Page 1: Civil War in New Mexico Project

Civil War in New Mexico Project –

This project is designed to get you engaged in the skills required for some of your core courses, but applying them a bit differently. The first stage is explained below. Each stage will have its own components that are assessed, but in the end, this is an opportunity for you to earn credit for completing this work in class as well as some independent work that you will need to complete in teams in or out of school.

Part I – Research phase

You will be expected to check out a computer or bring a laptop to class. While we are working in class on a given unit, you will be researching the role New Mexico played in the Civil War. Who was here? What role did either the people or land of New Mexico play in the defining years of the Civil War (1861-1865)? You can research anywhere you want, but the key is to be able to explain the role of New Mexico in your own words.

- IF you start with Wikipedia, that’s fine. Go there first. THEN, however, look at the references they show at the bottom of the Wikipedia entries and see if you can access those.

- The research will need to have at least ONE primary source and ONE secondary source

Part II – Building phase

This part will be determined based on your research. To be defined by Wednesday, November 18th.

Part III – Presentation phase

Your research and components will all pay off when you deliver your presentation to class. You won’t have to write an essay, but you will have to create a Power Point that discusses your research, your project ideas, and the other information you’ll derive due to the project outlines.

Like a real life project, not all the elements are defined yet, but will be solidified as you go. There will be some barriers, some exciting things, and some elements that might surprise you, however all of this will be based on an agreement. Here it is:

The way your grade stands, without this project you will not earn credit this semester. If you complete ALL COMPONENTS of this project, you will earn credit in this class (and possibly others). Complete it well, and you might end up with a 2+ to boost your grade. The catch is, you have to complete the work – all of it. Some will be defined as you go, but if you accept the idea, your work in my classroom will be this from here on out. No vocabulary, no essays, no additional readings – just this, but ALL of this.

More details of this project will follow discussions with your teachers and staff.
