
CHAMPS:PBIS in the Classroom

Develop Classroom Rules

Level of Structure Needed

Once you have determined the level of structure needed for you classroom remember:

• It is better to have more structure, than not enough

• Reevaluate the level of structure needed throughout the year

• Make adjustments as necessary

Level of Classroom Structure

Once you have determined the level of structure needed for you classroom remember:

• It is better to have more structure, than not enough

• Reevaluate the level of structure needed throughout the year

• Make adjustments as necessary

Develop and Display Classroom Rules

Identify and post 3-5 classroom rules that will be used as a basis for providing positive and corrective feedback

CHAMPS: Ch. 3, Task 2, Pg. 115DSC: Ch. 4, Task 2, Pg. 109

Develop and Display Classroom Rules

Your classroom rules should communicate your most important expectations and address most common misbehaviors.

List 2-3 of the most common misbehaviors that occur in

your classroom…keep these in mind as you go through

this section

Guidelines for Developing Effective Rules You should have no more than 6 rules

Rules should be stated positively

Rules should be specific and refer to observable behaviors

Plan to teach your rules using positive and negative examples (end your lesson with a positive example )

Rules must be applicable throughout the entire class period

Rules should be posted in a prominent, visible location

Would you agree that Mrs. Mutner

may be violating the guidelines for developing effective rules?

Guidelines for Success:

School-wide Expectations

Guidelines for Success vs. Classroom Rules

Guidelines for Success are basic attitudes, character traits and behaviors that we envision for students that will help shape them for the rest of their lives.

These are different from classroom rules. Guidelines are not as easy to define in behavioral terms.

Classroom rules should be definable in specific behavioral terms. You will be demonstrating for students what it looks like to follow the rules and what it looks like when the rules are not followed.

Guidelines for Success are defined and used primarily for your school-wide PBIS and are on display around the school. They should also be displayed in every classroom, and teachers should be using and referring to them.

Classroom rules can be linked to the guidelines. For example: “In our classroom, the rule of ___ is going to help you be dependable.”