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Chapter 6

Open Source Cloud Stack

This chapter explains how to build a cloud system based on open source

components. A number of solutions suitable for creating a cloud architecture are

already available. Thus, it is possible to design an open source cloud stack, as

shown in Fig. 6.1.

The design not only includes components for building the hardware and software

infrastructure, but also components for establishing application environments.

The stack shown here is a specific variant of the cloud architecture represented in

Chap. 3: The IaaS components introduced there are represented by the physical

resource sets (PRS) which are used to partition the infrastructure, while the software

infrastructure includes virtual machine and memory management components as

well as procedures for monitoring and controlling the infrastructure. In addition,

this layer in the stack comprises job control and accounting and billing components.

The PaaS components form the framework layer, the SaaS components can be

found on the application layer. In the following sections, we will present some of

the design components by way of example.

6.1 Physical and Virtual Resources

The roots of the IaaS components lie in the Emulab project [16] where miniature

data centers are made available for system development purposes. On the bottom

layer, the infrastructure is organized in the form of physical resource sets (PRS).

Each PRS comprises the resources (e.g. CPU, memory, networks) required for the

implementation of a task. They are linked by a virtual LAN in a common domain.

For domain management, a special PRS service is used which manages the

resources over the network and allows to switch components on or off, roll out

system images, and monitor the infrastructure. Figure 6.2 shows an example with

four different domains:

C. Baun et al., Cloud Computing, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-20917-8_6,# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011


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Here, we find one domain for systems research, one for managing virtual

machines, and further domains for storage services and monitoring. These services

are consumed by applications which run on virtual clusters of the second domain.

The virtual clusters form virtual resource sets (VRS). In the example of Fig. 6.2,

this is the Tashi management suite which is being developed jointly by Intel

and Yahoo!. Tashi is a solution especially targeted at cloud data centers which

Fig. 6.1 OpenCirrus open source cloud stack

NFS/HDFSstorage services

Workload monitoring andtrace collection services


PRS service

Virtual clusterVirtual cluster



System research

Fig. 6.2 Different domains associated with a physical resource set

50 6 Open Source Cloud Stack

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have to process enormous data sets on the Internet. The seminal idea is that not only

the CPU resources are subject to a scheduling process, but also the distributed

storage resources. By scheduling CPU and data storage systems together, it is

possible to optimize the system performance while keeping an eye on energy

consumption [129].

Another very popular virtual resource management system is Eucalyptus which

will be described below.

6.2 Eucalyptus

Cloud infrastructures from commercial providers, such as Amazon EC2, and S3,

and PaaS offerings, such as Google App Engine, boast a high degree of usability

and can be used at low cost (or even for free). In some cases, however, it is desirable

to build a private cloud infrastructure. Situations where a private cloud would be

preferred over a public cloud might be characterized by special security

requirements or the need to store critical company data. It is also conceivable to

set up an internal data mirror (RAID-0) in order to increase the availability of

a commercial provider’s cloud infrastructure.

Eucalyptus [74] is short for Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for LinkingYour Programs To Useful Systems, and it was initially developed at the University

of California in Santa Barbara (UCSB). Eucalyptus Systems has taken over the

activities for further development of this system. Eucalyptus allows to set up and

operate an independent IaaS cloud infrastructure. The Eucalyptus API is compati-

ble with Amazon EC2, S3, and EBS [22]. For software development, a BSD license

is used, i.e. it is open-sourced. Unlike Amazon EC2, which exclusively uses Xen for

virtualization, Eucalyptus can co-operate with Xen und KVM (Kernel-based Vir-

tual Machine). A prerequisite for using KVM is a CPU that supports hardware

virtualization, i.e. AMD-V (Pacifica) or Intel VT-x (Vanderpool). The commer-

cially available Enterprise Version offered by Eucalyptus Systems supports

VMware vSphere/ESX/ESXi. It is not planned to integrate VMware support into

the free Eucalyptus version.

6.2.1 Architecture and Components

As shown in Fig. 6.3, the Eucalyptus infrastructure consists of three components:

the Cloud Controller (CLC), the Cluster Controller (CC), and the Node Controller

(NC) [23]. All three components are implemented as Web services.

The NC must be installed on every node in the cloud where virtual instances

should run. This, however, requires a functional Xen Hypervisor or KVM. Each NC

sends information on the current state of its own resources to the CC, i.e. the

number of virtual processors, free RAM and free disk space.

6.2 Eucalyptus 51

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In each cluster, a CC performs the load-dependent distribution (i.e. scheduling)

of the virtual machines to the NCs. For this purpose, the CC uses the resource

information it receives from the NCs. Another task of a CC is to control the private

network it uses to communicate with the NCs. Each CC sends information on the

current state of the resources in its own cluster.

The CLC is responsible for meta-scheduling, i.e. the way how virtual machines

are distributed between the connected clusters. For this purpose, it collects resource

information submitted by the CCs. In each Eucalyptus infrastructure, exactly one

CLC must be active. The CLC is the access point in the cloud, both for users and for


In Eucalyptus infrastructures with a small number of physical servers, it is

a good idea to consolidate the CLC and the CC on a single server. If need be, all

three components may be operated together on a physical server.

Eucalyptus further includes two storage services: Walrus is a storage service

for Web objects compatible with the Amazon S3 REST API. In addition, there is

a storage service called Storage Controller (SC) whose functionality and API are

identical to the Amazon EBS service. Walrus and SC can be run on any computer in

the cluster. In small and medium installations, Walrus and SC are usually located on

the CLC.

Eucalyptus uses Walrus to store the images. But it is also possible to install and

use Walrus as a standalone service, independently from Eucalyptus.

Virtual Distributed Ethernet (VDE) is used to create the private network. For this

purpose, virtual VDE switches run on the individual Eucalyptus components. The

Fig. 6.3 Eucalyptus architecture and components

52 6 Open Source Cloud Stack

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switches are linked by virtual VDE cables. The virtual network ensures that

a homogeneous subnet is available to the virtual machines within a cloud cluster [3].

In a Eucalyptus private cloud, the instance class identifiers are the same as with

Amazon EC2. They differ, however, by the resources which are allocated to them

by default, as shown in Tables 6.1 and 6.2. While the resource allocation for the

respective instance classes within a Eucalyptus private cloud can be configured,

there is no way to define additional or rename existing instance classes.

The new Amazon Web Services instance classes (which include the m2.xlarge, m2.2xlarge, and m2.4xlarge high-memory instances and the

t1.micro micro instances) have not yet been introduced in Eucalyptus.

In a Eucalyptus cloud, all instance classes can be placed on all nodes. Thus, it is

not possible to differentiate the instance classes by architectures as with Amazon

EC2. In EC2, the m1.small and c1.medium instance classes are exclusively

available to instances with a 32-bit architecture, while all other instances are based

on the 64-bit architecture. An exception to this is the t1.micro instance class

which can be used for 32-bit and for 64-bit instances. In a Eucalyptus cloud, in

contrast, all instance classes have the same architecture.

Table 6.1 Computing power comparison of the Eucalyptus and Amazon EC2 instance classes

Category Eucalyptus Amazon EC2

t1.micro n/a 1 virtual core with 2 ECUs max.

m1.small 1 virtual CPU 1 virtual core with 1 ECU

m1.large 2 virtual CPUs 2 virtual cores with 2 ECUs each ⇨ 4 ECUs

m1.xlarge 2 virtual CPUs 4 virtual cores with 2 ECUs each ⇨ 8 ECUs

m2.xlarge n/a 2 virtual cores with 3.25 ECUs each ⇨ 6.5 ECUs

m2.2xlarge n/a 4 virtual cores with 3.25 ECUs each ⇨ 13 ECUs

m2.4xlarge n/a 8 virtual cores with 3.25 ECUs each ⇨ 26 ECUs

c1.medium 1 virtual CPU 2 virtual cores with 2.5 ECUs each ⇨ 5 ECUs

c1.xlarge 4 virtual CPUs 8 virtual cores with 2.5 ECUs each ⇨ 20 ECUs

cc1.4xlarge n/a 8 Intel Xeon Nehalem cores ⇨ 33.5 ECUs

cg1.4xlarge n/a 8 Intel Xeon Nehalem cores ⇨ 33.5 ECUs

Table 6.2 RAM comparison

of the Eucalyptus and

Amazon EC2 instance classes

Category Eucalyptus Amazon EC2

t1.micro – 613 MB RAM

m1.small 128 MB RAM 1.7 GB RAM

m1.large 512 MB RAM 7.5 GB RAM

m1.xlarge 1 GB RAM 15 GB RAM

m2.xlarge – 17.1 GB RAM

m2.2xlarge – 34.2 GB RAM

m2.4xlarge – 68.4 GB RAM

c1.medium 256 MB RAM 1.7 GB RAM

c1.xlarge 2 GB RAM 7 GB RAM

cc1.4xlarge – 23 GB RAM

cg1.4xlarge – 22 GB RAM

6.2 Eucalyptus 53

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A further difference between Amazon Web Services and Eucalyptus lies in the

performance of the CPU cores offered. For the definition of its computing power,

Amazon uses the EC2 Compute Units (ECU) metric. With respect to computing

power, an EC2 Compute Unit is equivalent to a 1.0–1.2 GHz Opteron or Xeon

processor from 2007 or a 1.7 GHz Xeon processor from spring 2006 [42].

The virtual CPU cores in Amazon Web Services feature different performances

which depend on the instance class they are assigned to. The reason is that Amazon

has discrete physical hardware available for provisioning in the different instance

classes. While in the EC2 m1.small instance class, the computing power of a

virtual CPU core corresponds to one EC2 compute unit, each virtual core has a

computing power of two EC2 compute units in the other standard instances, i.e.

m1.small and m1.large. In the m2.xlarge, m2.2xlarge, and

m2.4xlarge high-memory instances, each virtual core has a computing power

of 3.25 EC2 compute units, and in the c1.medium and c1.xlarge high CPU

instances, a computing power of 2.5 EC2 compute units. The cluster compute

instances are equipped with two quad-core Intel Xeon-X5570 Nehalem processors


6.3 OpenNebula

Just like Eucalyptus, OpenNebula [114] is an IaaS solution for building private

clouds. OpenNebula supports the Xen Hypervisor, KVM, and VMware vSphere

virtualization approaches. Unlike Eucalyptus, OpenNebula allows to move running

instances between the connected nodes. To date, however, OpenNebula only

provides basic support for the EC2 SOAP and EC2 Query APIs. It is possible to

retrieve a list of images and instances and to start, restart, and stop instances. In

addition, OpenNebula can be used to control Amazon EC2 resources.

A cutting-edge feature of OpenNebula is its node grouping capability, so that it

enables High Performance Computing as a Service (HPCaaS).

Contrary to Eucalyptus and Nimbus, OpenNebula does not include a storage

service which is compatible with the S3 or EBS API. OpenNebula is available

under an open source license.

6.4 Nimbus

Nimbus [17] is a private cloud IaaS solution developed by the Globus Alliance.

Nimbus supports the Xen Hypervisor and KVM virtualization solutions. For virtual

machine scheduling, Nimbus can rely on systems such as Portable Batch System

(PBS) or Sun Grid Engine (SGE). Nimbus features basic support for the EC2 SOAP

and EC2 Query APIs that allows users to retrieve a list of images and instances. It is

possible to start, restart, and stop instances and to create key pairs. Amazon Web

Services resources can be addressed via a back-end.

54 6 Open Source Cloud Stack

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Version 2.5 and higher of Nimbus include the Cumulus storage service whose

interface is compatible with the S3 REST API. Nimbus uses Cumulus to store the

images. Cumulus may be installed and operated as a standalone service without

Nimbus. Nimbus does not feature an EBS-compatible storage service. It is available

under an open source license.

6.5 CloudStack

Another private cloud IaaS solution is CloudStack [65], jointly developed by Cloud.

com and Rackspace. CloudStack supports the Xen Hypervisor, KVM, and VMware

vSphere virtualization approaches. The architecture comprises two components:

the Management Server and the Compute Nodes. The Management Server features

a Web user interface for administrators and users. Other Management Server tasks

are to control and manage the resources when distributing the instances to the

Compute Nodes.

This software is available in a Community Edition, an Enterprise Edition, and

a Service Provider Edition. Only the Community Edition can be used under an open

source license.

Table 6.3 summarizes the most popular open source solutions for the implemen-

tation of virtual resource sets.

6.6 OpenStack

In summer 2010, NASA and Rackspace jointly launched an open source project

called OpenStack [117]. Many renowned companies support this project, such as

AMD, Intel, Dell, and On the basis of CloudStack, OpenStack provides

the Compute and Object Storage components. The Compute service allows to

Table 6.3 Comparison of open source virtual resource sets

Name License Interface EC2 S3 EBS Hypervisor Enterprise

Eucalyptus GPL v3 AWS Yes Yes Yes

KVM, Xen,

VMware Yes

OpenNebula Apache v2.0 OCCI, AWS Partially No No

KVM, Xen,


VirtualBox No

Nimbus Apache v2.0


AWS Partially Partially No KVM, Xen No

CloudStack GPL v3


AWS Partially No No

KVM, Xen,

VMware Yes

OpenStack Apache v2.0


AWS Yes No No

KVM, Xen,



6.6 OpenStack 55

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manage large groups of virtual servers, Object Storage makes redundant, scalable

storage space available. Microsoft announced that they will adapt the OpenStack

software to their Hyper-V virtualization technology. The objective is to be able to

use Windows and open source programs together in cloud systems.

6.7 AppScale

AppScale [58] offers an open source re-implementation of the Google App Engine

functionality and interfaces. AppScale is being developed at the University of

California in Santa Barbara. With AppScale, it is possible to run and test Google

App Engine-compatible applications within a private cloud (Eucalyptus) or within

a public cloud (EC2). Moreover, AppScale can be implemented directly on the Xen

Hypervisor, without the need to interpose an IaaS. AppScale supports Python and

Java applications and emulates the Google Datastore, Memcache, XMPP, Mail, and

Authentication infrastructure services.

6.8 TyphoonAE

TyphoonAE [133] is another open source re-implementation of Google App

Engine. Here as well, developers can run Google App Engine-compatible

applications in a local environment. Unlike AppScale, TyphoonAE works well

with any Linux environment and with Mac OS X. Thus, it is not only suitable for

private and public clouds, but also for virtual machines.

Another difference compared to AppScale is that TyphoonAE exclusively

supports applications developed in Python. The software is based on the App

Engine SDK and on popular open source packages, such as NGINX, Apache2,

MySQL, memcached, and RabbitMQ, which are used to emulate the Google

infrastructure services.

6.9 Apache Hadoop

Hadoop [31] is an open source software platform which allows to easily process and

analyze very large data sets in a computer cluster. Hadoop can for example be used

for Web indexing, data mining, logfile analyses, machine learning, finance

analyses, scientific simulations, or research in the bioinformatics field.

The Hadoop system features the following properties:

• Scalability: It is possible to process data sets with a volume of several petabytes

by distributing them to several thousand nodes of a computer cluster.

• Efficiency: Parallel data processing and a distributed file system allow to

manipulate the data quickly.

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• Reliability: Multiple copies of the data can be created and managed. In case

a cluster node fails, the workflow reorganizes itself without user intervention.

Hence, automatic error-correction is possible.

Hadoop has been designed with scalability in mind so that cluster sizes of up to

10,000 nodes can be realized. The largest Hadoop cluster at Yahoo! currently

comprises 32,000 cores in 4,000 nodes, where 16 petabytes of data are stored and

processed. It takes about 16 h to analyze and sort a one petabyte data set on this


Cloudera is a company which offers packetized versions of the Hadoop system.

Various Hadoop distributions are available on the Internet for download [64].

6.9.1 MapReduce

Hadoop implements the MapReduce programming model which is also of great

importance in the Google search engine and applications [11]. Even though the

model relies on massive parallel processing of data, it has a functional approach. In

principle, there are two functions to be implemented:

• Map function: Reads key/value pairs to generate intermediate results which are

then output in the form of new key/value pairs.

• Reduce function: Reads all intermediate results, groups them by keys and

generates aggregated output for each key.

Usually, the procedures generate lists or queues to store the results of the

individual steps. As an example, we would like to show how the vocabulary in a

text collection can be acquired (see also the example in the appendix): The Map

function extracts the individual words from the texts, the Reduce function reads

them in, counts the number of occurrences, and stores the result in a list. In parallel

processing, Hadoop distributes the texts or text fragments to the available nodes of

a computer cluster. The Map nodes process the fragments assigned to them

and output the individual words. These outputs are available to all nodes via

a distributed file system. The Reduce nodes then read the word lists and count the

number of words. Since counting can only start after all words have been processed

by the Map function, a bottleneck might arise here. Figure 6.4 shows the schematic

workflow of the MapReduce function in a Hadoop cluster.

6.9.2 Hadoop Distributed File System

In order to implement the MapReduce functionality in a robust and scalable way,

a highly available, high-performance file system is required. For data processing,

Hadoop uses a specific distributed file system called Hadoop Distributed File

System (HDFS). Its architecture is based on a master node (name node) which

6.9 Apache Hadoop 57

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manages a large number of data nodes. This master node processes external data

requests, organizes the storage of files and saves all metadata for the description of

the system status. In practice, the number of files that can be stored in the HDFS is

limited by the RAM available on the master node, since, for performance reasons,

all data should be transferred to the memory cache. It should be possible to realize

systems accommodating several hundred millions of files on current hardware.

Hadoop splits the files and distributes the fragments to multiple data blocks in

the cluster, thus enabling parallel access to them. In addition, HDFS saves multiple

copies of the data blocks in the cluster. This increases the reliability and guarantees

a faster access. Data integrity is ensured by optional checksum calculations: Thus, it

is possible to detect potential data corruption, and the read operation can be

redirected to an alternative, uncorrupted block. Since the master node is a single

point of failure, it is wise to provide for its replication.

Contrary to the widely used RAID systems, HDFS uses a flat storage model. This

is mainly with respect to fault tolerance: If a disk fails, a rebuild process takes place

creating new distributed copies of the affected blocks. It is important to keep this

time as short as possible in order to minimize the risk of a data loss caused by

multiple faults. In case of a failure, HDFS needs only about half an hour for

rebuilding a terabyte disk (with RAID, this may take several days due to system

constraints). If a data node or even an entire rack fails, the master node redelegates

the corresponding subtasks immediately.

If at all possible, tasks in the cluster are performed where the corresponding data

resides. For efficiency reasons, data access over the network is avoided whenever

possible. This is assessed by a distance function criterion describing the access

costs: The distance is shortest when data is accessed on the same node, it increases

for access operations within the same rack, and further grows with increasing

distances on the network.

data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data

data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data

data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data

data data data data data data data data data data

Compute Cluster


Datadata data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data


HDFS Block 1HDFS Block 1

HDFS Block 1


HDFS Block 2HDFS Bloc

HDFS Block 2

HDFS Block 3

HDFS Block 3


HDFS Block 3

HDFS Block 3




HDFS Block 1


ck 1

HDFS Block 1


lock 2lock 2

ck 2ck 2Map

HDFS Block 3


Fig. 6.4 MapReduce programming model based on a distributed file system (HDFS)

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6.9.3 Pig

In connection with Apache Hadoop, a platform called Pig has been created [31],

a special high-level programming environment that can be used to define data

analyses (Pig Latin). This environment is coupled with a suitable infrastructure

for performing analyses. The salient property of Pig programs is that their structure

is amenable to substantial parallelization. A particular feature of the platform is a

compiler which generates MapReduce program sequences for Hadoop. The pro-

gramming language has the following key properties:

• Ease of programming: Supports concurrent as well as parallel applications.

Complex coupled systems are implemented as data flow sequences.

• Optimization: The execution of tasks is automatically optimized so that

programmers can remain focused on the semantics of their programs.

• Extensibility: It is possible to embed self-developed functions in order to solve

domain-specific problems.

Using Pig is particularly helpful in cases where batch processing of large data

sets is required. Pig is less suitable for environments where only small subsets of

large data sets have to be processed.

6.9.4 Hive

Hive is a central data warehousing application built on top of Hadoop [98]. Hive uses

the QL query language to analyze large, structured data sets stored in the Hadoop file

system. Derived from SQL, this language allows users to transfer their existing

database applications to the Hadoop platform. An interesting feature in this context is

the capability to combine database queries with the MapReduce programming model.

6.9.5 Hadoop as a Service

Installing and operating a Hadoop cluster involves considerable overhead which

might not pay off, especially if the cluster is only used every once in a while. For

this reason, several approaches have emerged to offer Hadoop as a cloud service.

Especially noteworthy in this regard is Amazon Elastic MapReduce [41] which

is available as an Amazon Web Services component. Amazon Elastic MapReduce

is based on EC2 and is able to provision clusters of nearly any size, depending on

the current demand. The Hadoop distributed file system interacts with the S3

service, as shown in Fig. 6.5. The Elastic MapReduce service works as follows:

1. The user uploads the desired data and the Map and Reduce executable to S3.

2. Elastic MapReduce generates and starts an EC2 Hadoop cluster (master + slaves).

3. Hadoop creates a job flow that distributes data from S3 to the cluster nodes to

process them there.

6.9 Apache Hadoop 59

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4. After processing, the results are copied to S3.

5. Notification when the job is finished: The user retrieves the results from S3.

It is possible to control Amazon Elastic MapReduce by specifying parameters in

the command line or graphically using a Web console [53]. The appendix of this

book contains an example of how to use Elastic MapReduce.

Besides Elastic MapReduce, there is another option to use Hadoop as a flexible

service within the Amazon Web Services framework: A dedicated Hadoop cluster

of a size suitable to solve the problem can be instantiated in the Amazon infrastruc-

ture. For this purpose, a predefined Amazon Machine Image may be used which is

provided by Cloudera as a public AMI in the Amazon Web Services context.

6.10 The OpenCirrus Project

The objective of the OpenCirrus™ project is to build and operate an international

cloud computing testbed in support of the open source cloud system research [2].

HP, Intel, and Yahoo! started the project in July 2008 together with their academic

partners IDA1, KIT2, and UIUC3. Since 2010, new members ETRI4, MIMOS5,

Your host ResponseMaster




EC2 cluster








Fig. 6.5 Amazon elastic MapReduce (Source: Amazon)

1Infocom Development Authority, Singapore2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany3University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, USA4Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, South Korea5Malaysian Institute for Microelectronic Systems, Malaysia

60 6 Open Source Cloud Stack

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RAS6, CESGA7, CMU8, CERCS9 as well as China Mobile and China Telecom have

joined the consortium. The partners operate federate resource centers, providing up

to 1,024 CPU cores and up to one petabyte of storage space each. Their activities

include development work on the infrastructure layer as well as on the platform and

application layers (see Chap. 3). Unlike with other cloud environments, such as

Google App Engine or Amazon Web Services, researchers and developers have full

access to all OpenCirrus system resources. This facilitates the further development

of the open source cloud stack. All system users must register in the project portal

[111]. The portal not only provides general information on the project, but also

allows researchers to request access to the resources they need for their work.

Running a cloud system which is distributed over multiple locations requires the

deployment of comprehensive shared services. These global basic services are:

• Identity management: Identity management is the basis on which all activities

can be assigned to a user profile. In this context, it is desirable to have uniform

user profiles available at all distributed locations (single sign-on). This can be

ensured by using the SSH public key authentication [116]. The public key of an

RSA key pair is kept with the resource and the user transmits the private key over

a secure connection. By indicating the private key, a client can then access the

distributed resources once the operator has registered the public key at the

corresponding location. A slightly different version of the OpenCirrus procedure

is used with Amazon Web Services.

• Monitoring: Another global service monitors the distributed resources, thus

enabling the management of the distributed infrastructures and helping to

localize and troubleshoot faults. OpenCirrus uses the Ganglia open source

project [80] for monitoring. Ganglia gathers information on the resource status

and usage for each component and aggregates them hierarchically. For this

purpose, the operators install a daemon process which transmits an XML stream

containing the resource status and all associated data to a central Web server

where this information is collected and consolidated [112].

This forms the foundation for the development and introduction of other global

services, i.e. services for common data storage and distributed application


Within the scope of this project, the partners will continue the development of the

open source components discussed above, namely PRS, VRS, Hadoop, and Tashi.

Another goal is to tackle unsolved problems in cloud system research, such as:

• Standardization of interfaces

• Security techniques

6Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia7Centro de Supercomputacion Galicia, Spain8Carnegie Mellon University, USA9GeorgiaTech, USA

6.10 The OpenCirrus Project 61

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• Dynamic transfer of workloads (cloud bursting)

• Realization of Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

The test environment is particularly useful to enable large-scale scaling tests and

open new horizons for cloud computing. The KIT, for example, examines how to

leverage cloud techniques in high-performance computing environments. The idea

is to benefit from the dynamic properties of cloud computing for handling compu-

tationally intensive parallel applications and to design a corresponding elastic

service (High Performance Computing as a Service, HPCaaS). Particular

challenges with regard to systems are the provisioning of ensembles of tightly

coupled CPU resources and the virtualization of high-speed connections based on

Infiniband. On the platform side, the following issues are still open:

• Development of a scheduling service

• Development of MPI services

• Management of software licenses

Further information on OpenCirrus can be found on the project website [111].

62 6 Open Source Cloud Stack
