
Choosing The Right Startup For Yourself

Annkur P Agarwal!Co-founder,!

we are hiring ([email protected])!

startup look cool, but it is a struggle

•  It is a risk & reward game, but the rewards only come in the long run!

•  You won’t always win!

•  Going beyond the call of duty is a default!

choose the right reasons to join a startup

•  Life is too small to do something you don’t love (yes cliched) !

•  If you are to succeed in surviving the down turns, your reasons to get into it better be right!

•  So if you choose a problem that you really care about, it would help !

•  ps: Hello confused ones :)!

choose the right problem to solve

•  What is your priority? Money? Growth? Learning? !

•  How much risk are you ready to take? !

•  How strongly do you believe in this startups purpose? !

•  Consider cash vs ESOPs - choose wisely!

choose the right stage of the company

•  You will spend most of your life at work (I hope not). So better work with people you like. !

•  Specially at startups, where things would be tough. You need room to fail and people will fail you. You better choose the people wisely. !


•  Don’t believe in the hype, check yourself!

•  Big is not always better!

•  There are real things like alignment & cultural fit!

•  Understand Pain Killer vs Vitamins!

•  You need great communication & mind reading skills to survive a startup ;) !

some more boring advice

On Failure

It will come & go!!

The right failure will only make you more valuable!!

Seek advice, mentorship, read books, read articles,! dont’ live under a rock!


may the force be with you
