
Chara Kourlessi, EFL Teacher Country: Athens, Greece

BA in English Language and Literature E-mail: [email protected]

MA in Applied Linguistics

The materials were designed and created by me. The images used are

free content coming from (Thanks!)

Aim: Players will hone their speaking skills and recapitulate the

grammatical point of infinitives (full/bare) & gerund

Language Level: Upper Intermediate (B2) - Proficiency (C2)

# of players: 2+ players or small teams of 2-4 players each

How to play: At the beginning of the round, each player (or team) gets

six question-cards. Players roll the dice alternatively to decide who is

going to start and then they take turns in a clockwise order. Rolling the

dice, they move onto squares and select to use one of their cards

depending on the colour of the square they are on. For example, if they

are on a square having a green, 120-dollar apple they have to form an

utterance including a word or phrase from the green part of one of their

cards (see picture 1). If the reply given is both logical and grammatically

accepted they get a fruit-badge having the fruit and the amount of money

they have earned on it (see picture 2). Otherwise, if the utterance

expressed is neither logical, nor grammatically accepted they do not

receive anything and play again when their turn comes. The wide variety

of lexical options appearing on the question-cards allows players to

practise speaking and develop diverse utterances. After each turn, players

have to put the card they used on the pile of cards, face down. When they

use the six cards they got initially, they will start taking one card at a time

from the pile.

Who wins: Winner is the player (or the team) who manages to "pick" six

different fruit badges, one of each kind. Otherwise, winner is the person

(or the team) who is "richer" - based on the sum of money they have

collected from their fruit-badges - when the first player goes to Finish.

Picture 1 Picture 2


1 table,

108 question-cards,

9 copies of each fruit-badge (more copies should be printed out),

8 bowl-pieces,

a dice

Tip! Question cards, fruit-badges and pieces to be cut and laminated