Download pdf - CITYWATCH _SRS

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS


    Software Requirements Specifications

    Team Members:Meruga Jyothi Swaroop 09P71A0528

    Valamarthy Sri Tej 09P71A0593

    Project Guide:Anne Tryphena

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    Revision History

    Date Version Description Author

    15-Feb-2012 1.0 Synopsis White Hat

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    Table of Contents1. Introduction

    1.1 Purpose

    1.2 Scope

    1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

    1.4 References

    1.5 Technologies to be used

    1.6 Overview

    2. Overall Description2.1 Product Perspective

    2.2 Software Interface

    2.3 Hardware Interface2.4 Communication Interface

    2.5 Use Case Model Survey

    2.6 Class diagram

    2.7 Activity Diagram

    2.8 Sequence diagram

    2.9 Schema Diagram

    2.10 ER Diagrams3. Specific Requirements3.1 Use Case Reports

    3.2 Supplementary Requirements

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    Software Requirement Specification1.0 Introduction

    CITY WATCH A user friendly website for the public to publish thedisfunctional city infrastructure including the location and department. Everyone has

    a Android phone install a simple Android app that will take the pic and let the user

    input the location details and upload the info to the website. Then general public can

    go to the website to see a catalogue of the things reported.

    1.1PurposeIn our City watch project we intend to solve day to day social

    problems among cities by the photos and details entered regarding infrastructure of

    the city. These will be seen by many of the public, politicians and even responsible

    departments (Road, Electricity, Police). By seeing these details in website theconcerned department get a better chance of knowing what kind of problems are

    there and where they are and tries to fix those problems.

    1.2 Scope Problems can be posted by users (who are registered only in this

    Android app).Any user (Guest, Registered) can view the reports uploaded by

    registered users in the website.

    Registration is done only through Android app and login can be donefrom anywhere.

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    Registered user can view his reported items and can change the statusof their reports such as fixed / broken or can delete the report.

    The Registered user can view others reports and can give suggestionson their report.

    Catalogue of the reports can be viewed according to area, city, road. Ids of the reported user is not shown to anybody except admin. Image uploaded will have watermark of the website.A button against each reported item is maintained in order to report

    inappropriate or offensive content (Report Abusive) which will show

    up in the Administrators report. The admin using these offensive content clicks on a particular item he

    can delete that item

    1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations Admin Administrator (super user), he is the controller of all the

    users, reported items and maintains all records of the reports.

    Registered users Can post, view, modify the status of the reportedproblem.

    Guest users Can see only the reports uploaded by the Registeredusers.

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    HTML Hypertext Markup Language is to create static websites. J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition is a programming platform and it is

    he part of the java platform for developing and running distributed java


    WAS Web sphere application server community edition is anapplication server that runs and supports the J2EE and web service


    RSA Rational Software Architect is a designer toolkit which isdesigned for develop more complex projects by providing fully

    dynamic web service.

    DB2 Database 2 is the database management system that provides aflexible and efficient database platform to erect strong on demand

    business applications.

    XML - Extensive Markup Language used for data transfer and XML isstored naturally in DB2

    EJB Enterprise java bean, it is architecture for the development anddeployment of transactional, distributed object applications-based,

    server-side software components.

    HTTP Hypertext transfer protocol is a transaction orientedclient/server protocol between web browser and a web server.

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    HTTPS Secure hypertext transfer protocol is a hypertext transferprotocol over secure socket layer. TCP/IP Transmission control protocol/internet protocol is the

    communication protocol used to connect hosts on the internet.

    1.4 References IEEE SRS format Project specification requirement (provided by IBM) Google

    1.5 Technologies usedUML Unified Modelling LanguageXML Extensive Mark Up LanguageJ2EE Application architectureAJAX Asynchronous Java script And XML

    e-FORMS An e-form (electronic form) is a computer program version of apaper form

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    WEB 2.0 The term Web 2.0 is associated with web applications thatfacilitate participatory information sharing, interoperability, user-centered

    design,and collaboration on the World Wide Web

    WEB-SERVICES Web Services can convert your application into a Web-application, which can publish its function or message to the rest of the world.

    The basic Web Services platform is XML + HTTP.

    SOA A service-oriented architecture is essentially a collection of services.These services communicate with each other

    1.6 Tools used ROSE/RSA/Web Sphere Modeler Eclipse/RAD/Portlet Factory RTC and Requirement manager with Eclipse integrated Android


    WebSphere Portal / WAS / WAS CE / WPS DB2 Express-C or DB2 UDB Tivoli CDP / TSM / Tivoli Directory Server

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    Linux OSApache Webserver / TOMCAT

    1.7 Overview:The SRS will include two sections, namely:

    Overall Description: This section will describe major components of thesystem, interconnections, and external interfaces.

    Specific Requirements: This section will describe thefunctions of actors, their roles in the system and the constraints faced by the


    2. Overall DescriptionDescribe the general factors that affect the product and its requirements.

    2.1 Product Perspective: The web pages (XHTML/JSP) are present to provide the user

    interface on client side. Communication between client and server is

    provided through HTTP/HTTPS protocols.

    The Client Software is to provide the user interface on system userclient side and for this TCP/IP protocols are used.

    On the server side web server is for EJB and database server is forstoring the information.

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement SpecificationDate 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    2.2 Software Interface:Client on Internet:Web Browser, Operating System (any)Client on Intranet: Client Software, Web Browser, Operating System (any)Web Server:WAS, Operating System (any)Data Base Server: DB2, Operating System (any)Development End: RAD (J2EE, Java, Java Bean, Servlets, Jsp, Ejb), DB2,Linux, Web Server.

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    2.3 Hardware Interface:Minimum Hardware requirements:

    Client side


    Processor RAM Disk SpacePentium III at

    500 MHz

    128MB 1GB

    Server side

    Web sphereapplicationserver v6.1

    Pentium IV at

    1.3 GHz

    512MB 2GB

    DB2V9.1 Pentium IV at1.3 GHz 512MB 1GB(Excludingdata size)

    2.4 Communication Interface: Client on Internet will be using HTTP/HTTPS protocol. Client on Intranet will be using TCP/IP protocol.

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    2.5Use-Case Model Survey:USE CASE DIAGRAM

    User: Registers through Android app and uploads the details of thedis infrastructure of the city.Admin: Controls the entire database and the actions of the user are

    seen by admin.

    Guest User: Can only view the problems in the website

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    2.6 Class Diagrams

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    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    2.7Activity Diagrams

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    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    2.8Sequence DiagramsCase 1:User Reports a problem

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    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    Case 2: Viewing and updation of reports

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    Case 3:Report abusive content and suggestions

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    2.9 Schema Diagram

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    2.10 ER Diagram

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    3. Specific Requirements3.1Usecase Reports


  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat



  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch 15-Feb-2012

    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    3.2 Supplementary Requirements 24 x 7 Availability - If the base is now the entire world, staying open 24

    hours a day becomes critical. Because system can be an automated Process, so it can

    stay open for 24 hours a day. So UPS support must be on server site for at least 8

    hours in case of power failure. System will remain inaccessible to users at 2:00 to

    4:00 am for backup and maintenance purpose.

    Dynamic Website - Many early Web implementations consisted of staticHTML pages. This becomes very difficult to manage if the number of pages gets too

    large. An effective system should be largely dynamic taking advantage of technology

    that automates this process rather than relying on manual processes. Application

    should serve dynamic user based customized web pages to its clients from server.

    Integration with existing enterprise systems Any existing Web site thatrelies on the manual duplication of data from another system is one that can be

    improved. Most of the business data in the world today exists in enterprise servers

    that can be connected to the Web servers to make this process far more effective.

    Provide good performance and the ability to scale the server The Webapplication Server should provide good performance and the ability to manage

    performance with techniques, such as support for caching, clustering, and load


    Providing session management capability -Web application developersshould not spend valuable time worrying about how to maintain sessions within the

    application. The Web Application Server should provide these services.

  • 8/2/2019 CITYWATCH _SRS



    Software Requirment Specification


    City Watch Version 1.0

    Software Requirement Specification Date 15-Feb-2012

    White Hat

    Special ThanksWe convey a special thanks to our department and to our college.

    We also convey a special thanks to all these softwares and

    websites, they have been helping a lot in doing the project.
