Page 1: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

Chapter 14Chapter 14Connectives Connectives

Page 2: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

Ex. The following sentences are

disarranged. Rearrange them to

follow the time order and write the

sentences in paragraph form.

Ex. The following sentences are

disarranged. Rearrange them to

follow the time order and write the

sentences in paragraph form.

Page 3: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

1. By ten o’clock the flying hero landed in front of a huge crowd of wildly cheering people, tired, unshaved, suddenly hungry. 2. On the morning of May 20th, 1927, Lindbergh’s “spirit of St. Louis” struggled into the air from New York. 3. Then a fishing boat appeared, and, an hour later, land. It was Ireland. 4. After 34 hours of continuous piloting, the flight of 3,600 miles was over.5. When night came, Lindbergh flew steadily on, hoping that his course was the right one. 6. Throughout the next day the “spirit of St. Louis” flew on over the seemingly limitless sea.

Page 4: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

On the morning of May 20th, 1927, Lindbergh’s “spirit of St. Louis” struggled into the air from New York. When night came, Lindbergh flew steadily on, hoping that his course was the right one. Throughout the next day the “spirit of St. Louis” flew on over the seemingly limitless sea. Then a fishing boat appeared, and, an hour later, land. It was Ireland. By ten o’clock the flying hero landed in front of a huge crowd of wildly cheering people, tired, unshaved, suddenly hungry. After 34 hours of continuous piloting, the flight of 3,600 miles was over.

Page 5: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

Most likely, you are already familiar with many of the transitional words and phrases which, by themselves, mean little but which serve as a vital link between ideas. With the help of transitional words, the flow of thought is clear to be seen.

Let’s take an example:

Page 6: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

To start with I must admit that at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage, prejudices you might even call them. But when I met Mark I found him a charming and intelligent young guy. Any mother would be proud to have him for a son-in-law. So, color has nothing to do with it. Yes, my friends talk. Some even express shock at what you’re doing. But they live in a different world. So you see, Mark’s color is not the problem. My biggest worry is that…

Page 7: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

A. Read the following paragraph and identify the transitional words in it.

Nowadays, under the new tuition system, an increasing number of students, especially those poverty-stricken students, now seem to be defeated by the crushing tuition burden. Therefore , many people complain that the new tuition system keeps poverty-stricken students away from college. However , in my opinion, the new tuition system does add much difficulties to the poor students but it will never





Page 8: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

keeps them away from college. First, in carrying out the new tuition system, the governmental should provide some special policy for poor student. Besides, they are entitled to take a loan from banks or do some part-time jobs during their spare time, such as weekends and holidays. Finally, they can try to win scholarship by additional efforts. In short , man proposes, and God disposes. No one will be kept out of college due to financial burden unless he is defeated by himself.

First ,


such asFinally

In short


Page 9: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

Conjunction because, as, forConjunction because, as, for• I will come because you request it . *• As you request it I will come. • The day breaks because the birds are singing. *• The day breaks because the sun is rising.• The day breaks for the birds are singing. • The river has risen, because it has rained much of late.

(physical cause)• It must have rained much of late, for the river is so high.

(logical reason)• He is beloved of all because he is honest. (moral cause)• He must be honest, for he is beloved of all. (logical


Page 10: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

though ,althoughthough ,although• He was not unhappy though he would have to live alone.

(supposition)• He was not unhappy although he had to live alone. (fact)• Let’s start as arranged though it rain tomorrow.• Though everybody desert you, I will not.• Though she was a child, the actress was drawing a

crowd.• Child though she was, the actress was drawing a crowd.• The book, though it is a masterpiece, is far from

popular.• The book, masterpiece though it is, is far from popular.

Page 11: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

The animal was walking as though (as if) it had hurt its leg.

这动物走路的样子好像是伤了腿似的。Now you try:

她和我说话的神情,好像她认识我似的。 She spoke to me as though (as if) she knew me.

as would be the case if; appearing to be the case that. We may also use “as if” for the same meaning.

The verb in the “as though” and “as if” clause is very often in the subjunctive mood, though it is by no means always so.

She treats me as if (as though) I were a stranger.


He looks as if he were much better. 他看上去似乎好多了。


as though

Page 12: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

We thought she did not like us, whereas in fact she was very shy. 我们以为她不喜欢我们,然而事实是因为她很害羞。They want a house, whereas/while we would rather live in a flat. 他们想住一所房子 , 可我们宁愿住在一套公寓房里。

but, in contrast: while

他们国家石油丰富 , 而我们国家则一点也没有。 Their country has plenty of oil, whereas/ while ours has none.


Now you try:

whereas conj.

Page 13: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

Doubt+ whether /thatDoubt+ whether /that

• I doubt/It is doubtful/There is a doubt whether it is true.(affirmative)

• I don’t doubt/ I have no doubt/There is no doubt that it is true.(negative)

• Who doubts that it is true?(question)• There is no doubt about it that he will win.• I doubt whether he will come.• I doubt whether he will not come soon.

Page 14: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

1 According to the survey based on responses from over 188, 000 students, today’s college beginners are “more consumeristic and less idealistic than” at any time in the seventeen years of the poll.

根据以 188, 000 多名学生的答卷为基础的调查,当今的大学新生比这项民意测验开始以来的 17 年中的任何时候的大学新生都“更主张消费,但少了点理想”。

Page 15: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

• Tyson stole his neighbor’s car,

for which he was put into prison.

Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, obtaining water is not the least.

A. for which B. to which

C. of which D. in which


C. of which

Page 16: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form


The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _____ his arguments in favor of the new theory.

A. to be based on B. to base on

C. which to base on D. on which to base

这位英雄救了这个小孩,他的母亲为此非常感激。The hero saved the child’s life, for which the mother was grateful.

他在学校成绩突出,为此在毕业时被选送出国深造。He had an excellent academic performance at school, for which he was sent abroad for further education when he graduated.

D. on which to base

Page 17: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

• While I am working hard, Jeremy is playing football as if he had learned his lessons.


他在看电视,脚放在前面的凳子上,而他的妻子在厨房做饭。While he was watching TV, his feet on the bench in front of him, his wife was cooking in the kitchen.

3. while + S+v.-ing 3. while + S+v.-ing


While everybody is busy preparing the party, Teresa was chatting with her friends on the phone.

Page 18: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

1) As is known to all, exercise does bring a lot of benefits to our health. 2) First, it can greatly strengthen our hearts, lungs, bones and muscles, thereby changing our whole health for the better. 3) Besides, it can make our brains better able to react to what is going on around us. 4) And best of all, it can help us breed optimism about our tough life.

Writing :

The Effects of Exercise on Our Health

Page 19: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

5) But all the above does not mean that we can turn a blind eye to the negative effects exercise brings about. 6) If you are normally inactive and then, contrary to your usual habit, start a program of undue exercise, as a succession of scientific studies reveals, there are more chances that you have yourself injured. 7) In addition, the more exercise those on a fat-reducing diet take, the more loss of iron they will suffer and the worse their health will get. 8) And

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worst of all, continual as well as excessive exercise can result in sudden death. 9) Therefore, a scientific approach must be adopted to the problem of exercise. 10) On the one hand, our physical exercise must be based on both progressiveness and regularity. 11) On the other, we must go in for physical exercise according to local as well as health conditions of our own. 12) In sum, exercise can do us good or harm, all depending on how we make use of it.

Page 21: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

Supply the transitions that have been left out of the following paragraph. Then reread the paragraph and note how the transitional expressions contribute to coherence.

Page 22: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

ATM has ______ favorable _____ unfavorable aspects. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows. First, it’s convenient. Depositors can draw money from an ATM without filling in a drawing form or showing the ID card._________, it’s safe. Depositors needn’t carry the money with them. _____________________, depositors

both... and on the other hand therefore To begin with Besides Most important of all To make matters worse

both and


Most important of all

Page 23: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

will never worry about the fake money, __________ they can always set their heart at ease. But________________, ATM also has many disadvantages.______________, it often brings troubles whenever a depositor forgets his secret code.____________________, if a depositor doesn’t operate it properly, his card will get stuck or be swallowed.

both... and on the other hand therefore To begin with Besides Most important of all To make matters worse

thereforeon the other hand To begin with

To make matters worse

Page 24: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

““ 而”而”• 小红低唱,而我吹箫。• I played on the flute, and Hsiao Huang sang to it.

• 你现在必须走,而下次可再来。• You must go now, but you may come again.

• 他很聪明,而他的妹妹却很愚蠢。• He is clever whereas his sister is foolish.

• 他是个聪明人,而仍不免长犯错误。• He is a wise man, nevertheless (none the less/and yet) he often

makes mistakes.

• 他正想要用脚跟踩碎那株小草, 而一个新的念头使他听下来了。

• He was about to crush the plant with his heel, when a new thought made him stop.

• 他穷而正直。• Though he is poor, he is honest.

Page 25: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

Connectives in ChineseConnectives in Chinese • 在很多的句子中 , 汉语采用零连接的 形式

表达逻辑语义关系 .• 拿人家的手软 , 吃人家的嘴软 . ( 并列 )• 言者无心 , 听着有意 . ( 转折 )• 你不去我去 ! ( 条件 )• 回到家 , 一杯茶 , 一张报 , 天事不管 !( 时间 )

•相对来说 , 汉语中的意合现象必英语多 , 英语的形合现象比汉语多 .

Page 26: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

1.He may be late, in that case we ought to wait for him.


2.For he was in a hurry, he left his passport at the bank.


3. Just when we left the house, it began to rain.

Just as

4.Try although you may, you’ll never succeed.


6.The reason for the boy to behave like that is because he was spoilt by his parents.

7.You can either write a thesis or a short essay on the subject.

8. He not only wrote a short essay but also a thesis on the subject.

9. Mr Jones is principal of the school, moreover, he is an expert in translation.

10.   He is more an efficient worker than John.

Error Correction

Page 27: Chapter 14 Connectives Ex. The following sentences are disarranged. Rearrange them to follow the time order and write the sentences in paragraph form

• 11.   We can let you have copies as many as you need.• 12.   He is not fond of playing chess more than you are.• 13.   He pushed the door widely open, hoping to see the

miracle he had anticipated for years.• 14.   Your theory may be right. But practically you will

find it very difficult to apply.• 15.   Such enormous distances are impossible to imagine

practically.• 16.   Grilled on charcoal, we liked the fish much better.• 17.   His decision of retiring surprised all of us.• 18.   The article having been written by my brother will

appear in the local press.• 19.   His not intelligent son spent a lot of money on

motoring.• 20.   This was the first news of his friend’s absence George

had had.

Error Correction

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