ/UT) | September 16-22, 2018

MiM National Parks Tour 2 (AZ/UT) | September 23-29, 2018

MiM Kentucky 1 Lap Tour 1 | October 9-13, 2018

MiM Kentucky 1 Lap Tour 2 | October 16-20, 2018

MiM Kentucky 1 Lap Tour 3 | October 23-27, 2018

Vets 'n Vettes presented by Mobil 1 | November 8-10, 2018

Corvette Racing Weekend, Hershey, PA | November 9-10, 2018

National Corvette Caravan | August 28-31, 2019

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This is a customized throw blanket produced by KTCustom Throws for our Club. It is the Club's logo stitched in Black

& Red threads on a cream colored background and measures 4' X 6' in size.

If this is something you would like to have to display our Club logo in your

home or Corvette, please fill out the order form below and send it with a check

made out to Club Corvette of CT in the amount of

$44.00, which includes shipment directly to your home.

Send check to:

Ronald Goldberg 175 Sunrise Hill Circle Orange, CT 06477

(203) 795-9823

NOTE: In December 2016 the Board decided that the Club will stock a

few of these throw blankets. See Ron Goldberg.


Club Corvette of CT Custom Throw Blanket

Ship to this address

NAME ___________________________________________

ADDRESS________________________________________(NO P.O .Box)


TELEPHONE NO.______________________________

Please order @ $44.00 each______Total Cost _______Check #______

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To place an ad, please contact Roy Master via e-mail: [email protected] or call 203-795-5329.

Note: Your ad must be in by the 5th of each month. Six months free for Club members.



15,000 Original Miles Ask for Bill One Owner 203/368-8484

5.7 L 350 CID V8 w/ 4-BBL

T-Top $28,500 or best offer Automatic Transmission

Air Conditioning Power Windows and Locks

Factory 8-Track Player

Page 31: CLUB CORVETTE OF CONNECTICUT, INC€¦ · August 5 CCRI Cruise August 12 - 25th anniversary picnic ... Jim Newton 08/09 Carole Desenfants ... (Roe for short). Did you know? Buffalo




73,000 Miles Chris Anderson

One Owner 203/483-6544

427/390 HP VIN 194679S723683 203/260-2839

4 Speed Asking $35,000

Older Restoration Numbers Matching

Runs Great

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Page 33: CLUB CORVETTE OF CONNECTICUT, INC€¦ · August 5 CCRI Cruise August 12 - 25th anniversary picnic ... Jim Newton 08/09 Carole Desenfants ... (Roe for short). Did you know? Buffalo



McDermott Chevrolet

#1 Corvette Dealer in Connecticut


ONLY 70 miles on it...'s calling YOUR name!!!

2018 Corvette Z06 Convertible

Blade Silver Metallic exterior

Adrenaline Red interior

3LZ Premium Equipment Group



Club Price:

Call today!

Visible Carbon Fiber

Hood & Ground Effects

Carbon Fiber Interior


8 Speed Paddle Shift

Auto Transmission

Z06 Satin Black

Aluminum with Red


Two Tone Seats

New Corvettes 2016/2017 MSRP Club Price:

2017 Grand Sport Black/Red Grand Sport Coupe


Black 3LT Stunner!

$86,675.00 $72,274.00

Page 34: CLUB CORVETTE OF CONNECTICUT, INC€¦ · August 5 CCRI Cruise August 12 - 25th anniversary picnic ... Jim Newton 08/09 Carole Desenfants ... (Roe for short). Did you know? Buffalo



2017 Grand Sport Torch Red/Jet Black Grand Sport Coupe


Red HOT 3LT for Summer!



2017 Grand Sport Admiral Blue/Jet Black

Grand Sport Coupe


Blue 3LT baby - ready to Roll!

$89,295.00 $74,580.00

2017 Grand Sport Racing Yellow

Tintcoat/Jet Black Grand Sport Coupe


2LT - doesn't get better than THIS!!!

$91,270.00 $76,318.00

2017 Grand Sport Racing Watkins Glen

Gray/Tension Blue

Grand Sport Coupe


Collector Edition - SMOKIN'!

$89,000.00 $74,320.00

2017 Chevrolet Corvette

Grand Sport Convertible 3LT

Blade Silver Metallic


2,640 miles

$66,995.00 $66,995.00

For More Information Please Contact:

Kevin Syombathy General Manager

Bill Sam General Sales Manager

Jake Ray Pre-Owned Manager

Kaitlin McDermott Internet Sales Manager

Phone: 203-466-1000

Toll Free: 800-228-1282

Email: [email protected]

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News from Club Clothing

The wind shirts that I ordered after last month’s meeting were available on Monday, just in time

for the June meeting. It appeared to me that all the members who ordered a wind shirt were

delighted with it. The only bad news is the color “Sand” is on backorder and will not be available

until October. The other 4 colors (Red, Royal Blue, Navy Blue and Black) are available. I can

say now that I have seen all the colors and they are all very nice. The following photos show the

embroidery on Royal, Red and Black. I neglected to get a picture of Navy.


The order for the wind shirts is attached. The price is $35.00 for Small through XL and $38.00

for XXL.

Our Vendor, Galli, will be coming to our Corvette show and has offered to bring with them any

duffle bags ordered by members without the shipping charge. The duffle bags cost $45.00 and

must be pre-paid. If you would like a duffle bag, please send me the attached order form plus a

$45.00 check for each bag. I am going to place the order with Galli no later than Tuesday, June


Please e-mail me at [email protected] or call my cell (203) 430-4366 with any



Walt Kaercher

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Wind Shirt Order Form

To celebrate Club Corvette’s 25th anniversary, we are offering members the opportunity to buy a wind shirt with a special 25th anniversary embroidered design. The shirts will be available in sizes between Small and XXL in five colors, black, navy, royal blue, red, and sand (Sand is back ordered to October). The price is $35 except for XXL which is $38. The Club will not be ordering wind shirts for inventory. If you would like a wind shirt, please complete this order form and pre-pay.

Member’s Name: _____________________________________ Member’s Address _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Member’s Phone Number: _____________________________________ Member’s E-Mail _____________________________________

Color (circle one) Black Navy Royal Red Sand (Sand is back ordered to October) Size (circle one) Small Medium Large X-L ($35.00) XXL ($38.00) Payment (circle one) Cash Check (payable to Club Corvette of CT)

Send order form and check to: Walt Kaercher 109 Flat Rock Road Branford, CT 06405 Contact Info: [email protected] (203) 430-4366

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Duffle Bag Order Form

Made to travel, The Port Authority Sports Duffle has a large easy access main compartment and two separate end pockets for shoes and clothes.

• 1,680 denier two-tone dobby and 600 denier polyester • Two flat zippered pockets on each end for smaller items • Zippered front pocket • Detachable, adjustable, padded shoulder strap • Padded carrying handle • Removable bottom board for added load support • Dimensions:13”h x 24”w x 11.5”d; Approx. 3,588 cubic inches. (about 10 times the size of a typical Corvette engine!)

The Club is not going to inventory this item. We need to order at least 5 bags to get free shipping. All bags have to be pre-paid before we place the order.

Member’s Name: _____________________________________ Member’s Address _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Member’s Phone Number: _____________________________________ Logo (circle one) C1-C2-C3 C4-C5-C6 C-5-C6-C7 Number of Bags _______ bags @ $45.00 = $_________.00 Check # __________ (make check payable to Club Corvette of CT)

Send order form and check to: Walt Kaercher 109 Flat Rock Road Branford, CT 06405 Contact Info: [email protected] (203) 430-4366

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They have an iron-on backing or they can be

sewn on for a more permanent application.

The cost is $3.00 each.

See Roy Master at a meeting or an event if

you would like to purchase these patches.
