







  • 1.




    List of Abbreviations

    Alphabetical List of Villages

    ( i) Wara-Seoni Tahsil

    ( ii) Balaghat Tahsil

    (iii) Baihar Tahsil









    PART A

    I. Explanatory Note 21-32





    2 Village Directory (Amenities and Land-use)

    ( i) Wara-Seoni Tabsil

    ( ii) Balagbat Tahsil

    ( iii) Baibar Tahsil

    3. Appendix to Village Directory 94-95

    -4:. Town Directory 96-101

    ( i) Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 96

    ( ii) Physical Aspect& and Location of Towns 97

    ( iii) Civic Finance 9V

    ( iv) Civic and other Amenities 98

    ( v) Medical, Educationa), Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns 99

    (vi) Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 100

    ( vii) Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in Towns 101

    5. Appendix to Town Directory 102

    PART B

    1. Explanatory Note

    2. Figures at a Glance

    3. Primary Censns Abstract

    District Abstract Wara-Seoni Tahsil

    Balaghat Tahsil

    Baihar Tahsil (Rural)

    (Rural) (Urban)

    (Rural) (Urban)




    lOS-HI 112-165 112-159 160-165 166-213 l66-211 210-213 214-169 214-269


    Prior to the 1951 Census, there was no regular separate publication at thc dislrict level regarding the data collected, although the seeds of thc District Census Handbooks can be traced (0 the 'Village Lists brought out for every district in 1901 and 'Village Statistic:;' of every district publidled iE 1911 and 1941. No. definite answer is focthcoming as to \\·hy such publications, giving village-wise information of occupied houses, break-up of population into malcs/fen-,aies and literates, were not brought out in 1921 and 1931 The reason could be transfer from 1921 of certain charges on Census previously met from the provincia. revenues to the Central revenues and the Government of India may not have considered it necessary to publish statistics up to the village level. 'Village Statistic,' in 1941 were brought out by the Central Provinces & Berar Government and this practice of bringing out district-wise publications at the cost of the State Govern-ment has since been continuing.

    2. The scope of the district-wise publications, now called the District Census Handbooks, has been under-going change with each successive Census from 1951. In 1951, the District Ccnsus Handbooks only contained the Primary Census Abstract and the Census tables. In view of the usefulness of separa:te publication for each district, improvements were made at the time of the 1961 Census by including non-Cen:,us data like elimate, agriculture, co-operation, industry, education, etc. An 'Introductory Note' was also added to highlight the more striking features. Unfortunately, the desire to make district-.vise Census publications very comprehensive resulted in late availability of the books to the users. Therefore, this time the District Census Handbooks have been divided into three parts in order to release maximum data, as and when finalised, so that the publications may have a useful life of about seven to eight years ofintcr-Censal decennium. Part A will contain Primarily non-Census statistics, Part B the Primary Census Ab"tract and Part C various admini.strative statistics with a chapter titled "Introducing the district". It may be mentioned here that subsequently a decision has been taken to merge Parts A and B in one volume on grounds of economy.

    3. Much of the delay in the publication of the District Census Handbooks after the 1961 Census was due to delay in collection of administrative statistics and the decision to write the Introductory Note in the head office. Separation of administrative statistics as Part C (If the District Census Handbook and the kiLd Ce-operation of the State Government, permitting Collectors of the 1961-71 decade to write the chapter on "Illtrouucing the District," is likely to go a long way in early publication of all the parls of the Di,tJ ict Census Handbooks. Another favourable factor this time is the early decision of the StZlte Government to permit printing in private presses as and when the work-load on the Statc Government l'res,cs is heavy and likely to result in delay in the bringing ant of the District Cemus Handbook of any disllict. It would not be out tf place to point out here that the work-load in connection with the Dhtrict Cemm Handbooks is very much more this time, not only on account of wider coverage but largely due to the ckci'.ion to bring out the District Census Handbooks in Hindi as well as English. In all, there will be 172 publications, 4 per district of which 2 will be in hindi and 2 in english. Advance action was taken this time to collect the non-Census data and it is hoped that the combined volume of Parts A and B of all the 43 distlicts would be out by the end of 1973 and Part C of all the districts by the middle of 1975. This would be a definite improvement on the 1961 performance when printing of the District Census Handbooks covered the period 1964 to 1967.

    4. In his Preface to the 1961 District Census Handbooks, my predecessor, Shri G. ]agathpathi, had observed thus, "It was not possible at this Census to base all Census statistics on the development block as the unit mainly because in 1961 there were many areas not till then cm e1 cd by blocks. The coverage had become complete by about the middle of 1963 and it is not unlikely that the 1971 Census will1ecognisc thL! block as the basic field unit as much for purposes of presentation as for operat~ollal purposes.". It lJ3s !l(,t been possible to adopt the development block as the basic unit for operation and presentation in this Census for more than one reason. Firstly, the office of the Block Development Officer was abolished in December, 1965; its resurrection in the form of office of the Block Development Assistant from 2-10-69 had not taken film roots up to the time field arrangements for the 1971 Census were finalised. Secondly, the tahsil ,'

  • 2

    5. In conclusion, I would like to place on record my grateful thanks to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having so kindly agreed to undertake the publication of the Handbooks in hindi as well as english

    LO the various government and semi-government offices for un-hesitatingly making available the non-Census statistics, and to the Controller, Government Press, and his staff for arDanging early printing in the Govern-ment and private Presses.

    BHOPAL: A. K. PANDYA 15 th August, 1972.



    I. Clvie Administration 32 Hospital H

    Corporation C 33 T.B. Clinic TBC

    2 Municipality M 34 Maternity and Child Welfare Centre MeW

    3 Notified Area Committee NAC 35 Ayurvedic Dispensary AD

    4 Cantonment Board CB 36 Nursing Home NH

    5 Non-Municipal; Non-Town Committee; 37 Family Plauning Centre FC

    Non-Panchayat NM 33 Veterinary Hospital VH

    6 Gram Panchayat P v. Electricity 11. Other Amenities (Sewerage & Drainage) 39 Electricity E

    7 Open Surface Drains OSD 40 Electricity for Irrigation EI

    8 Box Surface Drains BSD 41 Electricity for Industry EIN

    9 Sewerage S

    10 Head Loads HL VI. Drinking Water Supply

    11 Wheel Barrow WB 42 Tap Water T 12 Bullock Cart BC 43 River Water R 13 Tractor/Truck TR/T 44 Nala Water NW 14 Septic Tan k Latrine,; ST 45 Tubewell Water TW

    46 Well Water W

    III. Educational 47 Tank Water TK:.

    15 Primary School PR 48 Fountain Water F

    16 Middle School Mid.s 49 Canal C

    17 Secondary High Sch,)QI ) Sec.s jO Over Head Tauk OHT

    I:l Higher Secondary School J 51 Service Reservoir SR 19 Arts College A 52 Pressure Tank PT

    20 Science College S

    21 Commerce College C VU. Communications 22 Arts. Science & Commerce College ASC 53 Pucca Road PR 23 Basic Primary School BPR 54 Kutcha Road KR 24 Basic Women Sewing Ceutre BWSC R 2S Shorthand and Typing Training

    55 Railway

    Institut~ Sh. Type

    20 Vocational Training Institute V VHI. Post and Telegraph

    27 University U 56 Post Office PO

    2J Home Science College HM 51 Telegraph Office TO

    58 Telephone Phone

    IV. Medical

    29 Primary Heal th Centre PHC IX. Others

    30 Health Centre HC 59 Information not available NA

    31 Dispensary D 60 Others 0


    ( All tbe Census Publications of this State will bear series No. 10 )

    PART I (in Sub-Parts)

    PAl{T II-A

    PART II-B (in Sub-Parts)

    PART H.C (in Sub-Palts)


    PART IlI·B

    i'ART IV

    PART V (in Sub-Part,)






    PART VIIl-ll

    PART lX


    PART X-A

    PART X-B

    PART X.C

    Census General Report including Subsidiary Tables

    Census Tables on popUlation

    Economic Tables

    Social and Cultural Tables

    Establishment Report and Subsidiary Tables

    Establishment Tables

    Housmg Report and Tables

    Special Tables anrl Ethnographic Notes on Schcd 1Iled Casles and Scheduled Tribes

    Town Directory

    Specidl Survey Reports on selected Towns

    Survey Reports on selected Villages

    Special Keport on Graduates and Technical Per!>onnel

    Admlllistration Report-Enumeration

    Adm) nistration Report-Tabulation

    Cemt.s Atlas

    Administrative Atlas


    Village and Town Directory

    Village and Town Primary Census Abstracts

    Analytical Report and Administrative Statements and District Census Tables

    (District Censu5 Handbooks are published under Part X in 3 Parts -A, B &: C for eaCh oj the 43 districts in the State. Parts A alld B are published in orle volume)

  • ;3



    ------------------- -----~---~---------.---------::II. No. Name of VilJaae L.C. No. SI. No. Nalllc 01 Village L.'_'; .. '-o.

    ----------- ---_-----_----------- ~ -------_ 2 3 2 3

    -------------------,__-~-~--- -------~---~---------------

    Wara-Seoni Tahsil 37,1 Wara-Seoni Tahsil-Conld.

    A 46 Bbajiyapar (Jadkbarid) 86 47 Bbajiyapar (Mal) 85

    1 Agarwada U8 48 Bhandamurn 397

    2 Agasi 80 49 Bhandarbodi 165

    3 Agri 9 50 Bhandarbodi (Hamesha) 168

    4 Agri 87 5J Bhandl 271

    5 Alejhari 287 52 Bhanpur 240

    6 Ambai 202 53 Bhaurgarh 1'19

    7 Ambejhari 2 54 Bbendara 246

    8 Amgaon 258 5S Bhondki 7

    9 Amoli 345 56 Bhumiya 17

    10 Anjan Bihari 'Z9 57 Bichnua (Ryt) 43

    11 Ansyra 213 58 l.lijhajlll1l.l 401

    12 Arambha 238 59 Birsula 133

    J3 Arjuni 104 60 Birsula 329 14 Alri 114 61 BIs.lpur 70 15 Atri 189 62 BHoJi 231 16 Atri 351 63 BitoJi 362 17 Awalya Kaobar 356 64 Bitodi 265

    65 Bodalkasa 217 B 66 Bol Dongri 48

    67 Bonkatta 34 18 Babariya 387 68 DopJi 84 19 Badgaon 121 69 Bon 315 20 Badgaon 304 70 Bori (Hamesha) 146 21 Badpani 23 71 Bori Kheda (Mal) 54 22 Bagdehi 390 72 Bori Kheda (Ry!) 56 23 Bagholi 227 73 BOlejhari 97 24 Bagno\i 361 74 Bothwa 127 25 Bahakal 115 75 Dotta 391 26 Bahegaon 389 76 Budbuda 99 27 Bahiya Tikur 314 77 Butte Hajari 330 28 Bakera 215 29 Bakoda 347 C 30 Bakodi 236 31 Balbarpur 313 78 Chakaheti 39 32 Bambani 33 79 Chanda Doh 38 33 Bamhni 355 80 Chandpuri 322 34 Bandarewa 16 81 Changera 254 35 Bandri 3911 82 Chaukhandi 66 36 Banera 77 83 Chawarpani 365 37 Barbaspur 298 84 Chhatera 149 38 Barbaspur (Udhardioi) 261 85 Chhatera 327 39 Barghat 349 86 Chhindlai 385 40 Basi 61 87 Chichgaon 249 41 Basi 216 88 Chichgaon 358 42 Behrai 296 89 Chichgaon 74 43 Delgaon 350 90 Chichgaon 3J 44 Beni 250 91 Chicholi 234 45 Bhajiya Dand 203 92 Chicho\i 169

  • 4



    __ -____ ---0"....-------------- ----------_.----------_----~1.No. Name of Village L.C. No. SI.No. Name 01 Village L.C. No.

    ------------- --~---------- -----------~-~--_----------2 3 2

    ---~---__.._..-- -~------ -.--------------~- -~.-~.---~---

    Wara-Seoni Tabsil-Coutd. Wara -Seonl Tahsil-C,,'"d.

    93 Chichtola alias Laxmipur 191 G

    Y4 Chikhla 161

    95 Chikhlabadi 402 I3S GaJpur 106 96 Chikmara 64 136 Ganeshpur 340 97 Chilod 32) 137 Ganeshpur (Harnesha) 98 Chirchira 89


    Chitewani 139 138 Gan Kheda 3&7

    99 100 Chitkideori (Harncsha) 8

    139 Garapuri 311

    101 Chorpindkepar 151 140 Garra 294

    102 Chutiya 192 141 Garra 225 142 Garrabodi 160

    D 143 Garragusai 138 144 Gatapayli 218

    Dadiya 335 145 Ghatolgaon 375

    103 104 Dhankosa 4ll

    146 Ghcti 242

    105 Dhapera 328 147 Ghoti 384

    106 Dharawasi m 148 Ghubadgondi 185 107 Dharplwada 343 149 Ghunadi 83 108 Dhimru (Rcelh) 400 150 Gondegaon 341 109 Digdha 35 151 Gopalpur 73 110 Dinera 2)0 J:2 Gorcghat 5 111 Dmi 269 153 Govindpur (Harnesha) 112 Deogaon 23u

    20 J54 Gudrugbat 153

    113 Deogaon 369 155 Gunai 243 114 Deori 336

    Deori 52 150 Gusai Tola 30

    115 116 Deon Bujurg 14

    m Deori Khurd 6 H 118 Deothana 60

    119 Dohra 392

    J20 Dokarbandi 342 157 Hardoli 141

    121 Doke 267 158 Hatoda u:

    12Z Dongargaon 45 159 Hlrapur 49 l~') Dongargaon 274

    l24 Dongana 297

    125 Dongariya 173 J

    126 Dongariya 206

    127 Dongarrnali 259 160 Jabar Tala 198

    128 Dorli 353 161 Jagpur 289

    119 Dorli (Mal) 219 162 Jam 102

    130 Dorli Jadkhand 101 163 Jam 388

    131 Dudhara liD 164 Jamkhan 107

    132 Dulhapuc 10 165 Jamrapani 44 166 Jamuniya 75

    F 167 Jacah Mohgaon 103 168 Jhadgaon 266

    133 Fulchur 171 169 Jhaiiwada 226

    134 Fulara 24~ 170 Jhanjagi 130

  • 5



    ----------- ------_--------- -~--~--.---;:;1. L'ID. Name of ... iilage L.C. No. SI. No. Name 01 Village L.C.l'\o.

    ---------~-- ~ -~---~----- -_---~----_~------_._---

    2 2 3

    ---------------~---- -----------~-- -_-_-----Wara-Seonl TabsU-Contd. Wara-Seoai Tabsll-ColIl

  • 6



    ._---------------- --------_--------------SI.No. Name of Village L.C. No. SI.No. Name of Village L,C.No.

    -------------~------ ------------ - ----------2 3 2 3

    -----~---------_.... --~----------~------ -----Wara-Seoni Tahsil-Contd. Wara-Seoni Tahsil- -Contd.

    262 Manpur 346 307 Panbihari 360 263 Marhera 316 308 Pandewada 320

    264 Masal Khapa 25 309 Pandharwani 159

    265 Mebandiwada 224 310 Pandharwani 354

    266 Mendki 268 311 Pandhrapani 370

    267 Miragpur 155 312 Pandhri 32

    268 Miregaon 344 313 Panjra III 269 Mobadi 2~1 314 Paraswadaghat 140

    270 Mohadi 135 315 Patbarsahi 380

    271 Mohgaon (Dhapera) 331 316 Patharwada 63

    272 Mobgaon 378 317 Patharapet 15

    273 Mohgaon 134 318 Patbri 300

    274 Mohgaon Baiju If2 319 Paunera 214

    275 Mohgaon (Bori) 348 320 Paunera (Hamesba) 212 276 Mohgaon Ghat 152 321 Pauniya 47 277 Mohgaon Khurd 232 322 Pindkepar 196 278 Mosmi 368 323 Pipanya 386 279 Mowad 177 324 Pipariya 290 280 Murjhad 337 325 Pipariya 235 281 MUrjhad 282 326 Pipariya 126 282 Murjhad 166 327 Pipariya 309 2113 Murmadi 257 328 Pipariya Shankar 172

    329 Pipartola (Hamesba) 145 N 330 Pondi 374

    284 Nagjhar 93 331 Pulputa 148

    285 Nagpura 373 332 Puni 270

    R 286 Nahlesara 76

    287 Naitra 308 333 Rajegaon 288 238 Nandgaon 96 334 Rampayli If": 199 289 Nandi 132 335 Rampuri 379 290 Nandlesara 117 336 Ramrama 94 291 Nandora 53 337 Ranikuthar 372 292 Narodi 220 338 Rategaon 321 293 Narwanjpar 221 339 Rengajhari 200 294 Nawegaon 131 340 Renga Tola 292 295 Nawegaon 400

    296 Nawegaon alias Antra (Hamesba) 21 S 297 Nawegaon (Teentola) 264 298 NawegaOD (Hamesha) 144

    341 Sadabodi 36

    299 Nawegaoo Khurd 195 342 • Sakdi 252

    300 Naya Tola 302 3 .. 3 Sala Gulli 26

    301 NewargaoD 376 344 Salebardi 163

    302 Newargaon 299 345 Salehharri 395

    303 Nilji 319 346 Salcteka 186

    304 Nimgaon alias Padampur 260 347 Saleh 332

    305 Nonsa 239 348 Sathe 363 349 Samatpuri 62

    p 350 Sangrampur (Hamesba) 1 351 Saori 188

    106 Palakamthi 312 352 Sarandi 283

  • 7



    - ----------_ -----SI. No. Name of Villaae L.C. No. SI.No. Name of Village L.e.No.

    - ----------- -----------2 2 3

    ---------------Wara-Seooi Tahsil-Contd. Wara-Seoaf TaIIliI-CMtId.

    353 Satona 251 U

    354 SawargaoD 156 397 Ujad Bopli 355 Sawari 128


    356 Sawngi 113 398 Umarwada 201

    357 Sawngi 284 399 Umri 183

    358 Selotpar 248 400 Umri 119

    359 Selwa 393 W 360 Selwa 123

    361 Serpar 100 401 Wara 281

    362 Shivpur alias LiJarna 181 402 Warud 91

    363 Sihora 317 y 364- Sikandra 279

    365 Silejbari 404 403 Yakodi 291

    366 Singodl 79 404 Yedam (Harnesba) 143

    367 Singodi 210 405 Yenagondi 167

    368 Sirpur 92 406 Yerwaghat 162

    369 Sirra 95

    370 Sitakhoh 122 Balaghat Tahsil 37/2

    m Silalgarh (Hamesha) 147 372 Sita Pathore 41


    373 Siwanghat 247 1 Agarwada 95 374 Siwanheti 40 2 Akola 274 375 Sonegaon 129 3 Ali Tala 166 376 Sonewani 403 4 Arneda 109 377 Son Jhara 201 S Ameda 364 378 Sukdighat 154 6 Ameda 341 379 Sukali 42 7 Amgaon 88 380 Sundar 136 8 Amgoon 238

    9 AmoIi 43 10 Andhiya Tala 441

    T 11 Arnametll 27 12 Asarma 180 13 Ataria 319

    381 Tatekasa 108 14 Atri 42

    382 regani Kalan 352 15 Awa 309

    383 Tekadi 51 16 Awalajhari 106

    384 Tekadi 59

    385 Tekadi ~ 88 B

    386 Tekadi 305 17 Badgaon 387 Tekadi 359


    388 Tekadigha! 157 18 Badgaon 354

    389 Tekadi Tiju 170 19 Badgaon 331

    390 Temni 178 20 Bagadmara 231

    391 Tengni Khmd 399 21 Bagdara 133

    392 Thanegaon 278 22 Bagdehi 392

    393 Tuiyapar 150 23 Bagdi 429

    394 Tuiyapar 1255 24 Bagha Tola 367 395 Tumadi ~86 25 Baghnadi 463

    396 Tumsar 109 26 Bagholi 255

  • ~


    m&I'R1Cr BAL\GHAoT

    ~---------------- ----51.No. Name of Village L.C. No. SI.No. Name of Village L.C.No.

    ----~ ~----- ---~-----3 2 ---..__-_-- ---..._-----------------

    Bslagbat TaIWl-COIIJd. Ba)~hal TallsiJ-CDII'd.

    27 :Bagb()li ItO 76 Bil'lUlpur 310

    2& Bahelil. 362 17 Bisoni 390

    2'1 Baiga lola '(64 78 Boda 98

    30 Bakkar 18S 79 Bodadlakha (F. V.) 4Bl 31 Bakwada 1S 80 Bodal Ihola (F. V.) 476 32 Balaghat 105 8l Bodunda Kalan 126 33 Bambangaon 280 82 Bolegaoo 311 34 Bamhani 217 83 Bora 256 3S Bamhan Wada 373 84 Bordi 377 36 Bangali Tala 270 ES Borgaon 294 37 Banjar Tola (F.V) 450 86 Boti 128 38 Banjar Tola (F.V.) 4B3 87 BoTi 37. 39 Bapdi 34, 88 Bori (F. V.) 487 40 Bapi alias Bordi 465 89 Eori KaJan 300 41 Bapi alia 8 Bareli 461 90 Bothli 356 42 Bargud 409 91 Budhena Kllurd 157 43 Barkheda 12 92 Rudhi 1(12 4-1 Barkho 16 9~ Bu

  • 9



    ~--------~------ ... --SI.No. Name of Village L.C. No. SI.No. Name of Village L.C.No.

    --- ------------------ .. ------_ 2 3 2 3

    ------------------ ---------.---~-.. -~-----Balaghat Tahsil-Contd. Balaghat Tahsil-Con/d.

    121 Datta 197 164 Ghoti 399

    122 Dauni 56 165 Ghoti Ghusmara 337

    123 Deogaon 228 166 Ghunadi 34

    124 Deori 142 167 Godri 181

    125 Deosarrll 5 168 Gonglai 138

    126 Dewalgaon 413 169 Gopalpur 272

    127 DewalgaoD 344 170 Gorre 378

    128 Dewarbeli 403 171 Gudroo 1

    129 Dhadi 224 172 Gulpura (F. V.) 478

    130 Dbansuwa 124 173 Gulwa 293

    131 Dhapewada 92 174 Gunai 212

    132 Dharapuri 208

    133 Dharmara 422 H

    134 Dhimru Tola 29

    135 Dhiri (F. V.) 419 175 Hagru Tola 4(16

    136 Dhudwa 288 176 Hardoli 150

    137 Dhuli 40 177 Harradehi 402

    138 Dhuti Tola 442 178 Halhi Tola 451

    139 Dighori 335 179 Hatta 149

    140 Dighoda 209 180 Hirapur 108

    141 Dongar Bodi 46 181 Hirba Tola 28

    142 Dongar Bodi 82 182 Hirmu Tola 79

    143 Dongargaon 365 183 Hirri 277

    144 Dongargaon 292 145 Dongargaon 183 146 Dorli 297

    147 Dubeli 327 184 Itora 332

    148 Dudam Jhiriya 449 149 Duglai 84

    ISO Dulapur 385 185 Jagpur 1 J I lSI Dunda Seoni 202 186 Jamdi 278 152 Dundera 182 187 Jamdimela 259 153 Durend-a Mal. 73 188 Jamun Tola (P. V.) 485

    154 Durenda Ryt. 80 189 Janamkbar Mal. 55

    190 Janamkhar Ryt. 60 F 191 Janwa 244

    192 Janwahi 454

    155 Fatepur 125 193 larabi )37

    194 Jarera 91 G 195 Jhapadi 437

    196 Jh iriya Tola alias Chicholi 71

    156 Gadda 156 197 Jhurmur alias Pratappur 36

    157 Gangulpara 118 198 Jiwnara 340

    158 Gatapar 455 199 Jodbi Tola 317

    159 Gaur Bhatti 174 200 Junewani 396

    160 Gaykhuri 104 K 161 Ghangharia 4 162 Ghansa 357 201 Kadla 418 163 Ghogra 444 202 Kadakna 285

  • 10

    A.UIfABEnCAL US! OP \'ll.LAGE~

    D$'JalCl' ~GU:\'

    ------ -~ ...... --------SI.N". Name 0[ Vill!.ge l...c.*. Sl. No, NI1m" tJl YiIlashhO:';tM 145 '2n Katter] Kbutd 2.~9 263 KQktmi (F.V.l ""n 2-'4 :Kallff\ l'!:' Ud K-oit". 2,84

    21.5 ~"n 143 loS Klbwa % Z16 fC-ansllJi 424 16!i 'j;;"MIIII "Dehi 320 217 K .. ,,1ili 431 .361 Km",ar .. ~lll 21$ Karanja }~~ m Kc>smi !:l2 :!\~ tu.,cia 3S~ .169 Koste 234-'!2\i Kariadand )68 .nO 10:.". ;\.6S 121 Kasar,gi JW .Pt K'O"itJ. 242 2,22 K&~i 1\:~ 39l 171 t;:""_bia T7\. }';S Kd))lt "3145 W liarresaOll 3f.!5 2.96 Lonat':! 148 2~J Khod Sean; 151 :m L:.>hara 3M .H~ Xtlll1lUa 330 Z)g Lnh,-m;i 124 ZS1 lUu,lf$! 'f 011< 415

  • 11



    ---_--__ ._-----------SI.No. Name of Village L.C. No. SI. No. Name of VIllage L.e.No.

    ---- ---------------------- ---~----2 3 2 3

    ---~-_,.___----------------- ------------------.. ---~.---Balagbat Tabsll"-Contd. BaJagbat Tabsll-Colltd.

    M 346 Nalejbari 407 347 Nandora 188

    299 Madka Mandai 175 348 Nandora 421 300 Madkapar 192 349 Narpl 406 301 Magardarra 78 350 NarslDga 47 302 Mahekapata 30 351 Naskatta 397 303 Mahur Khodra 425 352 Nawagarh 45~ 304 Maira (F.V.) 469 3j3 f'lewara 273 30S Maldhar (Po V.) 467 354 Nawegaon 137 306 Malkuha 404 355 Nawergaon (Charegaon) 64 307 Malkuha 435 356 Newargaon 85 303 Managarh 176 357 Newargaon Kalan 223 309 Mandwa Jhari 257 358 Newargaon Khurd 172 310 l'vIanegaon JI7 359 Newarwahi 414 311 Maneri 376 360 Nila 165 312 Mangoli Kalan 227 :,61 Nimdewada J63

    313 Mangoli Khurd 219 362 Number Tola 263 314 Manjhara 113 315 Mant>ur 77 0

    316 Manpur 393 122 317 Marti 207 363


    Mate 191 364 Okasi 211

    313 365 Orma 83

    319 Mateghat (P • V .) 482

    320 Mauoo 21 p 321 Mauda 206

    322 Mauriya 58 366 Pachpedi 20 323 Mendhara 323 367 Padriganj 6 324 Miriya 353 368 Pala 1°5 325 Mohara 296 369 Pal Doagri 382 320 Mohgaon 14 370 Palhera r264 327 Mohgaon Kalan 222 371 Pandewada Mal. 48 323 Mohgaon Khurd 66 372 Palldew.lda Ryt. 51 329 Mohgaon Khurd 164 371 Pandhrapani Ryt. 62 330 Mohgaon Ryt. 17 374 Pandhari 430 331 Mohjhari 299 375 Pandra Tola (F.V.) 484 33! Morwahi 194 376 Pangaon 282 333 Motegaon 50 377 Paraspani 15S 334 Muka Tola 452 378 Paraswada 134 335 Mundesara 27::1 379 Paraswada 147 336 Mundidadar 411 380 Paraswada 233 337 Mundi Tola 49 3~ I Paraswada 349 338 Murjhad 35 332 Pardi 290 339 Murkllda 281 383 Parsodi 345 34" Murri 199 3M Patadeha 2 341 Murum 477 385 Pathargaon 386

    336 Path~swada 100 N 3~7 Pathri ,,210

    342 Nagarwada 24 388 Pauni 329

    343 Naharwani J52 339 Pausera 398

    344 136 390 Payli 115

    Naitra 345 Nakshi 232 391 Phophsa


  • 12



    -----..---------- ...... _-------Sl. No. Name of Village L.C. No. SI. No. Name of Village L.C. No. -....._..-------.....__----------

    2 3 3

    ------------------------------Balagbat IabsIJ-Colll

  • 13



    o _____

    Sl. No. Name of Village LoC. No. SI.No. Name of Village loG No.



    ___________ ~o ______

    Balag!lat Tansil-Concla'. Balbar Tallsil-ConuJ.

    481 Umaria Thekedari 61 34 Baknari Kana 355

    W 35 Baki Gudda 397 36 llalarampet 187

    482 Walegaon 400 37 BaJgaon 386

    483 Wanjipar 117 38 Balgaon 414

    484 Wara 216 39 Ba.nnani 108

    48J Wardha 401 40 Damhani 217 486 Warl :m 41 Bandniya 362 487 Watekasa 366 42 Hanna 121

    43 Banya 494

    Bamar Tahsil 37/3 44 Barwahi 148 45 Basi 60

    A 46 Basinllhar 392 47 Baspahera 443

    Acbanakpur 2.,2 48 Batraoga 245 Adori 23~ 49 Benda 456 Adwar 473 50 B hada (~Ial ) 48

    4 Agantara 421 51 Ilbada ,Ryl) 41 ~ Ahmadpur 10 52 Bnadgaon 381 6 Ajanpur 450 53 Bhadukola 20

    7 Ajgar,t 320 54 Bhdgalwalll 301

    Ii Akalpur 388 5~ Bbais>, .. rll 125

    9 Alna 426 56 Bbalapuri 41S

    10 Amaban 287 57 Rhamodi (Mal) 29

    lJ AmanaJa 212 58 Bhaowdi (R)t) 26

    14 Amgahan 431 S9 Bhandarpur 390

    13 A.lDgaon 134 60 Bhanderl 141

    14 Amwahi 5S 61 Bhallden 254

    IS Anwrai 488 62 Bbarda 109

    i6 Aralll Tala 492 63 Bhari 139

    17 Arandi 422 64 Bharri 210

    18 ArandiY3 16 6S Bhataw~r Lend; 27(J

    19 Armi 458 66 Bhatia. 344

    20 Atarchuha 427 67 Bhidi 40

    21 Atariya 135 6& Bhikewada n 69 Bbilewani 97

    B 711 Bhima 4CO 71 llhlm Dongrl 29&

    22 Badgaon 35 12 Bhim Jori 339 23 Badgaon 316 n Bhimlil.t 4()S 14 Bagnoli 49 74 Blumodl 140

    23 Baherabhata 291 75 Bhon'liahl 28

    26 Baherakbar 403 76 Bhurruk 155

    27 Babka] 379 17 Bhutao .. 314

    28 Baiga Nagri 67 1& BIJa Tala m 29 Daihar (Mal) 113 79 Bijora 122

    30 Baihar Nazul 117 80 Biiora (Mal) 1«9 31 Baib~r NOIth 114 81 Bljora (Ryt) 172

    ~2 Baihar West 116 82 Bitai Kllar 4-'!1 33 Baijalpur 419 83 Birsa 346

  • 14



    ------------------------ -------------_._-------... __ --------SI. No. Name of Village L.C. No. SI. No. Name of \i1l1age L.C. No.

    -------------------- -_---.. ------ --------------2 3 2

    --------_--------------- --.--Baibar Tabsll-Contd. Baibar Taboil-Contd.

    84 Birwa 138 129 Daldala 200 85 Bisanpura 491 130 Dalwada 51 86 Bistwahi 391 131 Dalwada 84 87 Bithali 441 132 Darnoh 309 88 Bithli 218 133 Dandaijhola 6 89 Bithli 356 134 Danu Tola 82 90 Boda 85

    135 Dcndwa 66 91 Bodalbahcra 199 92 Boda (Mal) 366 136 Deodongn 235 23 Boda (Mal) 425 137 Deogaon 303

    94 Boda (Ryt) 424 138 Deori Dadar 475

    95 Bodkhi 219 13~ Dcori Meta (Ryt) 374

    96 Bodaljbola 25 140 Deod Meta Thekc. 375 141 Deori l\orlh 394 97 Bondari 246 l42 Deori South 395 98 Bori 247 143 Dcori Theke. 396 99 Uori 306 144 Dc'gaon 311 100 Bor Kheda 331 145 Dewarbeh 129

    C 146 Dhamangaon 289 147 Dhaniya Jhar 477

    101 Chaina Tola 322 148 Dhanwar (Ryt) 95 102 Chakarwab 447 149 Dhanwar Theka 87 103 Chakarwahi 3i6 150 Dhipur 43 104 Chalisbodi 198 1~1 Lhiri 464 105 Chanai (Mal) 2 152 Dhobghal 305 106 Chanai (Ryt) 3 IS3 Dhurwa 22 107 Chandiya (Ryt) 80 1:4 Dina Tola 186 108 Chandana 12 J5j Dongariya 17 109 Char Chendi 37I ISu Dongariya 227 110 Charegaon 92 157 Dongariya 295 111 Charghat 257 158 Dongariya 354 112 Char Tola 338 159 Dongariya 461 113 Char Tola 434 160 Dora 160 114 Chauriya 274 161 Dorli 34 115 Chichgaon 352 102 Dorti 304 116 Chhapara 71 163 Dudgaon 73 117 Chhaparwahi 185 104 Dudhaniya 451 Jl8 Chhapla (Ryt) 361 165 Dudhi 347 ltl Chhapla Theke 359

    166 Dudwa 432 120 Chhatarpur 446 167 Duglai 216 121 Chh:ll'ura 439

    122 Chhindi Tola 330 168 Dulhapur 244

    123 Chikhali 243 E 124 Chikhli llj 125 Chilora 271 11i9 Eko 26(J 126 Chini 39


    D 170 Fandki S9

    127 Dabari 275 171 Fatepur (Ryt) 58 128 Dadkasa 265 17l Fatepur Theka 57

  • 15



    -----~---- ~---- -----_---......_-,,_--_._--:i1.No. Name of VilIaKe L.C.No. SI. No. Name of Village L.C. No.

    ------------~ ---,----------- _----- ------- --------~ --- -- --2 3 2 3

    ------------------------ ------------- -----------Bajbar Tabsll-Collrd. Ilaihat Tabsil-CQlIJd.

    G 209 Jagla 365 2](1 Jagta Tola 343

    173 Gadpaili ,234 21l Jairasi 385 174 Gaidhar 444 212 Iaising Tola 384 175 Ganjai Sarra 225 213 laitpuri 267 170 Garari Bahera 44 2H Jaitpuri 462 177 Garbi 413 215 Jailpuri Theke 168

    17S Garra Tola 321 216 Jalda 226

    179 Oauna Jhola 171 211 Jaldidand 484

    180 Ghana 103 218 JaJgaoll 54

    Ohodadebi 13 219 Jami 457

    181 221) lamuniya 303 182 Ghondi 191 221 Janglikbeda 4SS 183 Giloreia 49() 222 Janpur 389 184 Ghui Tofa 466 223 Jara Tola 463 185 Ghummur 242 224 lattadobra 496 186 Gbunghun Wardhi 253 225 Jatta (Ryt) 144 187 GidorI 302 226 latta Theke 143 188 Godari Tala 189 227 lhakorda 264 189 Goga Tola 146 22& Jnarnul 294 190 Gohara 127 229 Jhangul 72 191 Gorakhpur 329 230 Jhara Kheda 64 192 Gewari 126 231 Jhiriya 50 193 Gowari 372 232 Jholar 474 194 Gudama 402 233 Jhulup 94 195 Gudma 174 196 Gurakharl 132 K

    H 234 Kachnari 293 235 Kachhargarh 278

    197 Hadband 468 236 Kadla 472 198 Harrabhat 74 237 Kaibur 277 i99 Hanabhat 3m 238 Kenda Tola 348 200 Harraoala 222 239 Kakoda 276 2~1 Hatta 435 240 Kalegaon 98 202 Hirapur 128 241 Kanai I 1

    203 Birri 223 242 Kanari 53

    204 Huddi Tola 190 243 Kandai 233 244 Kanha Tola 194 245 Kaniya 300 246 Karamsara 327 247 Karhu 334

    20S hali (RYl) In 248 KareH ]07 249 Karonda Bahera 349

    J 250 Karwahi 145

    251 Kashmiri 96 206 lagan Tola l Mal) 182 252 Katalbodi 31 207 Jagan Tela (Ryl) 183 253 Katanga 14 208 Jagla 153 254 Katangdali 213

  • 16



    --------_- ------------~-------SI. No. Name of Village L.C, No. SI. No. Name of Village L.C. No.

    -----~ ------------------------2 3 2 3 ---- -------------------------

    Baibar Tahsil-Co

  • 17



    -------~--------------SI. No. Name of Village LoC. No. SI.No. Name of Village L.e.No. --- _-- --_

    2 3 2 3 -------- ---- ------------Baihar Tabsil-Contd . Baibar Tab&i1-Contd.

    349 Mana 416 391 Pandu Tola 436 350 Mandai 368 392 Paraswada 33 351 Manegaon 324 393 Parsakheda 487 352 Mandwa 229 394 Parsamau 429 353 Manikpur 123 395 Parsa Tola 93 354 Manpur 61 396 Parsa Tala 147 355 Masalwada 290 397 Parsa Tola 378 356 Mate 310 398 Parrapur 101 357 Mate F.V. 498 399 Pathari 236 358 Mathari 283 400 Patora 52 359 Mendki 142 401 Patpara 470 360 Mohanpur 200 402 Patwa 445 361 Mohbatta 124 403 Pondi 37 362 Mohgaon 100 404 Pondi 423 363 Mohgaon III 405 Pindkapar (Ryt) 340 364 Mohgaon 18 406 Pindkapar Theke 341 365 Mohgaon Pateli 163 407 Pindkapar (Ukawa) 175 366 MohgaoD (Ryt) 162 408 Pipariya 120 367 Mohgaon 335 409 Pipar Tola 323 368 Mobrai 465 410 Piparwada 440 369 Morenda 430 411 Pitkona 273 370 Mowala 110 412 Pongarjhodi 45 371 Mukki 486 413 Pola 154 372 Munda 269 414 Pondi 209 373 Mund Ghusari 358 415 Pauni 345 374 Murkuta ;!49 375 Murum 248 R

    N 416 Ragholi 281 417 Railwahi 317

    376 Nagjhola 161 418 Rajma 1J2 377 Narangi 207 419 Rajpur (Ryt) 179 318 Narna 90 420 Raipur Theke 176 379 Nata 7 421 Ramgadbi 325 380 Navhi 228 422 Ramhepur 411 381 Newargaon 131 423 Ranjana 250 382 Newargaon 337 424 Ranwabi 442 383 Nikkum 393 425 Rasimeta 251 384 Niwas 471 426 Rehangi 336

    427 Rol 454 428

    p Rupjhar 181

    S 385 Paebama 208 386 Palaghondi 499 429 Sahegaon 399 38' Palhera 380 430 Sahejana 63 388 Pandhari Pathra 313 431 SaHa 102 389 Pandhrapani 382 432 Sakha 350 390 Pandhriya 296 433 Sale Tekari 282

  • 18



    ---------------- -------------SI.No. Name of Village L.C. No. SI.No. Name of Village


    _--_-_----- _------- --------.--------3 2 3

    ---------~ ---~------ --~--

    Baibar Tahsil-Contd. Baihar Tahsil-Contd.

    434 Salewada 3[8 472 Sumeri Kbeda 483

    435 Salfa 479 473 Sundarwahi 259

    436 Sal ghat 70 474 Sundarwahi 319

    437 Sa1ghat 326 475 Supkhar 438

    438 Salhe 36 476 Surwahi 91

    439 Samnapur 177 477 Surwahi 351

    440 Samnapur 404

    441 Samariya 460 T

    442 Sandha 81

    443 Saujari 433 478 Talla Todi 279

    444 Santapur 401 479 Tanta Tola 184

    445 Sarad 221 480 'faregaon 364

    446 Sarai Patera 469 481 Tatighat 493

    447 Saras Tola 398 482 Tbema 47

    448 Sarekha 86 483 Thurri Meta 373

    449 Sarekha 149 484 Tikariya 69

    450 Sawar Jbodi 481 485 Tlkariya 495

    451 Sayal 377 486 Tinga Tola 353

    452 Serpar 21 487 Tingipur 381

    453 Serpar 130 488 Tirgaon 78

    454 Serpar 312 489 Topla 455 Singanpuri 308

    437 490 Torga 291

    456 Singbai 164

    457 Singhodi 65 491 Tuma 266

    458 Sijora 409 492 Tumdibhat 115

    459 Silgi 27

    460 Sita Dongri 76 U

    461 Sivjhari 261

    462 Sondhar 489 493 Udadna 9

    463 Sonewani 205 494 Ukwa 173

    464 Songudda 262 495 Umardehi 106

    465 Sonpuri 211 496 Umariya 188

    466 Sonpuri 252 497 Umarjhola 497

    467 Suji 332 498 Uskalchak 193

    468 Sukdi 8

    469 Sukdi 449 W

    470 Sukaldand 202

    411 Suktara 369 499 Warur Gota 478


    PART (A)

  • 21


    History : Prior to 1951 there were no separate Census

    publications for every district. But at the time of preparatory arrangements for tho first Census of Independent India, it was felt that Census statistics 5hould be made available for smaller territorial units basic to the needs of an administrativn wedded to welfare of the masses. Accordingly, the scheme of District Census Handbooks was conceived and implemented. In view of the usefulness of sepal ate publications for each district, further improvement was made at the time of 1961 Census by including non-Census data like climate, agriculture, co-operation, industry, bankmg, education, health etc. An introductory note was also added to highlight the more striKing features. Unfortunately the desire to make district-wise Census pUblication very comprehensire resulted in late availability of the books to the users. Therefore the organisers ot the 1971 Centenary Census decided in favour of splitting the District Census Handbooks into thre~ parts and thereby release maximum data, as and when available, so that the publication my a have a useful life of seven to eight years of inter-censal decennium.

    Scope: (a) Pelrt A of the book is the Village and Town

    Directory. The Village Directory contains for each village particulars of amenities available in the field of education, medicine, power supply, drinking water supply, post and telegraph facilities and communic-ations. In addition, data relating to particulars of land use, Weekly market, places of religious, historical or archaeological interest in the villag~ bas also been included. The Town Directory gives for each town in the district in the form of suitable statements, the origin and status of the town administration, growth of population, functional category of the town, phy-sical aspects and location, latest municipal financial statements, civic and other amenities, medical, educ-ational and cultural facilities, trade industrv comm-erce and banking facilities, Population by' religion and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The abbreviations used in the Directory have been explained separately.

    (b) Part B contains for each vil12ge and town, the primary census data incorporating area occupied, residential houses, number of housell~lds, total

    population and its break-up by sex, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population, literate population and working population by nino broad categories_

    (c) Part C will mainly incorporate the admini-strative statistics pertaining to the district in all the fields of development. The other Census tables pertaining to the district regarding language, religion migration, etc., will also be reproduced. lhere will be a write-up indicating the changes in the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the distr jct in the last decade •.

    Village Directory :

    This is in the form of one statement. Important statistics for each village have been given under the main head" Amenities and Land Use" Data. Other information regarding nearest town with distance, market, staple food and places of religious, historical or archaeological interest have also been given in separate columns. The information regarding "Amenities" cover items like educational and medical institutions, power supply, drinking water, communications and post and telegraph. Under "Land use", the break-up of the total area of the village has been indicated under sub-heads forest, irrigated, unirrigatod, cultivable waste and area not available for cultivation.

    (a) There are 1,392 villages in the three tahsils of the district and the number of villages tahsil-wise in 1961 and 1971 are as under :-


    2 3



    Wara-Seoni Balagbat Baihat





    488 492


    1971 Difference

    4 S

    406 487 -1 499 +'/

    1,392 +6

    It may be seen that there has been a decrease of 1 village in Balaghat tahsil and an increase of 7 villages in Baihar tahsil. Thus there has been an in-crease of 6 villages in the district. The reasons for the difference are :-

    1. Balaghat Tahsil :-ViUage Tikariya (1961, L. C. No. 37/2/115) which is a forest village, is in Baihar tahsil but was shown in Balaghat tah1il in 1991. The 1971 location code number of this village i~ 37/3/495.

  • 2. Baibar Tahsil :-(i)The 4 forest villages with the following particulars are in fact situated in this tahsil but were wrongly shown in Mandla tahsil of Mandla district in 1961 Census. The position has since beep corrected in this Census.

    Name of village L.e.No. L.e.No. 1961 1971

    :1 3

    Rot 34/3/867 37/3/454

    1 Benda 34/3/870 37/3/456

    3 Ghuitoia 34/3/869 37/3/466

    4 Khirsadi 34/3/871 37/31467



    Iii) The following 2 forest villages have been shown for the first time in this tahsil ;-

    --,-_ ...... -_ .. _---Name of village


    2 Jangali Kheda

    L.C. No. 1971




    The distribution of the villages with reference to

    Area Wara-Seoni (in Acres)


    50 acres or less 1 51- 100 4

    101 - 200 5 201 - SOO 43 501 - 1,000 140

    1,001 - 2,000 159 2,001 ~ 5,000 S3 5,001 and above Area not available

    Total 406

    their areas is as shown in the inset table below ;-

    Area (in Acres) No. of villages


    50 acres or less 5 51 100 It

    101 - 200 36 201 - 500 199 501 -1,000 472

    1,001 - 2,000 492 2,001 - 5,000 160 5,001 acres and above 16 Area not available 1

    Total 1,392

    Area of one forest village of Baihar tahsil. {!Jmaf-jho)a (L.C. No. 497) is not available and, therefore, this village has not been considered in this note while discussing data regarding area. Village Banjartola (L.C. No. 37/2/483) in Balaghat tahsil has the smallest area of 31.16 acres and is located at a dist-ance of 12.8 km. from he nearest town, Balaghat, while village Jagla (L.C. No. 37/3/153) in Baihar tahsil has the largest area of 12,675 acres in the district and is located at a distance of 64 km. from the ne31est town, Balaghat. Out of 1,391 villages for which area figures are available, 964 villages are in the range of 501 to 2,000 acres. Maximum villages in Wara-Seoni and Baibar tahsils come Within the area range of 1,001-2,000 while in Balaghat tahsil they come within the area range 501-1,QOO acres as will be seen from the following table

    containing tahsil-wise data :-

    Balagbat Biuhar Total

    3 4 5

    2 2 5 3 4 11

    16 15 36 112 74 199

    172 160 472 164 169 492 45 62 160

    3 12 16

    487 499 1,392

  • (b) Educational Amenities :-The total number of villages having various educational facilities within


    various distance ranges from the nearest town are 8S indicated in the inset table below :-

    --------------------------------------------------------------Number of villages having

    Distan~e from the nearest town

    Total No. of villages

    r---~---------..A.. __ ~~ ________ _____, Primary Middle High or Higher College Others School School Secondary School

    5 kms. or less

    6 10 kms.

    11 15 kms.

    16 2S kms.

    26 50kms.

    51 100 kms.

    101 WOkms.

    201 kms. and above


















    Maximum number of villages (402) lie within the distance range of 5HOO kms., while maximum number of villages having educational facilities lie withIn the distance range 26-50 km. In the distance range 26-50 km. the total Dumber of villages is 401. Baihar (t. C. No. 37/3/117) which is the beadquarter of Baihar Tahsil. ha. a college. Balliar, however, has not been recognised as a town. Maximum number





    Higher Secondary/ High School





    4 5


    4 1

    6 2

    14 4

    37 9

    16 2 1


    90 18

    of villages (9) having high/higher secondary schools lie within the distance range 26-50 km. There is no high/higher secondary school in the di~tance ranges 5 km. or less and 101-200 km. though there are 59 and 143 villages in the above distance ranges, respec-tively. The number of educational institutions in the villages of different tahsils is given below;-

    Number of Bducationallnstitutions

    Middle Primary ......

    School Scbool Others

    3 4 j

    31 346

    37 292

    25 14~ 1 College

    -------------~------------------------------------Total 19

    Forty three villages have 2 primary schools each, " _ while one village has 3 primary schools. Three

    villages have 2 middle schools while one village, Baihar (headquarter of Baihar tahsil) has 2 highJ

    93 786

    higher secondary schools. Village Bhanegaon (L. C. No. 37/2/295) does not have primary school but has only 2 middle schools. The area of these villages with dis'ances from

  • 24

    tho nearest town are indicated below :-

    Educational Institutions & number Area Distance from (if more than one) of the the nearest r----..... ----...A..------~

    SI. village town in kms. PrImary Middle High/Higher No. Name of village Tahsil L.e.No. in acres with name School School Secondary


    2 3 4 5 6 7 9

    Goreghat Wara-Seoni 37/1/ 5 1,407.73 Tirodi 25.6 2 2 Bamhaoi Wara-Seoni 37/1/ 33 1,921.41 Tirodi 12.8 2 3 Bonkatta Wara-8eoni 37/1/ 34 483.10 Tirod! 12.8 2 4 Pauniya Wara-Seoni 37}1} 47 1,892.39 Tiroli 4.8 2 5 Budbuda Wara-Seoni 37}1} 99 3,874.96 Wara-Seoni 12.8 3 (I Miragpur Wara-Seoni 37/1/155 876.69 Katangi 17.6 2

    7 Sale Ilardi Wara-Seoni 37/1/163 2,151.70 Katangi 17.0 2

    8 Katori Wara-Seoni 37{1/174 2,J02.93 Tumsar 30.0 2

    9 Khair Lanji Wara-Seoni ;711/184 2.355.28 Wara-Seoni 22.4 2 2

    10 Khlliri Wara-Seoni 37/1/187 2,806.55 Wara-Seonl25.6 2

    11 Saori Wara-Soom 37/1/188 3.764.61 Wars-Seoni 28.8 2

    12 Khursipar Wara-3eoni 37/1/19() 2.171.98 Wara-Seoni 20.0 2

    13 Rampaill Wara-Sooni 37111199 1,881.91 Wara-Seonl 14.4 2

    14 Umarwada Wara-Seoni 37}1}207 1,126.50 Wara-Seooi 9.6 2

    15 An~era Wara-Seoni 3711}213 1,764.84 Wara-Sconi 16.0 2 16 Bakera Wara-Seoni 37/1}215 1,396.07 Wara-Seoni 9.6 2 17 Mehaodiwada Wara-Seo;}i ~7/11224 1,377.61 Wara-Seoni 3.2 2

    18 Mahed~li Wara-Seoni 3711}'1:28 1,424.02 Wara-Seoni 4.~ 2

    19 Arambha Wara-Seoni 3711}238 1,921.14 Wara-Seoni 2~.8 2

    20 Mendki Wara-Seoni 37/11268 2,223.10 Wara-Seoni 11.2 2

    21 Dini Wara-Seoni 3711/269 2,860.08 Balaghal 16.0 2

    12 Murjhad Wara-Seoni 37/1/282 1,069.97 Wara-Seoni 3.2 2

    23 Sawngi Wara-Seoni 37/1/284 2,063.08 Wara-Seoni 6.4 2

    24 .Jagpur Wara-Sooni 37/1/289 1,744.46 Balagflat 4.8 2

    25 Kalang Jhari Wara-Seoni 37/1/306 3.407.93 Wara-Seoni 16.0 2

    26 Kanki Wara-Seoni 37/1/326 2,300.91 Balaghat 8.0 2

    27 Dadiya Wara-'ieoni 37l1}335 1,340.28 Wara-Sooni 28.8 2

    28 Jam Wara-Seoni 37/1/388 2,287.49 Waru-Seoni 32.0 2

    29 Changotola Balaghat 37/2,' 26 437.48 Nainpur 27.2 2 30 Samoapur Balaghat 37/2/ 81 863.73 Balaghat 16.0 2

    31 Hatta Balaghat 37/2/149 2.719.81 Balagbat 19.2 2

    32 Kesble Wada Balagbal j7/2{1~ 793.33 Balaghat 28.8 2

    33 Saleteka Balaghal 37/2/214 1,208.59 Balaghat 14.4 2

    34 Kbara Balagllat 3712/220 1,61.1.58 Balaghat 20.8 2 35 Bllaneguoo Balaghat 37/2/295 1,015.2.9 Gondia 24.0 2

    36 Mohjhari Balaghat 37/2/299 2,032.16 Gondia 28.8 2

    31 Sadra' Balaghat 37/2/338 938.14 Goodia 33.6 2

    38 Kulpa Balaghat 37}2/347 2,181.48 Gondia 28.8 2 39 Karanja Balaghat 37/2}348 2,422.57 Gondia 30.4 2 40 Chicholi Balaghat 37/2/360 515.04 Goodia 40.0 2

    41 Maneri Balagbat 3712/370 1,886.47 Gondia 41.6 2

    42 Kalpathri Balaghat 37/21384 1,027.49 Gondia 43.2 2

    43 Pathargaon Balaghal 37/2/380 1,032.36 Gondia 40.4 1 2

    44 Baihar Nazul Baihar 37/3/117 166.13 Balaghat 67.2 2 2 45 Ukawa Baihar 3713/173 1.079.

  • (c) Medical Facilities :-The availability of medical facititie~, per 100 sq.kms. and tahsil-wise, is as given in the following inset table :-

    Total No. of medical area institutions of any

    Tahsil (in sq.kms.) kind per 100 sq.kms.

    2 3

    Wara-Seoni 1,963.16 1.73

    Balaghat 2,111.37 1.80

    Baihar 2,648.82 0.53

    Tbe above table will show that the villages of Balaghat tahsil have, comparatively, greater medical facilities per 100 sq. kms. The number of medical institutions, tahsil-wise, is as indicated below:-






    No. of medical institutions






    Aboul 44 percent of tbe medical institutions in tbe rural areas of the district are in the villages of Balaghat tahsils.

    (d) Power Supply :-The number of Villages having electric power supply within various distance ranges from the nearest town are as indicated in the


    inset table below :-

    Distance from the nearest town

    kms. or less 6 10 kms. !l 15 kIDs. 16 25 krns. 26 50 kms. 51 - 100 krns.

    101 - 200 krns. 201 - kms. and above


    Total No. of villages No. of with electric villages power supply


    59 15 114 7 34 13

    189 20 401 27 402 3 143

    1,392 85

    It would be seen from the above that only about 6 percent of the total number of villages have electri-city and about 96 percent of them are in the distance range up to 50 kms. The number of villages having electric power supply, tahsil-wise, is as below :-

    Total Villages having Percentage of No. of electric power villages covered

    Tahsil villages supply by electricity

    2 3 4

    Wara-Seoni 406 51 12.56 Balaghat 487 34 6.98 Baihar 499 0.00

    Total 1,392 85 6,)

    The percentage of villages (about 6) having elec-tri" power supply in the district is slightly below the ~tate average percentage (about 7). Within the district, villages of Wara-Seoni tahsil have, compar-atively, more of this facility, while no village of Baib ar tahsil has electricity.

    (e) Communications :-The total number of villages and the number of villages connected by different types of communications, falling in different distance ranges from the nearest town, are indicated in the inset table below:-

    Number of villages connected by r----~-------A. ----------,

    Distance frOID the Total No. Pucca Kutcha Pucca road Kutcba road Others nearest town of villages road road & Rail & Rail

    2 3 4 5 6 7

    5 kms. or less S9 21 26 4 6 - 10 kms. 114 30 39 3 2

    11 - IS kIDS. 84 2S 20 4 16 - 25 kms. 189 41 65 26 - 50 Ians. 401 101 133 51 -100 kms. 402 76 177

    101 -200 krns. 143 23 84 201 krns. and above

    Total 1.392 317 544 . 12 2 Z

  • Few villages are served by (cPucea" road. Out of l,392 villages in the district, 875 villages are served by .. pucea" or "kutcha" roads. The number of villages served by "pucea" roads, tahsil-wise, and the totaJ number of villages with percentage covered are as under :-

    Total No. of No. of villages having

    Tahsil villages 'pucca' road Percentage

    2 4

    Wara-Seooi 406 125 30.79 Balaghat 487 104 21.36 Baihar 499 100 20.04

    'Iotal 1,392 32, 23.63

    Comparatively, Wara-Siloni tahsil has better communication facilities, while Baihar tahsil is poor in tbis facility. Railway facilitiy is available in few vil~ages of Wara-Seoni and Balaghat tahsils while no VIllage of Baihar tahsil has railway facility.

    cn Post and Telegraphs :-The total number of villages In tne tahsih of the district having post


    Wara-Seoni Balagha!


    Name of villages having telegraph office , --"-----'------.

    Name L. C. No.


    Sawngi Arnameta Lamta Samnapur Lanji Daihar Nazul


    37/1/284 3712127 37ii/59 37/2/87

    37/21389 37/3/117

    (g) Staple Food :-Rice cClnslitutes staple food in practically all the villages of the district. Kodo is also staple food in some villages of Baihar tahsil. Similarly, in very few villages of Wara-Seoni tahsil, wheat also con~titules staple food.

    (h) Land Use Pattern :-(i) According to the village papers, about 29 percent of the area in the district is under forest. The percentage of the forest area, tahsil-wise, is as indicated below :-


    Wara-Seoni Balaghat Baihar



    17.80 21.13 44.55

    -------- --_-- ------Total 29.38


    offices and telegraph offices are given f:elow -No. of No. of No. of

    Name Total villages villages villages of No. of having having having

    tahsil villages post offices telegraph offices telephone 2 3 4 S

    Wara-Seoni 406 5S 1 Balagha! 487 42 4 2 Baihar 499 29

    Total 1,392 126 6 3

    The number of post offices per 100 sq.kms. are in each tahsil is as indicated in the following inset tabJe :-

    -------Name of Total area No. of post offices tahsil in sq.kms. per 100 sq.kms.

    2 3

    Wara-Seooi 1,963.76 2.80 Balaghat 2,lll.37 1.99 Baihar 2.648.82 1.09

    Comparatively, rural areas of Baihar tahsil have less postal facility. Six villages have telegraph offices and three villages have talephone facility. The parti-culars of these villages are indi;atcd below :-

    Name of Vmages heaving telephone ,~ __ -- __ -A._~ __ - _____ )

    Name L. C. No.


    Pandharwani Bharweli Lanji


    37/1/354 37/2/107 37/2/389



    Headquarter of Daihar tahsil

    It may be noticed that about 18 percent of rural area of Wara,Slloni tahsil has forest, while in Baihar tahsil the forest area is maximum (about 45 percent)

    (ii) The net cropped area in the year 1969 increased by 11.16 percent as compared to the area in 1960-61. The percentage of area under irrigation to area under crops during the year 1960-61 and 1968-69 comes to 34.39 and 34.03, respectively. The area under irrigation during this period increased by 11.12 percent.

    (iii) The following inset table shows the average

    percentage of cultivable waste per village in different

  • 27

    distance ranges from the nearest town :-

    Average Percentage of average Number Total Average Total cultivable cultivable waste per

    Distance of cultivated cultivated land cUltivable waste per village to average culti-villages land per village waste village vated land per villap

    2 3 4

    5 kms. or less 59 43,505.49 737.38

    6 10 kms. 114 82,951.44 727.64

    11 IS kms. 84 58,339.41 694,52

    16 25 kms. 189 125,013.17 661.45

    26 SO kms. 401 202,919 ·38 506.03

    51 - 100 kms. 402 153,800 ·11 382.59

    101 - 200kms. 143 59,809.01 418.24

    201 Kms. & above

    Total 1,392 726,338.01

    Ordinarily, the nearer a village to an urban area, the lesser is the proportion of cultivable waste but the above inset table will show that there is some deviation in the distance ranges 11·15 kms. and 51·100 kms.

    In the whole district, 180,818 acres (in round ligures) of land has been classified as cultivable waste which constitutes about 11 percent of the total area of the villages in the district. The percentage of cultivable waste in each tahsil is as indicated below;-

    Name of Percentage of tabsil cultivable waste


    Wara-Seoni 9.54

    Balaghat 10.10

    Baibar 12.50

    It would be seen that about 10 percent of the total area of the villages in Wara-Seoni Rnd Balaghat tahsils have been classified as cultivat-Ie waste while in Baihar tahsil cultivable waste is slightly more (12.50 percent.)

    Town Directory

    This is in the form of seven Statements. But before discussing the information collected in the SOven Statements, it would be better to first

    5 6 7

    7,926.25 134.34 18.22

    17,OlI.20 149.22 20.51

    9,435.83 112.33 16.17

    21,103.75 111.66 16.88

    39,653.88 ".89 19.54

    62,067.83 154.40 40.36

    23,619.88 165.17 30.49


    understand certain concepts which determines urban areas.

    (i) Definition of town :-A'town' in the ]961 Census was either - (i) a Municipality, Cantonment or Corporation; or(ii) a habitation with a popUlation of at least 5,000, with atleast three-fourths of the adult male population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits. Accordingly there were 219 towns in the State. However, seven towns did not satisfy either the minimum popUlation criterion or the one relating to ratio of non·agricultural adult males being 75% or more. But the list already finalised was not changed subsequently; the reason for not disturbing the origi. nallist of towns was that as many as 14 habitations which did not sa.tisfyone or the other of the criteria laid down earlier managed to get included in the list of towns as Municipalities and inclusion of seven more such towns was not supposed to introduce greater demographic distortion than what was already present. In the 1971 Census there was no material change in the concept of town and a list of 247 towns was prepared originally. Three more towns were added in the list due to the fact that two places were declared as municipal and the third fulfilled the necessary criterion to qualify a place as urban and ultimately 250 towns were recognised in the State. All areas which are not towns have heen included in the list of villages.

    (ii) Urban Agglomeration :- The concept of Urban Agglomeration has been adopted for the 1971

  • Census with the' intention to present the population data in the District Census Handbook in respect of urban areas in such a manner that "de1acto urban agglomeration" is a recognisable entity, data perta-ining to which will be the sum of the data of not only the de-jure (within Municipal/other statutory limits) urban area but also of its outgrowths in diff-erent directions which are obviously urban in chara-cter and form a continuous urban spread. This has been considered necessary so that future comparisons or studies of the particular urban agglomeration is factual and not vitiated by the time differential which exists between the delineation of municipal bound-aries and the actual growth of the urban area.

    (iii) Standard Urban Area :-This new concept has been developed for the 1971 Census and the essentials of a Standard Urban Area are:-

    (1) It should have a core town of a minimum population size of 50,000.

    (2) The continuous areas made up of other urban as well as rural administrative units should have close socio-economic links with the core town and

    (3) The probabilities _ are that this entire area will get fully urbanised in a period of two to three decades. This cQncept has been

    , developed to provide comparable data for a definite afea of urbanisation continuously for three decades which would give a meaningful picture.

    The Seven Statements:-Very useful data regarding the town have been given in the statements and they have been collected and compiled from various agencies and official publi-cations. The source and period of the information has been indicated below each Statement. It would oot be out of place to mention here that analysis of dala collected from diverse sources has its own limitations, mostly due to sketchy and incomplete information. All the same, the data compiled and presented throws sufficient light on the present stage of progress in each town.

    (i) Statement No. I :-This statement presents the basic data relating to popUlation of the towns for each Jecennium irom 1901 to 1971 and the civic administration status in 1970.


    The civic administration status of the town indicates the authority in charge of its administration. Thus a town could have a Municipal Corporation, a MUllicipality, a Cantonment Board, a Gram Panchayat, a Notified Area Committee, etc.

    (ii) Statement No. II :-This statement contains information regarding Location (latitude and longitude) annual rainfall, temperature, distance from the nearest city with popula. tion of 1 lac or more and State, District and Tahsil headquarters. Distances from Railway Station and Bus route have also been indicated.

    (iii) Statement No. /If :-The statement con-tains information regarding receipt and expenditure of local bodies under different main heads indicating the jndebtedness and general financial position and expenditure on public utility works. The information has been furnished for tbe years ]968-69, 1969·70 and 1970·71 in order to have an idea whether the concerned urban body is improving finanCially or not.

    Vv) Statement No. IV :-This statement con· tains information regarding amenities, e.g., road length, sewerage system, types of latrines, water supply, fire-fighting service etc. in the different towns.

    (v) Statement No. V :-Tbis statement contains information regarding various important facilities available in the town viz., medical, educational, recreational and cultural.

    (vi) Sta:em;;nt .'\'0. Vf :-This statement throws light on the business and credit facilities commanded by tbe towns and contains information regarding trade, commerce, industry and banking.

    (vii) Statement No. VII:- This statement


    contains data regarding population by religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes with male/female break-up for the year 1971. This is the only statement based on 1971 Census figures.

    There are three tahsils and four towns in BaJagbat

  • district as indicated below :-S.No. Tahsil Town Location Code No. Clasa

    l 3 4 5

    Wara-Seoni 1 Katangi 37/1 V 2 Tlrodi 37/1V IV 3 Wara-Seoni 37/11 IV

    2 Balashat 4 Balqhat 37/DI 'DI 3 Balhar

    Except Hamar, the remaining two tahsil head-quarters. Waraseoni and Balagbat, are towns. Balashat is also the headquarter of tho district. Balaghat continues to be recnDgnied as a town since 1901. Other towns wore recognized as a town for the first time as indicated below :-

    , Town Year --I 2 Wara--Seoni 1941 Tirodi 1951 Katangi 1961

    No town has ever been derecoglliscd. Outof4 towns in the district, only two towns, Wara-Seoni and


    Balashat, have urbanoutsrowths as mentioned be1ow:-. __ ._

    Name of ton Name of villa,e Partly/ Wholly

    L.C.No. 1971

    2 3 4 Wara-Seool (i) Sikandara Partly 3]/1/279-

    (ii) Wara Partly 37/1/281 Balaghat (i) Budhi Partly 37/2/102

    (ii) Balaahat Kalba Partl), 3712JIOS (iii) Sarekha Wholly 37/2/103 (iv) Kosmi Pattly 37/2J132

    There is DO tOWD in the district having popul-ation of over 50,OCO and, therefore, there is no Standard Urban Area

    Statement I ;-(a) (i) The category of town admi-nisttation in 1970 Ilas bean indicated in column 5 of the statement. Tirodi has Gram Panchaya' While the other three towns have municipality. The population of the towns have, by and large, shown constant increa~e in every decade after their recognition aa towns except that Halaghat lost, very slightly in population during the decade 1911-21 a8 indicated below:-

    Name .Decade population of ,...---- ...... -~ Reductioo ill

    tOWD Year PopulatioD populatioo

    2 3 4

    lialaghat 1911 7,400 1921 ' '1.300 100

    The nominal fall in popUlation was due to iuflu-cum epidemic during the decade but compared to other towns in the State. the fall in population was neglisible. In fact, the district as a whole actually gained. In this connection, the following extract from the District Census Hand Book, Census or India, 1OO1-Balagbat district-page xliii is relevant and may be of interest :-

    "of particular notice is the fact that wben in 1921. the State had experienced a reduction in population to the extent of 2.3%. the district had registered an increase of 7.6%. The Census of India, 1921, Volume X, part II-Tables (pages 427) reports that the Balaghat tahsil Khalsa has actually lost in population by 24,95% • but the loss was more than offset by the gain (79,38) made by the Balaghat tahsils ZJimindaris. Similarly. Baihar tahsil Khalsa had lost in population to the extent of 4.8

  • (iii) Commercial (ComprisinA Category VII-Trade and Commerce)

    (iv) Transport (Com!)rising Category VIII-Transport, Storage and Communications)

    (v) Services (Comprising Category IX-Other Services)

    The percentage of total workers under the above five functional characteristics were calculated for each town and the predominant function(s) of each town was/were determined. If one functional characteris-tic of a town absorbed more than 40 percent of the total workers the town was designated by that function. In case no single characteristl(;s claimed 40 percent of the workers, two predominant characteristics, togeth¢r claiming a percentage of 60 or above were taken to represent the town. If these two failed to account for 60 percent of the total workers, the first three characteristics were taken to represent the town.

    Statement II :-The Physical and locational aspects as in 1969 have been covered. The district was constituted during the year 1867 to 1873 by amalgamation of parts of Bhandara (now in Mahara-shtra) and Seoni district~ The district has got two well defined natural divisions as indicated bellow :-

    (I) Upper plateau or the portion above the 'ghats' which is a continuation of the Mandla plateau of the Satpura ranges.

    \ll> The low land country consisting uf paris of Balaghat and Wara-Seoni tahsils.

    81. No. Local body in Year of excess Total the town of expenditure Receipt

    2 3 4

    -1 Balaghat 1968--69 S88,3OO 2 'firodi 1968-69 35,600

    1969-70 21,300 1970-71 21,500

    3 Wara-5eoni 1.968-{j9 600,900

    Column 7 of the above table would show that the percentage of excess of expenditure to total receipts

    * District Census Handbook-Census of ludia 1961-Balaghat District-Page xxxvii.

    Roughly, one-third of the district lies in· the 1011' land and about two-thirds on tbe plateau and the hjlls"'·

    The climate of the district shows variation owing to differences in its elevation. The lowland plains have hot climate .. while the Baihar plateau is cooler than the lowlands. The towns get annual rainfall of about 1372 mm. to 1672 mm. The data of Tirodi is not available but the rainfall is similar to that of Katangi town. The temperature data of the towns is not available and, therefore, the temperature of Seom has been indicated for the towns of tlul district because the temperature is more or less similar. The rapge of maxim1lm and milJumum temperature of tho towns is indicated as 30.SOC and 18.5·";. Au the towns are on bus routes and have railway facility. Jaba\pur cityis tile nearest city by road in respect of three towns, while for lirodi. Nagpur is the nearest city.

    StatelDeDt III :-On the basis of population of 1971, the towns of the district have been categorised as under:-

    S.No. Name ot town Population in 1971 ClaSll -- ------

    2 3 4

    1 .Balaghat 27,872 III 2 Katangi 9,6~ V 3 Tirodi 10,037 IV 4 Wara-Seoni 14,596 IV

    The statement would show that the total expen-diture is within the total receipts of the local bodies except in the following cases:-

    Total Amount by which Percentage of expenditure the expenditure excess expen-

    is mOle than dituro to total receipt receipt

    5 6 7

    603,200 14,9()O 2·S3 37,200 1,600 4.49 45,200 23,900 112.21 24,100 2,600 12·09

    618,800 17,900 2.98

    of the local bodies of Tirodi is quite high for th«= year 1969-70. This is mainly due to substantial

    ** District Census Handbook--Censul of India·1961 ~Iagbat Dj8trict-pa~ xxxviii.

  • expenditure under heads General Administration, Public Health and Conveniences and Public Institu-tions. Receipts through taxes etc. have also shown, by and large, an upward trend during these years except in the following case :-


    S. Loealbody extent at Shortfall in receipts No. in the town of Year through taxes etc,

    2 3 4

    Tirodi 1969·70 5,500

    1970·71 300

    2 Wara-3eoni 1969-70 69,200


    The table would show that the receipts through taxes etc. of the local body of Tirody has constantly reJuced fcom year to year. In 1he case of the local body of Wara-Seoni. there has been a sharp reduction during the year 1969-70 under this head.

    The total receipts of local bodies have, however. shown an upward trend. Government grant has substantially supplemented the receipts of the local bodies. The local bodies of Wara·Seoni and Balaghat have received substantial amount as loan. The per capita receipt and expenditure under broad heads is indicated in the inset table below :-

    Per Capita (in Rupees) r--------____ ------A---

    Expenditure Receipt r-------A ------,

    ~ ________ --A _________ -.

    Total Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure Clas; of

    town Year

    No. of towns

    Total Receipt Receipt receipt through from all expen. on Public on Public on all other

    diture Health Institu· aspects taxes etc. other Conveniences lions

    2 3 4 5

    Class I

    (100.000 & over)


    (SO,OOO -99.999)

    Class III 1968-69 21.11 14.15

    (20,000 -49,999) 1969-70 36.23 14.15

    1970-71 43.17 23.97

    Class IV 1968-69 2 25.84 13.10

    (10,000 -19,999) 1969-70 37.41 10.07

    1970-71 43.30 12.00

    Class V 1968-69 15.16 12.91

    (5,000-9,999) 1969-70 23.31 17.30

    1970-71 26.18 18.30·

    Clats VI

    (Below 5,0(0)

    The above inset table would show that the total per capita receipt matches fairly well with the total p:r capita expenditure and in some cases the tota) per capita expenditure is higher than the total per capita receipt. The per capita expenditure on public health and conveniellces as against per capita receipt


    -------------6 7 9 10

    6.96 21.64 7.27 1·56 12.81

    22.08 35.63 8.32 1.07 26.24

    19.20 41.58 20.23 2.91 18.44

    12.74 26.63 10.24 3.71 12.68

    27.34 37.49 21.47 2·67 13.35

    31.30 39.90 21.28 2·01 16.61

    2.25 12.00 4.52 1.26 6.22

    6.01 20.48 4.86 0.74 14.88

    7.88 23.56 6.43 0.8S 16.28

    through taxes etc. is encouraging and in some cases the per capita expenditure on public health and con-veniences is even more than per capita receipt through taxes etc. In quite a good number ot cases the expenditure of the local bodies shown in column IS of statement No. 1Il under head "others"

  • _ ~nstitutes~,quite) high percentage'lof the]:total expenditure.


    StatementlIV :-All the townsJhave electricity aud~ electric connections have also been given for indus-trial purpose. Street lights have also been provided in all the towns. Water tap facility is available only in Balaghat. Fire brigade is not available in any town.

    Statement V :(i) Medical facilities : Hospital facility is availabe in all the towns except Tirodi. In addition to above, Balaghat has a Family Planning Clinic and an 'aushdhalaya'. The number of beds per 1,000 population has been indicated in the inset table below :-

    Total No. of beds in medical institutions




    (ii) Educational/acilities :-Balaghat has a com-bined college, while Wara-Seoni has an arts and Science college. Apart from the above, Balaghat has also one Polytechnic. Higher secondary/high schools are located in all the towns.

    (iii) Recreational and cultural facilities :-All the towns have cinema houses, while public libraries and reading rooms are available only in Wara-Seoni and Balaghat.

    Statement VI. All the towns expect Tirodi have bank facilities. Agricultural and non-agriculture credit societies are available in Wara-Seoni and Balaghat, while only agricultura credit society is available in Katangi. Iron, Cement, Sugar and oil are the main items of import in the towns. The main items of export are wood, bamboo, rice, and manganese, 'bidi' oil, soap 'poha' handloom cloth and wooden articles are tbe main items of local manufacture.

    Statement VH. About 45 percent of the urban population is in Balaghat town and it is followed by Wara-Seoni, Tirodi and Katangi where the percentage of urban population is about is 23, 16 and 15, res-pectively. Majority of urban population follow hindu religion next come followers of islam religion. Town-wise percentage of the population following Hindu and islam religions is as indicated below :-

    Percentage in round figures

    The number of higher secondary/high schools, middle schools and primary schools per thousand population is shown in the following inset table. For a more realistic appreciation, the population in the age-group 0-14 has been considered for primary and middle schools, while population in the age-group 15-\9 has been considered for higher secondary/high schools:-

    S.No. Town r- -----.

    Number Per 1,000 Population ~---------A---------,

    Name Higher Secondary Middle Jr.Secondaryl of the or Secondary School Primary town School School

    2 3 4

    Balagbat 0.9 0.1 0.9 Katangi 1.1 0.3 0.5 Tirodi 1.4 0.5 0.7 Wara-Seoni 1.4 0.2 0.7

    Hindu Islam

    2 3 4

    Balagbat 83 12

    2 Katangi 89 6

    3 Tirodi 89 9

    4 Wara-Seoni 85 9

    The percentage of people following other religion is negligible. Scheduled caste population in the towns is between 5 and 8 percent. As regards Scheduled Tribe population in the towns of the district, it is nil because the tahsils in which the four towns are located do not come within the ambit of the Schedu-led Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification)

    Order. 1956.

  • lIi

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  • B4

    VlLUGE Amenities aDd


    Amenities available withm the villages ,-______________ .A._

    Total area ------------,

    of the L.C. villag., Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu. Post and No. Name of village (in acres) Supply water nication Telegraph

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    1 Sangrampur (Hamesha) 610.60 W 2 Ambejhari 3,856.40 W 3 Kudwa 994.63 W 4 Khair Lanji ass ·46 W,TK 5 Goreghat 1,407.73 PR (2) W PO

    6 Deori Khurd 145·60 7 Bbondki 581·40 W 8 Chitkideori (Hamesha) 416.89 W 9 Agri HO·U W ...

    10 Kanhadgaon 730.74 PR (1) W KR

    11 Kosamba 2,228 35 PR (1) W KR 12 Koilari !,975 ·99 PRill W KR 13 Dulhapur 1,947.47 W 14 Deori Bujurg 948.53 PR(I) W KR 15 Patharapet 96.10 W

    16 Bandatewa 1,844.90 W KR 17 Bhumiya 1,490.00 18 Kisanpur (Hamesha) 310·68 W R 19 Kosamtola (Hamesha) 497·94 W 20 Govindpur (Hamesha) S5·49

    21 Nawegaon alias Antra (Hamesha) 257.45 22 Kodbi 926·37 PR (I) W 23 Badpani 1,215.21 PR (1) W Kit 24 Mahkepar 3,009.65 PR(l),Mid.S.(I) PHC (I) EI,EIN W KR PO 25 Masal Khapa 526.40 ." W

    26 Sala Gulli 238.88 27 Ganeshpur (Hamesha) 102.84 W 28 Laxmipur (Hamesha) 494.04 W KR 29 Anjan Bibari 1.076.13 PR (1) BI,BIN W KR 30 Gusai rola 599·48 W KR

    31 Chichgaon 493.23 W 32 Pandhri 1,127.24 W :iKR. 33 Bamhani 1,921 .41 PR(2),Mid.S.( 1) D(I) W,R KR PO 34 Bonkatta 483·lD PR (2) E,EI,BIN W KR 35 Digdha 1,288.51 PR (1) W KR

    36 Sadabodi 543.28 PR (1) W 37 Kharpadiya 1,082.95 PRO) W KR 38 Chanda Dob 1,063.54 PR(l) W 39 Cbakaheti 7.903.69 PR(l) W.NW 40 Siwanheti 1,118.79 W,NW

    41 Sita Patbore 2,870.40 PR (1) W KR 42 Sukali 2,548·27 PR (1) W R PO 43 Bichhua (Ryt) 866.52 W 44 Jamrapani 647.90 PR (1) ... W,TK,NW PR,R 45 Dongargaon 282·91 W.TK PR,R

    46 Dilankosa 1,243·$6 PR (I) W,TK 47 Pauniya 1,892·39 PR(2),Mid.S.Oj W.TK KR PO 48 Boldongri 586·07 PR (1) W,TK PR 49 Hirapur 745·47 W,TK SO Kalimati 893·00 PR (1) W

  • 35


    -_-_ -_"----_.-Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks inclu·

    ~------------~ -, Nearest weekly ding any place Culturable waste Area not tOWiJ & market, of religious,

    Un· (i.e. pasture and available distance ifaoy, historical or .,laple· grazinll land for in Kms held in archaeological L.C. food Forest irrigated Irrigated etc.) cultivation villag~ interest No. - .. -"-----.--... ~ . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Rice 263·52 50·93 :J3 ·06 13l).27 52·82 Tirodi 27.2 I Rice 3,152 ·83 113.63 257·47 233·47 99·()() Tirodi 19.2 2 R!ce 15·33 93·47 690.04 142.37 53 ·42 Tirodi 24.2 3 Rice 299 ·75 051.12 222·77 190.44 91.38 Tirodi 28.8 4 Rice

    . 133.73 725 ·35 455.62 93·03 Tirodi 25.6 Sunday 5

    34.02 32.63 75.67 3.28 Katangi 13.0 6 Rice 69·63 157.46 103.27 176·60 74·44 Tirodi 28.8 7 Rice 154.06 87 ·19 58.23 52.8Z 64 ·59 Tirodi 19.6 8 Rice 0.Z3 56.10 44.15 9·63 Tirodi 17.6 9 Rice 151.42 68.99 321.10 125 ·78 63·45 Tirodi 16.~ 10

    Rice 1,296 .77 196·05 408.73 194.46 132 ·34 Tirodi 12.8 11 Rice Z.342.12 5~·21 186·07 194·46 195·13 Tirodi 16.0 12 Rice J,771.59 66·26 71·64 31·98 Tirodi 16.0 13 Rice 197 .88 200.27 3n.37 78·56 79·45 Tirodi 20.8 14 Rice 29·44 0.03 2.02 17.27 47·34 Tlrodi 17'6 IS

    Rice 1.240·95 16.73 406.76 116.48 63.98 Tilodi 16.0 16 J.452·25 37.75 Katangi 43.0 17

    Rice 54·12 59.51 133 ·08 18.72 45 ·25 Tirodi 14.4 18 Rice 255.14 68.30 98.48 20·80 55·22 Tirodi 14.4 19

    39.68 10·58 5 ·Z3 Katangi 47.0 20

    Z04.45 27 ·47 3.75 4 ·36 17.42 Katangi 37.0 21 Rice 228.87 343.10 210.94 143 ·46 Tirodi 22.4 Wednesday 22 Rice 73.08 553.41 165.71 234.94 188.07 Tirodi 25.6 23 Rice 1,316.36 754·37 263·16 235 ·50 440·26 Tirodi 20.8 Z4 Rice 55 ·98 57·40 192.23 91·41 129 ·38 Tirodi 22.4 25

    50·80 88.20 18.29 2S.15 56.44 Katangi 35.0 2b Rice 37'29 5.00 33 ·11 6.70 20·74 Tuodi 22.4 27 Rice 160.31 52.47 120.01 60·21 101 ·04 Tirodi 20.8 28 Rice. Wheat 461.50 281.99 115 .35 217.29 Tirodi 9.6 29 Rice, Wheat 399.29 ZS.IS 106·29 25.50 40·22 Tirodi 6.4 30

    Rice, Wheat 140 ·33 129.58 34.04 157.81 31·47 Tirodi 6.4 31 Rice. Wheat 940·98 25.67 73 ·43 32.66 54.50 Tirodi 11.2 32 Rice, Wheat 638.71 641.68 444.71 196 ·31 Tirodi 12.8 33 Rice. Wheat 272.39 37.98 31 ·30 141·43 Tirodi 12.8 Thursday 34 Rice, Wheat 206·90 421.11 319.70 204.23 136.57 Tirodi 9.6 35

    Rice, Wheat 169.05 144.32 120·82 56·54 52·55 Tirodi 6.4 36 Rice 609·55 133.27 106·1Z 118 ·21 115·80 Tirodi 3.2 37 Rice 423·68 261.10 128·32 182.97 67.47 Tirodi 8.0 3M Rice 2,600.53 666.11 526·34 3,657.15 453 ·56 Tirodi 8.0 3~ Rice 1,033.92 00.75 11·18 5·03 67 ·91 Tirodi 3.2 40

    Rice 2.326 ·65 95.05 219.19 120.33 109·18 Tirodi 9.6 41 Rice 1.733.03 108.96 243·94 21240 249·94 Tirodi 9.6 Sunday 42 Rice 288.44 253.31 106.17 156.86 61·74 Tirodi 11.2 43 Rice. Wheat 18.00 15.00 575.40 39·50 Tirodi 1.6 44 Rice. Wheat 82·69 75.W 93·00 7·60 24·62 Tirodi 0.8 45

    Rice, Wheat 272.00 333.00 4S7 .00 100.06 51.50 Tirodi 4.8 46 Rice. Wheat 261.00 35Z.()() 7J4·oo 483·97 81·42 Tirodi 4.8 Tuesday 47 Rice. Wheat 182.50 130.00 195 ·00 23 ·21 55 ·36 Tirodi 3.2 48 Rice. Wheat 364·84 m.oo 106.00 63.55 76.08 Tirodi 3.2 49 Rice. Wheat 217.Z1 75.25 394 ·30 159.14 47 ·10 Tirodi 8.0 SO

  • 36


    Amenities available within the villages ,-------.---------"--------~-------..

    Total area of the

    L.C. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post and No. Name of village (in acres) Supply water nication Telegraph

    2 3 4 j 6 7 8 9 ------

    51 Tekadi 1,463.73 PR (1) W 52 Deori 1,733.68 PR (1) FC(l) W PO S3 Nandora. 1,600.93 PR (I) W )4 Bori Kheda (Mal) 513.53 Pi{ (1) W S5 Linga Paunar 832.93 PRO) W

    S6 Bori KheJa (Ry!) 508.16 PR (1) W S7 Karnlhi 1,2.9\.30 PR (I) W 58 Khairlanji 1,121.02 PR (I) W 59 Tekadi 931.79 W 60 Deothana 1,1l3.82 PR (1) W

    61 Basi 1,607.02 PR(l) W 62 Samatpnri 1,094.20 PR(I) W 63 Patharwada 1,133.86 PR(l) W R,PR 64 Cbikmara 1.,232.99 PR (l~ W KR 65 Mahednli 1,852.58 PR(l W

    66 Cbaukhandi 821.60 PR (1) W 67 Manegaon 1,492.00 PR 0) W 68 Katarkana 467.19 PR (I) W KR 69 Kbamariya 911.16 PR (1) EIN,EI W PR PO 70 Bisapnr 1,618.02 PR (1) W KR

    71 Ujad Bopli 305.80 W KR 72 Kodmi 1,715.74 PR (I) ... BIN,m.E W PR 73 Gopalpur 390.26 PR (l~ W PR,R 74 Chichgaon 496.82 PR(1 EI W 75 Jarnuniya 868.17 PR (1) W

    76 Nablesara 1,768.81 PR (I) E W PR 77 Banera 1,182.11 PR(I),Mid.S.(l) W KR 78 Lohmara 451.95 PR (1) W PR 79 Singodi 717.33 PR (I) W KR 80 Agasi 980.17 PR (1) W PR

    81 Katera 887.40 PR (1) W KR 82 Kosmi 855.92 PR(I) W KR 83 Ghunadi 736.17 PR (l) W KR 84 Bopli 754.87 PR (I) W KR 85 Bhajiyapar (Mal) 639.22 PR 0) W KR

    86 Bhajiyapar (Jadkharid) 808.51 W KR 87 Agri 678.27 PR(I) EIN,EI,E W PR PO 88 Tekadi 1,095.10 PR (1) W KR 89 Chircbira 474.93 W KR 90 Lakhanwada 914.32 PR(1) W PR

    91 Warud 934.43 PR(I) W KR 92 Sirpur 2,153.04 PR (1) W PR 93 Nagjbar 1,276.14 PR (1)

    D(I) IDN,EI;ii w,m PR

    94 Ramrama 1,363.46 PR (I) W,TK PR PO 95 Sirra 1,547.30 PR (1) W,TK KR

    96 Nandgaon 2,013.14 PR(I) W,TK KR 97 Botejhari 1,886.06 PR(l~ W,TK KR 98 Kochewahi 2,206.13 PR(1 EI,E W,TK PR 99 Budbuda 3,874.96 PR(l},Sec.S.(1) FC (1) ElN,BI,B W PR,R PO 100 Serpar 1,325.49 PR (I) W PR

  • 37


    Ldtl.J U5e (i.E'. area under different type. of land use) in acres Day 01 Remarks inclu-...----___ -~ ___ _....A..-______ ~ _ ____.

    weekly ding any place Culturable waste Area not Nearest market. of religious,

    Staple (i.e. pasture and available town & if any, historical or Food Un- grazing land for distance beld in archaeological L.C,

    Forest Irrigatf,d Irrigated etc.) cultivation 1D Kms, village interest No. ,----

    III 11 !2 13 14 15 16 17 19

    Rice, Wheat 44UO 327 .54 5!8,75 'J2 ·81 69.83 Tirodi 8·0 Thursday 51 Rice, Wheat 716.88 235·75 567,22 12) ·53 ~4.30 Tirodi 1l.2 52 Rice, Wheat 720.42 505.17 21 I .99 n ·65 S5.70 Tirodi 1J ,8 53 Ric~ 322.67 101 ·54 40·56 42·76 Tirodi 8·0 54 Rice 20.02 75.0cl 426 ·31 218.00 '13.54 Tirodi 6·4 Saturday 55

    Rice 26~ ·90 105·3::1 107·40 29 ·47 Tirodi 3.0 56 Rice 41'·32 36J.41 3~S ·3~ 108.10 62.J7 Katallgl 6·4 57 Rice 62·55 351.57 5~O ·60 119·37 46 ·93 Katangi 4·8 58 Rice 231.54 192·09 245.5) 96.04 65.53 Katangl 4 ·8 59 Rice 48)·0 484·67 8, ·39 58.57 Katangl 0.0 60

    Rice "'67.94 43 .. 3) 314 .~g 69.41 60 .7~ Katangi 9·6 61 Rlce 367.81 263. ~O 304·71 108 ·34 49·84 Katangl 8.0 62 Rice, Wheat 63~ ,38 356.91 47.15 '11.42 Ka'tangi 1.6 63 Rice, Wheat (lOG -45 470.61 6(j·07 95·86 Katangi 4·8 64 Ri~e, Wheat 590.17 526.67 462.7, 150.07 122.92 Katangl 6·4 65

    Rice, Wheat 153.98 30J ·92 246.45 74.99 45.26 Kalan.i 6·4 66 Rice, Wheat 108.66 645.15 514·00 85.74 138·45 Kataogi 6.4 67 Rice, Wheat 309.30 55.62 37.47 64.80 Kataogi 2·4 68 Rice, Woeat 440 58 In.9l 198 ·48 99.16 Katangi 3.2 69 RIce, Wheat 424.44 715.47 238.36 88 ·62 151·13 Katangi 4·8 70

    Rice, Wheat 247 ·93 20.79 3 ·97 33.14 Kataagi 2·4 71 Rice, Wheat 675.38 8).95 22·3:1 758·34 169.77 Katangi 4·8 72 Rice, Wheat 219.75 121.18 21.05 28·27 Kata02i 2·5 73 Rice, Whoat 161.00 224.07 23 ·22 85 ·53 Katangi 2.4 74 Rice, Wheat 193.70 122.25 219.92 16.37 315.93 Kalangi 6.4 7S

    Rice, Wheat 423.46 118.69 479 ·43 79.65 667.58 Katangi 4·8 76 Rice, Wheat 491.21 448·72 117·92 n2.20 Katangi 6·4 77 Rice. Wheat 257.44 I n·ss 13 ·11 33 55 Katangi 4 ·8 78 Rice, Wheat 476.51 145.35 57·15 38·32 Katangl 4.11 79 Rice, Wheat 474.36 361. 31 58·04 86 ·46 Katangi 4·8 80

    Rice, Wheat 691.75 95 ·97 33 ·35 66·33 Katangi 6·4 8) Rice, Wheal 525.68 252 ·42 38 ·56 39 ·26 Katangi 6·4 82 Klce. Wheat 357,79 212.03 ~1·00 84.30 Katangi 8·0 83 Rice, Wheal 3~9 ·9l ;!}7 .53 23 ·43 43 .')7 Katangi 4·8 84 Rice. Wheat 357.76 238.76 ~ .99 33 ·71 Katangi 9·6 85

    Rice, Wheat 246·30 201·00 222 ·42 83·43 55·36 Katangi 9.6 86 Rice, Wheat 251 ·53 188 ·33 110.62 127 ·79 Katangl 9.6 Monday 87 RIce, Wheat 132.39 299·94 236 ·09 308 ·48 68·20 Katangl 1·2 68 Rice, Wheat 3.10 165.16 33 ·20 253 ·02 20·45 Katangi 11.2 89 Rice. Wheat 3!1 7 13 ZlO'T .M 143 ·31 66.2! Katangi 8.0 'J()

    Rice, Wheat 141.44 449 ·46 195.94 79·20 68·19 K:atangi 9·6 Sunday 91 Rice. Wheat 255.46 851·53 513·50 349 ·75 122·80 Katan!!.i 9 ·6 92 Rice 796.02 214 ·69 153·37 6·55' 105·5l Katangi 14·4 93 Rice 558'.60 358·72 244.78 21.55 179·81 Wara-Seoni 2;).8 Friday 94 Rke -133.10 32362 170·68 3 ·01 116 ·89 Wara-Seoni 16·0 95

    Rice 769.96 442.17 599 ·87 3 ·09 198·05 Katanlli 12.8 96 Rice 472.09 939 ·72 338 ·5S 10·67 125 -03 Wua-Seoni 16.0 Sunday 97 Rice 458.96 408'" 994 ·83 m·28 205 ·35 Katangi 14·4 Monday 98 Rice 835.61 622·64 1.1lOO.03 138.38 678·24 Wara-SeonI12.3 Wednes:lay .. 99 Rice 4n.S9 194·20 374 ·00 -1.56 275·14 Katangi 12·B 100

  • 38


    Amenities available within the villages ,-______ --____ A_ --.__--------, Total area

    of the L.C. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu· Post and No. Name of village (in acres) Supply water nication Telegraph

    2 3 4 S 6 7 9

    101 DJrli ladkharid 1,006·21 W PR 102 Jam 2,076 ·09 PR (I) MCW(I), W PR

    101 Jarab Mobgaon 2,503.73 FC (I)

    PR(I), Mid. S.(I) EI,B W KR PO 104 Arjuni 1,080·76 PR(I) W KR 105 Lohagri (Ryt.) 248.16 W

    106 Gajpur 917 ·60 PR (I) W,R 107 Jamkhari 787.69 W 108 Tatekasa 528 ·05 W 109 Tumsar 736.04 PR (1) W 110 Dudhara 635 ·54 PR (1) W

    111 Panjra 863 ·03 PR (I) W,R 112 ManglegaoD 613·79 PR (I) W 113 Sawngi 1,024·51 PR (I) BI,B WR KR 114 Atn 503 ·34 EI W'R KR 115 Bahakal 833 ·04 PR (I) W:R KR

    116 KaigaoD 803 ·01 PR (I) W,R KR 117 Naodlesara 785· 73 PR (I) E W,R KR 118 Agarwada 1,107 ·61 W,R KR 119 Umri 806.11 PR 0) EIN,EI,I W PRo 120 Khajri 1,376.40 PR (I) W PRo

    121 Badgaon 390 .74 PR (1) W KR 122 SitakhJh 1,201.24 PR (1) W KR, 123 Selwa 1,275.72 PR (I) W,R KR 124 Katedara 1,102·37 PRe!), Mid. S. (1) E,BIN W PR PO 125 Kohlea 700·60 PR (1) W KR

    126 Pipariya 645 ·66 W KR 127 Bothwa 1,261.95 PR (I) W PR 128 Sawari 996.21 PR(I) W PR 129 SODe~a?n 755m PR(I) W PR 130 JhanJagl 685.64 PRO) W

    131 Naweogaon 699·07 PR (I) W 132 Nandi 1,104·80 PR(2), Mid.S.(I) FC(1) W PR 133 Birsula 898.52 PR(I) W 134 MohgaoD 1,217·19 PR (1) W 135 Mohadi 245.53

    136 Sundar 1,003 ·64 PR (I) W 137 Kapoor Bihar; 260 .45 W 138 Gllrragusai 544 .. ~6 W 139 Chitewani 508.80 140 Paraswadaghat 2,195.51 PR (I) W,TK PR PO

    141 Hardoli 1,741·20 PR P) Bf,BIN W,TK KR 142 Hatoda 1,175.11 PR 1) W,TK KR 143 Yedam (Hamesha) 48· 53 .. ,~ \. 144 Nawegaon (Hamesha) 416·47 145 Pipartola (Hamesha) 195.30 _"

    146 Bori rHamesha) 5(){).52 TK 141 Sitalgarh (Hamesha) 270 ·52 148 Pufputta 1,723.99 FR (1) W PRo PO 149 Chhatera 1,046.70 PR (I). W PR_~ 150 Tuiyapar 1,765.95 PR (1) TK,W' PR'

  • 39
