  • Copyright 2000-2004 RC History

    Chronological List of Saints Keyed to

    Saints for Young Readers For Every Day of the Year, Volumes One and Two*

    Published by Pauline Books and Media 1995

    List compiled by Sonya Romens

    This list came about as I searched for a good source for information about the saints for our familys history studies. I could find no comprehensive book which included easy-to-read biographies of the canon of saints that also included historical and geographical information as well as a list of the saints in chronological order. I did, however, find Saint For Young Readers from the Daughters of St. Paul, which fulfilled all but the chronological order. The stories in these two volumes are written for a upper elementary and middle school reading level and include information about the historical and geographical context in which each saint lived. The books, however, list the saints, as most do, in the calendar order by their feast days. In order to adapt the books for easier use as additions to our history studies I compiled the following list of the saints, reordered in the chronological order by the centuries in which they lived and died. *Note: Unfortunately Volume Two is currently out of print. I have included the names of the saints, the locations mentioned in their story, the year of their death if available and their feast day. Year of Death: There are several reasons that I chose to use the saints year of death to order them chronologically. First, they are the most readily available and agreed upon dates, particularly for the early history of Christendom. They are also the dates used to determine a saints feast day. Also, particularly in the case of martyrs, it connects them to other saints who died in the same year often under the same or very similar circumstances. I have used the dates given in the stories, if a particular year is not mentioned I have omitted it and just placed the saint in the correct century. Feast Days: The feast day listed for each saint is the one given in the newest edition of the Saints for Young Readers. The feast days serve as an index to the stories in the two volumes for those of you who have these books. Locations: I tried to choose the locations in which spent the bulk of his/her life according to the stories. In some cases I included more than one country. One idea is to look up the locations on a map as you read the stories. Another interesting project is to chart the spread of Christianity through the centuries. As you read through the lists you can see the Faith beginning in Palestine and the Middle East then slowly branch out into Africa, Europe, Asia and finally the Americas. Also, ask your children why they think there are so many or so few saints listed at a particular time or place. What historical events contributed to the abundance or lack or saints and martyrs in those areas at a given time? Can you see Gods plan for the world reflected in the gifts of particular saints He destined to live at that time and place? From one ancestor [God] made all nations to inhabit the whole earth, and he allotted the times of their existence and the boundaries of the places where they would live, so that they would search for God and perhaps grope for him and find him though indeed he is not far from each of us. Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 28
