Page 1: CHURCH OF OUR FATHER Words from the Well …...Words from the Well February 2019 The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of Maine The Rev. John Allison, Rector The Rev. Mary-Carol Griffin,

Words from the Well February 2019

The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane,

Bishop of Maine The Rev. John Allison, Rector

The Rev. Mary-Carol Griffin, Deacon


HULLS COVE, MAINE 04644 207-288-4849

[email protected]

Dear members and friends of our parish family,

On February 2, The Feast of the Presentation, I celebrated the second anniversary of my

ordination to the priesthood. Two years is not a long time and second anniversaries are not

obvious markers within our culture, but in the course of my regular yearly reflection on what

it means to me to be a priest I’ve been struck with a particular awareness of how I have been

growing into my ministry and more broadly of how I understand my priesthood.

in the years leading up to my ordination I read much about the theological underpinnings

of priesthood and this year I’ve found myself drawn back to one essay in particular. This es-

say, entitled “Because Beset with Weakness,” takes it title from Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews

(5:2), which reads in it’s entirety “He is able to deal gently with the ignorant and wayward,

since he himself is subject to weakness.” The author goes on the contrast the commonly accepted notion of the

priest as one who is gifted with various abilities and aptitudes and is able to to use those in the service of robustly

building up the body of Christ with a more tempered, less obviously capable view of the priest as one who is

acutely aware of his or her various imperfections and weaknesses and is as prone as anyone, perhaps more so

even, to suffering the plight of our human frailty.

It’s an interesting piece of writing but one that I wasn’t so keen on fully accepting. Like anyone, it’s hard to

fully live into and admit vulnerabilities and the need for help. More specifically, as a new priest the need to ap-

pear confident and capable rises to the surface much more readily than the admission of vulnerability and humil-


The essay concludes by saying that, “To live this way is to live the paschal mystery of Christ in weakness and

in love . . . ‘He is not weak in dealing with you, but powerful in you. For he was crucified in weakness; but lives

by the power of God. For we are weak in Him, but in dealing with you we shall live with him by the power of

God’ (2 Corinthians 13,3,4).” There is much paradox in our lives as disciples and that paradox continues in my

vocation as priest.

I’ve been especially aware of that paradox this year as my ordination anniversary came on the heels of the

unexpected death of Kathleen’s brother and the not so distant death of her father last fall. These losses have been

hard for our family as have the various complications of geographic distance as we attend to the closing of their

personal affairs. Two things have been constant for me through all of this: first, the gentle tug of my various

priestly responsibilities and pastoral concerns; second, and, I’m learning most important, is the love of God that

has been shown to us in the many prayers and cards and phone calls that we have received from so many of you.

Indeed, this has been a reminder of just how subject I am as priest to the weakness and suffering we experience

in our humanity and how God does not leave us alone in that condition. In order to open myself to that Divine

love, I must first admit that I can not do it on my own, without God’s help and the help of God’s people. We live

in a culture where self-sufficiency and pride often hinders us from receiving what others have to offer and in

some ways, a priest is especially subject to that culture of self-sufficiency. What I have learned this year, as I re-

flect on my ordination, is that it’s in embracing my vulnerabilities that I’m enabled to more fully live into my

calling. You have all helped me to do that in my time here and especially in this time of healing that follows

great loss. I thank you and I thank God for your ministry to me and to Kathleen and pray that we continue to

grow together in our call to love one another as God loves us.



Page 2: CHURCH OF OUR FATHER Words from the Well …...Words from the Well February 2019 The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of Maine The Rev. John Allison, Rector The Rev. Mary-Carol Griffin,


Fr. John’s Available Office Hours are: Tuesday, 11 am-2pm Wednesday, 9 am—Noon Thursday, Noon-2 pm Friday, Noon-2 pm AND by Appointment Call 207-669-2033 or E-mail : [email protected]

Come Home For Supper is back!

Look for the sign up sheet on the hallway bulletin board then join the fun starting Sat-

urday, March 2nd! The suppers at various parishioners’ homes are a way for folks to

become better acquainted and to increase the feeling of community in our island con-

gregations through food, fellowship and fun! The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board

and the deadline to sign up for the March 2 supper is Sunday, February 17th!

Bar Harbor Food Pantry Sign

up—Volunteer list online—click below:


Men’s Bible Study at

St. Mary’s NEH

at 1 pm on Tuesday,

February 12!

If you are interested in read-

ing Romans as part of The

Good Book Club study start-

ing in January, you may click

on the link <here> . This is a

national study group and eve-

ryone is welcome to partici-


Page 3: CHURCH OF OUR FATHER Words from the Well …...Words from the Well February 2019 The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of Maine The Rev. John Allison, Rector The Rev. Mary-Carol Griffin,


Our ECW ladies having fun making their special Valentines!

We wish you a day full of love and mercy on Thursday, February 14th!

Page 4: CHURCH OF OUR FATHER Words from the Well …...Words from the Well February 2019 The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of Maine The Rev. John Allison, Rector The Rev. Mary-Carol Griffin,



Youth and Family Ministry 2018

All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be

the peace of your children (Isaiah 54:13)

Mission Statement: “To bring youth and families into a closer

relationship with Jesus Christ and one another.” Adopted in

February 2012

Youth and Family Ministry (Y&FM) is dedicated to growing not only our youth, but families as well, in the love

and knowledge of Christ. The committee is most appreciative of the many parishioners who have helped and

planned and participated in the various Y&FM events.

What Blessings and Great Joy Abound for Church of Our Father Youth and Family Ministry

2018 has been another year of change and growth for the Youth and Family ministry.

With a focus on family we are so thankful to parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles who have faithfully brought

children to worship in 2018.

Each week the children join us in worship and have grown in their understanding and participation.

After the worship the children join at the “circle table “where they attend a time of education and fun.

“Having the children present in the parish hall gives them a feeling of being part of the church community and

gives our church community an opportunity to be part of and witness what the children are learning. I especially

love when we can be interactive with the congregation as a whole. It is the body of Christ at work!” Chris


Education time has included

Making a booklet that looks at different aspects of our worship service and what they mean

A series of lessons on Lent ,Easter and Pentecost

A variety of lessons based on the readings or sermon on that Sunday

An Advent study “What we do in Advent, an Anglican kids Workbook” By Anne Kitch

Mission opportunities included

Learning about our sponsor children in Mityana and providing financial support so they can continue their educa-


Researching and giving money to Compassion International

Shopping for and packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child

Loading Food Pantry donations

Cards for folks on our prayer list and others we miss seeing at worship

Providing assistance for those in need at Christmas

Highlights of the year include

Two baptisms – Marley Nichols and Samaria Hudak

A fall train ride on the Downeast Express

A family advent event including a craft , meal and a viewing of “ The Star”

Our year was capped off with a Christmas eve service full of the voices of children and a great showing of teens

and young adults who have grown up in our church family. God Is Good!!!!

See next page

Page 5: CHURCH OF OUR FATHER Words from the Well …...Words from the Well February 2019 The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of Maine The Rev. John Allison, Rector The Rev. Mary-Carol Griffin,


(Cont’d from page 4)

Hopes for the future

Some hopes for the future:

Interact with other MDI Episcopal youth as the inter church cooperation expands

Play a role on some level in the services

Have an off-site event – maybe summer

Invite their friends to some of what we do

Utilize new and inspiring curriculum/ideas

Encourage some to go to Camp Bishopswood – there are funds in the Dedicated for some coverage of expenses.

Chris Krenicki – Chair of Youth and Family Ministries

Page 6: CHURCH OF OUR FATHER Words from the Well …...Words from the Well February 2019 The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of Maine The Rev. John Allison, Rector The Rev. Mary-Carol Griffin,

January 27

Epiphany 3

10 am

Holy Eucharist

And Annual



Labors of Love



articles and

photos due


Fr. John



8 am Morning

Prayer &


Fr. John away


Fr. John away

February 1

12-2 Fr. John




Epiphany 4

8 am & 10 am

Holy Eucharist



11 –2

Fr. John in


8 am Holy

Eucharist &


9-12 Fr. John in


12-2 Fr. John



12-2 Fr. John



Election of

the 10th

Bishop of


10 Epiphany 5

8 am & 10 am

Holy Eucharist

Fr. Tim Fleck




11 –2

Fr. John in

1-3 Men’s


Study St



8 am Holy

Eucharist &


9-12 Fr. John in


12-2 Fr. John



12-2 Fr. John




Epiphany 6

8 am & 10 am

Holy Eucharist

11:45 am Vestry


18 19

11 –2

Fr. John in


8 am Holy 8 am

Holy Eucharist &


9-12 Fr. John in


12-2 Fr. John



12-2 Fr. John




Epiphany 7

8 & 10 am

Holy Eucharist


Labors of Love



articles and

photos due


11 –2

Fr. John in

27 8 am Holy

Eucharist &


9-12 Fr. John in


12-2 Fr. John


March 1

12-2 Fr. John



February 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Page 7: CHURCH OF OUR FATHER Words from the Well …...Words from the Well February 2019 The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of Maine The Rev. John Allison, Rector The Rev. Mary-Carol Griffin,

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

3 February ~ Epiphany 4

The congregations of St. Andrew’s, Millinocket and St. Thomas’,

Winn. For all prayerfully preparing to participate in the Convention

to Elect the Tenth Bishop of Maine.

10 February ~ Epiphany 5 The congregations of Christ Church, Norway and Trinity

(Lutheran), South Paris . For all those in ministries of teaching and

Christian formation.

17 February ~ Epiphany 6 The congregations of St. Margaret’s, Belfast and St. Andrew’s,

Newcastle . For all church musicians and choirs

24 February ~ Epiphany 7

The congregations of St. Alban’s, Cape Elizabeth and St.

Nicholas’, Scarborough. For the sick and those who care for


Intercessory Prayer for our Friends, Family, Military, Prison Ministry, Diocese & Missionaries:

Pray for Sean Killian, departed this life; for Geoff Schuller, Bill Krenicki, Isabel Cordova, Haji, Avila, Beth Kid-

der, Gina Farnsworth, Fr. Bob Raymond, Bill Kirk, Stacey Austin, Donna Cardillo, Cindy, Roger Evans, Carl

Hatch, Christina Heiniger, Ursula Heiniger, Helen, Cameron Knable, Kim and Jean Lasater, Gary Lyons, Ronald

Olson, Tony & Shawn Smoker, Bob Theriault, Lloyd Woods, Anne Zaslau, the Ministry of Hospice and the Bar

Harbor Food Pantry. Our Military: Pray for those who serve in the armed forces, of the USA. Prison Ministry:

Pray for peace in our prisons.


Birthdays 2/1 Nancy Salisbury 2/2 Ursula Heiniger 2/8 Hayley & Maya Libitzki-McCabe 2/10 Isaac Higgins 2/12 David Hawkes 2/13 The Rev. John Allison 2/14 Aggie Sawyer 2/19 Steve Biggers 2/23 Ken Linscott 2/29 Mary Leland-Hopkins Anniversaries 2/2 The Rev. John Allison Celebrates his ordination as priest 2/14 Frank Gray & Ada Hatch

(Please let Muffet know if we may add yours)

Anglican Cycle of Prayer Sunday, 3 February 2019

Pray for the Anglican Church of Burundi, The Most Revd Martin Blaise Nyaboho - Archbishop

of Burundi & Bishop of Makamba

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Pray for the Anglican Church of Canada, The Most Revd Frederick Hiltz - Primate of the Angli-

can Church of Canada

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Pray for the Church of the Province of Central Africa, The Most Revd Albert Chama -

Archbishop of Central Africa & Bishop of Northern Zambia

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Pray for the Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America.,The Rt Revd Julio Murray

Thompson - Primate of IARCA & Bishop of Panama

Page 8: CHURCH OF OUR FATHER Words from the Well …...Words from the Well February 2019 The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of Maine The Rev. John Allison, Rector The Rev. Mary-Carol Griffin,

Church of Our Father Holy Eucharist: Sunday 8 and 10 am

Wednesday 8 am

(followed by light breakfast)

Words From The Well

IN THIS ISSUE P. 1-2 Fr John Allison P. 3-5 News/Announcements P. 6-7 Calendar/Birthdays/Anniversaries/Prayers

February 2019

CHURCH OF OUR FATHER P.O. Box 186 HULLS COVE, MAINE 04644 Office—207-288-4849 [email protected] (GPS location: 91 State Hwy 3, Bar Harbor)
