
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 81, pp. 1961-1965, April 1984Biochemistry

Chiral probes for the handedness of DNA helices: Enantiomers oftris(4,7-diphenylphenanthroline)ruthenium(II)

(Z-DNA/stereoselectivity/drug intercalation)

JACQUELINE K. BARTON, LENA A. BASILE, Avis DANISHEFSKY, AND ANDREI ALEXANDRESCUDepartment of Chemistry, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027

Communicated by Nicholas J. Turro, November 16, 1983

ABSTRACT The chiral complexes tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline)ruthenium(II) (RuDIP) are shown to be specif-ic chemical probes with which to distinguish right- and left-handed DNA helices in solution. In spectrophotometric titra-tions of racemic RuDIP with both B-form calf thymus DNAand Z-form poly[d(G-C)], hypochromicity in the intense met-al-to-ligand charge-transfer band is found and enhancement inluminescence is observed. The spectrophotometric assay ofDNA binding to the well-resolved enantiomers of RuDIP pro-vides a means to determine the helical conformation. Strongchiral specificity is seen in binding experiments with right-handed B-DNA and, on this basis, the absolute configurationsare assigned. Although A-RuDIP can bind by intercalationinto the right-handed helix, steric constraints imposed by thehelix asymmetry preclude completely binding by the A enan-tiomer. Both isomers, however, are found to bind equally to Z-DNA. Left-handed helices that are more similar structurally toB-DNA would be predicted to display a stereospecific prefer-ence for this A isomer.

The left-handed DNA helix has received considerable atten-tion since the original crystallographic study of the Z-DNAfragment [d(CpG)]6 (1). Solution conditions that include highionic strength (2), hydrophobic solvents (3), the presence ofcertain trivalent cations (4), or covalent modification withbulky alkylating agents (4-8) all facilitate the transition of aright-handed double helix into a left-handed form. This strik-ing conformational transition was first observed for poly-[d(G-C)] (2). More recently, the alternating purine-pyrimi-dine sequence [d(G-T)],[d(C-A)], has been shown to formZ-helices as well (9, 10). Methylation of cytosine residues atcarbon-5 lends stability to Z-form DNA (4, 11) and, underphysiological conditions, transitions to a left-handed struc-ture can occur to relieve the torsional strain in underwoundnegatively supercoiled DNA (12-14). These latter findingssuggest mechanisms for left-handed DNA formation in thecell, where such structures could be important in controllinggene expression. Negatively supercoiled simian virus 40DNA has, for example, been found to contain potentially Z-DNA-forming alternate purine-pyrimidine regions withintranscriptional enhancer sequences (15).To explore any biological role for left-handed DNA, sensi-

tive and selective probes are required. Z-DNA appears to bea strong immunogen. Anti-Z-DNA antibodies have been elic-ited with both brominated poly[d(G-C)] (16) and poly[d(G-C)] modified with diethylenetriamineplatinum(II) (17) asantigens. The structures of Z-DNA and in particular of amodified Z-form provide a multitude of antigenic characteris-tics: the left-handed helicity, the zigzag dinucleotide phos-phate repeat, the protruding purine substituents in the shal-low major groove.* It is not surprising then that the various

antibodies obtained appear specific for different localizedfeatures of Z-DNA (18). The development of a specificchemical probe, so designed as to recognize a known struc-tural element of Z-DNA, in our case the helix handedness,offers a simple complementary approach.

Enantiomeric selectivity has been observed in the interac-tions of tris(phenanthroline) metal complexes with B-DNA(19-21). Experiments with tris(phenanthroline)zinc(II) haveindicated stereoselectivity (19); dialysis of B-DNA againstthe racemic mixture leads to the optical enrichment of thedialysate in the less-favored enantiomer. Subsequent lumi-nescence, electrophoretic, and equilibrium dialysis studiesof the well-characterized ruthenium(II) analogues haveshown that the tris(phenanthroline) metal isomers bind toDNA by intercalation and it is the A enantiomer that bindspreferentially to a right-handed duplex (20, 21). The enantio-meric selectivity is based on steric interactions between thenonintercalated phenanthroline ligands and the phosphatebackbone. Although the right-handed propeller-like A isomerintercalates with facility into a right-handed helix, steric re-pulsions interfere with a similar intercalation of the A enan-tiomer.Based on this premise, tris(phenanthroline) metal com-

plexes appear useful in the design of probes to distinguishleft-handed and right-handed DNA duplexes. The designflexibility inherent in metallointercalation reagents, in whichboth ligand and metal may be varied easily, makes the coor-dination complexes attractive probes (22-24). We have con-centrated here on phenanthroline complexes of rutheni-um(II) because of the high luminescence associated withtheir intense metal-to-ligand charge-transfer band (25, 26)and because the exchange-inert character of the low-spin d6complexes limits racemization (27). Although a preference inbinding is found between enantiomers in the phenanthrolineseries, both isomers do in fact intercalate into the right-hand-ed helix. To amplify the chiral discrimination and hence im-prove the sensitivity of our probe, phenyl substituents havenow been added to the 4 and 7 positions of each phenanthro-line ligand. The bulky substituents at the distal sites on thecation can block completely the intercalation of the A isomerinto a right-handed helix.We report here the design of selective spectroscopic probes

for the handedness of the DNA duplex. The structure of theleft-handed enantiomer, A-tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenan-throline)ruthenium(II) (RuDIP), which binds to left-handedZ-DNA but not to right-handed B-DNA, is shown below.

Abbreviations: RuDIP, tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline)ruthe-nium(II); (phen)3Ru2+, tris(1,10-phenanthroline)ruthenium(II).*The region in the Z-DNA structure corresponding to the majorgroove of B-DNA is sufficiently shallow and wide to be essentiallya hydrophobic surface without a groove. For the purpose of com-parative discussion, however, we will refer to this region as themajor groove of the Z-form helix. Z-DNA does contain a very nar-row helical groove or crevice in the region comparable with theminor groove of B-DNA.


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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81 (1984)



EXPERIMENTALNucleic Acids. Calf thymus DNA (Sigma) was purified by

phenol extraction (28). Poly[d(G-C)] (P-L Biochemicals) wasdialyzed at least three times before use. Experiments wereconducted at pH 7.2 in buffer 1 [4.5 mM Tris HCl/45 mMNaCl/150 ,uM Co(NH3)6C13/10% dimethyl sulfoxide], buffer2 [5 mM Tris.HCl/50 mM NaCl/150 ,M Co(NH3)6C13], orbuffer 3 (5 mM Tris HCl/4.0 M NaCl]. DNA concentrationsper nucleotide were determined spectrophotometrically as-suming 8260 = 6600 M1 -cm1 for calf thymus DNA (29) ande260 = 8400 M-1cm1 for poly[d(G-C)] (30). In preparing Z-DNA, poly[d(G-C)] stock solutions were incubated in the co-balt hexammine buffer for 2-18 hr to ensure both a completetransition to the Z conformation and minimal aggregation.Stock solutions were examined spectrophotometrically andby CD before use.Ruthenium Complexes. The synthesis of RuDIP trihydrate

was carried out as described by Lin et al. (26). Concentra-tions were determined spectrophotometrically using E460 =2.95 x 104 M1-cm1. Elemental analyses were consistentwith literature values. The A and A isomers were either sepa-rated by successive recrystallizations with the antimony tar-trate anion in 50% ethanol or prepared by asymmetric syn-thesis in the presence of antimony tartrate and then recrys-tallized. A-RuDIP forms the less soluble diastereomeric saltwith antimonyl D-tartrate. The separated isomers were iso-lated finally as perchlorate salts. The assignments of abso-lute configuration have been made on the basis of the rela-tive binding affinities of these enantiomers for B-DNA (seebelow). Many rounds of recrystallization yielded a smallquantity ot A-RuDIP having [6]283 = -4.0 x 103 deg-M-1 cm. This assignment is consistent with both the UV CDfor tris(1,10-phenanthroline)ruthenium(II), [(phen)3Ru2+], as-signed previously (31), and studies of the enantiomeric pref-erence of (phen)3Ru2, for B-DNA (20, 21, 32). The opticalpurities of the A- and A-RuDIP samples used below were41% and 70%, respectively. Therefore the sample designatedA-RuDIP contains 70.5% A isomer and 29.5% A isomer, andthat designated A-RuDIP is composed of 14% A- and 86% A-RuDIP.

Spectroscopic Measurements. Absorbance spectra were re-corded using a Varian Cary 219 UV/visible spectrophotome-ter and luminescence spectra, with a Perkin-Elmer LS-5 flu-orescence spectrophotometer. Titrations were carried outusing a constant ruthenium concentration (4-6 ,M) to whichincrements of either calf thymus DNA or poly[d(G-C)] wereadded. Because RuDIP has limited solubility in aqueous so-lution (<10 AM), dimethyl sulfoxide was included in buffer1. CD spectra of B-DNA or Z-poly[d(G-C)] with 150 ,MCo(NH3) 6 were unaffected by the presence of the dimethylsulfoxide. Although more difficult, titrations in buffer 2 andbuffer 3 were also conducted.

RESULTSSpectroscopic Studies of Racemic RuDIP with B- and Z-

DNA. Changes are seen in both the visible absorption and

luminescence spectra of RuDIP on addition of either B- or Z-form DNA. Hence, binding may be monitored sensitively us-ing either spectroscopic technique. Visible absorption titra-tions of racemic RuDIP in buffer 1 with calf thymus DNAand Z-form poly[d(G-C)] are shown in Fig. 1. The overallsimilarity of these titrations should be apparent. Binding ofeither duplex DNA leads to hypochromicity in the intensemetal-to-ligand charge-transfer band of the ruthenium com-plex. A small red shift (=2 nm) in the spectrum of the boundcomplex and an isosbestic point at 485 nm can be seen. Thatspectral changes occur as a function of addition of eitherDNA form suggests that racemic RuDIP binds to both B- andZ-DNA. The similarity in spectral changes most likely re-flects a similar mode of association of the ruthenium com-plex with either the right-handed B-DNA helix or the left-handed Z-DNA helix.

Differences in binding to the two forms are evident, how-ever. A greater reduction in the absorption intensity of Ru-DIP accompanies binding to Z-form poly[d(G-C)] than to theB-DNA helix. In Fig. 1, for example, the apparent reductionin intensity with the addition of a 13:1 ratio of calf thymusDNA-phosphate/ruthenium is only 9% whereas, for the left-handed helix, the reduction occurring at a nucleotide/ruthe-nium ratio of 5:1 is 17%. The greater hypochromicity in bind-ing to Z-DNA is explained in part by the different stereo-selectivities governing binding to each helix. Although bothenantiomers bind to Z-DNA, only the A enantiomer maybind easily to right-handed B-DNA. The differences in ster-eoselectivity cannot fully account for the difference in hy-pochromicity, however, because the hypochromicity inspectra of racemic RuDIP with Z-DNA is more than twicethat observed with calf thymus DNA. If one assumes thatthe extinction coefficients for RuDIP when bound to eachhelix are the same, which seems reasonable based on theequal isosbestic points observed, then the larger hypochro-mic effect with Z-DNA suggests that both RuDIP enantio-mers possess a greater affinity for Z-form poly[d(G-C)] thanfor calf thymus DNA. Equilibrium dialysis experiments sup-port this conclusion (unpublished data).The luminescence ofRuDIP is also enhanced on binding to

the DNA duplex. Fig. 2 shows the emission spectrum of ra-cemic RuDIP (3 ,uM) in the absence and presence of calfthymus DNA and Z-form poly[d(G-C)] (15 AM nucleotide).The shift in the spectrum to lower energy is particularly pro-nounced despite the broad nature of the transition; the maxi-mum shifts 10 nm to longer wavelength in the presence ofDNA. Greater luminescence is seen here on binding to B-



C 0.08


360 460 560 360

Wavelength, nm460 560

FIG. 1. Visible absorption spectra of racemic RuDIP (5.3 ,uM) inthe absence and presence of various concentrations of B-form calfthymus DNA (Left) and Z-form poly[d(G-C)] (Right) in buffer 1.

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E 25



550 575 600 625 650 675 700Wavelength, nm

FIG. 2. Luminescence spectra in buffer 2.., Racemic RuDIP (3

jM) free in solution; ---, racemic RuDIP (3 JALM) in the presence ofZ-form poly[d(G-C)]; , B-form calf thymus DNA. Samples wereexcited at 482 nm.

DNA, despite the lower apparent affinity for this helix. Inbuffer 2, at a DNA-phosphate/ruthenium ratio of 5:1, theemission intensity of racemic RuDIP increases by 30%o and47% in the presence of Z-form poly[d(G-C)] and calf thymusDNA, respectively. The different enhancements may de-pend in part on nucleic acid composition as well as duplexconformation. RuDIP bound to B-form poly[d(G-C)] yieldsless luminescence than when bound to calf thymus DNA,despite having an equal affinity for these polynucleotides.Racemic RuDIP appears to bind to both B- and Z-DNA

rather than promoting a transition from one conformation tothe other. CD spectra of Z-form poly[d(G-C)] in Co(NH3) 6(buffer 1) or in 4 M NaCl (buffer 3) are unaltered by theaddition of racemic RuDIP at a nucleotide/ruthenium ratioof 10. Conversion of the Z-form to B-form with RuDIP isinconsistent also with the differential hypochromism and lu-minescence observed. If RuDIP promoted a Z -- B transi-

tion, albeit inefficiently, rather than binding to both B- andZ-helices, then both the reduction in absorbance and the en-hancement in luminescence observed on addition of Z-DNAwould be less than or equal to that found with B-DNA-i.e.,in proportion to the fraction of DNA converted. Instead wefind significantly greater hypochromism when Z-DNA rath-er than B-DNA is added to the racemic mixture or indeed toeach enantiomer individually. Therefore racemic RuDIPmust bind to both DNA conformations. Consistent withthese results, a conformational transition from Z-DNA to B-DNA would not be expected if the affinity of the metal cat-ion for the Z-form were greater than that for the B-form. Theethidium cation, which binds to B-DNA by intercalation, isknown to promote a Z -k B transition at high binding ratios

(33, 34) and presumably possesses a greater affinity for theB-form helix. The substantially larger RuDIP cation cannotsaturate the DNA to comparable levels, which may be animportant distinction. Moreover, although the ethidium ioncan fully intercalate into B-DNA, RuDIP cannot and thenonintercalating ligands of RuDIP may dominate its interac-tions with the duplex.

Differential Binding of the RuDIP Enantiomers to B- and Z-DNAs. The utility of the RuDIP enantiomers as a probe forhelical conformation becomes apparent when the bindingcharacteristics of each enantiomer to B- and Z-DNAs arecompared. Plots of the relative absorbance at 460 nm of theindividual enantiomers as a function of the addition of eitherB-form calf thymus DNA or Z-form poly[d(G-C)] in buffer 1are shown in Fig. 3. Based on the presence or absence ofhypochromicity, it is clear that although A-RuDIP binds toB-DNA, the A isomer does not. A-RuDIP does however bindto Z-DNA. Indeed, with Z-DNA no stereospecificity is ob-served. Hence the assay of duplex binding by the A isomeryields a sensitive assay for the Z-DNA conformation.

Strong enantiomeric selectivity governs the interaction ofRuDIP with the right-handed B-DNA helix. The decrease inabsorbance with increasing DNA concentration observed for









, 1.00








0 4 8 12 16 20

DNA/ruthenium24 28 32

FIG. 3. Relative change in absorption intensity at 460 nm of race-mic RuDIP (x), A-RuDIP (o), and A-RuDIP (o) at various DNA-phosphate/ruthenium ratios. Titrations were conducted in buffer 1using either B-form calf thymus DNA (Upper) or Z-form poly[d(G-C)] (Lower). Strong stereoselectivity with B-DNA is evident basedon the differential hypochromism seen between enantiomers,whereas comparable titrations with Z-DNA show the same hypo-chromic effects with each enantiomer. Because large hypochromi-city in the A isomer is seen only with Z-DNA, A-RuDIP provides aprobe for this conformation.

the A, racemic mixture, and A samples can be fully account-ed for based on the percentage of the A enantiomer presentin the particular preparation (see Experimental). The pure Aenantiomer does not bind to B-DNA. The presence of thephenyl groups at the 4 and 7 positions of the nonintercalatedphenanthroline ligand has served to amplify the chiral dis-crimination. In comparisons, differences in binding of(phen)3Ru2+ enantiomers had been seen only in spectropho-tometric titrations at high DNA/ruthenium levels; the ratioof the affinities for B-DNA ofA to A isomers is =1.3 (20, 21).For RuDIP, with hydrogen atoms now replaced by phenylgroups, instead of simple interference with the DNA phos-phate oxygen atoms, one finds that the steric bulk of thephenyl groups completely blocks interactions of the A iso-mer in the right-handed groove. A-RuDIP, however, bindswith facility to a right-handed helix, indeed more avidly thanA-(phen)3Ru2+. This striking amplification in enantiomericselectivity for RuDIP compared with (phen)3Ru2+ stronglysupports our model for stereospecific intercalation.Z-DNA serves as a poor template to discriminate between

the enantiomers; identical reductions in absorbance intensityare found for the and A isomers (Fig. 3). Because of theshallow and very wide character of the major groove* in Z-DNA, there are no steric constraints comparable with thatfound with B-DNA. Hence, if the binding modes are equiva-lent, no chiral specificity would be expected. The similarityin spectral characteristics of RuDIP in binding to the differ-ent DNA duplexes points to this similarity in binding modes.However, the lack of chiral specificity in binding to Z-DNAdoes limit what we can say at present about the interaction ofRuDIP enantiomers with a Z-form helix. Based on relativehypochromicities, it appears that both A- and A-RuDIP pos-sess greater affinities for Z-form poly[d(G-C)] than for B-DNA. Hydrophobic interactions with the helical surfacemay lend some stability to the bound complex (35). The dif-


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ference in affinity furthermore does not reflect a preferencefor base composition. Titrations of racemic RuDIP with B-form poly[d(G-Q] in buffer 1 lacking cobalt hexammineshowed hypochromicity equal to that seen with calf thymusDNA. Also, cobalt hexammine itself does not appear to alterbinding to the helix. RuDIP titrations using calf thymusDNA with and without Co(NH3) 6 were identical. In addi-tion, the jnteraction cannot be explained purely by electro-static interactions. Although smaller, hypochromic effects,approximately one-third of that shown here, are found in ti-trations in 4 M NaCl (buffer 3) with either poly[d(G-C)] orcalf thymus DNA. Partial intercalation into the DNA by bothRuDIP enantiomers would be consistent with our results. Itis finally important to note that the similar titrations of bothenantiomers that we see with Z-DNA but not with B-DNAsuggest that neither enantiomer converts the Z-form helix tothe B-DNA conformation. If that were the case, selectivitybetween the enantiomers would become apparent.

DISCUSSIONThe chiral RuDIP complexes serve as specific chemicalprobes for the handedness of the DNA helix in solution.Spectrophotometric titrations have shown that, although oneRuDIP enantiomer, assigned as A-RuDIP, does not bind atall to the B-DNA helix, the bulky asymmetric cation canbind to Z-DNA. Monitoring the binding of this isomer toDNA by any means therefore equivalently assays the helicalconformation. The intense metal-to-ligand charge-transferband in the ruthenium complexes provides a particularlysensitive handle with which to examine the binding, eitherspectrophotometrically or through its accompanying lumi-nescence.

Striking enantiomeric selectivity is found in the interac-


tions of the RuDIP cations with right-handed B-DNA, andthis chiral discrimination is consistent with an intercalativemodel. The changes in the visible spectrum of RuDIP-i.e.,the hypochromic shift and luminescence enhancement-ob-served in the presence of duplex DNA parallel in detail thoseseen in spectra of (phen)3Ru2+ as a function of DNA addi-tion. It has been shown that (phen)3Ru2' binds to B-DNA bypartial intercalation of the phenanthroline ligand between thebase pairs (20, 21). Given that generally the ruthenium-met-al-to-ligand charge-transfer transition shows little sensitivityto solvent or environment (25, 26), the close resemblance ofproperties of RuDIP to (phen)3Ru2+ suggests that the cationsbind the DNA in a similar fashion. Intercalation of the di-phenylphenanthroline ligand between the helix base pairs re-quires that the phenyl groups rotate into the plane of thephenanthroline ligand. This rotation to a planar structurewith. minimal steric interactions between nearby hydrogenatoms can be accomplished by lengthening the carbon-car-bon bond between the phenyl and phenanthroline moieties.Equivalent structural distortions are seen in biphenyl, whichis planar in the stacked solid lattice (36). Also, the extremelybulky tetrapyridyl-porphyrin cations, which require exten-sive distortion, are thought to bind to the DNA duplex byintercalation (37, 38). Importantly, once rotated into theplane of the phenanthroline, the phenyl groups in RuDIP addsubstantially to the surface area available for overlap withthe base pairs as compared with (phen)3Ru2+, and thereforegreater stability of the bound ruthenium-DNA complex is ex-pected. In fact, binding of RuDIP to DNA assayed by anymethod becomes evident at <10% of the concentration of(phen)3Ru2+, which reflects the increased affinity of RuDIPover (phen)3Ru2+ for B-DNA. Perhaps the clearest supportfor the intercalation model rests in the dramatic enhance-



FIG. 4. Corey-Pauling-Kolton space-filling models of A- and A-RuDlP with a right-handed B-DNA helix. The orientation of the metalcomplex in the helix is shown in the sketches. One ligand (not visible) is oriented perpendicular to the helix axis for intercalation between thebase pairs. (A) Intercalation of the A enantiomer. The nonintercalated ligands fit easily within the right-handed groove. (B) For the A enantio-mer, when one ligand is positioned for intercalation, the remaining two ligands are blocked completely above and below (arrows) by the right-handed sugar-phosphate backbone, and this steric constraint prevents ligand insertion between the base pairs. This can also be seen byfollowing the line of the DNA backbone, which, although completely visible in A, is interrupted by the phenyl groups of A-RuDIP in B.

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Table 1. Scheme for probing DNA conformation withRuDIP enantiomers

ReactivityWith the With theA isomer A isomer DNA duplex conformation

+ - Right-handed B-like+ + Left-handed Z-like or lacking a groove- - Unstacked or with base pairs inaccessible- + Left-handed B-like

ment in stereoselectivity observed for RuDIP in comparisonwith (phen)3Ru2+. The phenyl groups, while facilitating in-tercalation of A-RuDIP into the right-handed helix, com-pletely preclude binding by the A enantiomer.

Corey-Pauling-Kolton space-filling models of the RuDIPcomplexes with a B-DNA helix are shown in Fig. 4. The ori-entations with respect to the helix are indicated in the ac-companying sketches. The A enantiomer, with one diphenyl-phenanthroline ligand intercalated, can fit very closely alongthe helical groove. The two nonintercalating ligands, with adisposition in line with the right-handed helix, abut the heli-cal groove. These close hydrophobic interactions of the non-intercalated ligands are not possible with the mirror-image Aenantiomer. In contrast, as presented in Fig. 4, if one ligand(not visible) is oriented perpendicular to the helix axis, thenthe two remaining ligands of the A enantiomer are disposedcontrary to the right-handed groove. The ruthenium modelmust therefore be shown in front of the DNA helix in thefigure, rather than intercalated, because the interaction ofthe phenyl groups with the DNA-phosphate backbone at thepositions indicated by the arrows completely blocks access.Thus, the stereoselectivity that we see is determined by thesteric constraints imposed by the asymmetry in the helix, itshandedness.

Just as the helix asymmetry can serve as a template todiscriminate between RuDIP enantiomers, differential bind-ing by the enantiomers may be used advantageously in deter-mining the chirality of the helix. Table 1 indicates a generalscheme to probe helical conformations using the RuDIP cat-ions. Although A-RuDIP does not bind to the right-handedB-DNA duplex, spectrophotometric titrations have shownsignificant binding to Z-DNA and therefore hypochromismof A-RuDIP on addition of a test DNA sample may be usedas an indication of the Z-conformation. It was particularlyinteresting to us to find that no stereoselectivity governsbinding to the Z-form helix. The bulky cation likely avoidsthe very narrow helical crevice in the Z-DNA structure, andintercalative binding to the more shallow hydrophobic sur-face in Z-DNA, the equivalent of the major groove in the B-form, would not be expected to yield any chiral discrimina-tion. Z-DNA does not mirror B-DNA in solution. Instead wepredict that a left-handed but more B-like conformation (3,39, 40) would yield a mirror-image selectivity.The chiral tris(diphenylphenanthroline) metal complexes

will therefore be interesting to use in solution to examineDNA helical conformations: those of naturally occurring se-quences, in the preseice of drugs, and in protein-boundcomplexes. Furthermore, the reagents suggest a new routefor conformation-specific drug design.

We are grateful to the National Institutes of Health (Grant GM-32203) for financial support.

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Biochemistry: Barton et al.