Page 1: Chamans are desapearing.doc

Chamans are desapearing.the problem is that everything is so spreaded, so much information.the still believe in power of nature and the apreciatte what it gives to them.Ritual of of chamans and .chamna.people that never saw modern civilisation,people that some came acroos with, that were coming from somewhere,and they were really coming from somewhere far away from civilization.1721 cristianity came into greenland.animalistic, sensuality,.they were told that chamanism was not good.spirit ,amulet that carrying it along their whole life, they would protect them.Hunting and fishing culture.stories of how they were.going for hunting, seeing waves, and the ocean gets hungry,and respect

Young people want to go away from here.they want to be part of the global movement.internet is expensive.they .only the oldies want to preserve traditions.lots of books are in old greenlandic,so, most of them dont read them. They have force them to read 20 minutes a day.Old generation are not keen on reading.Life sometime

1920 SLOW TRANSITION,americans came to greenland,slowly incorporating,higher living standart,not that much

Back on the 20s, denmark was trying to slowly introduction to modern life,they wanted a slow transitionmake this demand to greenland to open up for everything.they though living standarts were not high enough,incorporating new technologies,no such a long selection,they could be isolated.during 60 globalised.problems with alcohol started. put Greenland on the move, but during the cold war, america force them to.low part of society lots of alcoholic.they dont have a job.danish goverment came,try to make it danish,tradition of greenland has been supressed,and danish was put into it.they took greenlandic kids were send to denmark to evolve and sent back to modernised the land..most of educators are denish, or they have to go to denmark to get good education,and therefore, if they dont speak danish, they are done.Education is free,even high education,also indenmark.when they go to high school, and they get paid.New generation,not interested in old stuff.information is probably getting lost because they oldies are living in old settlements, whereas the young wants go to urban places to find a lob.30 yearss old are still interested in getting some info about songs and other things,but kids dont care at all.old people respect the idea of shamans.when danish cames, they brought their songs,and after, on the20,30 and 40 they put theies, therefore they own lyrics.somefriends are gathering and doing traditional activiti.2 dialect on the west,one on the east, and 20 years ago one common dialect,criticised,alcohol is dropping, people more educated.they have been lost.are old ones.they spend drunk for 2 days, when they get their payment.
