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Proposal for the Development of Milkweed Edition’s First How-To


Proposal Author:

Christopher M. Douglas


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 Proposal  to  Create  a  How-­‐To  Manual  Designed  to  Interest  Readers  of  Current  Milkweed  Edition  Publications  as  well  as  the  General  How-­‐To  Readership    Executive  Summary  Milkweed  Editions  should  publish  the  how-­‐to  book  entitled,  The  Delightful  Taste  of  Malus:  A  Multitasker’s  Guide  to  Baking  an  Apple  Pie  Without  Losing  Your  Best  friend.  The  problem  facing  the  publication  of  this  book  is  successfully  attracting  the  broad  how-­‐to  readership  while  upholding  the  literary  standards  Milkweed  Editions  represents.  After  carful  research  and  market  analysis,  the  primary  themes  and  selected  writing  style  that  appear  throughout  the  book  have  shown  to  interest  an  audience  base  that  incudes  both  current  Milkweed  readers  as  well  as  the  general  how-­‐to  audience.  Based  on  our  prepared  work  plan  and  budget,  my  staff  and  I  will  complete  this  project  on  October  1st,  2014  and  the  budget  will  include  all  necessary  production  costs  totaling  $128,000.00.        Introduction  Since  Dale  Carnegie  first  released  the  bestselling  book  entitled,  How  to  Win  Friends  and  Influence  People  in  1936,  the  publishing  industry  has  seen  the  “How-­‐To”  genre  grow  at  a  pace  that  has  yet  to  show  any  measure  of  decline.  When  comparing  the  amount  of  opportunity  this  literary  genre  generates  to  other  avenues  of  the  book  business,  one  can’t  help  but  see  the  vast  differences.  I  believe  Milkweed  Editions  can  participate  in  this  growth  and  in  doing  so,  have  the  unique  ability  to  transform  a  genre  dominated  by  a  lack  of  individuality,  creativity  and  overt  “sameness.”  With  the  help  of  my  writing  staff  and  the  support  of  Milkweed  Editions,  we  can  create  a  unique  how-­‐to  manual  that  combines  both  America’s  love  of  the  culinary  arts  with  our  unwavering  need  for  relationship  advice,  these  being  the  two  bestselling  categories  in  the  how-­‐to  market.  It  will  be  a  clever,  humorous  and  anecdotal  book  on  how  to  heal  a  troubled  relationship  with  the  help  of  our  nation’s  favorite  dessert,  the  apple  pie.  At  each  step  throughout  the  baking  process,  the  reader  may  be  greeted  by  a  relatable  quote  from  the  Dali  Lama,  a  funny  road  story  from  Anthony  Bourdain  or  advice  from  Dr.  Drew  Pensky,  a  leading  expert  in  mending  relationships.    After  careful  research  of  the  how-­‐to  book  publishing  industry,  the  need  for  Milkweed  Editions  unique  contributions  became  clear.  The  top  25-­‐bestselling  how-­‐to  publications  on,  and  all  seem  to  be  the  same  version  of  about  two  or  three  different  books.  Most  how-­‐to’s  address  the  same  topics,  read  identically  and  almost  always  sell  at  highly  profitable  rates.    It  is  this  need  for  uniqueness  and  individuality  that  Milkweed  Editions  can  provide.  The  homogenized,  oversaturated  and  financially  viable  how-­‐to  market  displays  the  overwhelming  need  for  something  different  to  “elevate”  the  genre  that  in  turn  will  prove  to  be  a  success  for  the  company.      Throughout  the  course  of  this  proposal,  I  will  establish  the  various  needs  within  the  how-­‐to  market  then  demonstrate  how  my  proposed  publication  will  meet  each  of  these  needs.    

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 Problem  Statement  The  degree  to  which  each  title  in  the  how-­‐to  catalogue  looks  similar  to  the  next  is  at  times  unbelievable.  To  better  illustrate  this  point,  let’s  look  at  two  of  the  bestselling  authors  in  the  how-­‐to/self-­‐help  genre,  Louise  Hay  and  Rick  Warren.  Mrs.  Hay  is  the  author  of  the  book,  You  Can  Heal  Your  Life,  not  long  after  it’s  publication,  Mr.  Warren  released,  The  Purpose  Driven  Life.  Both  of  these  works  are  similar  in  title,  content  and  “readability.”  Another  example  is  Cybele  Pascal’s,  The  Allergen  Free  Baker’s  Handbook,  released  within  months  of  Collette  Martin’s,  Learning  to  Bake  Allergen-­‐Free.  This  trend  is  found  all  throughout  the  various  sub-­‐genres  in  the  how-­‐to  market.  Because  of  this  vastly  homogenous  catalogue,  Milkweed  Editions  has  an  excellent  opportunity  to  stand  out.    I  have  laid  out  the  problems  within  the  how-­‐to  industry  and  presented  clear  evidence  to  support  my  claims.  To  better  explain  how  this  project  could  prove  to  be  successful  while  avoiding  the  inherent  shortcomings  in  the  genre,  I  will  answer  a  series  of  questions  designed  to  illustrate  the  points  mentioned  previous.    Ø  Why  would  this  book  be  successful?  In  doing  research  for  the  content  of  my  book,  I  looked  to  see  what  categories  within  the  how-­‐to  genre  were  most  popular.  By  a  large  margin,  the  highest  selling  and  most  common  topics  deal  with  either  self-­‐help/relationship  advice  or  food.  Author  Micki  McGee  presents  data  in  her  book,  Self-­‐Help,  Inc.  that  shows  the  how-­‐to/self-­‐help  industry  to  be  a  billion  dollar  industry  with  rapid  growth  every  year.  In  combining  these  two  common  themes,  food  and  self-­‐help,  the  relatability  and  accessibility  is  maximized.  Along  with  attracting  a  broader  audience,  my  writing  staff  will  apply  the  same  innovative  writing  approach  that  Milkweed  readers  have  come  to  expect  and  enjoy.  Our  entrance  into  this  new  market,  yielding  a  fresh  approach,  will  spark  the  interest  our  readership.    Ø  Who  would  purchase  this  book?  Based  upon  my  research,  it  is  projected  that  buyers  of  this  book  will  likely  skew  towards  women,  ages  18  to  55.  This  research  is  based  on  statistics  relating  to  the  buyers  of  how-­‐to  books  on  the  topics  of  both  food  and  self-­‐help.  Recent  data  provided  by  states  women  overwhelming  purchase  more  how-­‐to  cooking/self-­‐help  books  then  men,  spending  and  estimated  eleven  billion  dollars  per  year  since  2008.  However,  due  to  the  demographics  of  Milkweed  Editions  readership,  men  ages  18  to  55  are  likely  to  be  potential  buyers  as  well.    Ø How  large  is  the  audience?  The  self-­‐help/how-­‐to  industry  reaches  millions  of  Americans  each  year.  Statistically,  Marketdata  Inc.  shows  self-­‐help  seminars  host  tens  of  thousands  of  Americans  throughout  the  year  with  an  annual  gross  income  of  an  estimated  2.3  billion  dollars.  The  food  industry  is  a  powerhouse  as  well.  As  a  singular  example,  states  its  television  channel  reaches  all  of  the  US,  Europe,  parts  of  Asia,  Africa,  South  

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America  and  many  other  countries.  With  these  two  potential  audiences  as  well  as  current  Milkweed  readers,  the  audience  is  estimated  to  be  in  the  millions.    Ø  Why  would  your  book  stand  out  among  others  like  it?  The  primary  objective  behind  this  project  is  the  production  a  successful  book  that  is  inherently  unique  among  other  how-­‐to  books  on  the  market.  The  work  will  combine  self-­‐help/relationship  advice  with  “how-­‐to”  style  cooking.  The  book  will  use  humor  through  storytelling,  provide  meaningful  quotes,  and  offer  heart  felt  advice  to  help  the  reader  forgive  and  forget.  At  the  end  of  the  humorous  and  reflective  journey,  the  reader  baked  an  apple  pie  to  offer  the  one  they  love.  Another  major  distinction  between  this  book  and  others  in  its  genre  is  due  impart  by  the  approach  my  team  and  I  will  take  during  the  entire  writing  process.  Our  number  one  priority  is  the  observance  of  all  literary  standards  set  out  by  Milkweed  Editions.    Proposed  Solution  The  commercially  viable  how-­‐to  industry  continues  to  saturate  the  market  with  books  that  have  little  character  and  almost  no  literary  viability.  This  in  turn  presents  the  biggest  problem  that  stands  in  front  of  Milkweed  Edition’s  entrance  into  the  how-­‐to  world;  how  do  we  present  a  work  that  has  the  ability  to  attract  current  Milkweed  readers  while  simultaneously  attracting  an  entirely  new  readership?  In  order  to  solve  this  issue,  I  will  link  my  proposed  solution  to  the  problem,  provide  details  of  how  the  work  will  be  completed,  include  samples  of  the  book  that  are  currently  in  the  works,  and  provide  a  timeline  that  will  clearly  outline  our  production  schedule.    Ø Connecting  the  solution  to  the  problem  The  loyal  readership  of  Milkweed  Editions  is  undoubtedly  our  greatest  asset,  their  continued  support  is  the  engine  that  drives  all  aspects  of  the  company.  Maintaining  the  standard  our  readers  expect  is  absolutely  vital  and  must  be  a  guiding  principle  throughout  this  project.  The  task  of  maintaining  our  integrity  while  bringing  together  readers  of  Milkweed  Editions  with  those  of  how-­‐to  books  is  possible.  In  order  to  bring  our  entire  potential  readership  together,  the  main  topics  in  the  book  must  be  broad.  Mending  a  troubled  relationship  and  baking  an  apple  pie  are  not  only  a  part  of  the  everyday  life  of  all  readers  but  they  are  also  two  of  the  most  common  topics  in  the  how-­‐to  literary  market  place.  Knowing  our  readers  expect  more  from  us  than  just  another  how-­‐to  book,  these  two  popular  how-­‐to  themes  will  be  carefully  woven  together  to  create  an  artistically  satisfying  reading  experience.  In  order  to  “reach  across  the  aisle”  and  embrace  all  readers,  this  book  will  be  honestly  funny,  poignant,  include  stories  and  quotes  form  know  figures  that  have  high  “likeability”.  To  better  illustrate  the  solving  of  this  complex  problem,  I  have  included  an  excerpt  from  the  book.              

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Step 3: Slice Apples  

“A  true  friend  overlooks  your  failures  and  tolerates  your  success.”           ~  Doug  Larson     Ingredients:  

1. Seven  Large  Jazz  Apples  2. Large  Cutting  Board  3. Sharp  Kitchen  Knife  

Moment  of  Zen:    “In  1984,  I  loaned  my  best  friend  from  high  school  $3,000  to  pay  off  an  angry  bookie  named  Bobo  living  in  Staten  Island,  New  York.  Bobo  loved  two  things,  The  Mets  and  breaking  kneecaps.  Long  story  short,  my  friend  hasn’t  paid  me  back  and  probably  never  will.  But  it  was  worth  every  penny,  the  amount  of  grief  and  embarrassment  I  give  him  on  a  daily  basis  is  so  worth  it.  I  love  that  guy!”                                        -­‐Anthony  Bourdain    

Directions:    1. Wash  apples  thoroughly  2. Place  apple  on  cutting  board  and  cut  ½”  to  ¼”  slices  

3. Place  each  apple  slice  into  bowl  4. Repeat  until  each  apple  is  sliced  

Cut  each  apple  carefully  from  top  to  bottom.  Don’t  hesitate  to  go  slowly,  precision  and  safety  first!  

Always  remember  to  turn  your  water  faucet  off  while  not  using  it.  This  saves  you  money  and  preserves  the  local  environment.  

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The  above  sample  displays  the  various  ways  in  which  this  book  can  appeal  to  both  our  readers  and  the  larger  how-­‐to  audience.  It  begins  with  a  funny  quote,  preceded  by  “cute”  and  heart-­‐warming  animal  pictures,  a  tip  on  being  environmentally  conscience  and  finally  ends  with  an  interesting  and  humorously  provocative  story  by  the  very  popular  Anthony  Bourdain.  The  directions  and  ingredients  are  clear  and  concise  with  pictures  to  aid  the  reader.  Although  this  is  an  early  sample,  it  illustrates  the  accessibility  of  this  project.  According  to  research  conducted  by  the  Internet  research  agency  Listverse,  funny  or  “cute”  animal  pictures  are  among  the  most  popular  images  searched  on  the  Web.  Loved  by  the  well-­‐read  and  the  not-­‐so-­‐well-­‐read,  the  modern  philosopher  and  chef  Anthony  Bourdain  has  the  ability  to  reach  a  wide  audience.  The  title  is  also  intriguing,  with  the  use  of  the  scientific  word  for  apple,  Malus,  the  audience  is  drawn  in  by  interesting  word  play.  It  is  with  this  sample  of  work  and  by  explaining  the  methodology  behind  the  work  that  the  problem  of  gracefully  reaching  a  greater  reading  audience  is  solved.    Ø How  the  work  will  be  carried  out  The  writing  staff  and  I  are  prepared  to  work  around  the  clock  if  necessary  to  complete  the  rough  draft  of  this  project  by  October  1st.    My  team  and  I  will  spend  the  beginning  weeks  primarily  on  research  and  development.  During  this  time,  various  tasks  will  be  carried  out  such  as  sampling  apple  pie  recipes,  contacting  well  known  chefs,  authors,  comedians  and  the  like  to  offer  them  the  opportunity  to  contribute.  The  weeks  following  the  development  stage,  my  staff  and  I  will  begin  the  process  of  putting  all  the  best  materials  together.  Once  this  process  is  complete,  the  editing  stage  begins.  The  approximate  duration  of  editing  is  projected  to  be  no  more  than  2  months.  Once  finished,  several  copies  of  the  rough  draft  will  be  printed  and  dispersed  to  all  chief  Milkweed  editors  for  further  consideration  and  review.    Qualifications  My  life  experiences  both  professionally  and  personally  as  well  as  those  of  my  writing  staff  make  us  the  perfect  team  for  this  project.  Including  myself  and  the  four  staff  writers,  we  have  three  published  poets,  two  published  authors,  five  Bachelor’s  degrees  in  English,  two  master’s  degrees  in  English  and  one  Ph.D.  Along  with  our  education  and  work  experience,  we  have  countless  stories  of  loved  and  lost,  connections  to  known  figures  and  experts  on  the  related  subject  matter  as  well  as  having  a  formally  trained  chef  in  the  group.  The  experiences,  education  and  training  provide  us  with  a  prospective  that  few  others  could  offer.                      

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 Budget:  The  following  chart  displays  all  necessary  costs  for  production  of  this  project.    

     I  have  contacted  the  representation  of  over  35  different  chefs,  comedians,  authors  and  entertainers  through  the  agency  Celebrity  Talent  International  (CTI)  and  received  quotes  totaling  $38,000.  The  production  costs  also  include  cooking  equipment,  baking  ingredients  as  well  as  the  cost  of  printing  a  number  of  initial  copies  to  be  used  in  the  evaluation  process  immediately  after  production.  I  calculated  employee  expenses  based  on  the  normal  pay  scale  as  applied  to  myself  and  the  staff  working  for  me.  Research  and  development  will  include  travel  expenses  incurred  due  to  meetings  with  contributors  of  any  content  within  the  book.  This  budget  line  also  covers  all  purchased  research  materials  such  as  electronic  media,  books,  and  any  other  literature.      Conclusion  The  how-­‐to  market  is  in  need  of  Milkweed  Editions.  As  we  see  everyday,  the  world  of  book  publication  is  consolidating  at  an  alarming  rate.  However,  this  is  an  opportunity  for  Milkweed  to  elevate  a  neglected  literary  genre  while  participating  in  boundless  growth.  The  potential  for  expansion  is  in  our  grasps  and  the  freedom  such  opportunity  could  allow  the  company  is  limitless.  Our  charitable  outreach  could  increase  and  magnify  throughout  Minneapolis  and  beyond.  Our  ability  to  give  a  literary  voice  to  young  writers  would  increase  immensely,  paving  the  way  for  more  and  greater  opportunity.  I  would  like  to  take  this  opportunity  to  thank  you  for  your  time  and  consideration.  If  given  the  chance,  I  would  humbly  accept  the  honor  of  guiding  Milkweed  Editions  into  a  bright  and  promising  new  beginning.  

Reseach  and  Development  

Employee  Exspense  

Production  Costs  

Licensing  and  Contracts  

$20,000.00   $25,000.00   $30,000.00   $35,000.00   $40,000.00  

Budegt  Report  

Page 8: Chris Douglas' E-portfolio - Home - Proposal for the Development … · 2019. 8. 28. · Proposal for the Development of Milkweed

 Work  Cited  

 Carnegie,  Dale.  How  to  Win  Friends  and  Influence  People.  New  York:    

Simon  and  Schuster,  1936.  Print.  

Bourdain,  Anthony.  A  Cook’s  Tour.  New  York:  Bloomsbury,  2001.  Paperback.  

Milkweed  Editions.  Milkweed  Editions  Web  Site,  2014.  Web.  4  Apr.  2014.  

Amazon.  Web  Site,  2014.  Web.  4  Apr.  2014.  

Barnes  and  Noble.  Barnes  and  Noble  Web  Site.  Web.  4  Apr.  2014.  

Abebooks.  Abebooks  Web  Site.  Web.  4  Apr.  2014.  

Warren,  Rick.  The  Purpose  Driven  Life.  Grand  Rapids:  Zondervan,  2002.  Print.  

Hay,  Louise.  Heal  Your  Body.  New  York:  Hay  House,  1984.  Print.  

McGee,  Micki.  Self  Help,  Inc..  New  York:  Oxford  Press,  2007.  Print.  

University  Studies.  Web  Site,  2014.  Web.  4  Apr.  2014.  

Marketdata.  Marketdata  Web  Site.  Web.  4  Apr.  2014.  

Food  Network  Inc..  Food  Network  Inc.  Web  Site.  Web.  4  Apr.  2014.  

Think  Exist.  Quotes  Web  Site.  Web.  4  Apr.  2014.  

Listverse.  Listverse  Web  Site.  Web.  4  Apr.  2014.  

Mead,  Derek.  “Monkey  and  Tiger.”  Photograph.  Web  Image.  Motherboard,  22  May  

2011.  Web.  4  Apr.  2014.  

Aimee,  Joy.  “Sliced  Apples.”  Photograph.  Web  Image.  Simple  Bites,  24  Sep.  2010.  

Web.    4  Apr.  2014.  

Anonymous.  “Dog  and  Goat.”  Photograph.  Web  Image.  Imgace,  3  Oct.  2012.  Web.  4  

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Hills,  Suzanne.  “Dogs  Smile.”  Photograph.  Web  Image.  Dailymail,  9  Jan.  2014.  Web.    

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  4  Apr.  2014.  

Martin,  Colette.  Learning  to  Bake  Allergen-­‐Free.  New  York:  The  Experiment,  2012.  


Pascal,  Cybele.  The  Allergen-­‐Free  Baker’s  Handbook.  Chicago:  Colossal  Arts,  2019.  


Sims,  Brenda.  Technical  Communication.  Dubuque:  Kendall  Hunt  Publishing,  2009.    


Celebrity  Talent  International.  Celebrity  Talent  International  Web  Site.  Web.  4  Apr.    


