Page 1: Chapter 6 Other Sensory Systems. Sound and the Ear Humans hear by detecting sound waves Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency Hearing alerts us

Chapter 6

Other Sensory Systems

Page 2: Chapter 6 Other Sensory Systems. Sound and the Ear Humans hear by detecting sound waves Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency Hearing alerts us

Sound and the Ear

• Humans hear by detecting sound waves• Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency• Hearing alerts us to useful information

Page 3: Chapter 6 Other Sensory Systems. Sound and the Ear Humans hear by detecting sound waves Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency Hearing alerts us

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Sound Waves: Stimulus for Audition

• Sound Wave• Periodic compression of air

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Physical Properties of Sound WavesProperties of Sound-Wave Energy1) Frequency • Number of cycles that a wave completes in a given

amount of time• Measured in Hertz:

• cycles per second• Related to pitch

• Low pitch: low frequency• High pitch: high frequency• Different frequencies

Page 5: Chapter 6 Other Sensory Systems. Sound and the Ear Humans hear by detecting sound waves Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency Hearing alerts us

Physical Properties of Sound Waves

• Most adult humans hear between 20 -20,000Hz• Children hear higher frequencies

• Ability decreases with age and exposure to noise

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Page 6: Chapter 6 Other Sensory Systems. Sound and the Ear Humans hear by detecting sound waves Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency Hearing alerts us

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Page 7: Chapter 6 Other Sensory Systems. Sound and the Ear Humans hear by detecting sound waves Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency Hearing alerts us

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Physical Properties of Sound Waves2) Amplitude • The intensity/strength of sound wave

• measured in decibels (dB)

• Relates to loudness• Soft sound: low amplitude• Loud sound: high amplitude

• Example of decibels

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Page 9: Chapter 6 Other Sensory Systems. Sound and the Ear Humans hear by detecting sound waves Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency Hearing alerts us

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Structure of the Ear

Outer Ear• Pinna

• External structure • funnel sound waves into the ear canal • Helps us locate sounds

• External Ear Canal• Amplifies and directs sound waves to eardrum (tympanic


Page 10: Chapter 6 Other Sensory Systems. Sound and the Ear Humans hear by detecting sound waves Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency Hearing alerts us

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Processing Sound Waves

Middle EarBegins with eardrum

• Air-filled chamber that includes the ossicles• Bones in the middle ear:

• Hammer (malleus)• Anvil (incus)• Stirrup (stapes)

• Connects the eardrum to the oval window of the cochlea• Transmits sounds to cochlea

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The Ossicles

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Page 13: Chapter 6 Other Sensory Systems. Sound and the Ear Humans hear by detecting sound waves Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency Hearing alerts us

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Processing Sound WavesInner Ear• Cochlea

• Fluid-filled inner ear structure • receptor cells for hearing (hair cells)• auditory signals converted to action potentials

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Processing Sound Waves

• Basilar membrane• Located in cochlea• Stimulated by staples and creates a wave in the fluid filling the cochlea• Contains about 25,000 fibers

• Fibers vibrate to specific frequencies and stimulate corresponding nerve cells

• We perceive pitch

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Basilar Membrane

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Processing Sound WavesInner Ear• Hair Cells

• Sensory neurons embedded on basilar membrane• When moved by waves in the cochlear fluid outer hair cells

stimulate inner hair cells,• Inner hair cells are auditory receptor cells

• Visual of the Hearing Process

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Electron Micrographs of the Hair Cells of Humans

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Detecting Loudness and Location• Loudness

• Greater amplitude of sound waves causes greater firing rate of cells in the cochlea.

• Ex: Youtube video• This is Spinal Tap

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Detecting Location• Location

• Cells receive info from both ears and calculate difference in arrival times.

• Superior olivary complex• More difficult to compare inputs when sounds move

toward the middle of the head.• the difference in arrival times is smaller.

• When we detect no difference in arrival times, we infer the sound is coming from directly in front of us or behind us.

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Page 22: Chapter 6 Other Sensory Systems. Sound and the Ear Humans hear by detecting sound waves Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency Hearing alerts us

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Detecting Location

• Source of sound is detected by loudness on the left or right side of the head

• High frequency sound waves do not easily bend, the head acts as an obstacle.

• higher frequency sound waves on one side of the head are louder than on the other.

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Page 24: Chapter 6 Other Sensory Systems. Sound and the Ear Humans hear by detecting sound waves Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency Hearing alerts us

Theories of Pitch Perception

• Place theory• basilar membrane has hair cells sensitive to only one specific frequency of

sound wave

• Frequency theory• basilar membrane vibrates in synchrony with sound • causes auditory nerve axons to produce action potentials at the same


Page 25: Chapter 6 Other Sensory Systems. Sound and the Ear Humans hear by detecting sound waves Sound waves vary in amplitude and frequency Hearing alerts us

Pitch Perception• Current pitch theory combines both

• Low frequency sounds best explained by the frequency theory

• High frequency sounds best explained by place theory

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Variations in Sensitivity to Pitch

• “Amusia”• the impaired detection of frequency changes (tone deafness)• Video clip (4 minutes)• thicker than average auditory cortex in right hemisphere but fewer

connections from auditory cortex to frontal cortex

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Variations in Sensitivity to Pitch

• Absolute pitch• (“perfect pitch”) ability to hear a note and identify it• Genetic predisposition • The main determinant is early and extensive musical training• More common among people who speak tonal languages such as Vietnamese

and Mandarin Chinese

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The Auditory Cortex

• Primary auditory cortex (area A1) • Located in the superior temporal cortex

• Area A1 is important for auditory imagery• Hearing in the absence of vision

• Requires experience to develop properly• Axons leading from the auditory cortex are less developed in people deaf

since birth • Damage to A1 does not necessarily cause deafness unless damage extends to the

subcortical areas

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• Auditory Illusions

Can You Trust Your Ears?

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Hearing Loss

• Two categories of hearing impairment• Conductive or middle ear deafness• Nerve deafness or inner ear deafness• Examples of hearing loss

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• Frequent or constant ringing in the ears• Experienced by many people with nerve deafness• Examples

• Sometimes occurs after damage to the cochlea

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Vestibular Sensation

• The vestibular sense: system that detects the position and movement of the head

• Directs movements of the eye and helps to maintain balance

• The vestibular organ is in the ear and is adjacent to the cochlea

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The Vestibular Organ

• Made up of• two otolith organs

• calcium carbonate particles that push against different hair cells and excite them when the head tilts

• three semicircular canals• filled with a jellylike substance and hair cells that are activated when the head moves

• Action potentials travel to the brain stem and cerebellum

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Structures for Vestibular Sensation

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• Refers to the sensation of the body and its movements• Includes tickle sensation

• Can’t tickle self• our brain expects the stimulation and generates a weaker


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The Somatosensory Cortex

• Aspects of body sensations remain separate all the way to the cortex• somatosensory thalamus sends impulses to different areas of the

somatosensory cortex• Where is this cortex located?

• Damage to the somatosensory cortex can result in the impairment of body perceptions

• Phantom limb phenomenon (13 min.)

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Somatosensory Cortex

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6.3 The Chemical Senses

• The first sensory system of the earliest animals was a chemical sensitivity

• enables a small animal to find food, avoid danger, locate mates

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• Taste has one simple function – to tell us whether to swallow something or spit it out

• We like sweet tastes even in infancy• We dislike bitter and sour, but will accept in small amounts• We vary in our like of salty flavors

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Taste and Smell• Taste buds

• receptors on the tongue

• Perception of flavor is combo of taste and smell• Taste and smell axons converge in the endopiriform cortex

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Papillae and Taste Buds

• Papillae • structures on tongue that contain the taste buds• may contain up to ten or more taste buds

• Each taste bud contains approximately 50 receptors• Most taste buds are located along the outside edge of the tongue in


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Taste Buds

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Taste Perception – Taste Receptors

• Sweet, sour, salty and bitter, glutamate• Some substances that can modify tastes

• Miracle berries – miraculin

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Mechanisms of Taste Receptors

• The saltiness receptor permits sodium ions to cross the membrane• Results in an action potential

• Sour receptors detect the presence of acids • Sweetness, bitterness, and umami receptors activate a G protein

• Transmits information from outside to inside the cell

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Bitter Receptors

• Bitter tastes are associated with toxic substances• About 25 types of bitter receptors

• sensitive to a wide range of chemicals with varying degrees of toxicity

• sensitive to range of harmful substances, but not highly sensitive to any single one
