

Head Jolie Kirby, BA, NPQH

Deputy Head Sylvia Hawken. MA. BD. NPQH

Cheney School Cheney Lane, Headington

Oxford OX3 70H

T: 01865 765726 F: 01865 767399 E: [email protected] W:

Think for yourself, act for others

CHENEY SCHOOL Local Governing Body

Approved Minutes of meeting on Monday 9th March 2015 at 5:00pm at the school

Dr Durning

Mr Stamper, Mr Field, Mr Ewen, Ms Johnson, Mrs Kirby, Dr Josephy, Ms Masih, Mr Malik, Mr Mubeen, Mr Allison, Ms Hitchcock

Mrs Marsh (Until item 12), Mr White (Until item 12), Mr Nelson (Until item 12), Mrs Garside (Until item 12), Ms O'Keefe (Until item 12) Mrs Berry (Presenting), Miss Flegg (Clerk)

In the Chair:



In attendance:

Minutes Action

Part 1 — Non Confidential Business

1. Apologies for Absence and declaration of interest

The Chair opened and welcomed the new Governors, Mr Allison and Mr Mubeen to the Governing Body. Introductions received from all present. The following declarations were noted: Mr Allison declared that he is related by marriage to Mr Alistair White (Deputy Head ) and Mr Mubeen declared that he is an employee of Whizz Education.

Apologies for absence were received from Mr Czajewski, Mrs Garland and Mr Ali

There were no declarations of interest received for items on the agenda.

2. Non confidential Minutes of the previous meeting held on 2" February 2015

Governors reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting, which were agreed and approved as a correct version subject to the following amendments:

p.2 (4): 'It was noted that this report would be produced termly' to be amended to 'It was noted that this report would be produced termly (three times a year)' p.2 (5): 'as is aiming' to be amended to 'and is aiming' p.2 (5): 'unoccupied asylum seekers' to be amended to 'unaccompanied asylum seekers' p.2 (5): addition of 'Governors discussed the possibility of introducing an aspirational title for these students — 'Scholar' and 'Premier Pupil' suggested' p.3 (7) and changing to the staffing structure' to be removed p.3 (8) addition of action point 'School to upload development plan to website' p.3 (8) 'problennatised' to be amended to 'complicated' p.4 (10) 'of behalf of' to be amended to 'on behalf of' p.4 (10) 'a meeting discuss' to be amended to 'a meeting to discuss'


3. Review of action grid

Governors reviewed the action grid and confirmed items as discharged and reviewed the ongoing items.

Signed..... Page 1

Head Jolie Kirby, BA, NPOH

Deputy Head Sylvia Hawken, MA. BD, NPQH

Cheney School Cheney Lane, Headington

Oxford 0X3 70H

T: 01865 765726 F: 01865 767399 E: W:

Think for yourself, act for others

It was noted that the school had done some work on its data systems, and that AP1 and AP2 data had been collected. It was also noted that that the school had selected a new Management Information System (MIS) Governors requested a report around student progress profiles and the advertisement for the data team at a future meeting.


Items for discussion 4. Literacy and numeracy report (30 minutes) (LMA, CG)

Mrs Marsh presented on the literacy report and the following key points were raised

- The five key priorities for the school in terms of literacy are: addressing inconsistent teaching and learning practice across departments, low levels of literacy on entry and establishing a reading culture, handwriting, extended writing and interventions.

- Mrs Marsh outlined the school's plan to address these, including increased support and challenge, higher accountability, early interventions, implementing an accelerated reader programme, audits and increased training.

- Governors questioned how the school would manage primary transition from Bayards Hill in literacy. Mrs Marsh noted that this would be achieved by sharing best practise and resources, and would also be facilitated by staff working across the Trust.

- Governors questioned how the school would track and monitor the success of its measures. Mrs Marsh outlined that this would be achieved through lesson observation data, accelerated readers data, student panels and analysis of the pass rates of subjects requiring a high level of literacy. Mrs Marsh to amend to action plan to clarify this. Governors noted it would be important for the school to monitor if there are any specific student cohorts whose attainment and progress in literacy is low

- It was noted that under the new mark schemes there is a greater focus on literacy across all subjects. It was highlighted that basic literacy expectations were consistent across all subjects, but there was some differentiation and subject specific demands, for which the literacy plan made provision

Mrs Garside presented on the numeracy report and the following key points were raised:

- Numeracy levels are increasingly recognised as highly significant in determining the life chances of young people, and numeracy requires a significant raise in profile across the school and all student cohorts.

- Mrs Garside outlined the three year numeracy plan: Year One: Audit, Year Two: Address issues raised, Year Three: Embed practice. Mrs Garside noted that the school had recently completed audits of Years seven and eight, and that action points to address the areas to be improved which had been highlighted by these audits, were currently being developed.

- Governors questioned whether staff levels of numeracy were as developed as their literacy skills, and asked how the school would engage parents and teachers with this project. Mrs Garside noted that staff numeracy skills were not as developed as their literacy levels, as numeracy had not had much focus within the teaching profession as a whole. Mrs Garside noted that some current suggestions to were to offer a Maths GCSE to and to make online maths resources available for, parents.

- Governors noted that repeat audits would be held in Year Three to monitor progress. - Governors questioned how the focus on numeracy would impact on lesson observations. Mrs

Garside noted that lesson observations were expected to look for evidence of numeracy, where relevant.

- It was noted that each student completed a number age test on transition, and then later in their school career, in order to monitor progress in numeracy levels.

- Mrs Garside highlighted that school had also implemented a fortnightly maths challenge to raise the profile of numeracy.


Signed - e s_

Page 2

Head Jolie Kirby, BA, NPQH

Deputy Head Sylvia Hawken, MA. BD. WON

Cheney School Cheney Lane, Headington

Oxford 0X3 70H

T: 01865 765726 F: 01865 767399 E: [email protected] W:

Think for yourself, act for others

5. OFSTED progress/ School Improvement plan progress (JKI) (30 minutes)

The Head presented on the school progress following the recent OFSTED inspection and the following key points were highlighted:

- The school's Self Evaluation Form had been reviewed by the inspectors and confirmed as accurate, and the school had achieved a grading of close to Outstanding in both Leadership and Management and Post 16 Provision. The Head highlighted that school was aiming to achieve an overall Outstanding grade on its next inspection.

- The areas for improvement highlighted by the report had already been identified by the school. It was noted that judgments of lessons had been in line with those of the school, although there had been a slight difference in the overall judgement, possibly due to the sample of the lessons that had been observed. It was noted that this sample had not included any members of Leadership Team, and very few Advanced Skills Teachers and Heads of Department

- Areas for development were highlighted as: literacy, data and support and challenge for senior leaders. It was highlighted that the school was taking steps to address all of these areas, including joining the Pixl group, a network of school leaders focused on supporting and raising standards of GCSEs and A Levels, to increase the accountability of senior leaders and implementing a system of triangulation of data

- It was noted that the Ofsted inspection framework was undergoing significant revision which would come into effect in September. Changes will include a greater focus on the personal development of students, behaviour and welfare and outcomes for students and learners. It was highlighted that Bayards Hill was likely to undergo an inspection under this new framework early in the academic year 2015/16.

- Governors congratulated the Head and all the staff at Cheney for their work and the result of the inspection

The Head presented on the progress on the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and the following key points were raised: The school is currently developing its improvement plan for the academic year 2015/16. This is being informed by the OFSTED report, data and a review of the 2014/15 plan. It was noted that student leaders were also being consulted about the development of the new SIP. The 2015/16 SIP to come to Governors for review and approval in the June Governing Body meeting

- The Head suggested that the school would like to work with some small groups of Governors to develop a five year plan of school improvement

- Governors questioned how the school would address attendance in its SIP. It was noted that a number of absences related to student illness, and therefore the school would have to consider this carefully.


6. Analysis of the summer school 2014 report (10 minutes)

Mr Field presented and the following key points were highlighted:

- The analysis demonstrated a strong correlation between attendance at the summer school and high attendance at school, a high number of positive events on their Serco records and fewer lates and negative events on Serco

- Governors noted that there were some difficulties fully establishing causation, particularly due to the small sample size Governors suggested that next academic year the school analyse rates of progress of students from years 5-6 and then 6-7 to further interrogate the impact of the summer school


Signed • /a/V.(44,4,1


Page 3

Head Jolie Kirby, BA, NPOH

Deputy Head Sylvia Hawken, MA, BD, NPOH

Cheney School Cheney Lane, Headington

Oxford 0X3 70H

1:01865 765726 F: 01865 767399 E: [email protected] W:

Think for yourself, act for others

CHENEY k.,11:11'r


7. Safeguarding Policy (5 minutes)

Mr White presented and the following key points were raised:

- Safeguarding policy to be updated shortly to include the finding of the Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) report

- Governors suggested that other amendments should include: the addition of a date to the policy, inclusion of information on the author, changes made and dates of amendments as well as reformatting

- It was noted that the Head had presented to staff on the findings and learning points of the CSE report. Clerk to email a copy of the presentation to Governors

- It was noted that a number of issues had been raised by the CSE report for schools to address, including transfer of documents between schools and low attendance of vulnerable students



Other items

8. Health and safety (Standing item)

Mrs Berry presented and the following key points were highlighted:

- The school's Health and Safety audit due shortly - The school is moving forward on its asbestos training

9. SEND (Standing item)

Nothing raised

10. Items for next agenda

- SEN report - Pupil Premium champion presentation- Mr All to present - RAISE data - Data analysis

11. Date of Next Meeting

Clerk to confirm via email GEL


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