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  • 1. Ch ile

2. Location Chile is located in South America situated south of Peru and West of Bolivia and Argentina. Chile fills a narrow 2,880 mile (4,506km) strip between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean. 3. Geography

  • One-third of Chile is covered by the towering ranges of the Andes. In the north is the driest place on Earth, the Atacama Desert, and in the center is a 700-mile long (1,127km) thickly populated valley with most of Chile's arable land.

4. Government Chile is a Republic country who is ran by there new President Sebastian Pinera. 5. Money The Chilean unit of Currency is the Peso. Bank notes come in denominations of 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000 and 20,000 pesos. Coin Values are 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 pesos. Although one-peso coins are fast disappearing and even fives and tens are uncommon. 6. Natural Resources

  • Chile'snatural resources are:
  • Copper

7. Timber 8. Iron Ore 9. Nitrates 10. Precious metals 11. Molybdenum 12. Hydropower 13. School In Chile the average SLE (school life expectancy) is about 14 years of education(primary to tertiary education). 14. Family Extended-family life has occupied an important place in Chilean society. Although couples are expected to set up their own households, they remain in close contact with the members of their larger families. Children generally get to know thrue cousin's well, as much adult leisure time, generally on weekends and holidays, is spent in the compay of relatives. It is also common to find children living for extended periods of time for educational or other reasons in households headed by relatives, sometimes even cousin's of the parents. These extended family ties provide a network of support in times of nuclear family crises. It is also common for close friendships among adults to lead to links that are family-like. For example, childern often refer to their parents friends as uncle or aunt. 15. Tourist Attractions In Chile Vive de Mar is one of the top tourist attractions, they say that a tour of Chile is not the same without going there. The coastline is a study in contrast to the wonderful colonial architectures of the part of the city between land and sea. 16. History Chile was originally under the control of the Incas in the north and the nomadic Araucanos in the south. In 1541, a spainiard, Pedro de Valdivia, founded Santiago. Chile won it's independence from Spain in 1818 under Bernardo O'Higgins and an Argentinian, Jose de San Martin. O'Higgins, dictator until 1823, laid the foundations of the modern state with a two-party system and a centralized government. 17. Food The spanish came to Chile in 1541 and brought lots of different foods, that still are there to this day, like:

  • Grapes

18. Olives 19. Walnuts 20. Chestnuts 21. Rice 22. Wheat 23. Citrus fruit 24. Sugar 25. Garlic 26. Spices 27. Chicken 28. Beef 29. Sheep 30. Pigs 31. Rabbits 32. Milk 33. Cheeses 34. Sausages 35. The End(:
