Page 1: Classic Music and Modern Music

8/6/2019 Classic Music and Modern Music 1/1

Classic music and modern music

The classic music is considered to be the type of music more educated that it is, for hissimplicity and you see the same one for his safety in most of the melodies, it tends to be

totally connected to what is wanted and to what there is looked that it is to have stability atthe moment of writing a piece, relies on a quantity of details important that close shape the perfect melody. Besides everything before mentioned it serves for the concentration (in thedaily life) since his sound neither torments it is not even considered to be any type of noisein specific. It might define as this part of the music that It inspires in many senses, everynote every silence every compass they represent essential parts in a piece, the music of orchestra is the set of armonías joined in such a way that it could estimate what is touchingitself and for those who are listening and understanding the depth of this one. It is the musicof educated tradition, before it was said that the classic music was a kind that apart fromeducated also allows to develop skills in artistic skills beside making feel passion for thismusic, first because it has a relaxing and inspiring effect, and secondly because his melodyis so pure that in spite of only hearing her you feel the magic q each of the instruments produces. In 1950 it was said that the educated music had certain complexity in notation, asfor everything to what this kind refers, in the following years the composition was takingother opposite trends.

Whereas the modern music is totally different because of the advance of the times and themodernization, the music has taken certain change for lack of culture. The modern music isthat one that has paces incoherent but with style it does not have an exact order in the notesonly he handles a pace that sticks and that the public in general likes it ... they are in thehabit of having popular letters and you criticize therefore modern music is said to him. Sothat having listened to her tends to be vulgar in occasions., or to refer to more recent andexperimental styles as the random music (sometimes with the help of computers or other technologies). For the popular music, everything is modern what you listen in the radio, pop, to rock, punk, etc. Since this type of music tends to be very listened by the public.

It might say that both have the similar one since the two catch the attention of those wholisten to them allowing to realize this way the criteria that each of these kinds try todemonstrate, they have many similarities this owes to that the don use instruments, also it isneeded of a due preparation of the same way also it is possible to observe that both implydedication and effort, giving step to one I connect favorably. The classic music and themodern music look alike that the two meet influenced in the time since the mentality andthe way of weighing of the persons changes made-to-measure q the years happen. As wellas all that has happened, they are original of a form or other one for which they support hisown style even if they are similar is many senses.

Quintana María José