
Ch. 19

Test Review

• Why did Woodrow Wilson send marines into several Latin American countries?

• To set up stable democratic governments in Latin America

• President Wilson’s invasion of Veracruz was

• Opposed in Latin America and Europe

• The Triple Entente included

• Britain, France and Russia

• In the case Schenck v. the United States, the Supreme Court ruled that

• Freedom of speech could be curbed in wartime.

• What was the event that touched off the first declaration of war in World War I?

• The assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary.

• World War I was the first war in which

• Women officially served in the armed forces.

• What did the fuel administration introduce to conserve energy during World War I?

• Daylight savings time

• African Americans moving from the South to Northern cities during World War I was known as

• The Great Migration

• Cause – effect; What did rapid fire machine guns lead to?

• Trench warfare

• What countries were the “Big Four” from?

• United States, France, Great Britain, and Italy

• Why did Woodrow Wilson use Mexico’s refusal to apologize for arresting American sailors in Tampico?

• As an excuse to attempt to overthrow the Mexican government

• The Triple Alliance included

• Germany , Austria-Hungary, and Italy

• Why did the Serbs become furious in 1908?

• Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia

• What would Germany do according to the Zimmerman telegram?

• Germany would help Mexico regain Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona

• The order which men were called to service would be determined by a lottery.

• Selective Service Act

• How were Americans encouraged to “Hooverize” during World War I?

• Observing wheatless Mondays

• Selling the war to the American people was the task of who?

• Committee on Public Information

• What silenced criticism of the war at home?

• Espionage and Sedition Acts

• How were airplanes first used in World War I?

• Observe enemy activities

• The organization that eventually became the FBI was originally formed to do what?

• Raid radical headquarters looking for evidence of a Communist Conspiracy

• List two jobs women performed in the armed services during World War I?

• Nursing and clerical work

• By 1871, after launching a series of wars, the German kingdom of _____________ had united various German states into one nation.


• The Serbs, Bosnians, Croats, and Slovenes all lived in a region in southeastern Europe called the ________________.


• Those fighting for the Triple Entente were called the _______________.


• German submarines that attacked ships bound for Britain were called _______________.


• Many Mexican Americans who migrated north to take factory jobs during World War I settled in their own separate neighborhoods called ______________.


• In World War I, ____________ were battles in the air between aircraft with attached machine guns.


• American soldiers during WW I were nicknamed ____________.


• During WWI, a group called the _______________ took power in Russia and established a Communist government.


• In the aftermath of WWI, unions in Seattle organized a _______________ strike, which involves all workers living in a certain location, not just workers in a particular industry.


• The __________ was a nationwide panic that arose from the fear that Communists might seize power in the united States.

Red Scare

• Bernard Baruch

• was a stockbroker who led the WIB.

• Vladimir Lenin

• was the Bolshevik leader.

• Ferdinand Foch

• was the supreme commander of the Allied Forces.

• Espionage

• Spying to acquire government secrets

• Liberty Bonds

• Method of loaning money to the government to pay for war.

• Serbian nationalist group behind assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

• Black Hand

• Who gave patriotic speeches urging support of war effort?

• Four-minute men

• What promised not to sink more merchant ships without warning?

• Sussex Pledge

• Mexican guerilla leader who conducted raids into the U.S.

• Pancho Villa

• Who was the general who failed to capture Pancho Villa?

• John Pershing
