
  • What are the factors that related with children with emotional and behavioral disorder?


    There is a relationship between body and behavior and it would therefore seem reasonable to look for a biological causal factor of some kind of emotional or behavior disorder

    (Cooper, 2005; Forness & Kavale, 2001)

    Influenced by genetic, neurological or biochemical factors or combinations of these

    Researcher found evidence of the important role that heredity plays in shaping behavior and personality, specifically the sex-linked differences in many behavioral conditions.

  • Medications are helpful in addressing the problems of many students with emotional and behavioral disorders if they receive state-of-the-art psychopharmacology

    (Konopasek & Forness, 2004)

    Prenatal exposure to alcohol can contribute to many types of disability and it is including emotional and behavior disorder. But only rarely is it possible to demonstrate a relationship between a specific biological factors and those disorder.

    No real evidence that biological factors are the only causes for behavioral problems. However, for severe and profound disorders, there is evidence to suggest that biological contribute to their conditions.

    Other factors:diseasemalnutritionbrain trauma


  • FAMILY FACTORTheory of socialization suggesting that the role of parents is minimal in the development of their childrens personality or social behavior(Harris, 1995)

    Family is the primary factor in socialization which including parents that have a significant causal influence on some disorders.

    Very good parents sometimes have children with very serious emotional and behavioral disorder but in contrast, some neglectful or abusive parents might have children with not significant emotional or behavioral disorders.

    Parents who are generally lax in disciplining the children but inconsistent in dealing with misbehavior tend to have aggression and problematic childrens

  • The Federation of Family for Childrens Mental Health was organized to help parents who have children with emotional and behavioral disorder. This federation provide support, resource and also organizing to assist each other in finding resources.

    (Jordan; Goldberg & Goldberg, 1991)

  • SCHOOL FACTORChildren who exhibit disorders when they enter school may become better or worse according to how they are managed in the classroom

    (Furlong, Morrison & Fisher. 2005; Walker et al, 2004)

    Teachers and peers might be the models of misconduct because the child misbehave by imitating them

    ( Farmer et al., 2001; Kauffman, 2005a; Kauffman, Mostert, Trent, & Pullen, 2006)

    Teacher who is unskilled in managing classroom or insensitive to students individual differences creates an environment where aggression, frustration or withrawal is common responses to the environment and teacher.


    Dramatic increases in the ethnic diversity of most communities might contribute to the mistaken identification of behavior

    (Osher, Cartledge, Oswald, Sutherland, Artiles, & Coutinho, 2004)

    Level of media especially through television and motion pictureThe availability of recreational drugs and the level of drug abuseThe threat of nuclear accident or war

