Page 1: Centre for Inner Resources Development (A Unit of N arayanashrama Tapovanam) Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha “The goal of spirituality is to make us master

Centre for Inner Resources Development

(A Unit of Narayanashrama Tapovanam)

Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

“The goal of spirituality is to make us master of the world by making us master of our own mind and intelligence.”

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Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

• At 24, he was initiated into the pursuit of Brahma-vidya (Self-

knowledge) by Baba Gangadhara Paramahamsa of

Dakshinkhanda, West Bengal.

• A PhD in Physics, he was a scientist and assistant professor in

the Radar & Communication Centre of Indian Institute of

Technology – Kharagpur.

“Spirituality - A Pilgrimage Towards an Integrated Personality”(CIRD, New Delhi)

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Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

In 1987, he renounced his professional life and

dedicated himself wholesomely to the mission of …

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

A Rational Understanding of Spirituality

“Spirituality – A pursuit of Self-transformation”

(Virginia, USA)

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Spirituality Defined

“Bhagavadgeeta – A Revolutionary Message for Transforming Life”

(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

“Spirituality or Adhyaatma-vidya as defined in

Bhagavadgeeta (verse 8.3) represents the knowledge of our

True Identity, the Self.”

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Right Understanding…. not mystic

“There is a widespread misunderstanding that spiritual study and

practice are ‘otherworldly’, and necessary only at the end of our

life. But, in truth the purpose of spirituality is to grow with the right

knowledge about the world as well as about ourselves, so that we

can live a life of freedom and fulfillment.”

“Enlightened Leadership”Workshop for

Senior Corporate Executives (Jakarta)

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Universal Message

“As the knowledge of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, etc. does not depend on the racial or religious identity of the student, so too the knowledge of the 'Self' – our own real identity – is true of any human being on earth.”

“Science and Spiritual Quest” (Jakarta)

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A Great Discovery

“Vedanta is the record of the results of enquiry into our own real identity. It is a statement of a great discovery. It is an exhortation, a call – to do the experiment oneself by refining and sublimating the inner faculties, and discover the Truth for himself, in his own being.”

“3 Great Discoveries of our Land” (Centre of Excellence, Jamshedpur)

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“Often our scriptures are accused for the present decadence of our

civilization. But, in fact, the degeneration of India began when we

started distancing ourselves from the true purport of the


The knowledge that is based on uncompromising enquiry and

subtlest reasoning, was belittled as mystic; the scriptures that

emphasize relentlessly our self-effort, were ignorantly considered

as fatalistic; and the universal ‘Dharma’ based on a

comprehensive understanding of human personality, was

ignorantly termed as idolatry.”

Rediscovering our heritage

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Knowledge must transform

“Essentials of Hinduism” (Jakarta)

“Spirituality is a delightful journey from selfishness to

SELF-ness; from the constricted ‘I’ to the universal ‘I’.”

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“One must live the Knowledge. Scriptural knowledge

without the living experience is like the picture of fire, which

can neither illumine nor burn.

“This knowledge being about our own identity, mere

theoretical knowledge will not be enough. We have to

discover it first hand. The knowledge becomes ‘realized’

through a process of comprehensive transformation of our

inner being.”

Spiritual knowledge is experiential

Page 12: Centre for Inner Resources Development (A Unit of N arayanashrama Tapovanam) Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha “The goal of spirituality is to make us master

“As soon as I started studying Physics, I fell in love with it.

Physics used to give me the joy of expansion, the joy of vairaagya

(dispassion or impersonality). If we are able to integrate the

fundamental philosophy of Physics into our vision of life and the

world, then it will certainly generate impersonality, impartiality

and humility in our mind.”

Living the Knowledge

“Science & Spiritual Quest” (Taylors’ University, Malaysia)

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Inspiring the Youth

“Being Successful” (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

“Being successful is to be successful with your own mind.”

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Spirituality revolutionizes our life & thinking

“Religion depends on the faith in some concept of God or

the Creator of the Universe. Spirituality begins when we

start questioning our faith, our concept of God.”

* * *

“Most people think of spirituality as rejection of the

world. In truth, spirituality means accepting the world

wholesomely without getting subdued or weakened by

any situation.”

Page 15: Centre for Inner Resources Development (A Unit of N arayanashrama Tapovanam) Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha “The goal of spirituality is to make us master

“A God-believing person is a believer in the concept of God. An atheist is

also a believer, but in the concept of no-God. Both of them are believers.

They believe in some concept of their mind. This a priori belief stifles their

enquiry. A seeker of ultimate Truth should start with no belief.”

* * *

“Why do we look for a Creator of the world? Because, we find that

everything in the world follows causality. The causality we see all around

makes us think that there must be an ultimate ‘Cause’ (or Creator) behind

the universe. That is, the concept of God is basically an “inference” from

the causality we observe in the world.

“In fact, it is an invalid ‘extrapolation’ of material causality beyond its

domain. Although everything we observe in the material world is related by

causality, the Ultimate Truth, by definition, has to be beyond causality. It

transcends duality.”

Transcend belief & non-belief

Page 16: Centre for Inner Resources Development (A Unit of N arayanashrama Tapovanam) Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha “The goal of spirituality is to make us master

“The infinite variety of the world is always pulling us away from

our real Identity, our inmost anchor. Know that this centrifugal

force is not generated by the objects themselves, but by our

mind’s preference and prejudice towards them.”

* * *

“To interact with the world variety remaining anchored to our

core identity, we have to balance the centrifugal force by

generating enough of centripetal force. How to constantly

generate the centripetal force?”

From slavery to mastery

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Solution lies within

“Shift the focus from external situations, to the mind's

response to them. Do whatever leads to mind's expansion,

strength and transparence.”

* * *

“For self-improvement, always try to bring in the

transformation at the causal level. Shift the focus from

actions to their cause – the thoughts; from the thoughts to

their cause – the mind-set (bhaava) giving rise to them.

Transform the mind-set or ‘bhaava’ by relentless

contemplation on the infinitude and unaffectedness of the


Page 18: Centre for Inner Resources Development (A Unit of N arayanashrama Tapovanam) Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha “The goal of spirituality is to make us master

“True spiritual pursuit must generate the feeling of sky-like

impersonality and impartiality within. Our inmost identity is the

abode of fearlessness, abode of strength.”

* * *

“We are suffering from the fear of losing what we like and facing

what we dislike. By not clinging to what we like, and not hating

what we dislike, we become fearless.”

* * *

“By clinging to external objects and objective situations for gaining

happiness, we become slave to the world. By discovering the real

source of happiness within, we become master of the world.”

Towards freedom and fearlessness

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Why Spiritual Knowledge

“Those who have realized the Truth about their identity,

found that this knowledge makes a man fulfilled. It

makes him emotionally fulfilled by removing all sense of

insufficiency, desires, fear, and bondage. It makes him

intelligentially fulfilled by removing all his doubts. It

enables him to float unaffectedly over any world

situation surrounding him.”

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Centre for Inner Resources Development (CIRD)

CIRD was conceived of as a unique knowledge

institution that will help individuals discover and

harness their Inner Resources through a deeper

understanding of the human mind and develop a

poised all-embracing personality.

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