  • 7/29/2019 Che055precision tracking project4 Ieee



    Precision Tracking Control and Constraint Handlingof Mechatronic Servo Systems Using Model

    Predictive ControlChi-Ying Lin, Member, IEEE, and Yen-Chung Liu

    AbstractThis paper presents precision tracking control andconstraint handling of mechatronic servo systems using modelpredictive control. The current study revisits integral model pre-dictive control, a common technique used in industrial processapplications, from a motion control perspective for step trackingand constraint handling. To improve the control performance forperiodic signal tracking, this paper integrates an internal model-based repetitive control law with the model predictive controllerand transforms the original problem to a quadratic programmingproblem to deal with the given constraints. The current study ap-

    plies the aforesaid controls to a piezoactuated system, implementedat a 10-kHz sampling rate. This research analyzes and discussesthe experimental results of several controller design parametersaffecting the control performance. Asymptotic error tracking andconstraint handling results particularly demonstrate the effective-ness and potential of the model predictive controller for the servodesign of fast mechatronic systems.

    IndexTermsConstraint handling, mechatronic systems, modelpredictive control (MPC), motion control, repetitive control.



    DVANCED controls such as adaptive control or on-line-

    based optimal control, are typically heavily computational

    and highly processor-dependent if applying to real-time control

    applications. Their practical use is thus limited to slow dynamic

    systems in previous literatures [1]. However, due to emerging

    development of nanotechnology for fast microprocessors, up-

    to-date technology has made implementing advanced controls

    on fast dynamic systems a possible task. Therefore, applying

    advanced control techniques to improve system performance

    has become an attractive approach for control engineers. As

    an optimal control approach, model predictive control (MPC)

    is especially suitable for constraint handling in multivariable

    process systems and commonly seen in slow sampled-data con-

    trol systems such as chemical process control and automotive


    Manuscript received May 26, 2010; revised September 13, 2010 andDecember 30, 2010; accepted January 22, 2011. Date of publication March10, 2011; date of current version May 4, 2012. Recommended by TechnicalEditor J. Xu. This paper was supported by the National Science Council ofTaiwan, R.O.C., under Grant NSC 97-2218-E-011-015.

    C.-Y. Lin is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, NationalTaiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 106, Taiwan (e-mail:[email protected]).

    Y.-C. Liu is with International Games System Co., Ltd., Taipei 248, Taiwan(e-mail: [email protected]).

    Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMECH.2011.2111376

    Because of its promising properties, studies have recently

    applied MPC to a variety of mechatronic and motion control

    applications, such as motor control [2], [3], two-stage actuation

    system control [4], inverted pendulum control [5], machine tool

    chatter suppression [6], active noise and vibration control [7],

    and trajectory tracking of robotic systems [8][10]. Among the

    aforementioned applications, MPC of electrical motor drives

    has become increasingly more popular in the industries because

    combined control of the motor speed and current with lim-its may be financially beneficial to energy efficiency and power

    consumption. However, since motor drives can be categorized as

    actuators of mechatronic systems [11], it is also worthy to inves-

    tigate MPC control performance using a different and broader

    perspective. This study specifically focuses on motion control,

    an important part of mechatronics [11].

    Motion control generally covers topics including position

    control, velocity control, current control, or force control of

    robotics and machine tools [12]. Several researchers have stud-

    ied using MPC for speed control and current control of [2], [3],

    [13] mechatronic systems, mostly concentrated on electrical

    drives as mentioned earlier. For position control of mechatronic

    systems using MPC, the literature, however, is limited on thestudy of trajectory tracking or obstacle avoidance of robotic sys-

    tems [8][10], [14]. In [4], the authors discussed implementing

    MPC on a dc motor and PZT-based two-stage actuator system in

    tracking various reference inputs. Because of the applied PZT

    actuator, this paper investigated the MPC tracking control of

    fast mechatronic systems with a 2-kHz sampling rate. More-

    over, several studies have achieved precision tracking control

    with the aid of internal model-based repetitive control for track-

    ing periodic signals [15], [16].

    Although MPC seemingly leads to an extended research topic

    in the mechatronics field, some issues still need investigating.

    For example, the applied sampling rates in most available appli-cations are comparatively slow from the real-time perspective,

    mainly due to the requirement of on-line optimization for con-

    straint handling. This necessary tradeoff may introduce the so

    called intersample error in high-bandwidth sampled-data con-

    trol systems [17]. In addition, few studies have applied MPC to

    mechatronic systems for performance improvement, especially

    with constraint handling results. Although, the recent research

    done in [7] shows the success of applying MPC to active noise

    and vibration suppression with input constraints at a 5-kHz sam-

    pling rate, precision tracking control with constraint handling

    for fast mechatronic systems is still rarely discussed in the ex-

    isting literature.

    1083-4435/$26.00 2011 IEEE

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    This paper investigates MPC control performance for track-

    ing control and constraint handling of mechatronic systems. To

    generalize using the MPC controller on high-bandwidth mecha-

    tronic systems, this study designed servo algorithms at a 10-kHz

    sampling rate and implemented them on a fast PZT actuator sys-

    tem as an exemplary hardware platform for discussion. Faster

    sampling implementation typically implies increased spindle

    speed of rotating devices or repeated production efficiency, ob-

    taining increased economic benefits. The selected sampling rate

    in this paper should be fast and illustrative enough for a vast

    number of position control applications. In particular, this study

    shows improved control performance by considering the con-

    straints for periodic motion tracking and demonstrates the prac-

    ticability and the potential of applying the MPC controller for

    fast mechatronic systems.

    The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II

    reviews the basics of MPC and the problem formulation.

    Section III presents the integral MPC for step tracking and con-

    straint handling. Section IV demonstrates the repetitive MPC for

    periodic signal tracking and constraint handling with quadraticprogramming problem formulation. Section V presents a de-

    tailed discussion on MPC parameters selection and controller

    performance with constraints for precision tracking through ex-

    perimental results. Finally, this paper provides several conclud-

    ing remarks and future impacts of using MPC for mechatronic

    systems servo design.


    A. Review of MPC

    A review of the main concept of MPC is available in Ma-

    ciejowskis book [18]. Here, we assume that the plant model islinear, discrete, and time invariant. Building a prediction model

    based on the control system of interest is the first step. The er-

    ror E(k) between the predicted control output Yp (k) and thereference trajectory Rre f(k) and changes of the input vectoru(k) are then penalized by a quadratic cost function J(k)with weighting matrices Q, R as shown in (1). Appropriate al-gorithms minimize J(k) to obtain the optimal change of inputsequence u(k). From (2), u(k) includes the informationchanges of current and future control inputs. Third, this paper

    calculates the current control u(k) by summing the previouscontrol input u(k 1) and u(k). The dimensionality of thecost function J(k) depends on the lengths of prediction horizon

    Hp and control horizon Hc . Moreover, the weighting parame-ters Q and R influence the system output and control input andhave to satisfy the conditions Q 0, R > 0

    J(k) =1


    Hpi= 1

    E(k + i)2Q (i) +Hc 1


    u(k + i)2R(i)



    E(k + i) = Yp (k + i) Rre f(k + i)

    u(k) = [u(k)u(k + 1) u(k + Hc 1)]T

    u(k) = u(k 1) + [I 0 0 ]u(k). (2)

    B. Problem Formulation

    Let us consider the discrete state-space model and assume

    that all states (x(k) Rn ) are measurable without disturbancesor measurement noises so far

    x(k + 1) = Ax(k) + Bu(k)

    y(k) = Cx(k). (3)For simplicity, assume that the plant model is a single-input,

    single-output and causal system. Note that no feedthrough term

    appears in (3) since most mechatronic systems satisfy thecausal-

    ity assumption. Using this state-space model and following sim-

    ilar derivation procedurein [18], we canbuilda prediction model

    as shown in the following equation:

    X(k + 1) = x(k) + u(k 1) + u(k)

    Yp (k) = X(k) (4)


    X(k) = x(k)...

    x(k + Hp 1)

    = A...AHp


    BAB + B

    ...Hp 1i= 0 A

    i B


    C 0 0

    0 C ...


    . . ....

    0 C


    B 0AB + B 0

    .... . .


    Hp 1i= 0 Ai B Hp Hci=0 Ai B


    As can be seen, the predicted output Yp (k) coming from (4)can be used to construct the cost function J(k) of MPC in (1).Several approaches can solve this minimization problem. One

    is directly taking the derivative with respect to J(k) to findthe optimal change of input u(k). However, this method maycause inverse matrix calculation and have ill-conditioned issues,

    which will bring incorrect results. Furthermore, this method is

    not applicable to the case when adding constraints. This study

    therefore applies quadratic programming (QP) to solve MPC

    since QP is an algorithm, which solves optimization problems

    with constraints applied on the cost function variables. A stan-

    dard QP problem formulation can be expressed as (5), whereRn , H is an n n positive definite symmetric matrix, andf is an n 1 arbitrary vector, respectively. and are thecorresponding matrices of the constrained condition in QP

    F() =1

    2TH + fT (5)

    subject to

    J(k) =1

    2u(k)T 1



    + u(k)T (2 u(k 1) + 3 x(k) 4 Rre f(k + 1)) f

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    Fig. 1. MPC control structure with no constraints and full state measurement.


    1 = T T Q + R 3 =

    T TQ

    2 = T T Q 4 =

    T TQ.

    Notice that this QP formulation is also applicable to the case

    without constraints. Fig. 1 shows the MPC control structure with

    no constraints and full state measurements.

    C. MPC With Constraints

    One objective of this study is to improve the control perfor-

    mance of high-bandwidth servo systems by taking advantage of

    constraint-handling property in MPC. The constraints MPC can

    handle include input constraints and output constraints. The in-

    put constraints are typically applied to avoid actuator saturation

    within a desired input range [um in , um ax ]. Similarly, the outputconstraints are meant to demand the system to operate within an

    output range [ym in , ym ax ] for collision avoidance or emergencyprotection. The constraint condition can be represented as

    umi n

    umi n...

    umi nym inym in


    ym in


    u(k + 1)...

    u(k + Hc 1)y(k)

    y(k + 1)...

    y(k + Hp 1)

    uma x

    uma x...

    uma xyma xyma x


    yma x

    . (6)

    To solve the constrained MPC using QP formulation, the in-

    equality (6) must be reformulated based on the optimization

    variable u(k). After appropriate manipulation, the inequal-ity corresponding to the QP constraint condition in (5) can be

    represented as

    Cf1 Cf2 u(k) Ruy Cf1 Cf3 x(k) Cf1 Cf4 u(k 1)(7)

    where the details of Cf1 , Cf2 , Cf3 , Cf4 , and Ruy are attachedas Appendix A. As expected, this constraint condition would

    introduce the so called computational burden in most MPC

    since the designers have to define a numerical precision check

    value (e.g., 106 or less) to satisfy the condition and to terminatethe QP solver process after iterative parameter adjustment. It

    is obvious that minimal check values would retard the whole

    optimization process. For QP optimization, there exist several

    algorithms to solve QP problems. This study applied Hildreths

    Fig. 2. MPC control structure with state estimator and integrator.

    QP procedure and solved the QP problem on-line by the code

    provided by Wang [19].

    In most cases, the input constraints are hard ones, meaning

    the input must strictly follow the limit range. On the other hand,

    the feasibility of the QP solver is highly related to the state

    accuracy when transforming output constrained MPC into QP

    formulation. As a result, certain output perturbation is tolerable

    with released constraints (soft constraints) since in real systems,prefect state information is hardly available.


    As various interdisciplinary physical principles may be in-

    volved, it is difficult or costly to have full state measurement

    for the mechatronic systems of interest. To estimate the states

    from systems output for feedback control, duplicating the orig-

    inal system dynamics with an observer gain simply constructs

    state observers [20]. However, the obtained system dynamics

    is mostly from system identification techniques and correctness

    of the estimated states is dependent on modeling errors. In real

    implementation, this inevitable fact could cause nonzero steady-state error and adding an integrator typically compensates this

    error and obtains robust tracking [20]. Fig. 2 depicts the MPC

    control structure with state estimation and integral control. This

    control structure is a decentralized design, which simply adds

    control inputs from MPC and integral control. Although inte-

    gral gain tuning eliminates the steady-state error, this control

    structure is incapable of constraint handling since the integra-

    tor dynamics is not included in QP formulation. Therefore, this

    research derives and presents an integrated control structure

    combining MPC with integral control and constraint handling

    (IMPC) for step tracking.

    A. State Observer Design

    Several approaches can design the observer for state esti-

    mation, including common pole placement or the well-known

    Kalman filter method, especially when measurements are noisy.

    This study applies the generalized Luenberger observer (pole

    placement) for convenience. Let the state estimation error be

    e(k) = x(k) x(k) with the estimated state vector x(k). Byconstructing and subtracting the observer dynamics from the

    original system dynamics, the estimation error dynamics be-

    comes e(k + 1) = (A LC)e(k). To assure stability, the gainL has to be designed such that all the eigenvalues of (A LC)

    locate inside the unit circle in the z-plane. The following

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    summarizes the observer dynamic equation as follows:

    x(k + 1) = (A LC)x(k) + Bu(k) + Ly(k)

    y(k) = Cx(k).

    B. MPC With Integral Control and Constraint HandlingTo formulate the MPC with integral control and constraint

    handling, a forward difference method for numerical integration

    with an integrator state w(k) is chosen as follows:

    w(k + 1) = w(k) + Ts (Rre f(k) Y(k)) (8)

    where Ts represents the sampling time. After combining the in-tegrator and system dynamics, the augmented system dynamics

    can be represented as

    x(k + 1) = Ax(k) + Bu(k) + KRre f(k)

    Y(k) = Cx(k) (9)


    x(k) =


    A =

    A 0

    Ts C 1

    B =


    K =



    C = [ C 0 ] .

    With the state-space representation including the integral con-

    trol dynamics, we write the IMPC control law uint (k) withintegral gain Ki

    uint (k) = u(k 1) + [I 0 0 ]u(k) + Ki w(k). (10)

    If we take into account the horizon lengths Hp and Hc and use(10), we build a prediction model as

    X(k + 1) = Ax(k) + Bu(k 1) + Du(k)

    + Ew(k) + FR(k) + GY(k)

    Y(k + 1) = CX(k + 1). (11)

    Note that the notations of (10) can be referred to Appendix B.

    The cost function JI(k) combining integral and MPC controlbecomes

    JI(k) =1

    2{Y(k + 1) Rre f(k + 1)

    2Q + u(k)

    2R }.


    To solve this MPC control problem using QP solver, (12) istransformed to

    JI(k) =1

    2u(k)THu(k) + u(k)T (fint ) (13)

    subject to u(k)


    H = DTQD+ R

    fint = 1 x(k) + 2 u(k 1) 3 w(k) + 4R(k) + 5Y(k)

    6 Rre f(k)

    1 = DT

    QA 4 = DT


    Fig. 3. Prototype repetitive control block diagram.

    2 = DTQB 5 = D

    T QG

    3 = DTQE 6 = D

    T Q.

    The constrained condition in (13) applies the same notations in



    In practice, the IMPC controller derived in the previous sec-

    tion should be able to satisfy the needs in slow mechatronic

    systems, such as set-point regulation. However, in motion con-

    trol applications, the reference signal mostly contains periodicsignal components such as sinusoidal or trapezoidal tracking

    profiles. Examples include precision scanning [21], noncircular

    machining [22], or circular contouring [23], [24]. The integrated

    control structure combining MPC is incapable of periodic pro-

    file tracking since the integral control is only applicable to static

    motion control. To enlarge the scope and applicability of MPC

    design for precision motion control, this study also presents an

    MPC method with repetitive control for periodic signal tracking

    and constraint handling simultaneously.

    A. Repetitive Control

    This study applies the prototype repetitive control theoryfrom [25] due to its simplicity and suitability for discrete-time

    control law derivation. The idea is to include an internal model

    of the input signal to the feedback control loop for controller de-

    sign. Applying the internal model principle [26] and considering

    the closed-loop stability carefully, we can achieve asymptotic

    error for periodic signal tracking. Fig. 3 represents the control

    block diagram, in which the repetitive controller (RC) contains

    a stabilizing controller CZPETC and a periodic signal genera-tor with a known period. The RC Cre p can be represented asfollows:

    Cre p =Qfilterz


    1 Qfilterz(P



    CZPETC (14)


    P1 = N d nu nq; P2 = d + nu

    CZPETC = Kre fA(z1 )Bu (z1 )

    Ba (z1 )Bu (1)2. (15)

    A(z1 ) includes all poles of the plant, Bu (z1 ) includes allunstable zeros of the plant, Ba (z1 ) includes all stable zerosof the plant, and Bu (1) scales the steady-state gain of the con-troller. Moreover, Kre f is the repetitive learning gain. N is thenumber of the signal period. d stands for the number of plant

    delays, and nu represents the number of unstable zeros of the

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    Fig. 4. RMPC structure with state estimator.

    plant. nqis the order of the low pass Qfilter which will be men-tioned later. CZPETC , a stable inversion of the plant dynamics,is the zero phase error tracking controller and can be designed

    by the method reviewed in [27].

    As the RC design always includes high-gain feedback at high

    frequencies, which may excite the unmodeled dynamics and

    induce the instability during implementation, a zero-phase low-

    pass filter Qfilter can be added to suppress this undesired effect.The Qfilter is selected as

    Qfilter = (az + b + az1 )n (16)

    where a and b satisfies 2a + b = 1 for unity dc gain and nis a positive integer. Although Qfilter is a noncausal filter, thecontrollers causality is still assured because of the cascaded

    long-delay terms zP1 and zP2 .

    B. Repetitive Model Predictive Control (RMPC)

    Problem Formulation

    After introducing the basic control structure of the RC, the

    next step is to integrate the RC with MPC properly to simultane-ously preserve the desired properties in periodic signal tracking

    and constraint handling. The proposed RMPC structure to ac-

    complish this goal is shown in Fig. 4. Notice that in the follow-

    ing, a state observer is adopted using pole placement for state

    estimation mentioned in Section III-A.

    From Fig. 4, the new control law URMPC is represented as

    URMPC (k) = u(k 1) + [I 0 0 ]u(k) + URC (k)(17)

    Following the concept and procedure introduced in Section II

    and Section III-B, we can establish a predicted model for RMPC

    Yr (k + 1) = Ar x(k) + Br u(k 1)

    +Dr u(k) + Dr URC (k). (18)

    The detailed notations of (18) can be referred to Appendix C.

    If we compare (4) with (18), the predicted output in RMPC

    has an extra vector URC (k) which contains the predicted repet-itive control signals up to the control horizon. To obtain the

    repetitive control law at the current sampling time, we derive

    the z-domain transfer function from the tracking error e to therepetitive control URC as follows:

    URC (z1 )

    e(z1 )= Kre f


    1 RCd(19)


    RCn =

    zP1 2nq


    Qi+ 1 zi

    Pzj =0

    wNj + 1 zPz j


    = z(P1 +P2 )2nq


    Qi+ 1


    j =0

    wDj +1

    zPz jQ represents the coefficient of the Qfilter. w

    D and wN standfor the denominator and numerator coefficients of CZPETC ,respectively. Pz represents the sum of the number of poles andunstable zeros of CZPETC . Since the RC includes a long-termtime delay, in vector URC (k), the repetitive control law URC ateach predicted sampling period is still casual.

    With the repetitive control law and given Hp and Hc , theRMPC-predicted output Yr (k) can be represented in terms ofthe combination of x(k), u(k 1), u(k), and URC (k). Ac-cordingly, this research reformulates and transforms the cost

    function for RMPC to a QP formulation similar to (13)

    JR (k) =1

    2u(k)THRC u(k) + u(k)

    T (fRC ) (20)

    subject to u(k)


    HRC = DrT QDr + R

    fRC = 1 x(k) + 2 u(k 1) 3URC (k) 4 Rre f(k)

    1 = DrT QAr 3 = Dr

    T QDr

    2 = DrT QBr 4 = Dr

    T Q.

    Still, the constrained condition in (20) applies the same no-

    tations in (7). This procedure finishes the derivation of RMPC

    for periodic signal tracking and constraint handling. The next

    section designs and implements the proposed IMPC and RMPC

    on a piezoactuated system to demonstrate its effectiveness.


    This study chooses the piezoactuated system as the experi-

    mental platform for MPC control performance evaluation for

    two reasons. First, as tracking control plays an important role in

    motion control applications, actuator saturation is still a tough

    issue, which greatly affects practical tracking performance andlimits the actual used travel length of the actuators [28], es-

    pecially for vast popular piezoactuated systems such as AFMs

    or nanostages. To this end, MPC may become a feasible solu-

    tion for handling constraints and achieving high-performance

    precision motion control of nanopositioning devices. Second,

    high-bandwidth or fast dynamic systems such as piezoactuated

    systems require a fast enough sampling rate to avoid aliasing

    errors during digital implementation [17]. Therefore, success-

    ful precision tracking results of applying MPC on a piezoac-

    tuated system can automatically extend to a more broad range

    of mechatronic systems. The frequently discussed issue of hys-

    teresis compensation using various mathematical modeling is

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    Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of employed instruments.

    beyond the scope of this paper, but is referred to in the vastpiezotracking literature [29][32].

    A. Hardware Description and System Identification

    Fig. 5 illustrates the schematic diagram of the experimen-

    tal apparatus. The apparatus consists of a piezoelectric actuator

    (Piezomechanik Pst 150/5/20 VS10) and a strain gauge driven

    by power amplifiers. The maximum stroke of the piezoelec-

    tric actuator is 20 m. The control scheme was implementedusing MATLAB Simulink, and the data were acquired by a

    16-bit data acquisition card (NI PCI-6052E) at a 10-kHz sam-

    pling rate. The CPU in the used target computer is an AMD

    Athlon X2 Dual-Core processor with a 2.9-GHz clock rate. Fora more detailed discussion about MPC implementation using

    MATLAB, see Wangs work in [19]. To obtain the system model

    for MPC design, this research performed a time-domain system

    identification method using autoregressive exongeneous by in-

    jecting a chirp input signal. As system output drifting occurs in

    piezoactuated systems due to nonlinearities, closed-loop system

    identification [33] with a PI feedback controller was applied to

    eliminate this error. Fig. 6 shows the open-loop model frequency

    response and validation results. As can be seen, the identified

    second-order model is good enough for controller design and


    B. Simulation and Experimental Results

    After obtaining the identified system model, this study de-

    signed and implemented the IMPC and RMPC controller on the

    piezoactuated system for controller performance evaluation. To

    verify IMPC controller effectiveness in real-time implementa-

    tion, this research conducted several experiments for tracking a

    1-Hz square-wave reference signal, and presented the necessity

    of adding integral control for reducing steady-state errors by

    comparing with the result using MPC alone. This paper also

    discusses the influences of adjusting parameters Hp , Hc , Q , Rin the MPC problem. Moreover, this investigation adopted the

    following two periodic profiles for high-frequency profile track-

    Fig. 6. Piezoelectric actuator frequency response and model validation.

    Fig. 7. Reference signals applied in this study. (a) 10-Hz sinusoidal signal.(b) 20-Hz special signal.

    ing experiments. Fig. 7(a) shows a 10-Hz sinusoidal reference

    signal, and Fig. 7(b) is a special case of Fig. 7(a) with an abso-

    lute function applied. Obviously, the frequency components ofthe reference signal in Fig. 7(b) are more complicated than the

    signal in Fig. 7(a) because of the nonsmooth transition. Finally,

    this paper compared the experimental results of IMPC and the

    RMPC controller with constraint handling to the result using

    standard saturation techniques.

    1) Integral Gain Ki : Fig. 8 shows the experimental resultsof using MPCwith different integral gains, where Ki = 0 meansno integral control is included. As can be seen, using standard

    MPC without the integrator exhibits nonzero steady-state errors

    due to inaccurate estimated states from modeling error. Acti-

    vating the integrator achieved convergent steady-state error. Al-

    though, increasing the value ofKi improves convergent speed,

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    Fig. 8. Different integral gain Ki : experimental results.

    Fig. 9. Different prediction horizon Hp length: experimental results.

    overshoot behavior also occurs. The following results account

    for state estimation and integral control unless otherwise stated.

    2) Horizon Length Hp andHc : Figs. 9 and 10 demonstratethe impacts of different predictions and control horizon lengths

    on system performance. Fig. 9 shows that increasing Hp obtainsfaster convergent speed for step tracking. However, one should

    note that increasing Hp values will not necessarily improvetransience performance when applying unmodeled disturbance

    (e.g., a load torque) to the control system. Without enough infor-

    mation such as the type of disturbance and future input move-

    ments, it is difficult to have an accurate disturbance estimate

    and prediction outputs. On the other hand, the increase in

    Hc slows the system output performance. This is because largerHc means further focus on control energy and thus reduces thetransient speed. Fig. 10 also shows that obvious overshoot oc-

    curs when using less control horizon. Moreover, according to

    authors experiences, Hc is the most important factor determin-

    Fig. 10. Different control horizon Hc length: experimental results.

    Fig. 11. Different weighting gain of cost function: experimental results.

    ing the computation time for MPC controller implementation.

    This finding may be attributed to the fact that larger Hc alsoincreases the number of solving variables and complicates the

    optimization process. Besides the horizon length, undoubtedly

    the success of real-time MPC implementation is greatly depen-dent on the specs of system microprocessor.

    3) Weighting Parameters Q andR: The parameters Q andR represent the weighting for prediction and control horizon,respectively. Adjusting the ratio of these two weighting param-

    eters, adjusts the system output performance. As Q increases, afixed R decreases the influence of R and vice versa. As shownin Fig. 11, the increase in Q means that output performanceis more concerned and thus the settling time is faster. On the

    contrary, the control input becomes relatively important as Q de-creases, meaning that the control move is very aggressive with

    large change in one sampling instant. In this case, the result in

    Fig. 12 shows control saturation and obvious output transient

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    Fig. 12. Different weighting gain of cost function: experimental results.

    oscillation, but less control effort at steady state. Although set-

    ting Q = R gives intermediate results, it still requires someexperimental tuning to achieve a tradeoff between output per-

    formance and control effort.

    4) Input Constraints: As mentioned in the previous discus-

    sion, the MPC controller is especially useful for constraint han-

    dling. Coming from actuator saturation or physical operation

    range limits, the input constraints significantly affect the con-

    trol performance. Thepiezoactuated system applied in this study

    can accept 07.5 V control input before a twenty times voltage

    amplifier. As the increase in integral gain raises the transientspeed, the extra-required control effort may also cause input

    saturation and reduce the control performance. To highlight this

    phenomena and the controller performance, this study adopted

    an artificial input constraint with range 1.655.85 V for the

    MPC design. The diagram from Figs. 13 and 14 compares be-

    tween MPC with stricter control input saturation limit and MPC

    with input constraint handling results. The previous two con-

    trols can be referred to as serendipitous design and tactical

    design [34], respectively. The serendipitous design, a strat-

    egy that just adds input constraints after finishing the controller

    design, shows a retarded output response and large control un-

    dershoot. However, the design that considers input constraints

    in the control calculation (tactical design) shows about eighttimes less response time and smaller control effort at steady

    state. From Figs. 13 and 14, it is evident that MPC with input

    constraint handling provides better control performance even in

    high-bandwidth servo systems.

    5) Output Constraints: Given the earlier results, this paper

    now discusses the output constraint results. Most successful

    output constraint handling results using MPC belong to pro-

    cess control applications. However, few studies have investi-

    gated implementing MPC in mechatronic systems, owing to

    the computational burden, as output becomes part of the con-

    straint condition. A few output constraints in mechatronic sys-

    tems include safety protection or mechanism constraint (dead

    points). For demonstration purposes, this study puts a satura-

    tion block (in Simulink) at the system output to represent the

    actual output constraint. Fig. 15 shows the experimental results

    of MPC with output constraint handling, compared to the re-

    sults of MPC without constraint handling and MPC with an

    artificial output constraint, all within 5.6 m. Unfortunately,the output response is far from the expected reference, even

    with the integral control. The results may be attributed to the

    plant uncertainties and imperfect state estimation in real im-

    plementation. Since the QP problem formulation requires the

    information of system states x(k) from state observers, the ac-curacy ofx(k) may affect the MPC solver and thus the successof output constraint handling. The simulation result shown in

    Fig. 16 verifies the aforesaid conjecture. As shown, the MPC

    with output constraint handling performs well under the applied

    output constraint, without considering plant uncertainty. How-

    ever, the result with plant uncertainty that assumes adding some

    unmodeled dynamics demonstrates a similar trend compared

    with the experimental result. This interesting observation em-

    phasizes the importance of accurate modeling for successfullyimplementing MPC output constraint handling.

    6) Periodic Signal Tracking: The previous sections have fo-

    cused on IMPC controller performance for tracking a square

    wave. We now consider using the RMPC controller for tracking

    a periodic signal, which is a common profile benchmark for

    evaluating precision motion control performance. This study

    first compares the RMPC with the RC, MPC, and IMPC for

    tracking the reference signal depicted in Fig. 7(a). This com-

    parison does not consider constraint handling in MPC, IMPC,

    and RMPC designs. Fig. 17 shows the transient and steady-state

    experimental results.

    Clearly, applying RC alone provides almost sensor noiselevel steady-state error. However, before 0.4 s, the transient

    error is relatively larger than using the other three control ap-

    proaches. Since the main purpose of traditional MPC design

    is to deal with constraints for multiple-inputmultiple-output

    process control systems, it is natural to see nonconverging

    steady-state errors. Although the IMPC design reduces the er-

    ror significantly, including integral control limits the tracking


    The importance of applying RMPC for periodic signal track-

    ing becomes obvious after introducing the previous results. As

    indicated in Fig. 17, the RMPC still preserves the benign prop-

    erties of RC in tracking periodic signals for converged errors

    and provides a faster converging rate than applying RC alone.Most importantly, the proposed RMPC is able to track periodic

    signals when considering constraints as part of controller design

    parameters. The next section illustrates the experimental results

    with input constraints.

    7) Periodic Signal Tracking With Input Constraints: Since

    most motion control systems contain an actuator saturation or

    input limitation, investigating the controller performance of

    RMPC with input constraints is worthwhile. To highlight the

    control performance, this study conducted experiments to track

    the reference signal depicted in Fig. 7(b). This special signal

    is very common and particularly similar to the profiles used

    in industry applications such as triangular scanning wave [21]

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    Fig. 13. IMPC with input constraints: experimental results in 11.02 s.

    Fig. 14. IMPC with input constraints: experimental results in 1.51.52 s.

    Fig. 15. Output constraints experimental results.

    or the repetitive piston motion profile [22]. The results are

    compared with the case with an artificial input saturation block

    and the case without any constraint.

    Fig. 16. Output constraints simulation results.

    In this study, the input command is limited within 3.55

    5.95 V. Figs. 1820 depict the experimental results of track-

    ing a periodic signal with input constraints. Fig. 18 shows an

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    Fig. 17. Periodic signal tracking: experimental results.

    Fig. 18. Periodic signal tracking with input constraints: experimental results in 02 s.

    Fig. 19. Periodic signal tracking with input constraints: experimental results in 0.450.65 s.

    obvious overshoot, both in system output and control input for

    the case without any constraint handling (blue dashed line). Al-

    though adding the input saturation block (red dashed line) sim-

    ply solves the constraint issue, the control performance of the

    case applying careful input constraint handling (green solid line)

    still shows better improvement, such as faster transient speed

    and less saturation time. Readers interested in output constraint

    handling results might want to refer to [35].

  • 7/29/2019 Che055precision tracking project4 Ieee



    Fig. 20. Periodic signal tracking with input constraints: experimental results in 9.810 s.


    As microprocessor technology matures and rapidly develops,

    there is an emerging opportunity for using classic advanced

    controls as servo control design alternatives for the mechatronics

    community. Therefore, this study presents precision tracking

    control and constraint handling of mechatronic servo systems

    using MPC.

    The current research focuses on integral MPC from a motion

    control perspective, by discussing design parameter selection

    as well as control performance of constraint handling and step

    tracking. RMPC is a technique that deals with constraints and

    eliminates the steady-state error coming from the determinis-

    tic components of periodic tracking signals. The experimental

    results demonstrate the effectiveness of MPC controllers on apiezoactuated system with a fast sampling rate.

    However, the controllers discussed in this paper are limited

    in output constraint handling because of inevitable modeling

    errors. This issue may remain as an extended research topic for

    future work. Suggestions such as softening the constraints [36],

    [37] or applying linear matrix inequalities based on robust MPC

    [38], [39] are some simulation examples for possible directions

    for further successful constrained control implementation.

    On the other hand, the sampling rate used in this study

    proves that recent microprocessor technology is already pow-

    erful enough to implement MPC controllers in common real-

    time motion control applications, even with considering con-straint handling. Therefore, implementing MPC controllers on

    specialized hardware has recently attracted much interest from

    academia, and particularly control engineers. Examples include

    digital signal processor [7], field programmable gate array [40],

    [41], or more general purpose microprocessors [42]. Advanced

    MPC approaches that apply on-line tuning algorithms in pre-

    vious process control literatures [43][45] should be revisited

    and applied on fast dynamic systems for future research and

    applications are expected.

    With the advent of microprocessor technology, an explicit

    MPC technique considering position control, velocity control,

    and acceleration control with as many constraints as needed,

    similar to process control applications, may become feasible for

    real-time motion control. This feature and more, if appropriately

    embedded on a low-cost chip [46], can bring substantial eco-nomic benefits to industries. We believe that further advanced

    MPC control approaches and applications for mechatronic sys-

    tems will appear soon.


    Cf1 =

    1 0 0

    1 0. . . 0

    0 1. . .


    0 1. . .


    .... . .


    .... . . ...


    . . . 10 1

    , Cf2 = Cf21Cf22


    Cf3 =




    CAH c

    , Cf4 =




    H cnj = 0 CA

    j B

    Cf21 =

    1 0 0

    1 1 0 ...


    .... . .


    1 1


    Cf22 =

    0 0 0 0CB 0 0 0

    CAB + CB CB 0 0...


    . . ....H cn

    j =0 CAj B CB 0

    Ruy = [um ax um in um ax umi n yma x ymi n

    ym ax ym in ]T .

  • 7/29/2019 Che055precision tracking project4 Ieee



    X(k + 1) =

    x(k + 1)x(k + 2)


    x(k + Hp )

    , Y(k + 1) =

    Y(k + 1)Y(k + 2)


    Y(k + Hp )

    , R(k) =

    Rre f(k)Rre f(k + 1)


    Rre f(k + Hp 1)

    , A =




    B =


    AB + B...Hp 1

    j = 0 Aj B

    , C = C 0 0

    0 C ......

    .... . .


    0 C

    , D = B 0

    AB + B 0...

    . . ....Hp 1

    j = 0 Aj B

    Hp Hcj = 0 A

    j B

    E =

    BKiABKi + 2BKi



    l= 1 lAHp l B)Ki

    , F =

    K 0AK BKi Ts K 0

    ... . . . 0

    AHp 1 KHp 1

    m =0 mAHp m 1 BKi Ts AK BKi Ts K

    G =

    0 0 0BKi Ts 0 0 0

    ABKi Ts + 2BKi Ts BKi Ts 0 ...

    ... ... ... . . . ...Hp 1w =0 wA

    Hp w 1 BKi Ts BKi Ts 0


    X(k + 1),B,E,G,R(k), andD are defined as shown at thetop of the page.


    Yr (k + 1) =

    Y(k + 1)

    Y(k + 2)...Y(k + Hp )

    , Ar = CA


    Br =

    CBCAB + CB

    ...Hp 1j = 0 CA

    j B

    Dr =

    CB 0CAB + CB 0

    .... . .


    Hp 1j = 0 CAj B Hp Hcj =0 CAj B

    URC (k) =

    URC (k)URC (k + 1)


    URC (k + Hc 1)



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    Chi-Ying Lin received the B.S. and M.S. degreesfrom National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in1999 and 2001, respectively, and the Ph.D. degreefrom the University of California, Los Angeles, in2008, all in mechanical engineering.

    He is currently an Assistant Professor in the De-partment of Mechanical Engineering, National Tai-wan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.His current research interests include design and con-trol of precision positioning systems, active vibration

    control, and mechatronics.

    Yen-Chung Liu received the B.S. degree fromNational Yunlin University of Science and Tech-nology, Yunlin, Taiwan, in 2008, and the M.S. de-gree from National Taiwan University of Science andTechnology, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2010, bothin mechan-ical engineering.

    He is currently an R&D Engineer withInternational Games System Co., Ltd., Taipei,

    Taiwan. His research interestsincludemechanism de-sign for game products and model predictive controlfor mechatronic systems.
