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Leonardo Q. LiongsonTeam Energy Professorial Chair

in Energy Engineering

Instituteof Civil EngineeringCollege of Engineering

University of the Philippines, DilimanQuezon City, Philippines

6th Engineering Professorial Chair Colloquium 6 July 2009

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Aim of the paper:To review and derive the design capacities of horizontal wells(infiltration gallery systems) under the ff. cases:

Part 1: Review for Cylindrical Horizontal Wells(derived in previous Prof. Chair Lectures in 2007 and 2008):

Case 1. A horizontal well below a horizontal recharge boundary in a semi-infinite aquifer (exact solution).(Cases 2 and 3 are variations of Case 1 – not reviewed here).

Case 4. A horizontal well below a horizontal recharge boundary and above a horizontal impermeable boundary in an infinite strip of aquifer (exact solution).

Case 5. A horizontal well below a leaky aquitard layer (silt or clay lenses ) under a horizontal recharge boundary in a semi-infinite aquifer (approx. r<<b).

Case 6. A horizontal well lying below a finite silt or clay lens represented by a doublet or a pair of counter-rotating vortices, under a horizontal recharge boundary in a semi-infinite aquifer (approx. r<<b).

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Part 2: Derivation for Rectangular Horizontal Galleries :

Case 1. A rectangular gallery with a filter bed, under constant head.

Case 2. A rectangular gallery without a filter bed, under constant head.

Case 3. A rectangular gallery with a filter bed, under constant recharge rate.

Case 4. A rectangular gallery without a filter bed, under constant recharge rate.

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Part 1: Review for Cylindrical Horizontal Wells(derived in previous Prof. Chair Lectures in 2007) – Case 1

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Part 1: Review for Cylindrical Horizontal Wells(derived in previous Prof. Chair Lectures in 2007) – Case 4

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Part 1: Review for Cylindrical Horizontal Wells(derived in previous Prof. Chair Lectures in 2007) – Case 4

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Part 1: Review for Cylindrical Horizontal Wells(derived in previous Prof. Chair Lectures in 2007) – Case 5

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Part 1: Review for Cylindrical Horizontal Wells(derived in previous Prof. Chair Lectures in 2007) – Case 5

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Part 1: Review for Cylindrical Horizontal Wells(derived in previous Prof. Chair Lectures in 2008) – Case 6

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Part 1: Review for Cylindrical Horizontal Wells(derived in previous Prof. Chair Lectures in 2008) – Case 6

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Part 1: Review for Cylindrical Horizontal Wells(suggested in previous Prof. Chair Lectures in 2008) – Case 6

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Part 2: Derivation for Rectangular Horizontal Galleries -Case 1

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Part 2: Derivation for Rectangular Horizontal Galleries –Case 1 vs. Case 2

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Part 2: Derivation for Rectangular Horizontal Galleries –Case 2

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Part 2: Derivation for Rectangular Horizontal Galleries –Case 3

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Part 2: Derivation for Rectangular Horizontal Galleries –Case 4

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This paper has

• reviewed the design capacities of cylindrical horizontal wells (with four (4) cases);

• derived the design capacities of rectangular infiltration gallery systems (with four (4) cases) ;

• Explained the limitations in the asymptotic value of the design capacity of rectangular gallery with filter bed, under constant head, regardless of the length of the gallery.

General Recommendation:

Apply numerical seepage models to extend the results to other 2-D and 3-D layouts and geometries of horizontal wells, guided by the analytical results reviewed and derived in this paper.

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