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  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1


    22-- Reasoning & ProofReasoning & ProofTodays topic: LogicTodays topic: LogicCAUTION: This unit requires you to open your minds

    and think critically and creatively.You will NOT always have step-by-step instructions.

    Problems WILL have more than one solution.

    Complete attention in class is necessary to understand

    these abstract concepts.

    I will do my best to help you, but you will have to do

    your part and complete all homework and participate in


  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1


    A few important definitionsA few important definitions

    y Inductive Reasoning is reasoning based

    on patterns you observe.

    y A conjecture is a conclusion you reach

    using inductive reasoning.

    y A counterexample is an example for

    which the conjecture is incorrect.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1


    How does logic apply to school?How does logic apply to school?

    y When you answer true-false questions on a test, you areusing a basic principle of logic. For example, refer to themap, and answer true or false.

    y Raleigh is a city in North Carolina.

    y You know that there is only one correct answer, either trueor false.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1


    Determine Truth ValuesDetermine Truth Values

    y A statement, like the true-false

    example before, is any sentence that is

    either true or false, but not both.

    Unlike a conjecture, we know that a

    statement is either true or false.

    The truth or falsity of a statement is called its

    truth value.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1


    Determine Truth ValuesDetermine Truth Values

    y Statements are often represented using aletter such as p or q. p: Raleigh is a city in North Carolina.x This statement is true.

    y The negation of a statement has theopposite meaning as well as an oppositetruth value. For example, the negation ofthe statement above is not p (in symbols, ~p).

    not p (~p): Raleigh is not a city in North Carolina.x In this case, the statement is false.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1


    Compound StatementsCompound Statements

    y Two or more statements can be joined to forma compound statement. Consider thefollowing two statements.

    p: Raleigh is a city in North Carolina. q: Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina.

    y The two statements can be joined by the wordand(in symbols, pq).

    p andq (pq ): Raleigh is a city in North Carolina,andRaleigh is the capital of North Carolina.

    y A conjunction is true only when both statements init are true.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1


    Truth Values of ConjunctionsTruth Values of ConjunctionsUse the following statements to write a compound statement for each

    conjunction. Then find its truth value.

    y p: January 1 is the first day of the year.

    y q: -5 + 11 = -6

    y r: A triangle has three sides

    y pq January is the first day of the year, and -5 + 11 = -6

    pq is false, because p is true and q is false.

    y rp A triangle has three sides, and January 1 is the first day of the year.

    rp is true, because r is true and p is true.

    y p~r January 1 is the first day of the year, and a triangle does not have three sides.

    p~r is false, because p is true and ~r is false.

    y ~qr -5 + 11 { -6, and a triangle has three sides.


    r is true because ~q is true and r is true.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1



    y Statements can also be joined by the word or.This type of statement is a disjunction.Consider the following statements. p: Ahmed studies chemistry.

    q: Ahmed studies literature.

    p or q (pq): Ahmed studies chemistry orAhmedstudies literature.

    y A disjunction is true if at least one of the

    statements is true. In the case of p or q above,the disjunction is true if Ahmed either studieschemistry or literature or both. The disjunctionis false only if Ahmed studies neither chemistrynor literature.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1


    Truth Values ofDisjunctionsTruth Values ofDisjunctionsUse the following statements to write a compound statement for

    each disjunction. Then find its truth value.

    y p: 100 z 5 = 20

    y q: The length of a radius of a circle is twice the length of itsdiameter.

    y r: The sum of the measures of the legs of a right triangle equals themeasure of the hypotenuse.

    y pq

    100 z 5 = 20, or the length of a radius of a circle is twice the length ofits diameter.

    pq is true, because p is true. It does not matter that q is false.

    y q r

    The length of a radius of a circle is twice the length of its diameter, orthe sum of the measures of the legs of a right triangle equals themeasure of the hypotenuse.

    q r is false since neither statement is true.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1


    Truth TablesTruth Tables

    y A convenient method for organizing the

    truth values of statements is to use a

    truth table.

    p q ~p ~q pq qp

    T T F F T T

    T F F T F TF T T F F T

    F F T T F F

    Follow the pattern in the first

    two columns for all truth tables.

    A conjuction is true only when

    both statements are true.

    A disjunction is false only when

    both statements are false.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1


    Construct Truth TablesConstruct Truth Tables

    y Construct a truth table for the compound


    y p~q

    p q ~q p~q

    T T F F

    T F T T

    F T F F

    F F T F

    Step 1: Make columns with the

    headings p, q, ~q, and p

    ~qStep 2: List the possible

    combinations of truth values for p and

    q using the pattern shown here.

    Step 3: Use the truth values of q to

    determine the truth values of~q.Step 4: Use the truth values for p

    and ~q to write the truth values for


  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1


    Construct Truth TablesConstruct Truth Tables

    y ~p~q

    p q ~p ~q ~p~q

    T T F F F

    T F F T T

    F T T F T

    F F T T T

  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1


    Construct Truth TablesConstruct Truth Tables

    y (pq) r

    p q r pq (pq) r

    T T T T T

    T T F F T

    T F T T T

    T F F F F

    F T T F T

    F T F F T

    F F T F F

    F F F F F

  • 8/8/2019 Ch. 2-Logic Day 1



    y 2-2 Logic Practice Worksheet that I will pass out. All problems on the page

    Reminder: these problems are testing your logic skills,use your logic skills that you walked in with.

    Attempt ALL problems, whether you understand them ornot. You definitely will not understand if you dont writeanything down.

    If you are still confused, come see me before or afterschool, but dont get behind and then expect to catch up

    the day before the test.y This powerpoint can be found on my website for

    you to use to help you complete your homework.