Page 1: CHECKPOINT COORDINATOR’S TRAINING March 2013. OBJECTIVES OF YOUR ROLE 1. People are safe 2. Walkers are all accounted for 3. CP has the supplies & people


March 2013

Page 2: CHECKPOINT COORDINATOR’S TRAINING March 2013. OBJECTIVES OF YOUR ROLE 1. People are safe 2. Walkers are all accounted for 3. CP has the supplies & people

OBJECTIVES OF YOUR ROLE1. People are safe2. Walkers are all accounted for3. CP has the supplies & people it needs to

operate effectively4. CP communicates constantly with the ECC5. Emergency response is enabled6. Oxfam’s reputation and image is enhanced

Timothy Herbert / OxfamAUS


Oxfam is a human rights based organisation.

Respect, Honesty, Empathy

Page 3: CHECKPOINT COORDINATOR’S TRAINING March 2013. OBJECTIVES OF YOUR ROLE 1. People are safe 2. Walkers are all accounted for 3. CP has the supplies & people


•Oversee general operations of the checkpoint i.e infrastructure, supplies and equipment

•Oversee public safety

•Oversee participant and supporter relations

•Interpret event rules and safety protocols

•Liaise with Event Control Centre

•Report incidents to the ECC

•Liaise with First Aid and Emergency Services

Assistant Coordinator will:

•Oversee volunteer management and interaction

•Sign volunteers in and out

•Delegate tasks and provide supervision and support to volunteers

•Oversee WHS, making sure volunteers are comfortable with their tasks and have PPE and other materials to do their job

•Keep an eye on / make regular contact with volunteers working off site

•Liaise with Allied Health volunteers

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EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES @ YOUR CHECKPOINT• Power & Lighting• Laptops• Water stations• Food & Provisions• 2-way radios• PPE / vests / lights • Heating • Toilets• Signage • Safety cones• Skips & Wheelie Bins

Page 9: CHECKPOINT COORDINATOR’S TRAINING March 2013. OBJECTIVES OF YOUR ROLE 1. People are safe 2. Walkers are all accounted for 3. CP has the supplies & people

PEOPLE @ YOUR CHECKPOINT• First Aid• WICEN• Allied Health Professionals• Public• Food vendors• Community Groups• Oxfam Staff• Emergency Services• Stakeholders• Volunteers:

• Parking• Check In Operators• Checkpoint Operations Support

Page 10: CHECKPOINT COORDINATOR’S TRAINING March 2013. OBJECTIVES OF YOUR ROLE 1. People are safe 2. Walkers are all accounted for 3. CP has the supplies & people


• New role combines former roles: Green Team, Food & Beverage & Queue Marshals

• Make sure the volunteer is comfortable with tasks before you delegate:

• Green team / Waste management

• Food & Beverage

• Queue Control / Allied Health support

• General Operations

• If you’re at the Finish – send COS for 2 hour stints at Vol Accommodation

Page 11: CHECKPOINT COORDINATOR’S TRAINING March 2013. OBJECTIVES OF YOUR ROLE 1. People are safe 2. Walkers are all accounted for 3. CP has the supplies & people


• Our Safety Protocols

• When 3 becomes 2?

• Every individual MUST be sighted by the Check In Operator

• Teams members must be together

• Retirement procedures

• Replacement bibs

• Manual check in / out process if computers go down

Page 12: CHECKPOINT COORDINATOR’S TRAINING March 2013. OBJECTIVES OF YOUR ROLE 1. People are safe 2. Walkers are all accounted for 3. CP has the supplies & people


• Half your energy and time

• Study the Parking Plans

• Get the strongest people in the key positions

• Work with your Parking Coordinators

• Close your Checkpoint if necessary

• Keep access open for Emergency Services / Ambulance etc

• Pull Operations Support volunteers in to fill the gaps

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• Blackboard

• Cleaning

• Food provisions and meals

• Heating

• Hydration/Water

• Medical Support

• Logbook

• Power & Lighting

• Staff Rosters / name tags

• Stores & Signage

Page 14: CHECKPOINT COORDINATOR’S TRAINING March 2013. OBJECTIVES OF YOUR ROLE 1. People are safe 2. Walkers are all accounted for 3. CP has the supplies & people

FOOD & MEALSParticipant Food

Check inventory if you are first shift on

Label this area ‘Participants only’

Volunteer Food

Some food will be labelled ‘Volunteer food’

DO NOT put this food out for participants

Volunteer Meals / Deliveries

Breakfast is self serve Carmen’s Muesli

Vouchers vs meal deliveries

Volunteers get one meal per shift (if working Lunch & Dinner time they get Lunch)

Page 15: CHECKPOINT COORDINATOR’S TRAINING March 2013. OBJECTIVES OF YOUR ROLE 1. People are safe 2. Walkers are all accounted for 3. CP has the supplies & people


Only reach 1-2km from cp

Ch1 = CP & Trail marshals Ch2 = Parking

WICEN Open Radio network

Open communication <>ECC

Mobile phones

CP Coordinator has Oxfam phone

Always use mobile first

Call your trail marshals on mobile

ECC will always call this phone first

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• Event Control Centre

• Oxfam staff:

• Event Controller, Logistics Coordinator, Volunteers Coordinator


• Victoria Police

• Ambulance Victoria

• First Aid Sweep Teams Maureen Bathgate / OxfamAUS

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• Call 000 then call ECC

• People over Property

• Emergency Evacuation Assembly Points

• Checkpoint Emergency Procedures

• Extreme Cold

• Heavy Rain/Flood

• Wind

• Evacuation from event site or trail

Page 19: CHECKPOINT COORDINATOR’S TRAINING March 2013. OBJECTIVES OF YOUR ROLE 1. People are safe 2. Walkers are all accounted for 3. CP has the supplies & people

SCENARIOS1. Computer Failure

2. Low staffing / no show vollies

3. Walker faints at CP but then decides to keep walking with his team

4. Team of one or two refuses to walk with other team

5. Heavy gusts of wind at your checkpoint

6. Car park is unsafe due to congestion

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• Under the WHS Act, volunteers are classed as ‘workers’ and treated like employees

• Safe work practices

• Personal Protective Equipment

• Break times, meals

• Fatigue management

• Event Controller in the ECC for any incidents involving a volunteer

• No trail marshals on their own (must be in pairs)

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