Page 1: Ciudad Mateo Church of Christ Honduras Mission Junio... · Ask prayers to them. My family in Choluteca is doing

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Penny Rile.

It is an opportunity again to write you and tell about my work here in Tegucigalpa as your missionary, first I

want to say thanks so much for all you do for Lourdes and Me, and the work in Mateo is doing well, with a lot

of responsibilities and busy time. But the church with different areas is doing well. Now we are in rain time,

this year we will receive a lot of rain. And many families live close to the River and could be dangerous for

them. Ask prayers to them.

My family in Choluteca is doing well, my mother had a very hard accident her hand was cut, she received a big

surgery and she is recovery and physical therapy. My whole brothers are doing well and my only sister too.

The Church in Mateo is doing very well in all areas, as you know we are working in 3 areas as ours abilities

and skills deserve, Leopoldo as the Preacher also gave us other participation and privilege in the regular

services and special topic for Lourdes. Also the church received 2 families of students from Baxter practices and

2 singles every weekend.

Here are some activities we did during last 2 months:

In May and June we received about 5 groups from US working on: building wood houses, , water system

collector , also they did VBS, chicken coop and rabbit coop, we had baptized, child presentation, Mother Day´s

Celebration and many activities more.

Ciudad Mateo Church of Christ

Honduras Mission Report

Marvin & Lourdes


Tegucigalpa, Honduras CA.

Res. Viena, Casa # 10

Tel. (504) 2255-6151

Cel. (504) 9928-6100


[email protected].


[email protected]

To: Penny Rile Church of

Christ, Madisonville, KY, USA



Page 2: Ciudad Mateo Church of Christ Honduras Mission Junio... · Ask prayers to them. My family in Choluteca is doing

MP is working hard for our big activity next October

1st , we will have the first Regional Encounter of

Elderly People, we hope to receive around 250 old

people from Church of Christ from all State of

Francisco Morazán. The volunteers and member are working for it in many

things, also thanks so much brothers and Sister in Penny Rile for sent us a

help for this event.

we are working on this event very hard in planning all things for have very

special day for ours elderly people and celebrate the International Day of

Old People at the same time

We are investing in some logistics areas; we bought a Printer, also 500 bracelets will the theme

¨Proyecto Matusalen¨ we will spent a budget 45,000 Lps in Food and Drinks, transportation,

papers, coffee Break, T-shirt, gift , Banners, and more.

We are doing selling of food after Sundays services to get money for this event. Other activites we

did are: lunch with volunteers and leaders, mother´s and Father´s

Day Celebration. Cooperation with patients and many more

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As you know Lourdes and I we also are working with the Celo Program,

we received a help from you to pay for all materials, also this year, we got

a Bible and a Dictionary for a better study for ours students. We finish

with the 2nd term, October and November we finish with the last one, also we are very interesting

to attending the Gradutation, it will be at Baxter and maybe this year or student can participated

on the banquet. We have 8 students ready for this great event.

Lourdes and I we are working also with Child whom has psychological and

behavior problems, we started with the evaluation and process to help them in

this area. We invest time in each children to help in learning problem and given

them therapeutic and assistance to their parents too.

Lourdes and Me

Lourdes Condition: last August 9th Lourdes has a Ovaries Surgery as you

know since long time, thanks God Lourdes is doing well and recovery in

excellent condition, she will start to taking some hormone treatment

and need a colonoscopy for next month. Thanks God nothing cancer on

the ovary. Lourdes and I we are very thankful with your Brothers and

Sister in Pennyrile for your prayers and for the Help you sent for this

hard process for us and Lourdes Condition. Thanks so Much and God

Bless you.

In July my Mother had a very hard accident in our house in

Choluteca, her arm was severed she lost many blood and was

need a big surgery and right now she is physiotherapy, to back to

have normal movement. As you know these last months were

very hard for me and my whole family, we had two very

dangerous moment with Lourdes and with our mother in


But thanks God these two women are strong and faithfully and right now are doing well, we

continue for prayers.

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- I started to study my second Master Degree in Psychometry and Education Evaluation, at

National University I started it last May, and It will be for 2 years.

- I am teaching as professor per hours in the national university, I get a little extra money

there its not too much, but it help me in some spending that we have.

- In June Lourdes and I we received 3 seminars from USAID, we were invited to participated

on it because we are very involve in social psychology and psychometry.

- Lourdes this year started coordinates a Master Degree in Psychology Faculty.

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Lourdes and Me

Last June 1st we celebrated our 4th anniversary with Lourdes we spent a very good time together,

also in July 10th my wife and family celebrated my 31st birthday here at our home, my family come

from Choluteca and we had a very good a special time.

Brothers and Sister in Penny Rile, we want to say thanks so much for your love and support, thanks

for the help you sent with Gabriella for Lourdes Surgery and Recovery and her treatment. We are

very bless to have you in our lives. Our love and thankful with you always you are in ours prayes.

God bless you all.

Att. Marvin & Lourdes Rivera
