
Agenda This presentation summarizes the capabilities and new features in PHOENICS 2008

and provides an overview of the benefits of using PHOENICS The talk expands upon critical components of the software package relevant to Bettis

Atomic Power Laboratory, including: Pre-processor (VR-Editor) Post-processor (VR-Viewer) PHOENICS Solver Meshing

Input from CAD Embedded Objects Body Fitted Coordinates

Multi-phase Flows (ASM, IPSA, Scalar, Particulates) Parallel PHOENICS COST BENEFITS Examples

NOTE: All graphics within this presentation are from actual simulations performed using PHOENICS and are not fillers

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PHOENICS – What is it? PHOENICS is a general-purpose software package which predicts quantitatively:-

how fluids (air, water, steam, oil, blood, etc) flow in and around: engines, process equipment, buildings, human beings, lakes, river and oceans, and so on;

the associated changes of chemical and physical composition; the associated stresses in the immersed solids.

Its name is an acronym for Parabolic Hyperbolic Or Elliptic Numerical Integration Code Series,

PHOENICS is a "CFD code", i.e. a member, indeed the founding member, of that family of software packages which embody the techniques of Computational Fluid Dynamics.

PHOENICS has been continuously marketed, used and developed since 1981, for which reason it possesses many features which have still not yet found their way into competitive codes, as explained in the next section.

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Benefits of PHOENICS PHOENICS offers:

True Ease of Use - PHOENICS uses an intuitive 3D interactive user environment for pre- and post- processing.

Proven Performance - PHOENICS boasts an impressive portfolio of applications.

Unique Array of modeling features - Multi-phase flows, particle tracking, free-surface modelling; chemical reaction, moving grids, fine-grid embedding - part of an extensive battery of modelling features offered by PHOENICS.

Expandability - User-defined inputs made easy via built-in features such as "GROUND" & "IN-FORM"

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Benefits of using PHOENICS Licensing flexibility - PHOENICS

provides flexible and cost-effective solutions, from PC to mainframe, short-term to perpetual, whether individual student or multi-national corporation.

Easy-to-Use Graphical User Interface - The PHOENICS Virtual Reality interface incorporates the VR-Editor and VR-Viewer, a 3D interactive graphics system for visualization of geometry, solution control and results data. CAD files are imported readily into the

VR-Editor for problem definition. VR Viewer post-processor with plots of

mesh, velocity vectors, contours, streamlines, iso-surfaces, plotter / printer output, animation and slide show facilities.

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PHOENICS provides a built-in, interactive grid generation tool or the ability to import BFC grids from third

party packages

Benefits of using PHOENICS Facet-Fixer - an integrated utility which

examines and repairs possibly-defective STL files produced by CAD packages, and creates data files suitable for use with the PHOENICS Virtual-Reality User Interface.

IN-FORM facilitates the addition of new physical and numerical features, the input of problem-defining, solution-controlling and results-presentation data using the VR interface.

PARSOL - the partial solid treatment developed in the PHOENICS solver, improves the accuracy of flow simulations for situations in which a fluid/solid boundary obliquely intersects some of the cells of a Cartesian or polar coordinate grid.

MOFOR, the moving-body simulation, permits the simulation of flows induced by bodies in motion, important both in the mechanical industry and in human motion.

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PHOENICS provides access to a tutorial library with over 1000

simulation examples and test cases

Benefits of using PHOENICS Modeling Capabilities

Grid systems: Cartesian, cylindrical-polar and curvilinear co-ordinates; rotating co-ordinate systems; multi-block grids and fine grid embedding.

Compressible / incompressible flows, Newtonian / non-Newtonian flows, Subsonic, transonic and supersonic flows.

Flow in porous media, with direction-dependent resistances.

Convection, conduction and radiation; conjugate heat transfer, with a library of solid materials and automatic linkage at the solid fluid interface.

A wide range of built-in turbulence models for high and low-Reynolds number flows; LVEL model for turbulence in congested domains and a variety of K-E models, including RNG, two-scale and two-layer models.

Multi-phase flows of three kinds with a variety of built-in interphase transfer models: Inter-penetrating continua, including turbulence and

modulation Particle tracking, including turbulence dispersion

effects Free-surface flows

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PHOENICS is a full 3-D N-S unsteady solver, and is the

original commercial CFD code with world-wide user acclaim

Benefits of using PHOENICS Modelling Capabilities (cont)

Combustion and NOx models, with a range of diffusion and kinetically controlled models including the unique Multi-Fluid Model for turbulent chemical reaction.

Chemical kinetics including multi-component diffusion and variable properties. Built-in interface to the CHEMKIN chemical database.

Advanced radiation models, including surface-surface model with calculated view factors, a six-flux model and composite radiosity model for radiative heat transfer, known as IMMERSOL.

Mechanical and thermal stresses in immersed solids that can be computed at the same time as the fluid flow and heat transfer.

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PHOENICS utilizes a finite-volume approach on staggered or collocated

grids, with 13 choices of discretization schemes for convection

Benefits of using PHOENICS Alternative Solvers

Marching-integration solver for parabolic flows such as boundary layers, jets, long ducts. General Collocated Variant (GCV) solver for body-fitted co-ordinates. Multi-grid solver, MIGAL, greatly reduces computing time.

Special-Purpose Versions - Application-specific special-purpose variants have been created

to aid several industries. These are supplied as an add-on "SPP" modules to the standard PHOENICS GUI. HOTBOX provides an integrated "Virtual Reality" environment for electronics cooling

applications. ESTER, electrolytic smelters. FLAIR, Heating, ventilating and smoke-movement in buildings. CVD, chemical-vapor deposition. ROSA for oil spills in rivers and coastal waters. COFFUS for Furnace simulation.

Proven Performance & Versatility - PHOENICS predictions have been subjected to many

validation tests, which have proved its accuracy against measured data for a wide range of industrial applications. PHOENICS boasts an impressive portfolio of applications, from heating and ventilation to metal casting, and from mould filling to condenser analysis.

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Pre-processor (VR-Editor) The Editor is used for defining the:

Computational domain size; Position, size and properties of

objects which are to be introduced or imported from a CAD file into it;

Material types and domain properties;

Boundary Conditions; Initial conditions, necessary if the

problem is a time-dependent one, and desirable otherwise for economy;

Selecting a turbulence, multi-phase, combustion, radiation, or other models, if the situation calls for it;

Specifying the fineness of the computational grid;

Specifying other parameters influencing the speed of convergence of the solution procedure.

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PHOENICS VR-Editor is user friendly and enhances time-to-simulation

Pre-processor (VR-Viewer) The results of the flow-

simulation can be viewed with the PHOENICS VR post-processor called VR Viewer.

What the VR Viewer can do. vector plots

contour plots



Accessed directly from VR-Editor

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Using PHOENICS, users have the flexibility to export data directly

interactively to TECPLOT or Fieldview, as well as to other data formats, or

utilize the built-in, free viewer

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PHOENICS Solver Since the 1940s, analytical solutions to

most fluid dynamics problems, especially those arising in aerodynamics, were readily available for simplified or idealized situations – NOT PRACTICAL FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS

Numerical methods, on the other hand, were known since the time of Newton in the 1700s. Methods for the solution of ODEs or PDEs were conceptually conceived, but only on paper. With the absence of the personal computer, there was no way for the application of these techniques.

With the advent of computers, application of PDE’s to more complex problems has become a reality – although we still have a ways to go

PHOENICS has always been developed to enable practical, efficient, and cost effective solutions, which is why the

remain an industry standard for CFD

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Theory: N-S Equations PHOENICS utilizes a control volume balance methodology (Time rate of change =

net flux through all surfaces)

The balance equation becomes

This equation can be expanded for a variety of components, including:

mass of a phase, mass of a chemical species

energy, momentum, turbulence, electric charge

with additions for turbulence, species, and mass fractions, fluid-solid interactions

In PHOENICS, boundary conditions and sources appear on the r.h.s. of the

differential equation, and include over 10 different specification options

source sinke w n s top bot

x y zJ J J J J J


Applying to all surfaces yields

k k

U St x x

5/29/2012 14

Theory: Solution Techniques After integration, discretization, and putting

them in correction form, the equations of importance are solved using a supplied linear-equation solver

PHOENICS has three separate solution techniques, each with their own benefits Point-by-Point: cell value is derived explicitly by

using existing neighboring cell values (‘old’ and ‘new’ superscripts refer to the values at the start and end of the current solution sweep)

Slabwise Whole field

After integration, discretization, and putting them in correction form, the equations of importance are solved using a supplied linear-equation solver

All models (turbulence, multi-phase, etc) are integrated into the solution techniques and require no matrix modification, this includes both standard geometry and body-fitted methodologies

source terms




Top Bot

old old


old old

E Wnew

Pold old

Top Bot

a a

a aa

a a

5/29/2012 15

Theory: Solution Techniques The cells are arranged in an orderly (i.e. "structured") manner in a

grid which may be: cartesian, cylindrical-polar, or "body-fitted", i.e. arbitrarily curvi-linear, and which may be segmented into distinct "blocks".

These equations express the influences of: diffusion (including viscous action and heat conduction), convection, variation with time, sources and sinks.

In order to reduce the numerical errors which may result from the unsymmetrical nature of the convection terms, PHOENICS can make use of a large variety of 'higher-order schemes', including QUICK, SMART, Van Leer, and many others.

The dependent variables of these equations are thus: mass or volume fraction, velocity and pressure, temperature or enthalpy, concentration, electrical charge or other conserved property.

The mass and momentum equations are solved in a semi-coupled manner by a variant of the well-known SIMPLE algorithm.

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Theory: Solution Techniques Because the whole equation system is non-linear, the solution procedure is

iterative, consisting of the steps of: computing the imbalances of each of the above entities for each cell;

computing the coefficients of linear(ised) equations which represent how the imbalances will change as a consequence of (small) changes to the solved-for variables;

solving the linear equations; correcting the values of solved-for variables, and of auxiliary ones, such

as fluid properties, which depend upon them; repeating the cycle of operations until the changes made to the variables

are sufficiently small. Various techniques are used for solving the linear equations, including: tri-

diagonal matrix algorithm (a variant of) Stone's 'Strongly Implicit Algorithm', conjugate-gradient and conjugate-residual solvers.

PHOENICS also possesses a multi-grid coupled-variable solver, called MIGAL.

Meshing The cells are arranged in an orderly (i.e.

"structured") manner in a grid which may be: Cartesian, cylindrical-polar, or "body-fitted", i.e. arbitrarily curvi-linear, and which may be segmented into distinct "blocks“

Done directly through VR-Editor Also, PHOENICS provides for an

enhanced ability to quickly refine flow areas of interest using fine grid embedding (not available for certain types of models and flows)

Uses method-of-embedded objects in which all cells within domain and discretized, with momentum equations solved for and geometry behavior and properties handled through source-term modifications

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PHOENICS provides efficient import or generation of complex objects,

with rapid assignment of properties with fine-grid embedding for faster

mesh generation

Meshing – INPUT from CAD Very often, CFD analysis is required for a

situation which has been already defined geometrically by way of a Computer-Aided-Drawing (CAD) package.

The definition is then usually expressed by way of one or more STL or DXF files, which it is necessary to import into PHOENICS.

This task is made extremely easy for the user, because PHOENICS itself is able to read STL and DXF files (TECPLOT and FIELDVIEW unstructured grids as well), and to convert them into PHOENICS ready format.

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After importing geometries into PHOENICS, users can quickly

specify material properties, moving components, or boundary

conditions without additional grid generation overhead

Meshing with PARSOL PARSOL is the technique for improving

the accuracy of flow simulations for situations in which a fluid/solid boundary intersects obliquely some of the cells of a cartesian or polar-co-ordinate grid.

PARSOL is capable of calculating the fluid-flow phenomena accurately, whether the flow is laminar or turbulent, single or multi-phase, provided that the cell is cut by the interface into no more than two sub-cells, one containing fluid and the other solid.

Conjugate heat transfer is also correctly computed in such circumstances.

PARSOL allows flows around curved bodies to be computed on cartesian grids is also utilized when employing body-fitted techniques as well

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PHOENICS ‘ PARSOL eliminates stair-step behaviors and provides additional

capabilities for complex geometries that other CFD codes lack

Meshing with PARSOL – Body Fitted Coordinates

PHOENICS can use any one of three types of coordinate system for describing the space in which it performs its computations, namely: cartesian, cylindrical-polar, curvilinear (but still with six-faced cells) for fitting bodies of arbitrary shape.

PHOENICS possesses its own built-in means of generating such grids; but it can also accept grids created by specialist packages.

Not all CFD codes have a BFC capability; and of those which do not, some employ other means of permitting flows around arbitrarily-curved surfaces to be accurately computed

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PHOENICS was the first general-purpose CFD code to enable

computing using BFC grids, as well as the ability to utilize PARSOL for

additional refinement

Why Embedded vs. BFC Reason #1: The use of porosity factors to block out portions of a cartesian (or cylindrical polar) grid is

recommended in many situations, especially for domains containing internal obstacles with discontinuous boundary shapes.

Reason #2: Porosity factors greater than unity can be used as grid-expansion factors, provided that the rate of

expansion set by them is not too rapid. Reason #3 : The parabolic option of PHOENICS is especially useful for the analysis of the growth of shear layers,

boundary layers, jets and wakes. The lateral dimensions of the domain can be expanded with downstream direction to accommodate this growth by means of the parameters AZXU and AZYV (note that BFC=T is not permitted for parabolic simulations).

Advice IF one of the foregoing methods can be used it SHOULD be, because BFC calculations involve additional

computational and storage expense. This expense can exhibit itself at the start of an EARTH calculation when, for a fine grid, a significant pause

occurs while EARTH calculates once-and-for-all the many three- dimensional geometrical-field entities. If the F-array dimension is insufficient, these quantities are stored by EARTH on disc. Thus, machines with low input/output performance will execute BFC calculations more slowly than non-BFC ones. It is then recommended that, storage permitting, the F array should be enlarged to permit all BFC fields to be stored in core. The print-out produced by EARTH at the start of the calculation provides the necessary information to do this.

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Multi-phase Flows PHOENICS was the first general-purpose computer code to be able to simulate multi-

phase flows; and it is still capable of doing so more effectively, and in a greater variety of ways, than most of its competitors.

Multi-phase-flow phenomena can be simulated by PHOENICS in four distinct ways. These are: Inter-Phase-Slip Algorithm, where two inter-penetrating continua are solved for

separately, each having at every point in the space-time domain under consideration, its own: velocity components, temperature, composition, density, viscosity, volume fraction, etc;

The Algebraic-Slip Method, (also called the drift-flux model) where only one-set of differential equations are solved for, and the properties of the mixture are represented

The Separated Flows method, where PHOENICS treats the two (or more) fluids as a single fluid subject to discontinuities of density, viscosity and composition in the presence of a free surface

And the particulate method, where the particles (or groups of particles) are tracked by solving the Lagrangian equations of motion, with full interactivity between the particulate and the continuous phases

The options within PHOENICS provide a more enhanced flexibility to model different types of multiphase flows using the same CFD tool, with accuracy and cost savings being realized quickly

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Multi-phase Flows - ASM ASM postulates there exists one continuous

medium in which there are dispersed various phase components (droplets, bubbles or solid particles)

The mixture of the continuous and dispersed phases behaves as a single fluid, with fluid properties that may or may not depend on the dispersed phases.

Each dispersed phase is represented by a species concentration equation. The transport equation for each dispersed phase allows for relative movement between the dispersed phase and the continuous phase. This extra migration or drift of the dispersed phase is known as phase slip.

It is assumed that the slip velocity can be calculated from algebraic equations involving only local variables, rather than from the full partial differential equations

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PHOENICS’ ASM subroutine is available in open-source format for

ease of modification and integration

Multi-phase Flows - ASM The algebraic-slip model assumes that small

particles and viscous fluids are dominant ASM is deduced from ALGEBRAIC rather than

partial differential equations (PDEs). The equations to be solved for the phase-

concentration distributions are therefore:- the PDEs of continuity and momentum of the

MIXTURE, the PDEs of conservation of the particle groups,

with additional slip-velocity-transport terms, the algebraic equations which allow the latter

terms to be evaluated. of 1mm diameter in water (viscosity

approximately 10-6m2/s) the relaxation time is about 0.05s; this would be reasonable for a flow timescale of about 1s.

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The original ASM was developed by CHAM and is

fully integrated into all aspects of PHOENICS,

including all solvers and turbulence models

Multi-phase Flows - IPSA Specific features of the solution procedure

are: Eulerian-Eulerian techniques using a fixed

grid, and employing the concept of 'interpenetrating continua' to solve a complete set of equations for each phase present;

The volume fraction, Ri, of phase is computed as the proportion of volumetric space occupied by a phase;

It can also be interpreted as the probability of finding phase i at the point and instant in question;

The equations describing the state of a phase are basically the Navier-Stokes Equations, generalized to allow for the facts that: Each of the phases occupies only a part of the

space, given by the volume fraction; and The phases are exchanging mass and all other


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PHOENICS provides flexibility for multi-phase modeling using IPSA in treating interfacial properties and

transfer properties

Multi-phase Flows – Separated (Free Surface) Flows

The Separated Flows method treats two (or more) fluids as a single fluid subject to discontinuities of density, viscosity and composition.

These discontinuities, ie the inter-fluid surfaces, are tracked as they move through the domain of interest, by solution of the individual continuity equations of each fluid.

Three tracking procedures are available, namely: (a) the height-of-liquid method, (b) the scalar-equation method, (c) the particle-on-surface method.

The first of these is the most economical of computer time; but it cannot handle "breaking-wave" situations, in which the free-surface height at any horizontal position becomes multi-valued.

Both (b) and (c) can handle such phenomena; but only method (b) is easily usable for three-dimensional phenomena.

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PHOENICS provides the comprehensive CFD

requirements to model complex, free-surface flows cost effectively

Multi-phase Flows – Particulates Particle tracking is embodied in the

GENTRA (ie GENeral TRAcking) option of PHOENICS.

The particles (or groups of particles) are tracked by solving the Lagrangian equations of motion, with full interactivity between the particulate and the continuous phases.

Allowance is made for the particles to stick to walls which they hit, to slide along them subject to friction, or to bounce off with various coefficients of restitution.

It is worth noting that the particle-tracking method can also be used for computing the motion of free surfaces

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PHOENICS’ particle tracking allows real-treatment of particulate

behavior, including phase-change, radiation, and chemical reaction

Parallel PHOENICS There are two principal reasons

for using parallel rather than sequential PHOENICS. They are: to obtain computational results

in a shorter time, and to use finer grids than a single

processor permits.

The parallel solver shares the computational domain and task between a number processors; each processor then performs the computations for its part of the domain simultaneously. Thus the whole task may be achieved in a shorter time.

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Parallel PHOENICS is available for Windows, Linux, and Unix based HPC systems and provides license costing

that enables 50% performance improvement at 50% the cost of our


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1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512

PHOENICS Annual Cost (1-seat) 11800 14160 15930 17700 23600 41300 59000 76700 94400 112100

Estimated FLUENT/CFX Average Annual Cost (1-Seat)

23750 28750 38750 58750 98750 178750 338750 658750 1298750 2578750

PHOENICS Perpetual Cost (1-Seat ) 22,800 27360 30780 34200 45600 79800 114000 148200 182400 216600

Estimated FLUENT/CFX Average Perpetual Cost(1-Seat)

50000 60000 80000 120000 200000 360000 680000 1320000 2600000 5160000

PHOENICS Annual Cost (5-Seat) 17,700 21240 23895 26550 35400 61950 88500 115050 141600 168150

PHOENICS Annual Cost (10-Seat) 23600 28320 31860 35400 47200 82600 118000 153400 188800 224200

PHOENICS Annual Cost (Unlimited-Seat) 29500 35400 39825 44250 59000 103250 147500 191750 236000 280250

















Cost Comparison between PHOENICS and Ansys Fluent

PHOENICS provides enhanced numerical capabilities required to meet Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory modeling requirements with AT LEAST a 50% cost savings to the government, which is compounded based on the actual type and number of licenses required

The cost of Ansys Fluent doesn’t include support Dr. Allen Badeau has a DoD Secret clearance, and can provide on-site

support and training, as well as assist researchers through Bettis relevant integration, support, model development, and assistance

Have full support from CHAM for capabilities integration into the PHOENICS code itself as required to assist Bettis in more efficiently meeting their requirements

Our current capabilities make PHOENICS and ACS Consulting the best value to the government in providing CFD simulation capabilities and support to meet ever changing DOE requirements

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outlet outlet

outlet outlet




Natural convection flow in a cask storage

warehouse Toyo Engineering


• BFC grid

• Three-Dimensional steady flow with heat transfer

• Buoyancy-influenced flow

• Surface to surface radiation included

• NX*NY*NZ=288*74*42=895,104



: 22.6[kw]

Air in

Air out


5/29/2012 31

FlowRate[m3/s] per one cask

Experimental data

Result of PHOENICS



Natural convection flow in a cask storage

warehouse Toyo Engineering

5/29/2012 32

Natural convection flow in a nuclear reactor

For Denchuken DETAILS :

• Cylindrical-polar grid

• Three-Dimensional steady or

transient flow with heat transfer

• Buoyancy-influenced flow

• Surface to surface radiation




• When an accident happens in the

nuclear system, eg the cooling system

may fail. Hence, heat will be released


by natural convection of air flow. The

purpose of this model is to establish the

distribution of temperature and the air

flow rate under these circumstances


IHX(Heat sink Q=-





Radial shield


Argon gas zone

Air convection


Air inlet

(connected to


Air outlet (connected to


Air Flow

Liquid Na Flow


(Heat source


Structure of porous

media zone

5/29/2012 33

Air plane

Wind Flow Simulations

5/29/2012 34

Air plane – Paint Hanger Simulations Visualizations using Tecplot

5/29/2012 35

Data Center Simulations – Multiple systems airflow patters for flow optimization

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Data Center Simulations – Multiple systems airflow patters for design optimization

5/29/2012 37

Model 5 – Intake moved Model 4 – 2 intakes & 2 exhausts

Temperature distribution (steady)

Maximum temperature [℃]

Experimental data

Result of PHOENICS



Pressure drop [MPa] in Na convection zone

Experimental data

Result of PHOENICS



5/29/2012 38

Natural convection flow in a nuclear reactor

For Denchuken

Transient simulation in a vapor turbine DETAILS :

• Cartesian grid

• Three-Dimensional transient flow

• NX*NY*NZ=222×218×98=4,742,808


Inlet of vapor Inlet of vapor


Air :Fixed temperature

Nozzle Box : Fixed temperature

5/29/2012 39

Transient simulation in a vapor turbine










0 50 100 150















0 50 100 150






5/29/2012 40

Mixing flow - Rotating paddles in a tank For MEIJI NYUGYO CO PHOENICS Version : 3.6.0

The treatment of cut-cell changes suddenly !

5/29/2012 41

Mixing flow - Rotating paddles in a tank Demonstration using “MOFOR” feature

PHOENICS Version : 3.6.0


• Cartesian grid • Three-Dimensional transient flow with the rotating paddles. • Using MOFOR • Solve for concentration • NX*NY*NZ=44*44*42 • Rotating speed=50[rpm]

5/29/2012 42

Sliding grid case For IWAKI CO PHOENICS Version : 3.6.0

5/29/2012 43

Inlet of air

Velocity 300[m/s]

Inlet of water

pressure:10^5[Pa] Outlet 0[Pa]

Mixing Flow in chamber For Sasebo University

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Burner : Fuel : Air

5/29/2012 45

METAL Melting furnace For Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

Vapor concentration

5/29/2012 46

Mixing chamber For Hitachi Ltd



Gas concentration

5/29/2012 47

Oil Droplet in a Pipe

Demonstration using IPSA For Toyota Co.

Injection Nozzle


Oil Spay



case2(10m/s, 0deg, diameter =10μm)

case3(10m/s,30deg, diameter =1μm)

5/29/2012 48

Natural convection flow in a crucible furnace For Hoya Glass Co.

Heat Coil

Liquid Outlet (fixed mass flow rate)

Liquid glass

Liquid Inlet


5/29/2012 49

Boil over with pool burning For CCS Co.

Three species Liquid (Naphtha,LightGasOil,Residue)

Pool burning water

5/29/2012 50




Outlet Exit Entrance Curvert center




Open channel flow of Siphon Culvert For Orient Consultants

5/29/2012 51

Non-Newtonian Plastic Flow in a Metal Mold For Sekisui Co.

Liquid A (Hard)

Liquid B (Soft)

Volume fraction A and B 5/29/2012 52

Water inlet with chlorine





Over flow

Exchanging water in swimming pool For Yamaha Co.




Chlorine concentration 5/29/2012 53

Radiation benchmark of heat to plastic plate For Alps Electric Co.

Heater Stay

Plastic Plate 0.2sec


No radiation Solve T3



e te








Solve T3

No radiation


5/29/2012 54

Pressure Drop of Gas Flow past barricades For Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industry Co.

Air 0.91m/s



5/29/2012 55

Droplet break at Fuel port For Keihin Engineering Co.

NX=62 NY=28 NZ=60



)5.0/(We 2

slipgc ud Bag Breakup

)5.0/(We 2

liquidud Film Breakup

Modeled using IPSA with changing droplet diameter

5/29/2012 56