Page 1: CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA IGLESIA DE SAN … · 2021. 4. 9. · habían abandonado una bandada más grande que migraban hacia un clima más cálido. Movido por la compasión,


Fourth Sunday of Advent Cuarto Domingo de Adviento

The Nativity of the Lord La Natividad del Señor The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José

December 22nd, December 25th, December 29th, 2019

Page 2: CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA IGLESIA DE SAN … · 2021. 4. 9. · habían abandonado una bandada más grande que migraban hacia un clima más cálido. Movido por la compasión,

From the Desk of the Pastor

2/Fourth Sunday of Advent/Christmas

Fourth Sunday of Advent w December 22nd, 2019The Nativity of the Lord w December 25th, 2019

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph w December 29th, 2019

Dear Parishioners,Recently, while rummaging through some older computer files in a des-

perate search to find something I wrote years ago (but never did find!), I came across this wonderful Christmas story. I had forgotten all about it. I have no clue who wrote it, but know, from a quick web search, that it is told in any number of different ways. Here is the version that was in my file. May this story help you to experience the true meaning of Christmas, bring-ing you comfort and joy in the reaffirmation that you are beloved of God.

Once upon a cold Christmas Eve, a man sat in reflective silence before the flames flickering in the fireplace, thinking about the meaning of Christmas. “There is no point to a God who became human,” he mused. “Why would an all-powerful God want to share even one of his precious moments with the likes of us? And even if he did, why would God choose to be born in a sta-ble? No way! The whole thing is absurd! I’m sure that if God really wanted to come down to earth, he would have chosen some other way.” Suddenly, the man was roused from his mus-ings by a strange sound outside. He sprang to the window and leaned on the sash. Outside he saw a gaggle of snow geese frantically honking and wildly flapping their wings amid the deep snow and frigid cold. They seemed dazed and confused. Apparently, due to exhaustion, they had dropped out of a larg-er flock who were migrating to a warmer climate.

Moved to compassion, the man bundled up and went out-side, He tried to “shoo” the shivering geese into the warm ga-rage, but the more he “shooed”, the more the geese panicked. “If they only realized that I’m trying to make them understand my concern for their well-being”.

Then a thought came to him: “If for just a minute, I could become one of them, if I could become a snow goose and communicate with them in their own language, then they would know what I’m trying to do.”

In a flash of inspiration, he remembered it was Christmas Eve. A warm smile crossed his face. The Christmas story no longer seemed absurd. He visualized an ordinary-looking in-fant lying in a manger in a stable in Bethlehem. He understood the answer to his Christmas problem: God became one-like-us to tell us, in human terms that we can understand, that he loves us, that he loves us right now, and that he is concerned with our well-being.

Wishing you peace, joy, love, & a very Merry & Blessed Christmas,Fr. Joe & the St. Ignatius Parish Staff

Estimados feligreses:Recientemente, buscando en unos archivos informáticos antiguos, en una

búsqueda desesperada por encontrar algo que escribí hace algunos años (¡pero que nunca que encontré!), me encontré con esta maravillosa historia de Navidad. Me había olvidado por completo de ella. No tengo idea

quién la escribió, pero sé, por una búsqueda rápida en la web, que se cuenta de diferentes maneras. Aquí está la versión que estaba en mi archivo. Espero que esta historia los ayude a experimentar el verdade-ro significado de la Navidad, brindando consuelo y gozo en la reafirmación de que son amados por Dios.

Una vez, en una fría Nochebuena, un hombre se sentó silencioso, reflexionando ante las llamas parpadeantes de la chimenea, pensando en el significado de la Navidad. "No tiene sentido de que un Dios se haya hecho humano", pensó. "¿Por qué querría un Dios todopoderoso compartir uno de

sus preciosos momentos con gente como nosotros? Y aunque lo hiciera, ¿por qué elegiría Dios nacer en un establo? ¡No es posible! ¡Todo esto es absurdo! Estoy seguro de que de si Dios realmente quisiera venir a la tierra, habría elegido otra manera". De repente, el hombre se despertó de sus reflex-iones por un extraño sonido de fuera. Saltó hacia la ventana y se apoyó en su borde. Afuera vio una bandada de gansos de nieve frenéticamente tocando y agitando salvajemente sus alas en medio de la nieve profunda y un frío helado. Parecían atur-didos y confundidos. Aparentemente, debido al agotamiento, habían abandonado una bandada más grande que migraban hacia un clima más cálido.

Movido por la compasión, el hombre se arropó y salió. Trató de "guiar" a los gansos temblorosos hacia un refugio caliente, pero cuanto más "los guiaba", los gansos entraban más en pánico. "Si sólo se dieran cuenta de que estoy tratando de ha-cerles entender mi preocupación por su bienestar".

Entonces se le ocurrió algo: "Si por un minuto, pudiera con-vertirme en uno de ellos, si pudiera convertirme en un ganso de nieve y comunicarme con ellos en su propio idioma, en-tonces sabrían lo que estoy tratando de hacer".

En un destello de inspiración, recordó que era Nochebuena. Una cálida sonrisa cruzó su rostro. La historia de Navidad ya no parecía absurda. Visualizó a un bebé de aspecto ordinario, acostado en un pesebre en un establo en Belén. Entendió la respuesta a su problema navideño: Dios se volvió único entre nosotros para decirnos, en términos humanos, que podemos entender que nos ama, que nos ama en este momento, y que está preocupado por nuestro bienestar.

Deseándoles paz, alegría, amor, y una muy feliz y bendita Navidad,P. Joe y el personal de la Parroquia de San Ignacio

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3/Fourth Sunday of Advent/Christmas

Christmas Day:Midnight Mass in Upper Church

(11:30 p.m. prelude)9 a.m. Mass in Upper Church11 a.m. Mass in Upper Church

Christmas Eve Vigil:4 p.m. - Children's Pageant Mass in

Upper Church*4 p.m. Mass in Lannon Chapel6 p.m. Mass in Upper Church

Christmas Mass Schedule

*Note: The Upper Church will be closed when it has reached capacity. In the spirit of community, only one seat may be reserved.

Christmas Vigil Mass ReadingsIsaiah 62:1-5 w Acts 13:16-17, 22-25

Matthew 1:1-254 p.m. Pageant & Midnight Mass Readings

Isaiah 9:1-6 w Titus 2:11-14 w Luke 2:1-14Christmas Day Mass Readings

Isaiah 52:7-10 w Hebrews 1:1-6 w John 1:1-18 Feast of the Holy Family Mass Readings

Sir 3:2-7,12-14 w Col 3:12-21 Matthew 2:13-15,19-23

The Holy Family, December 29thUpper Church: Saturday, 4 p.m.

Sunday, 8 a.m., 10 a.m., Noon & 5:30 p.m. Lannon Chapel: Noon (Misa En Español)

Solemnity of Mary, January 1stUpper Church: 10 a.m.

The Epiphany of the Lord, January 5thUpper Church: Bilingual Noon Mass

Office of the President

Rev. Joseph S. Costantino, S.J. Saint Ignatius Church 28 Commonwealth Avenue Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 United States of America

Dear Fr. Costantino,

Advent greetings and the peace of Christ.

Thank you very much for having me in Boston last month at Saint Ignatius in order to ask for financial support for Xavier. I knew people would be generous, but I was not expecting $10,000. For a school as poor and forgotten as we are, that is a tremendous boost. It is especially welcome at a time of year when money is tight for us.

When I was there, I said that St. Ignatius felt like “an old pair of shoes.” Having spent the summer after ordination there, returning has always felt like home. The parishioners there taught me a great deal about being a priest, and they were quick to forgive the mistakes of a freshly-minted rookie. I will always be grateful for that summer, and I always look forward to presiding at Mass there. I wish it were more often.

Once again, Joe, I cannot thank you enough for having me, and I cannot thank the parish enough for its generosity. I means more to us than you can imagine.

Please know of our prayers for Saint Ignatius here, especially at the Eucharist.

For Xavier,

Rev. Dennis M. Baker, S.J.

Xavier High School 1 Xavier Circle P.O. Box 220 Chuuk, FM 96942 Federated States of Micronesia

Feast of St. Stephen Thursday

December 26thThere will be only

one Mass at 9 a.m.

in the Lannon Chapel.

Thank You for Your Generosity!

to all of our singers and musi-cians, all our Liturgical Minis-ters, our Art and Environment Committee members, all of our parishioners and everyone who contributed so generously this Christmas Season to enhance

our Liturgical services.

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4/Fourth Sunday of Advent/Christmas

Outreach MinistriesFaith FormationChristmas Gift Drive 2019:

Thank you again for your response to our Christmas Gift Drive. Hundreds upon hundreds of folks will have a brighter Christmas because

of your concern and generosity

Advent Blessings & Merry Christmas from St. Ignatius Faith Formation! Faith Formation classes will resume on

January 12th, 2020.Bendiciones del Adviento & Feliz Navidad de Formacion de la Fe del San Ignacio! Las clases de Formacion en la Fe

empezaran el 12 de enero 2020.

Two additional catechists are needed for our Spring se-mester of Faith Formation. If you feel called to join our

wonderful team, please contact Annarose at [email protected].

New Créche Coming this Christmas!¡Un Nuevo Pesebre viene para Navidad!

En la homilía en la misa bilingüe del Tercer Do-mingo de Adviento, en la que honramos a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, anunciamos que esta Nav-idad obtendríamos un nuevo Belén (pesebre) con estatuas más grandes para la Iglesia de arriba. el pesebre más pequeño y hermoso que se ha utiliza-do en la Iglesia Superior encontrará un nuevo hogar en la Capilla Lannon.

Aunque la planificación de esto ha llevado meses, fue agradable saber que este año, el 1 de diciembre, el Papa Francisco emitió una breve Carta Apostólica, Admirabile Signum, sobre "la imagen encantadora del pesebre navideño". Esta imagen, escribe el Papa Francisco, “Toca nuestros corazones y nos hace entrar en la historia de la salvación como contemporáneos de un evento vivo y real en una amplia gama de contex-tos históricos y culturales. De una manera particular, desde la época de sus orígenes franciscanos, el belén nos ha invitado a "sentir" y "tocar" la pobreza que el Hijo de Dios asumió sobre sí mismo en la Encarnación. Implícitamente, nos convoca a seguirlo por el camino de la humildad, la pobreza y la abnegación que lleva del pesebre de Belén a la cruz. Nos pide que lo encon-tremos y le sirvamos mostrando misericordia a aquellos de nuestros hermanos y hermanas más necesitados (cf. Mt 25, 31-46)."

Que su mirada contemplativa del Pesebre en oración y su reflexión los ayude a experimentar la verdadera felicidad y alegría porque el niño Cristo nos muestra que Dios está con nosotros y nosotros estamos con él...para nunca dejarnos solos."

Pueden encontrar el texto de esta Carta Apostóli-ca en:

In the homily at the bilingual Mass on the Third Sunday of Advent in which we honored Our Lady of Guadalupe, we announced that we would be getting a new Nativity Scene with larger statues this Christ-mas for the Upper Church. The smaller, beautiful Créche that has been used in the Upper Church will find a new home in the Lannon Chapel.

Although planning for this new Créche has taken months, it was nice to learn that this year on Decem-ber 1st Pope Francis issued a brief Apostolic Letter, Admirabile Signum, about “the enchanting image of the Christmas crèche.” This image, Pope Francis writes, “touches our hearts and makes us enter into salvation history as contemporaries of an event that is living and real in a broad gamut of historical and cultural contexts. In a particular way, from the time of its Franciscan origins, the nativity scene has invited us to “feel” and “touch” the poverty that God’s Son took upon himself in the Incarnation. Implicitly, it summons us to follow him along the path of humility, poverty and self-denial that leads from the manger of Bethlehem to the cross. It asks us to meet him and serve him by showing mercy to those of our brothers and sisters in greatest need (cf. Mt 25:31-46)."

May your contemplative gazing upon the Créche in prayerful reflection help you to experience true happiness and joy for the Christ child shows us that God is with us and we are with him…never to leave us alone.”

You can find the text of this Apostolic Letter at:

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5/Fourth Sunday of Advent/Christmas

Please pray for: Saturday, December 21st4 p.m. - Helena Lee

Sunday, December 22nd8 a.m. - Helena Lee10 a.m. - Stancil Benedict10 a.m. (Family) - Mickie Teetor12 p.m. - The Regolino Family5:30 p.m. - Mary Dafarra

Monday, December 23rd12:15 p.m. - Joseph L. Mullen5:30 p.m. - Charles Hodges

Thursday, December 26th9 a.m. - Michael Mullowney

Friday, December 27th12:15 p.m. - Christine McDonald5:30 p.m. - Romano Micchiche

Saturday, December 28th4 p.m. - Carol Wallace Generoso

Sunday, December 29th8 a.m. - John Casey10 a.m. - David Von Euw12 p.m. - Edilberto Castillo5:30 p.m. - Jacqueline & James Feeney

Monday, December 30th12:15 p.m. - Margaret B. Zubiate5:30 p.m. - Kathleen Gay

Tuesday, December 31st12:15 p.m. - Gertrude & James Donovan5:30 p.m. - Anna Margaret Marchitelli

Wednesday, January 1st10 a.m. - Joan F. Hallisey

Thursday, January 2nd5:30 p.m. - Marin Carey

Friday, January 3rd12:15 p.m. - Nancy Corley

Saturday, January 4th4 p.m. - Miguel Alvir Barretto

Sunday, January 5th8 a.m. - Anne O'Brien10 a.m. - Helena Lee5:30 p.m. - Marie Maffeo Spence

Book DiscussionSunday, January 12th11:15 a.m. Parish Office ParlorThere will be a discussion of Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America. In these challenging times the author, Michael Eric Dyson, invites readers to be in touch with “the blackness that is prophecy, the blackness that is inexplicable hope in the face of savage hopelessness.” All are welcome to join this book discussion.

Men’s Spiritual GrowthThe next meeting will be on January 15th at 7 p.m.

in the Parish Office Parlor. All are welcome! There will not be a meeting on January 1st.

Racial Justice Subcommittee:"Racism is not merely one sin among many; it is a rad-ical evil that divides the human family and denies the new creation of a redeemed world. To struggle against it demands an equally radical transformation in our own minds and hearts as well as in the structure of society."

- US Catholic Bishops, 1979: Brothers and Sisters to Us. Healthcare:

Affordable healthcare is a growing issue in the United States. When healthcare is unaffordable, it is often de-nied. One example is the high cost of insulin (which con-tinues to increase). Because of rising premiums, high de-ductibles, co-payments and out of pocket expenses, some diabetics may find themselves in a position where they are unable to afford their medication. The consequences of skipping insulin can result in severe medical conditions and may even lead to death. Ensuring that our brothers and sisters have access to affordable healthcare is simply an act of justice. Let us all work for a system that puts

patients before profit. For more information, contact Maria Termini:

[email protected]

Peace, Justice & Reconciliation

Spiritual LifeSave the Date!

St. Ignatius Women's RetreatMarch 6th - 8th, 2020

The Connors Center - Dover, MASr. Nancy Sheridan, SASV, will lead women of the

Parish on this 12th annual retreat, titled "Moving through Chaos into Communion."

Information on cost and registration coming soon!

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6/Fourth Sunday of Advent/Christmas

Saint Ignatius of Loyola Church28 Commonwealth AvenueChestnut Hill, MA 02467

Phone: 617-552-6100 v Fax: 617-552-6101 v Email: [email protected] v Web: stignatiuschestnuthill.orgPARISH OFFICE HOURS

Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m (Closed 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.)

The Parish StaffRev. Joseph Costantino, S.J., Pastor [email protected] 617-552-6100Rev. Donald MacMillan, S.J., Associate Pastor [email protected] 617-552-6100Rev. Gerald Finnegan, S.J., Senior Priest [email protected] 617-552-6100 Karen O’Reilly, Accounts/HR Manager [email protected] 617-552-6117Michael Sennett, Administrative Assistant/Media Specialist [email protected] 617-552-6102Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC, Director of Outreach Ministries [email protected] 617-552-6107Matt Anderson, Organist, Director of Music Ministries [email protected] 617-552-6114Justin Hoch, Confirmation Coordinator [email protected] 617-552-6105Annarose Jowenson, Pre-K - 8 Coordinator [email protected] 617-552-6103 Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life & Ignatian Community Development Coordinator [email protected] 617-552-6112 Rev. Mr. Jason Downer, S.J., Transitional Deacon [email protected]. Mr. Doug Ray, S.J., Transitional Deacon [email protected] Huggins, Facilities Manager [email protected] 617-552-6100Maureen Saldarini, Funeral Coordinator [email protected] 617-552-6100Parish Pastoral Council [email protected]

The Celebration of the Eucharist

Newcomers to St. Ignatius are invited and encouraged to formally register as members of the parish so that we can stay in touch with you via email with Faith Formation news, notice of special events, volunteer opportunities and more.

Registration forms are available at the back of the church in the gathering space or on the website.Please note that you must be registered for at least six months before we can issue any verification

of your status as a parishioner for godparent or sponsor letters.

CAP Team (Child Abuse Protection) Ensures the protection of all, providing training, consultation, and support. Kathy Maher, Chair [email protected] Gervais, Team Member [email protected]

Other SacramentsReconciliation—Saturdays, 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the Upper Church or by appointment.Baptism—Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Infant and child Baptisms are by arrangement. First Eucharist—Preparation begins in grade one and incudes classes, retreats, and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in grade two.Confirmation—Our Confirmation program begins in 9th grade; students are confirmed in the spring of 10th grade. For young adults who have been baptized but are not yet confirmed, contact the Parish Office.Matrimony—Parishioners, BC Grads and non-parishioners are welcome to be married at St. Ignatius. Contact the parish office for available dates and details. Anointing of the Sick—By arrangement. Contact the parish office.

Upper ChurchLower Church

Lower ChurchLower ChurchUpper Church

8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 Noon, 5:30 p.m.10:00 a.m., Family Liturgy12:00 p.m., Misa En Español En La Capilla Lannon12:15 p.m. & 5:30 p.m [Friday Adoration -- 12:45 p.m.]9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. (Vigil)



Page 7: CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA IGLESIA DE SAN … · 2021. 4. 9. · habían abandonado una bandada más grande que migraban hacia un clima más cálido. Movido por la compasión,

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Merry ChristMas!

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For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Chestnut Hill, MA 4672

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