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Page 1: Changes to my magazine


Page 2: Changes to my magazine

I originally had a black background to my magazine, but taking the advise from the audience feedback that said the colour scheme of black, red and white gave too much of the impression it was a horror film. So would be better suited to more ‘muted’ and ‘subtle’ colours.Here I’ve began by replacing the black background with a much more muted and gentle colour of light blue….

Page 3: Changes to my magazine

…I’ve started here to change the colour scheme when it comes to my text, trying to keep to other colours like my background and not too bold…

Page 4: Changes to my magazine

…I still felt like I needed to emphasise the TWO created in the title, so decided to keep those letters a different colour to the rest of the title. Also when continuing to change the colours of the text I felt it would be better to have another pop of red elsewhere on the cover to complement the ‘EMPIRE’…

Page 5: Changes to my magazine

After considering my title and how I had purposely chosen to emphasise the ‘TWO’ it felt most appropriate to have the two main characters on the magazine, much like they are on my poster. Here I’ve started to move the first image over so as to have the two characters alongside each other. I also wanted to change the opacity to give it a similar ambiguous feeling as my poster.

Page 6: Changes to my magazine

I used the easer tool to fade around my characters so as to not have as much of a harsh line where the images had been cut, it also continues to give a bit more of an ambiguity to the cover…

The text layout that worked originally to frame the single image, was not appropriate as it covered too much of the figures. So I started to rearrange the text and take out unnecessary pieces that were just taking up space.

Page 7: Changes to my magazine

After removing the majority of the text on the sides that covered my characters, I realised that the layout of the text in the centre and then the actors names by their photograph made the cover more like a poster than a magazine…..

Page 8: Changes to my magazine

…When realising this I did some research on the EMPIRE magazines that had two figures on the cover and looked at how the text had been laid out on them. There were very few and this was the most prominent, (this shows that my choice to use two figures goes against the conventions of magazine cover) the text itself was very minimal simply using large and different coloured text for the ‘Young, Gifted and British’ subtitle and then a small amount of text on the dark shirt of Orlando Bloom. I really liked the subtitle and felt it was fitting to my trailer as I was aiming for a British social realism genre, so decided to use it for my own magazine cover…

Page 9: Changes to my magazine

I decided to remove the majority of the text, even the names of my actors as I wanted the main focus to be on the ‘Young, Gifted and British’ subtitle. I then used the ‘behind the scenes’ and the original design for the title ‘The Way Out’. I thought with the emphasise on the British actors it was only fitting to use the typical British colours.

Page 10: Changes to my magazine

I tried various different effects such as drop shadows, embosses and satin and various colour combinations. I also kept to the example magazine I found and made the text gradually bigger…

Page 11: Changes to my magazine

I finally decided on a final design…Each of the young, gifted and British words are a different colour relevant to British colours, I also made the ‘& British’ significantly bigger than the other two, as well as overlapping them slightly much like the example magazine I looked at.