  • 1.Interkultur.Germany Social Media Step by Stepwith @devonvsmith#choam111

2. Who am I?devonvsmith2 3. the planStrategy Tac*cs Tools BonusWhy social media?Facebook What to measure Foursquare How to plan for social TwiFer Measuring toolsYelpHow to spend your =meYouTubeListening toolsFlickrWorking with volunteers Resources on the web BlogsIntegra=ng w/ tradi=onalFuture of social media Adver=singOvercoming challengesFundraisingSocial PluginsQ&A3 4. My Goals for You1.A rough draft of a social media strategy2.The knowledge of what other social networks exist beyondFacebook & Twitter3.A list of tools you can use to help you manage your social media 5. What do YOU want to get out of this workshop? 5 6. 180 minutes 6 7. social media doesnt sell Eckets 7 8. social media doesnt raise money 9. what sells Eckets & raises money? artistic content your directyour website mail campaigns customer service by your box office9 10. so why bother?If your social media fans will Recommend you to their friends Like your brand more Be more inuenced by (cheap!) social media than tradi=onal media Spend/donate more Stay with you longer Cost less to reach new audiences PS: these are all goals you can measure10 11. build rela=onships, not one night stands**but its okay to be a li/le promiscuous 11 12. more than marke+ng Customer service Crowdsourcing Planning tours Making art Professional networking RecruiEng new members12 13. Maturity of Prac=ceempower communitycreaterelationshipsTechniquestartconversations respond to commentssyndicate your own contentlisten awarenessgain fans customer service sell fundraise mission-centricIntent 14. Social media has 15. PLANnow we need a Discover PlanTest Refine15 16. Discover Dis5nguishing features of your orgIndustry ScanChallenges your org is facing Digital Media Audit 16 17. How do you compare to your peers? 17 18. plan1. Address a real problem2. Have a meaningful goal3. Test several op=ons4. Track what you do, and what the results are5. Make decisions with your data 18 19. Whats your goal?Learn what people are saying about you online (and who they are)Increase the number of people talking about you onlineGet new ideas for future performancesGet feedback about your past performancesEngage audiences between performancesRecruit new audience members to performancesRecruit new chorus members/guest ar5stsIncrease awareness about your chorus with other chorusesStart a partnership with a local businessStay in touch with alumni of your chorusGive outsiders a peek into your processDevelop a rela5onship with a key ins5tu5onal funderIntroduce your chorus to a new community (geographically or otherwise)Provide another channel for customer serviceDecrease your marke5ng/fundraising budgetIncrease communica5on between chorus membersEncourage chorus members to have fun during rehearsalsStay abreast of the news in your industry/neighborhoodChange the brand percep5on of your chorus 19 20. Whats your Whats your problem?goal?20 21. TargeEng Your AudienceAudience PlaLorm Message 21 22. Who are you trying to reach?Why are they interested in what you have to say?What do you want to learn about them?22 23. if your reputa=on is at stake, should you trust an intern? Consider Oering clear guidelines on dos & donts CollaboraEng with the intern/volunteer to develop social media goals InviEng someone who uses their personal social media accounts with a professional manner CreaEng a social media policy for your chorus23 24. social media guidelines OrganizaEonal goalsPersonal versus professional useFull disclosureContent approval process Author approval process Transparency versus privacyCommunity managementShared usernames & passwordsCopyright issues Style guide EEqueVe Professional development opportuniEesh/p://socialmediagovernance.com24 25. How much =me should you spend? 4.4Facebook17 hours14 hours25 theatres, $1m-$3m, December 2009 25 26. How should you spend your =me?Lets assume you have a Facebook Page updated daily & YouTube channel updated monthlyLearn Post & ListenMeasure about Create Report TotalRespondsocial5 min. 10 min. post FB update, Dailyscan Google respond to 15 min.alerts & social public men=onmen=ons20 min. 15 min.Pick 3 metrics, Scan your Weeklysave them in Google Reader 2 hrs.excel docfeed2 hrs. 10 hrs. Summarize Monthly Edit YouTube measurement 20 hrs.ndings, decide video & uploadwhat to change, report26 27. How much Eme can you spend? 27 28. ChallengesOverwhelmedExpecta5onsExhaus5onMaking 5meBored28 29. integraEng w/ tradiEonal media29 30. but what if?People say bad things about usThey already are. Be more in control of the conversa+on around your brandSocial Media is just a fadPla;orms may come and go. The best way to be prepared is to (though;ully) experiment on the current one. It wont sell EcketsBuild rela+onships with your fans.Unlike tradi+onal marke+ng, there is value in social media beyond the message.It takes too much EmeOnce you get the hang of it, it doesnt. Cheaper than most other marke+ng eorts.30 31. Whew!31 32. I just want a million followers 32 33. What % of your community do you reach? 34. Social Media DemographicsPew Internet & American Life, November 2010 34 35. Social Media DemographicsPew Internet & American Life, November 2010 35 36. Social Network Prevalence207 arts organiza5ons April 2011 36 37. Average arts org ac5ve on 3 networks207 arts organiza5ons April 201137 38. Monthly OrganizaEonal AcEvity207 arts organiza5ons April 201138 39. Median Network Size207 arts organiza5ons April 2011 39 40. User AcEvity207 arts organiza5ons April 2011 40 41. 500 million active users 1/2 log in daily Spend 25 minutes/day 1/2 of activity is mobileUpload 90 pieces of content/month Like 7 pages/month Have 130 friends each41 42. Facebook Demographicsfrom Facebook presentation June 201142 43. Median Page Updated Daily207 arts organiza5ons April 201143 44. More Posts More Engagement207 arts organiza5ons April 2011 44 45. Post 2x/day for 1 Month60 Facebook posts360 commenters130 friends each4,000Page likes 46. Post 1x/Month130 friends each 500 47. Pages w/ custom URLs tend to be larger Median LikesMedian Comments/PostAny page with > 30 users can set their custom URL at 48. consider the switchProles can be converted to pages at 48 49. 4% have a welcome Tab, 6% dont land on wall Median Likes207 arts organiza5ons April 2011 50. Logo image is tailored toFacebook specsClear call to actionTells me benetsof likingEach image links toa different sectionof the pageAnimated imagedraws my attentionHighlighting user contentdemonstrates they value userengagementWelcome tab hasbranded logoAbout section makesclear org mission & whythey use Facebook 51. 37% of theatres dont link to Facebook from their homepage476 TCG theatres, May 2010 51 52. Size MaVers208 o-Broadway theatres, October 2010 52 53. What one thing are you going to stop or start doing on Facebook?53 54. 60 million US users Im probably less knowledgeable 13% of online adults have used TwiVerabout this whole Average user TwiIer thing than 5 followers you might thinkHas tweeted < 10 EmesIs in their 30sHas a college degree 54 55. TwiVer Vocabulary is a New Language 55 56. Stream Bio Retweet (RT) Hashtag (#) Shortlink ( @men5on (@) Tweet (140 characters)56 57. 57 58. Make (public) lists of following Make (private) lists of followers 58 59. Geeng Started Who to follow: Those talking to you, about you, about your peers, about your art, about other topics youre interested in, cri5cs, funders, local arts agencies, local poli5cians, local businesses How to follow: Twi/er will recommend people to follow on the right side of your stream Search, Watch who the pros follow*What to tweet about:Talk to people about their interestsPoint out interes5ng topics being discussed in your industryShare links to neat thingsPromote chorus members outside-of-chorus storiesAnswer the ques5on, What has your a/en5on todayAsk a ques5onFollow interes5ng people and RT themProvide useful advice or 5psTell us what youre working on todayComment on what someone else just tweeted about*inspired by Chris Brogans 50 things to tweet about 59 60. 60 61. Median org tweets daily207 arts organiza5ons April 2011 62. More Tweets More Engagement207 arts organiza5ons April 2011 63. ~7% of followers will add you to a list207 arts organiza5ons April 2011 64. Linking Facebook to Twitter decreases engagement207 arts organiza5ons April 2011 65. Size MaVers208 o-Broadway theatres65 66. What one thing are you going to stop or start doing on TwiVer?66 67. 6 years old3 billion views/day48 hours of video uploaded per minuteAverage user watches 25 minutes per dayEvenly split M/FMost popular video played 500 million x 67 68. Google for NonprotsUpload longer videosDonate Now buVon on your channelEmbed links in your videosGet featured on Nonprot Channel(also free adwords!)68 69. 69 70. Median org uploads 1 video / month207 arts organiza5ons April 2011 71. More uploadsMore views207 arts organiza5ons April 2011 72. Viewers engage on Findings from 2 Case Studiesa per video basis Men 45-54 are largest demographicRelated videos are top referral source80% of views occur more than 2 months aSer pos+ng date 72 73. Size doesnt maVer208 o-Broadway theatres73 74. Length of video doesnt maIer208 o-Broadway theatres74 75. Diverse types of videos are popular208 o-Broadway theatres75 76. No performance type dominates208 o-Broadway theatres76 77. Viewers tend to be older males208 o-Broadway theatres 77 78. Most (but not all) views occur on YouTube208 o-Broadway theatres 78 79. What one thing are you going to stop or start doing on YouTube?79 80. Measuring social media is hard& a little messybenrobertsabq 81. What do you measure?I begin with:Next I think about:1. Who are these people?Do I have a problem to solve?2. How did they get here? Is there an opportunity?3. What do they want? Can I test a hypothesis?4. Did they get it? Can I compare x to y5. If not, why not?Then I decide on format:Small experiments A/B testingCompetitor benchmarks Customer survey Watch what others do 82. Return on Investment post showlength of your discussions performancenewspaperadvertising joint-productions posters (including staff time)displayed in differentneighborhoods in-kindsponsorshipsDo younumber of staff atpress your box ofcemeasure the releaseROI of... concessions email (byor merchandise by word count)itemsubscription a customers campaigns (by hour) lifetime valueevent-basedfundraisers salary & benets offered to your staff 83. what you measure ma-erswhat you measure ma-ersbut theres no secret formulah-p:// think about micro conversions li-le steps along a path to a big goalproblem. goal. tac4c. metric. 84. Web Reporting v Web Analysis Yes it has pretty pictures, but what do I do?image via Avinash Kaushik 85. Web Reporting v Web AnalysisSpecic problemyoure trying toaddressExplain the Big picture data in wordstrend over timeROI Tell me whatto do now thatI know this image via Avinash Kaushik 86. Less Useful Data dumpAggregate dataOne time dataOld data More UsefulAsking a question of your dataMaking decisions with your data Trends over timeComparative dataadd1sun 87. Monitoring & Measuring Tools 88. How do you get your post into the Facebook Newsfeed?1. Few friends? You wont show up.2. Status updates without likes? You wont show up.3. Photos & Videos > Links > Text4. Even the Most Recent News feed has an algorithm5. Stalking your friends wont get you noticed6. Having friends who stalk you will get you noticed7. More to the algorithm than just this 89. Who are these people?How closely does this match my audience?How could I use thisto tailor advertising? Would it be usefulto translate?How likely is it they are ticket buyers? 90. How did they get here? 0 User proleWhats missing can be as 0 Streamimportant as whats here 0 Like Box 0 Suggestions 0 Like Button Like website referral sources, 0 Ads diversity is good 91. What do they want?Seems like people are interested indiscussingTry varying this, and keepingtrack of differences 92. Did they get it? What happenedWhat happenedlast month?this month?Look for systematic orone time spikes & dipsThink of this ratio as anengagement metric 93. (Free) Facebook Research this is where the magichappenshaving a larger page canincrease advertisingeffectiveness 94. know how Facebook referrals dier from other trac sources to your website94 95. measuring on twiVer Reach: followers (not just how many, but who) Engagement: @menEon and link click thru Inuence: # and listed SenEment: content of the tweets about/to you 95 96. Track click thru rates on Twitter 97. Look for outliersLook for spikesLook for inuencersLook for engagement 98. this video is popular 1/2 viewers are browsingoff of YouTube1/2 viewers are searching 99. What 3 metrics are you going to start tracking? 100. Adding more tools to your tool belt 101. Track social mentions of your name across all platforms 102. any public Facebook or Twitter account search termdate rangereport type 103. raw data people timing content 104. View multiple Twitter streams at once 105. How do I know whensomeone unfollows me? 106. How many blog subscribers do they have? 107. Tagxedo: when shape (and font! and color! matter)Wordle (for when it doesnt) 108. What tools are you going to use? 109. If you remember nothing else... 110. spend more 5me listening than talking 112 111. be yourself,not your brand 112. adapt your content to each plaLorm114 113. Act strategically 115 114. toss the planlearn by doing 116 115. whats your vision for how your chorus will benet from using social media?what 1 thing will you do next week? 116. Resources on the www.BethKanter.comwww.Mashable.com118 117. What else is out there?-/#*&23-$&331-3$ #"44&7$1".&2#-$ #1(0(0$)1)"0-$ 3&.(23$ 8"19$1&2!".$!"#$ 1-,(-8$1#.2!+2$ +-/+$ &!("$-"/%0,& 6&.(4:$-!$0*&1(23$.-#*&2(0.$ 61(-2!0$ .*$%/&& !"#$%& )*"+"$3-%24& ()"*+*&+$0-1-2!()(+:$ %%$,(!-"$ 0"#(&4$3""!$ .-!(#&4$.&)$ 0!"12/%*"&6""!$ $,+"-".+&-2+-1+&(2$ -/#*&23-$-/)-1(-2#-$ +1&,-4$52&2#-$!(0#"2+$1-+&(4$ A$;-09+")$!$
