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Chapter 5

Chapter 5Did the Japanese Occupation Change the Way People Viewed Singapore?

I See I Think I Wonder I Connect

Jan 1942: Women mourn the loss of their loved ones during one of the frequent Japanese air raids on Singapore during which thousands died.

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Did the Japanese Occupation Change the Way People Viewed Singapore?

Did the Japanese Occupation change the way people viewed Singapore?1942-1945, when Singapore was under the rule of the Japanese military governmentChange takes place when something is different from its original state or what it used to beImmigrants + those born in SingaporeThe different ways in which people viewed Singapore

Singapore as homeBritish as rulers of SingaporeSingapore as an impregnable fortress

Historical concept: Change & ContinuityChange takes place when something is different from its original state or what it used to be. If it remains the same, there is continuity.

Something or someone causes change to take place.

Did the Japanese Occupation change the way people viewed Singapore?The different ways in which people viewed Singapore

Singapore as homeBritish as rulers of SingaporeSingapore as an impregnable fortress

Singapore as Home:Before the Japanese OccupationGroup Investigation:

Read Sources A-E and answer the questions in Annex A:

Source A Account by an Indian immigrant who came to Singapore to look for work in the 1930s

Their [Indian immigrants] main intention was to earn money and go back to India. They came to Singapore not to stay here permanently. Their main aim was to earn and send money to India, and go back and live in India.

Source B Adapted from textbook, pages 11-13

The immigrants felt attached to their homelands. They kept updated on the developments in their countries of origin in the early 20th century.

For example:The Indian immigrants supported Mahatma Ghandis movement to gain independence from Singapore through the activities of the Indian Youth League.

Many Chinese in Singapore also contributed funds to China to support the revolutionary movement in removing the weak and corrupt Qing government. Some even returned to China to fight against the Qing government. When the Qing government was overthrown in 1911, many Chinese men cut off their queues, a pigtail hairstyle that was required by the Qing government, to show their patriotism towards China.

Source C a news article taken from the Singapore Free Press, 3 Oct 1938.

The first paragraph reads, Singapore Indians, men and women, mostly dressed in khaddar with Gandhi caps on, crowded into Farrer Park yesterday to celebrate the 70th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian leader.

Source D adapted from textbook page 14

There were also people who did think of Singapore as their permanent home. These were usually those who were born in Singapore and had lived in Singapore for a long time. Singapore was where their families and friends were. Some of them went to English-medium schools and adopted Western lifestyle. They took pride in being British subjects. Because of their English education, they could work in the British colonial service.

Source E S.R. Nathans account, written in 1924

My family has been in Singapore for two generations. We do not know exactly where my forebears originated, but it was somewhere in southern India. I never knew much about my fathers background we were localised my mother was very Malay in her style of dress. India did not figure at all in in our lives.

Answer the following questions:Peoples views before the Japanese Occupation (Singapore as home):

Were people born in Singapore or did they come from other countries?Did those who came from other countries want to stay in Singapore permanently?Did they have family and friends in Singapore?Were they interested in contributing to Singapore or to other countries?

Singapore as homeWere people born in Singapore or did they come from other countries? Some were born in Singapore, most from other countriesDid those who came from other countries want to stay in Singapore permanently? noDid they have family and friends in Singapore? Those who came from other countries had not many family and friends, but those who were born in Singapore did have family and friends here. Were they interested in contributing to Singapore or to other countries? Yes (for those who were born in Singapore) and No (for those who came to Singapore just to look for jobs)

Did the Japanese Occupation change the way people viewed Singapore?The different ways in which people viewed Singapore

Singapore as homeBritish as rulers of SingaporeSingapore as an impregnable fortress

British as Rulers of SingaporeThe British believed that they were superior. Thus, there was very little local involvement in the government. Even the well-qualified local people were not given important positions in the government. They were only involved as non-official members in the Legislative Council and had very little influence over government policies.

British as Rulers of SingaporeThe British were also given privileged treatment.

Source F adapted from account by Francis Thomas, a British teacher in Singapore in the 1930s:

My starting salary of $400 was far higher than Mr Tan Ah Hungs, even though Mr Tan was a senior Chinese teacher and had many years of most valued service. Salary and skin colour were what mattered, not personal merit and achievement.

Some people questioned this unequal system. For example, the local non-official members in the Legislative Council tried to negotiate for more local involvement in the government. Others formed associations such as the Singapore Malay Union to improve the lives of the people.

British as Rulers of SingaporeAt the same time, there were people who were less concerned about Singapores political future and did not question the unequal system.

Stop and think: Why do you think this group of people were indifferent?

Answer the following questions in Annex ABritish as rulers of Singapore:What was peoples impressions of the British?Did they respect the British?Did they accept the way the British ruled Singapore?

1930s: The Japanese threat is looming!1931: Japan invaded Manchuria1937: Japan invaded the rest of China.1938: the USA cut off its oil supply to Japan to force Japan to end the war. Japan refused and looked towards Southeast Asia for alternative sources for raw materials.

Why was the Southeast Asia so attractive to the Japanese?

Dutch East Indies: abundant oil

Malaya: rubber and tin

Singapore ???

Singapore as an Impregnable FortressIn the 1920s, the British had realised that Japan was a possible threat to the British Empire and started preparing to resist Japanese expansion.

The Britishbuilt a large naval base in Singapore to protect British colonies in Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand. This was completed in 1938.Installed a series of big guns around the coasts of Singapore to protect against any Japanese invasion by sea. Early Dec 1941: Deployed a fleet of warplanes as well as 2 battleships (HMS Prince of Wales, HMS Repulse) to station in Singapore

Why impregnable Fortress?

1)Natural barrier of the Malayan JungleThe geography of Malaya is a factor in it defence. The coastal plains are about fifteen miles in width and filled with mngrove swamps. The mountain range which runs from north to south is covered with dense jungle and vast areas which are almost unknown. Roads are few and heavily guarded.Any invading army would be at the mercy of the defenders securely hidden in the jungle.


Sharp shooter crew in the Malayan Jungle

The challenges of the Malayan jungle

2) Fortification of the island15-inch guns mounted on ships and faced the sea to prevent any attacks from the sea.There were many guns/cannons mounted at strategic areas around the island as well as key offshore island like Sentosa.Building of military airfields and underground bunkers.

The Johor Battery, built in 1939, was the main artillery battery of the British coastal artillery defence network set up on the northeast coast of Singapore.

Fortress and defence

Singapore: An impregnable fortress

Naval base was built in the north of Singapore to house the fleet from Britian in case of warGuns position and cannons was setup facing the southAirbase and bunkers setup around the island Jungle of Malaya was a natural barrier to any enemy trying to penetrate singapore from the north


How did people view the British defences in Singapore?Account by Ismail bin Zain, a clerk in Singapore in the 1930s:

They [the British] talked about Singapore as an impregnable fortress. As far as I knew they had quite a lot of big guns here and they had concrete beach defences I thought the defence was quite good.

How did people view the British defences in Singapore?A young British army officer complaining that the newly completed defences in Singapore might put off the Japanese from landing there:

"I do hope we are not getting too strong in Malaya because if so the Japanese may never attempt a landing.

3) Naval base and SupportsMain fleet to Singapore strategy- Prince of Wales and RepulseNaval base built in Sembawang Many people believed that Singapore was safe as it was well-protected by the British as the British were known for their naval power. They also thought that the white man was superior to other races

Most advanced Naval base

Answer the following questions in Annex ASingapore as an impregnable fortress:

Did people feel safe in Singapore?Were they confident about Singapores defences?Were they worried about war?

Group Activity: SBQPlease get into group of 4.In your group of 4, you are to come out with the answer to the SBQ question assigned to your group.Your group has a total of 15 minutes to complete the task.The minimum word count for your answer must be 50 words(min)

What does source A tell you about the British view of Japanese soldier? EYA.What do you mean by making fun?Good? /bad?/ respectful?/disrespectful?What did they say about the Japanese?Appearance and capabilities