
Choose, Healthy or Unhealthy.

By William Winston

Who will win: Mcdonalds or Chipotle?

Feel the pain. No pain, no gain. Stretching is a great

way to stay fit.

That looks so good, but it’s so fattening and unhealthy!

If you want to live unhealthy and fat, do nothing but play

video games.

“This hurts so much, but in the end it’s better than watching


A great way to stay in fit and healthy is to play sports.

There are many ways to stay fit. Like running, come on

three more miles.

To build up more upper-body strength do push-ups and


Eat healthy, exercise and stay fit.

 Everyone needs to exercise and get fit—even little babies. It may be

seem crazy, but we all have to do it. You know, there’s a web site called “Medical

News Today.” It says that a team of researchers from the University of Western

Australia recommends that overweight children play at least fifteen minutes a day

of XBOX “Kinect” games or Wii exercise games in order to help restore their health

and reduce their weight to healthy levels. 

The web site, Medlin Plus, says that most children need to exercise for an

hour a day. They can bike, bowl, dance or do yoga, but they need to do some sort

of vigorous exercise.

Not only is exercise an important part of physical fitness, but so is eating

a healthy diet. According to the web site, Healthy Eating Plate, here is what you

should be eating: Protein: fish, poultry, beans and nuts. Have a small portion of red

meat. Avoid bacon, cold cuts and processed meats.

Beverages: water, tea and coffee (with little or no sugar.) Limit your dairy intake to 1-2

servings per day, and you juice intake to 1 small glass per day.

Grains: brown rice, whole wheat bread and whole grain pasta.

Oils: only use “healthy” oils such as olive and canola oil. Limit butter intake and avoid

trans fats. If you follow these simple guidelines, you will be on your way to living a healthier, and

probably longer life. Two of my great-grandfathers followed these guidelines. One lived to 102

and another made it to 105!