Download pdf - Ch 8; P 149 154


Principles of Outlining

p. 149-151


• Process of putting info in order of importance

• Separate main points and less important info

• Use an outline format to present organized info


• Determine “main” from “subordinate” info

• Use Roman numerals to identify main points

• Use alphabet and Arabic numerals for subpoints.

Outline FormatThe Black Rat Snake

I. Physical characteristicsA. Colorization

1. Adultsa. Visually distinct from eastern kingb. Visually distinct from rattlesnake

2. JuvenilesB.


A main point divided should have at least 2 subpoints

If you have an “A.” point, have a “B.” point, as well

Subpoints focus on supporting facts

Each level (main, sub, etc) should maintain equal importance

ParallelismUsing points similar in form & grammatical structure (gerund + article + noun)

Uses phrases/words within the level of subordination

• Determining the design

• Gathering the materials

• Building the birdhouse
