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Cloud Computing & Mobility Solutions - Way to Go!

It is an era of open source technologies as businesses as well as organisations are putting major emphasis on cloud computing, mobile technology, and Big Data. With the current socioeconomic paradigm in place and data driven services coming to the mainstream, Businesses would soon be jumping the open source bandwagon.

The Open Source Business Conference (OSBC) also follows down that same path by providing a platform for collective convergence of developers, end users and organisations to discuss the advancements in open-source, mobile and cloud technologies.

The crux of OSBC 2013 was to visualize key strategies that can be put in place so as to streamline business process and make them more effectively data-driven. The conference featured highly respectable industry leaders and technologists putting their thoughts together and giving key sessions on how open source technology is having vital implications from an enterprise perspective.

There have been huge technological advancements in cloud as well as mobile in the last year putting a definitive shift towards open source away from closed and proprietary technology. There were many technology evangelists at the conference who were lobbying for open source as the de facto standard. There were major points of discussion at the conference with larger consensus on data-rich mobile services incorporating open APIs.

There are many strategic challenges faced by IT admins on day to day basis which is why Open Business Conference featured dedicated sessions on open cloud as well data explosion and how organisations can navigate their core competencies to have a more diverse approach. In my opinion this can be highly fruitful for enterprise software infrastructure as they can transform from traditional business strategies and drive the consumerization of IT operation practices.

PaaS (platform as a service) has also helped Developers Bridge the gap between development and deployment. It provides a collaborative set of cloud computing services that acts as a computing platform and a solution stack as a service. The conference also proved in a way that the service delivery model surely has helped end users to encapsulate on associated services for user-led innovation.There were some vital points shared on open enterprise which has seen its fair share of volatility. During the keynotes there were many voices from industry leaders that laid emphasis on data enforcing data security and privacy policies in the mobile enterprise using open source. The overall essence of the conference gave vital insights to the open source and its viability in the current technology incorporation among enterprises which would have a huge implication on how business strategies are implemented.

ChannelVission Inc: ( They are a Sales Cloud based company who have been offering outsourced cloud based services to sales and marketing channels so as to increase the overall productivity of the organisation. Along with a public and private cloud they also provide consulting services in Channel Cloud Infrastructure. The integrated processes are designed in such as way that tech companies find it easy to make the transformation with self-sustained channels for on-going business. This CaaS (channel as a service) approach organisation reduce costs and overheads.

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Mobile Programming LLC: ( One of the largest Mobile App development firm has developed a range of mobile apps for enterprises that utilize the cloud. This is highly vital as it not only provides added layer of security but also results in easy implementation and adoption. Their services falls in various categories which include SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a service). Moreover they leverage their expertise in enterprise mobility to give them an added edge in mobile cloud. The firm boasts of some of the top ranked apps on the appstore and is betting their strategy on mobile and cloud. The provide App development services for companies like Novartis, SAP, Amgen, Deloitte, Farmers Insurance, Office Depot, etc.

WorldDesk: ( As a cloud service provider they have been adding a layer of on-the-go sharing of information among the enterprises leveraging Microsoft Windows workspace from the underlying OS and device over to the cloud. Their services not only help in free movement of apps, files and profile between devices, but gives an overall restructuring of data in which all the information is available at your behest at any given time.

Overall in my opinion, Cloud has a lot to offer, which is why enterprises should look into various aspects of diversity as well as incorporation of mobility as a service. As the competition is increasing there is need to have a more customized software solution in place, which can generate optimal output. Rather than transforming the overall business architecture, it is far easier if the service works around the existing framework.

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