Download ppt - Chap05 JOHN W. CRESWELL

  • Chapter 5 Specifying a Purpose and Research Questions or Hypotheses

    Power Point Slides by Ronald J. Shope in collaboration with John W. Creswell

  • Key IdeasThe difference between purpose statements, hypotheses, and research questionsVariables in quantitative researchQuantitative purpose statements, questions, hypothesesQualitative purpose statements, questions, hypotheses

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • What are Purpose Statements, Research Questions, Hypotheses, and Objectives?PurposeStatementResearch QuestionsHypothesesResearchObjectives

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Why are these statements and questions important?Represent major signpostsHelp identify appropriate methodsHelp link intent with the results

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • What We Need to Know to Design Quantitative Purpose Statements, Research Questions, and HypothesesWhat is a variable?What is a theory?What elements go into these statements and questions?

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • What is a Variable?

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Examples of variables and non-variables


    Leadership styleOrganizational controlAutism Difficult but possibly measurable variables

    SocializationImaginationIntuitionDiscrimination Almost impossible to measure variables

    Subconscious thoughtsWorld povertyStereotypes

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Categorical and Continuous measures of variablesA categorical measure is a value of a variable assigned by the researcher into a small number of categories. (e.g. Gender)A continuous measure is the value of a variable assigned by the researcher to a point along a continuum of scores, from low to high. (e.g. Age)

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Variables and ConstructsA Variable is an attribute or characteristic stated in a specific or applied wayA Construct is an attribute or characteristic expressed in an abstract, general way.Construct Student Achievement

    Variable Grade Point Average

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • The Family of Variables in Quantitative Studies

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Families of VariablesDependent Variables: An attribute or characteristic influenced by the independent variable.

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Families of VariablesIndependent Variable: An attribute or characteristic that influences or effects an outcome or dependent variable.Treatment VariableMeasured VariableControl VariableModerating Variable

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Intervening VariablesIntervening Variables (Mediating Variables): An attribute or characteristic that stands between the dependent and independent variables.

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Example of an Intervening VariableIndependentVariable

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Families of VariablesConfounding Variables (Spurious Variables): Attributes or characteristics that the researcher cannot directly measure because their effects cannot be easily separated from the other variables, even though they may influence the relationship between the independent and the dependent variable.

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Theories as Bridges Between Independent and Dependent VariablesIndependentVariablesDependentVariables

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Different Types of Explanations in quantitative researchExtensive Tests byother researchersBroad AbstractionsNo TestNarrow ApplicationAs a formal theory that is expressed by connected hypotheses and variables identified by authorsAs a conceptual framework often expressed as avisual model by other authors for relationshipAs a theoretical rationale posed by other authorsbased on studies for relationshipAs explanation posed by the author as a hunch forwhy the independent variable relates to the dependent variable

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Elements of quantitative purpose statementSingle sentenceThe purpose of this study . . .TheoryQuantitative words (e.g. Relate, Compare, Describe)

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Elements of quantitative purpose statementVariablesIndependent Variable (1st position in sentence)Dependent Variable (2nd position in sentence)Control and/or mediating variable (3rd position in sentence)Research siteParticipants

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Quantitative Research Questions3 types:Describe results to your variablesCompare two or more groups on the independent variable in terms of the dependent variableRelate two or more variables

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Research HypothesesThree types:Null hypothesisDirectional alternative hypothesisNon-directional alternative hypothesis

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • How do You Design Qualitative Purpose Statements and Research Questions?Understand how these statements and questions differ from quantitative researchUnderstand the role of a central phenomenon in qualitative researchUnderstand qualitative research as an emerging process

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Differences between quantitative and qualitative purpose statements and research questionsQuantitative - more closedProbable Cause/Effect (Why did it happen?)2. Use of theories (Why did it happen in view of an explanation or theory?)3. Assessing differences and magnitude How much happened? How many times did it happen?What were the differences among groups in what happened?Qualitative - more open-ended1. Descriptive (What happened?)2. Interpretive (What was the meaning to people of what happened?)3. Process-oriented (What happened over time?)

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Explaining or predicting variables versus exploring or understanding a Central PhenomenonQuantitative Explaining or Predicting VariablesQualitative Understanding or exploring a Central Phenomenon

    X YThe independent variable (X) influences a dependent variable (Y)

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Two qualitative research considerationsThe focus of the research is around a Central Phenomenon which is an issue or a process the researcher would like to study.Qualitative research is built on an emerging design

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Elements of qualitative purpose statementSingle sentenceThe purpose of this study . . . Central PhenomenonState qualitative type of designQualitative words (e.g. explore, understand, discover) ParticipantsResearch site

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell

  • Two Types of qualitative Research Questions:Central questionSub-questionsDifferences between research questions and questions asked during data collection

    Educational Research 2e: Creswell