  • C016r383g2-43-.4918

    XNo. 55— 1918






    Catalogue of

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    Cnslanli ^tamp Co.OP BOSTON, MASS.

    W,0 be ^olb at ;9uttion

    'S^uegoap :afternoon, 31une It, 1918

    Commenclns at 2.30 o'clocit


    S>eott & €>'^^augl)neggp, 3nc.No. 116 NASSAU STREET

    (Boom 412, Morton Building



    WALTER S. SCOTT, Auctioneer

    Telephone: 6967 Beekman



  • CONDITIONS OF SALE1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be

    rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likelyto affect the sale injuriously.

    2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arisebetween two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the sameor put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute.

    3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase moneyas may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shallbe given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lotso purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold.

    Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time ofsale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which theundersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of thepurchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcementof the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than thisnotice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency(if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such pur-chaser.

    4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of thetotal amount due for all purchases at the sale.

    5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in whichthe undersigned is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by itfor purchasers. The undersigned will, however, afford to purchasersevery facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers andpackers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility onits part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service.

    6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser.Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter,while the undersigned will exercise due caution in caring for and deliver-ing such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase belost, stolen, damaged or destroyed.

    Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed withinten days from the date of the sale thereof.

    7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the undersignedof the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of anylot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, errorof cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on publicexhibition^ one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “asis” and without recourse.

    The undersigned exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor-rectl}'’, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy ex-pert to the effect that any lot has been Incorrectly catalogued, and, in itsjudgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of theopinion of such expert who thereby would become responsible for suchdamage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation.

    SPECIAL NOTICEBuying or bidding by the undersigned for responsible parties on

    orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faith-fully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so madewill be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in anymanner be modified. The undersigned, however, in the event of makinga purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser whohas not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition orsale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the dateof sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any ma-terial manner differs from its catalogue description.

    Orders for execution by the undersigned should be written and givenwith such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. If the onetransmitting the order is unknown to us, a deposit should be sent or referencesubmitted. Shipping directions should also be given.

    Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof,will be furnished at a reasonable charge.

    SCOTT AND O’SHAUGHNESSY, Inc., 116 Nassau Street, New York.Books on View Three Days Before the Sale.

  • C o 1 u , '00 S'

  • 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ricketts (W. R.). A Cheek Listof the Philatelic Publications in the English Language for1909. 12nio

    ;leather, gilt. Columbus : 1911.

    Edition de luxe, one of only 25 copies printed,

    9. BOSTON PHILATELIC SOCIETY. An HistoricalReference List of the Revenue Stamps of the United States,including the Private Die Proprietary Stamps. By G. L.Toppan, H. E. Deats and Alex. Holland. Large 8vo, buckram,leather labels. Boston: 1899.

    10. BRITISH EMPIRE. Colville (Harriet E.). Coun-tries and Stamps. The British Empire. 12mo, cloth.

    Boscombe, Bournemouth, etc. : 1906,

    11. BRITISH EMPIRE. Lockyer (Gilbert E.) . ColonialStamps : also those of Great Britain, etc. Illusts. 12mo, cloth.

    London; n. d.

    12. BROWN (W. P.). Descriptive Price Catalogue, ofGovernment Postage Stamps. Fourth Edition. Illust. 8vo,sewn (back cover missing, front torn) . New York



    13. BRUNEL (GEORGES). Les Emmissions des TimbresGrecs :—Les Timbres de Hambourg ;—Les Timbres de Breme


    —Les Timbres de Lubeck :—Les Timbres de Bergedorf. Illusts.5 vols. in one. Paris: 1909- ’12.

    14. BURROUGHS (W. D.). The Wonderland of Stamps.Numerous illusts. Sm. 8vo, cloth extra. New York : 1910.

    15. CANADA. Howes (Clifton A.). Canada: Its Post-age Stamps and Postal Stationery. Numerous full-pageplates of facsimiles {in pocket) and illusts. in the text. 4to,cloth gilt, uncut. Boston: New Eng. Stamp Co., 1911.

    16. . The Same. A special copy printed on Japanvellum paper and bound in full red morocco, gilt, uncut.

    Boston: 1911.One of only 50 copies so printed, with the autograph


    CATALOGUES. See No. 213 et infra.

    17. COLLIN (H.) AND CALMAN (H. L.). A Catalogue^

    for Advanced Collectors of Postage Stamps, Stamped En-velopes and Wrappers. Numerous full-page plates of fac-similes and illusts. in the text. 3 vols. imp. 8vo, half leather.

    New York: Scott Co., (1890-1901).^

    This copy was bound up from the original parts and has thetitle-pages omitted.

    18. COLSON (WARREN H.). Postage Stamps and TheirCollection. The Bowers Collection. Numerous plates. 8vo,cloth, uncut. Boston : Pub. by the Author, 1907.





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  • 19. CRAWFORD CATALOGUE. Catalogue of the Phil-atelic Library of the Earl of Crawford, K. T. By E. D.Bacon. Med. folio, half olive morocco, uncut, pp. 923.

    Lodon: The Philatelic Literature Society, 1911.The most important and comprehensive work ever issued on

    the bibliography of Philatelic literature. Full collations aregiven in every instance, and in the numerous and lengthy foot-notes the most ' minute information is afforded regarding thebooks and periodicals described. The volume contains over 900pages and is uniform in style and appearance with the largeBritish Museum Catalogues.Only 300 copies were printed, 100 of which were reserved

    for members of the Society.

    20. DENMARK. Koefoed (0.). Danske Postfrimaerker,1851-1901. En historisk Afhhandling udarbejdet paa grund-lag af originale aktstyker. Numerous illusts., some colored.Sq. 12mo, cloth gilt. Kobenhavh : 1901.

    21. DICTIONARY OP PHILATELIC TERMS andPhrases (The). Illusts. 16mo, cloth. London: 1911.

    22. E/VANS (EDWARD B.). The Philatelic Plandbook.A Guide for Collectors. Numerous illusts. 12mo, cloth.

    London: 1885.

    23. EVANS (EDWARD B.). A Description of the Mul-ready Envelope and of various Imitations and Caricatures ofits Design. Reproductions. 8vo, decorated cloth.

    London: 1891.

    24. . Stamps and Stamp Collecting: A Glossary ofPhilatelic Terms, etc. Illusts. 12mo, cloth. London: 1894.

    25. EAReE (R. B.). Album Weeds; or. How to DetectForged Stamps. Numerous illusts. 12mo, cloth.

    London: (1882),

    26. . Album Weeds; or. Plow to Detect ForgedStamps. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Illust. 8vo,cloth, gilt edges. London: (1892).

    27. FIJI ISLANDS. Phillips (C. J.). The PostageStamps, etc., of the Fiji Islands. 15 'photogravure plates andillustrations in the text. Large 8vo, half leather.

    London: Gibbons, 1908.Stanley Gibbons Philatelic Handbooks.

    28. FRANCE. Doe (P.). Les Estampilles postales fran-caises. lllustraliens. Amiens, 1900 : also Etude et Descrip-tion des Signes de Controle sur les Timbres de la Prance,1849- ’99. Par H. Valois. Illusts. Amiens, 1899. 2 vols. inone, 8vo, half leather. iWiens, 1900-1899.

    • 7^





  • t ^ V

    FRANCE. ..29. . Maury (Arthur). Histoire des Timbres-Poste

    Frangais. Essais, Marques Postales, et Obliterations, etc.Illusts. 2 vols., 8vo, half leather. Paris: 1907.

    The best Work on the Postage Stamps of France.

    30. . Maury (Arthur). Catalogue Descriptif detoutes Les Marques Postales de la France, Inscriptions, Tim-bres a Main et Obliterations, etc.; with the Supplement.Numerous facsimile illusts. Sm. Svo, half morocco.

    Paris: n. d.

    31. FRANCE AND HER COLONIES. Marconnet (F.).Les Vignettes Postales de la France et de ses Colonies. Cata-logue Historique ef Raisonne de toutes les Emissions Metro-politaine et Coloniales, 1819-1897. Numerous full-page platesof facsimiles. 8vo, half leather. Nancy. 1897.

    32. FRY (ED. A. M.). A Catalogue for Collectors ofPost Cards. Sm. 8vo, paper. London : n. d.

    33. GERMAN STATES. Krotzsch (Hugo).- PermanentesHandbuch der Postfreimarkenkunde mit Lichtdrucktafeln.Erster Teil. Deutsche Staaten. Abschnitte I-III, Y-IX.(Deutsche Reichs-Post :—Baden :—Bayern :—Braunschweig


    — Bremen : — Hamburg :— Hanover : — Lubeek) . Numerousplates in pocket at end. 16mo, cloth. Leipzig: (1895).

    34. . The Same. Absehnitt IV. Die Postfreimarkendes beiderstadtischen Postamtes Bergedorf. Numerous platesin pocket at end. 12mo, cloth. Leipzig, 1896.

    35. . The Same. Absehnitt X. Die Postfreimarkender Grossherzogtumer Mecklenburg-Schwerin und Mecklen-burg-Strelitz. Plates in pocket at end. 16mo, cloth.

    Leipzig, 1894.

    36. . The Same. Absehnitt XI. Die Postfreimarkendes Norddeutschen Postbezirks. Plates in pocket at end.16mo, cloth. Leipzig: 1894.

    37. . The Same. Absehnitt XII. Die Postfrei-marken von Grossherzogtum Oldenburg. By P. Ohrt. Platesin pocket at end. 16mo, cloth. Leipzig : 1894.

    38. . The Same. Absehnitt XIII. Die Postfrei-marken des Konigreichs Preussen. By Lieut. P. Ohrt. Platesin pocket at end. 16mo, cloth. Leipzig: 1896.

    39. . The Same. Absehnitt XV. Die Postfreimarkender Herzogtumer Schleswig-Holstein. By A. Rosenkranz.Numerous plates in pocket at end. 16mo, cloth. Leipzig: 1897.

    40. . Moens (J. B.). Les Timbres de Prusse:—LesTimbres de Wurtemberg, 2 vols. Illusts. 3 vols. in one, 12mo,buckram, leather label. Bruxelles: 1887-1881.


    3.^ o



  • 41. GERMANY. Friedemann (Albert). Die Postfrei-marken und die Epitwertungen der deutschen Postanstalten ,in den Schutzgebieten und im'Auslande. Illusts. 8vo.

    Leipzig : 1908.

    42. GERMAN COLONIES. Illustrierter Spezial-Katalogder Deutschen Kolonialmarken. Illusts. 8vo, limp boards.

    Leipzig: 1907.

    43. GREAT BRITAIN. Phillips (Stanley). The Stampsof Great Britain. (1911-14). Illusts. 12mo, cloth. /Y o

    London: 1914.

    44. . Philbrick (F. A.)- and Westoby (W. A. S.).The Postage and Telegraph Stamps of Great Britain. Numer- /yoous text illusts. Sm. 8vo, buckram.

    London : For the Phil. Soc., Lond., 1881.

    45. GRENADA. Bacon (E. D.) and Napier (F. H.),Grenada : with an Account of the Perkins Bacon printed /v/^Stamps of the British Colonies. Plates, etc. 8vo, cloth.

    London: Gibbons, n. d.Stanley Gibbons Philatelic Handbooks.

    46. HAAS (THEODOR). Lehrbuch der Briefmarken-kunde. Illust. 12mo, decorated cloth. Leipzig: (1905).

    47. HARDY (W. J.) and Bacon (E. D.). The StampCollector. Second Edition. Numerous full-page plates offacsimiles. Sm. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: 1898.

    48. HART (0. S.). Some Notes on the New York Post-master’s Provisional Five Cents, Black, 1845. Enlarged re-productions of the stamp. 16mo, cloth. Phil.: 1911.

    One of only 50 copies so printed and signed by the author.

    49. HAWAII. Crocker (Henry J.). Hawaiian Numerals.A Compilation of Unofficial Data relating to the Type-SetStamps of the Kingdom of Hawaii. With a Short History of j ^the Lithographed and Engraved Stamps ordered from theU. S., 1851-1866. Numerous plates of facsimiles {in pocket)and illusts. in the text. Roy. 8vo, half red morocco, giltedges. San Francisco: 1909.

    50. HELIGOLAND. Moens (J. B.). Heligoland et sesTimbres. (Printed on various colored sheets). Illusts. 8vo, Abuckram. Bruxelles : 1897.

    51. INDIA. Stewart-Wilson (C.) and Jones (B. Gordon).British Indian Adhesive Stamps (Queen’s Head) Surchargedfor Native States. Numerous plates. 8vo, cloth. If ^

    Calcutta: (Pub. Phil. Soc. of India, Yol. VII), 1904.Numerous pages of typewritten notes laid in.

  • 52. ITALIAN STATES. Diena (Emilio). I Francobollidel Ducato di Modena e delle Provincie Modenesi e Le Marchdel Dncato Stesso pei Giornali Esteri. 8vo, buckram.

    Modena: 1894.Limited edition.

    53. JAPAN. Short History i(A) of Japanese PostageStamps. (Text in Japanese and Etnglish.) IlluBtrated hy thestamps themselves, inserted. 8vo, yellow silk, with ties. Pre-served in half morocco slip case.

    (Tokio: Government Printing Office, 1896.)

    54. . Peplow (F. J.—Compiler). Plates of theStamps of Japan, 1871-6. 109 full-page reproductions. 4to,full morocco, gilt. London : For Private Circulation, 1910.

    One of only 25 copies printed.

    55. KLINE (A. C.). The Stamp Collector’s Manual. Be-ing a Guide to the Collectors of American and Foreign Post-age and Despatch Stamps. Second Edition. 12mo, originalprinted wrappers (back cover loose). Phila. : 1863.


    . The Same. Third Edition. 12mo, sewn (coversmissing). Phila. : 1865.

    57. LINCOLN (W. S.). Stamp Collecting Notes, lllusts.12mo, cloth. London: n. d.

    58. MAHE (PIERRE). Les Marchands de Timbres-Poste d ’Autrefois et Leur Catalogues. Facsimiles of cdversof early French Stamp Catalogues. 12mo, half leather.

    Amiens: 1908.

    59. MELVILLE (F. J.). Great Britain; Line EngravedStamps : — Gambia : —Nevis :—Holland :—Tonga :—Papua :

    Portugal, etc. lllusts. 12 vols. in 3, 16mo, buckram.London: 1909- ’12.

    60. The Postage Stamps of the United States:

    United States, 1870- ’93:—United States, 1894-1910:—^GreatBritain

    ;Embossed Adhesives :—Jamaica :—Hayti :—Sarawak,

    etc. Numerous plates. 9 vols. in 3, 16mo, buckram.London: 1910, etc.

    61. MEXICO. Bellows (Walter C.). Campeche. SomeNotes on the Most Remarkable Postage Stamp Ever Issued.Portrait ayid numerous facsimile plates, etc. 4to, originaldecorated boards, uncut. New York : 1909.

    One of an issue of 100 copies autographed by the authorAND THE TYPE DISTRIBUTED.



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    62. . Chapman (S.). The Eagle and MaximilianStamps of Mexico. With a List of the Chief Post Offices andSubordinate Offices, etc. Colored maps of the different States,linen mounted, in pocket at end. 4to, half leather.

    London: 1912.One of only 65 copies printed, and signed by the author. A

    work of great research. Compiled with the co-operation of theMexican Government and the leading stamp collectors.

    63. MILLINGTON (H. M.). An Exhaustive Catalogue ofthe Adhesive Postage Stamps of the British Empire. Numer-ous illusts. 12mo, cloth, gilt edges. London : Gibbons, 1894.

    64. MISCELLANEOUS. Timbres-Poste Ruraux de Russie(Les). Par Samuel Koprowski:—Les Postes Privees desEtats-Unis dAmerique, par C. H. Coster. Illusts. 2 vols. inone, 12mo, buckram, leather label.

    Bruxelles: Moens, 1875-1882.

    65 . . Notes on the Telegraph Companies of theUnited States; their Stamps and Pranks (Rich) :—Die Varie-ties of the Nesbitt Series of the United States Envelopes(Berthold) :—Stamps of the Canal Zone (Toppan) and others.5 vols. in one, Svo, cloth. New York: 1900- ’06.

    66. . Timbres Cantoneaux de la Suisse (de Reuter-skiold) :—Les Timbres de Breme (Brunei) :—Les Timbres duChili (Mercado). Illust. 3 vols. in one. 12mo, cloth.

    Paris: 1909, n. d., 1910.

    67. MOENS (J. B.). Timbres de I’Office Tour et Taxis(1847-1867) :—Les Timbres de Mecklenbourg-Schwerin etStrelitz :—Les Timbres de Saxe :—Timbres des Duches deSchleswig, Holstein et Lauenbourg, et de la Yille de Bergedorf.niusts. 4 vols. in one, 12mo, buckram. Bruxelles: 1879-1884.

    08. . Les Timbres de Belgique:—Timbres d’Egypteet de la Canal de Suez:—Timbres des Etats de Toscane etSaint-Marin, et des Etats de I’Eglise par Pio Pabri. Illust.3 vols. in one, buckram, leather label. Bruxelles : 1880H878.

    69. NANKIVELL (E. J.). Stamp Collecting as a Pastime.Illusts. 12mo, cloth. London : 1902.

    Stanley Gibbons Handbook.

    70. NEW ZEALAND. Jolliffe (William). The Historyof New Zealand Stamps. Numerous plates. 8vo, printedwrappers. Wellington : Por the Philatelic Soc. of N. Z., 1913.

    71. OGILVIE (W. T.). Handbook for the Collector ofPostage Stamps, with Complete Catalogue, etc. Illusts. 12mo,cloth. London : 1892.


    %. ‘yo



  • 72. OHRT (P.)* Handbuch aller bekannten Neudruckestaatlicher Postfreimarken und Ganzsaehen, nebst Angabeihrer Kennzeichen. Illust. 8vo, sewn, in binder.

    Leipzig: 1906.

    73. PARAGUAY. Phillips (Charles J.). The Stamps ofParaguay. Map and illusts. 8vo, cloth,

    London: Gibbons, 1912.Stanley Gibbons Philatelic Handbooks.

    74. PEMBERTON (E. L.). The Stamp Collector’s Hand-book. Illust. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges.

    London: 1878.PERIODICALS. See No. 117 et infra.

    75. PHILATELIC HANDBOOKS. Ed, by E. J. Nanki-vell and P. J. Melville. Nos. I to XII. Jamaica and CaymanIslands :—Cape of Good Hope Niger Coast Protectorate :

    ,Abyssinia, etc., etc. Illusts. 16mo, cloth. London, etc. : v. d.


    V. The Stamps of Griqualand West (Napier) :—The Stampsof the Duchy of Modena, etc. (Diena) :—The Official Stampsof Great Britain (Bernstein) :—The Dies of the PostageStamps of Portugal (1853- ’55 issues) (Yardley) :—The For-geries of the Cantonal Stamps of Switzerland (de Reuter-skiold). Numerous full-page plates. 5 vols. in one, 8vo,half leather. London : n. d.

    77. PHILATELIC SOCIETY, LONDON (THE). ThePostage Stamps, Envelopes and Post Cards, of Australia andthe British Colonies of Oceania. Autotype plates. Large 8vo,newly bound in full morocco, gilt, gilt edges, paper coversbound in. London: 1887.

    78. . Hull (A. P. Basset). The Stamps of Tasmania.

    ^ A History of the Postage Stamps, Envelopes, etc. of Tasmania.G Full-page plates. Large 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges.

    London: 1890.

    79. . The Postage Stamps, Envelopes, Wrappers, PostCards, and Telegraph Stamps, of the British Colonies in theWest Indies, together with British Honduras and the Coloniesin South America. 32 full-page plates of facsimiles. Roy.8vo, half morocco. London: 1891.

    80. . The Postage Stamps, Envelopes, etc., of BritishIndia and Ceylon. Numerous full-page plates. Large 8vo,half leather. London : 1892.

    81. . The Postage Stamps, Envelopes, Wrappers,Post Card, and Telegraph Stamps of the British Colonies,Possessions and Protectorates in Africa. Numerous full-pageplates of facsimiles, illusts. in the text, etc. Vols. I to III

    complete in 2 vols., large 8vo, half leather. London: 1895-1906.





  • PHILATELIC SOCIETY.-82. . Wright (H. E.) and Creeke (A. B., Jr.). A

    History of the Adhesive Stamps of the British Isles. With ^an Introduction by Gordon Smith. Twelve plates of postagestamps and 26 plates of diagrams. Royal 8vo, half morocco.

    London: 1899.An interesting copy, with additional MS. notes in the margins,

    and numerous typewritten pages laid in.

    83. . The Postage and Telegraph Stamps of BritishIndia. By L. L. R. Hausburg, C. Stewart-Wilson and C. S. P. 7Crofton. Numerous full-page plates of facsimiles, illusts. in /


    the text, etc. 2 parts in one vol., large 8vo, half leather.London: 1907.

    84r. . The Postaeje Stamps, Envelopes, Wrappers,Post Cards, and Telegraph Stamps of New South Wales. ByA. P. Bassett Hull. NumerouJ full-page plates of facsimilesin pocket and illusts. in the text. 2 vols., large 8vo, halfleather. London : 1911-1913.


    PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. . Bartels (J. M.), PosterfP. A.) and Palmer (P. L.). The Postage Stamps of thePhilippines, including a List of Telegraph and RevenueStamns issued under Spanish Dominion. Illustrations. 8vo,half leather. Boston: 1904.

    Edition de Luxe, of which only 50 conics were issued ; theentire edition consisted of no more than 350 copies.

    86. PORTUGUESE INDIA, bv Gilbert Harrison and P., ^

    H. Napier. Plates:—Shanghai, by W. B. Thornhill. Plates. 2 ^vols. in one, 8vo, cloth. London: Gibbons, 1893-1895.

    Stanley Gibbons Philatelic Handbooks.

    87. REVENUE STAMPS. Catalogue of the Revenue! y ^Stamps of South America, of the British Colonies and of Spain ® *

    and her Colonies. 3 vols., sq. 8vo. cloth.London: Walter Morley, 1901-1910.

    88. RUSSIA. Krotzsch (Hugo). Permanentes Beibuch^


    mit Lichtdrucktafeln. Dritter Teil. Russland. Yon E. von tA /Bochmann-Riga. Numerous plates in pocket at end. 16mo,cloth. Leipzig: (1895).

    89. SAINT VINCENT. Napier (P. H.) and Bacon (E.D.). Saint Vincent. With Notes and Publishers’ Prices. /^ cPlates. 8vo, cloth. London: Gibbons, 1895.

    Stanley Gibbons Philatelic Handbooks.

    90. SCOTT (J. W.—Editor). A Revised List of the Post-age Stamps and Stamped Envelopes of All Nations. Numer-ous text illusts. 8vo, original cloth gilt. Fine copy. J'^P

    New York: (1879). p'9

  • 91. SICILY. Diena (Emilio). A History of the PostageStamps of Sicily. With 20 plates of facsimiles (in pocket).Koy. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt edges. London : Gibbons, 1904.

    Stanley Gibbons Handbook.

    92. SMITH (ALFRED AND CO.). A Descriptive PriceCatalogue of British, Colonial, and Foreign Postage Stamps,Illust. 8vo, original printed wrappers. London: 1867.

    93. SMITH (B. T. K.). How to Collect Postage Stamps.Numerous plates. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: 1907.

    94. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Napier (F. H.) and Smith(Gordon). South Australia, with Notes and Publishers’Prices. Plates. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. London: Gibbons, 1894.

    Stanley Gibbons Philatelic Handbooks.

    95. SPAIN. Moens (J. B.). Histoire des Timbres-Posteet de toutes les Marques d ’Affranchissement Employees ehEspagne, etc. 1840-1890. Over 400 illustrations. Large 8vo,buckram, leather label. Bruxelles: 1891.

    96. SPAIN AND HER COLONIES. Friederich (Ru-dolph). Die Postwertzeichen Spaniens und seiner Kolonien.Numerous facsimile illustrations. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, halfmorocco. Berlin : 1894.

    97. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Brown (William). AReference List to the Stamps of the Straits Settlements, sur-charged for use in the Native Protected States. Illustrations.4to, cloth, gilt. Salisbury: 1894.

    With numerous additions and corrections in manuscript.

    98. SWEDEN. Sveriges Frankotecken, 1855-1905. EnMinnesskrift vid de Svenska Frimarkenas 50-Ars Jubileum,utgifven af Sveriges Filatelist-Forening. lllusts. Large 8vo,cloth, gilt. Stockholm: 1905.

    99. SWITZERLAND. Mirabaud (P.) and Reuterskiold(A. de). The Postage Stamps of Switzerland, 1843-1862.Numerous full-page plates of facsimiles, colored and plain,and illusts. in the text. Imp. 8vo, original cloth, uncut.

    ,Paris: 1899.

    One of only 150 copies issued in English.

    100. . Zumstein (Ernst), Spezial-Katalog undHandbuch uber die Briefmarken der Schweiz. Illust. Sm.8vo, cloth. Bern: 1909.

    101. r. Zumstein (Ernst). Handbook of the PostageStamps of Switzerland. Fidl-page plates and illusts. 8vo,sewn. London: Philatelic Record Handbook No. 6, 1910.

    Only 300 copies printed.





  • 102. TRIFET (F. AND CO.). Descriptive Catalogue ofAmerican and Foreign Postage Stamps. Sixth Edition.Woodcuts. 8VO, original printed covers. Boston: 1870.

    103. UNITED STATES. Tiffany (J. K.) . History of thePostage Stamps of the United States of America. Portrait.12mo, cloth (small stamp on title). St. Louis: 1887.

    104. . Tiffany (J. K.), Bogert (R. R.) and Rechert(J.). The Stamped Envelopes, Wrappers and Sheets of theU. S. Numerous illusts. With MS. additions and extra fac-similes laid in. Imp. 8vo, cloth. New York: 1892.

    105. . Luff (John N.). The Postage Stamps of theUnited States. Numerous plates in pocket at end. Royal8vo, buckram, gilt top. New York: 1902.

    The best work on the United States Postage Stamps.

    106. . Bartels (J. M.). Bartels’ Catalogue and Ref-erence List of the U. S. Stamped Envelopes, Wrappers, PostalCards, etc.: also those of the Philippines, Porto Rico andCuba. Illusts. 4to, limp morocco. Boston: 1904.

    107. . Power (E. B.). The General Issues of U. S.Stamps, their Shades and Varieties, etc. Illusts. Sm. 8vo,cloth. New York : 1909.

    108. . Mason (Edward H.). Essays for United StatesPostage Stamps. Facsimiles. 16mo, half leather.

    Springfield: 1911.

    109. . Adenaw (Julius). A Complete Catalogue ofthe Revenue Stamps of the U. S., including all Private andState Issues and Minor Varieties, etc. 8vo, cloth.

    New York: n. d.

    110. URUGUAY. Jean (Sigismond). The PostageStamps and Postmarks of Uruguay. (English and Frencheditions.) Illusts. 2 vols. in one, 12mo, cloth.

    London and Paris: 1909-1908.

    111. . Griehert (Hugo). A Study of the Stamps ofUruguay. Full-page plates of facsimiles and illusts. in thetext. Large 8vo, half leather. London: Gibbons, 1910.

    Stanley Gibbons Handbook.

    112. WARHURST (B. W.). A Colour Dictionary, giving200 Names of Colours. Sixty illusts. in colours. 8vo, cloth.

    London: n. d.

    113. ‘‘W. E. P.” Series of Philatelic Handbooks. Nos.1 to 8. The Postage Stamps of Hong Kong :—Falkland Islands


    —Zululand :—Gold Coast :—Bulgaria :—Sierra Leone :—Ber-muda:—^^Grenada. Plates and illusts. 8 vols. in one, 8vo,buckram. London: 1908- ’12.


  • 114. YOUNG AND STOCKALL. A Descriptive Price Listand Catalogue of British, Colonial and Foreign PostageStamps. (New Edition.) December, 1866. 8vo, originalprinted wrappers. Liverpool: 1866.

    115. . The Same, for July, 1867. /

    116. . The Same, for May, 1869. /.


    117. ADHESIVE (THE). A Philatelic Monthly. Vols.1 to 5. Portraits. 5 vols. in 4, 8vo, cloth (sm. stamp on titleof vol. I). Rocky Hill, Conn.: 1900- ’04.

    All published.

    118. AMERICAN JOURNAL OP PHILATELY (THE).A Monthly Magazine. Ed. by J. W. Scott. Illiists. FirstSeries. Vol. I. Sq. 8vo, original cloth, gilt. Fine Copy.

    New York: 1868.Rare.

    119. . A Monthly Magazine. Ed. by J. W. Scott.Illust. First Series. Vol. II. Sq. 8vo, original cloth, gilt.

    Fine Copy. London : 1869.

    120. . A Monthly Magazine. Ed. by J. W. Scott.Colored illustrations. First Series. Vol. III. Sq. 8vo, cloth,gilt. Fine Copy. New York: 1870.

    121. . A Monthly Magazine. Ed. by J. W. Scott.Colored illustrations. First Series. Vol. IV. Sq. 8vo, origi-nal cloth, gilt. Fine Copy. New York: 1871.

    122. . A Monthly Magazine. Ed. by J. W. Scott.Colored illustrations. First Series. Vol. V. Sq. 8vo, originalcloth, gilt. Fine Copy. New York: 1872.

    123. . A Monthly Magazine. Ed. by J. W. Scott.Illusts. First Series. Vol. VII. Sq. 8vo, original cloth, gilt.Fine Copy. New York: (1873).

    124. . A Monthly Magazine. Ed. by J. W. Scott.Illust. First Series. Vol. VIII. Sq. 8vo, original cloth, gilt.Fine Copy. New York: (1874).

    125. . A Monthly Magazine. Ed. by J. W. Scott.Illust. First Series. Vol. IX. Sq. 8vo, original cloth, gilt.Fine Copy. New York: (1875).

    126. . A Monthly Magazine. Ed. by J. W. Scott.Illust. First Series. Vol. X. Sq. 8vo, original cloth, gilt.Fine Copy. New York: (1876).


    j. yr'

    / vr'




  • AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILATELY.127. . A Monthly Magazine. Ed. by J. W. Scott.

    lUust. First Series. Vol. XI. Sq. 8vo, original cloth, gilt.Fine Copy. New York: (1877).

    128. — A Monthly Magazine. Ed. by J. W. Scott.Illust. First Series. Vol. XII. Sq. 8vo, original cloth, gilt.Fine Copy. New York: (1878).

    Very Rare.

    129. . SECOND SERIES. Edited by J. W. Scottand others. Numerous full-page facsimiles, illustrations, etc.(Yols. 1 to 19) . 19 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York : 1888-1906.

    Vols. II to XI contain “The Catalogue for Advanced Col-lectors” which was reissued in separate form. The set is herecomplete no more having been published.

    130. AMERICAN PHILATELIST (THE). (Vols. 1-27).Numerous illusts. 27 vols. hound in 13 vols.. large 8vo, buck-ram, leather labels. Altoona, Chicago, Phila., etc. : 1887-1914.

    Beginning with Vol. VII, the title is change to “The Ameri-can Philatelist and Year Book of the American Philatelic Asso-ciation.” Clean, neat set with the original colored paper wrap-pers preserved.

    131. AMERICAN STAMP MERCURY (THE). Vol. I,Nos. 1 to 12. Illusts. 8vo, cloth, gilt.

    Boston: F. Trifet, 1867- ’68.Rare.

    132. , and Numismatist. Illustrated. Vol. II., sm.4to, original cloth, gilt. Boston : F. Trifet & Co., 1869.

    133. . Illustrated. (Vol. III.) Sm. 4to, cloth, gilt.Boston: F. Trifet, 1870.

    134. ATTLEBORO PHILATELIST (THE). (Vol. I,Vol. II, No. 1). 19a8-’10 :—Philadelphia Stamp Club Bulle-tin. Published Monthly in the Interest of the PhiladelphiaStamp Club. Numerous portraits. (Vol. I). 1910- ’ll.Bound together in one vol., 8vo, buckram, leather label.

    Attleboro, Mass., and Phila.: 1908- ’ll.

    135. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PHILATELY(THE). Edited by James H. Smith. Illust. (Vols. 1 to 5,1900- ’05 ) ; also The Australian Philatelist i(Vols. 11 to 19).Numerous illusts. Together 14 vols. in 9, 8vo, buckram,leather labels. Sydney, N. S. W. : 1900- ’13.

    The title-page and index to Vol. V of “The AustralianJournal” were given as a Supplement to the “AustralianPhilatelist” of Sept. 1st, 1905, with which magazine “TheAustralian Journal of Philately” was then amalgamated.

    136. AUSTRALIAN STAMP JOURNAL (THE). Editedby J. H. Smytb. Illusts. (Vols. I to IV). 4 vols., sm. 8vo,cloth, gilt. Sydney, N. S. W.: 1910- ’14.



    7 ^






  • 137. BAY STATE PHILATELIST (THE). Portraits.(Vol. I). 8vo, cloth, leather label. Mattapan, Mass.: 1895- ’96.

    138. BERLINER BRIEFMARKEN-ZEITUNH. Zwang-los erscheinende Beitrage zur Postwertzeichenkunde, heraus-gegeben von Philipp Kosack. Numerous illustrations. (Vols.1 to 10). 10 vols. hound in 9, 8vo, bnckram, leather labels.

    Berlin: 1905- ’14.


  • 148. EASTEEN PHILATEiLIST (THE). A MonthlyJournal, devoted to Philately. Edited by W. H. Goodrich andothers. Illusts. (Vols. 1 to 23). 23 vols. in 7, 8vo and larger,cloth. Fitchburg, Boston, etc.: 1887-1900.

    149. ECHO DE LA TIMBEOLOGIE (LE). Organe Of-ficiel de 19 Societes Philateliques. (Nos. 432 to 516). 4 vols.,4to, original wrappers, in binders. Amiens: 1911- ’14.

    150. EMPIRE STATE PHILATELIST (THE). AMonthly Magazine, Conducted by T. Coke. (Vols. I to III).3 vols. bound in one, 8vo, cloth, leather label.

    New York: 1885- ’87.All published. Nos. 9 and 11 of Vol. I were never issued.

    151. EVERYBODY’S PHILATELIST. A Monthly Peri-odical in the Interest of Stamp Collecting. Edited by J. M.Holt. Illusts. (Vols. I to IV). 4 vols. in 2 vols., 8vo, buck-ram. Astoria, Oregon: 1910- ’13.

    152. EWEN’S WEEKLY STAMP NEWS. With whichis incorporated Ewen’s Weekly Circular. Edited by H. L.Ewen. Illustrations. (Nos. 315-588). 4 vols., folio, halfroan. London: 1905-1910.

    153. FILATELIC FACTS AND FALLACIES. Editedby S. Louis. (Vols. I to IV). 4 vols. in one, 8vo, cloth,leather label. San Francisco: 1892- ’96.

    154. GIBBONS’ STAMP WEEKLY. A Popular WeeklyStamp Journal, . . . More especially for Beginners andYoung Collectors. Edited by E. J. Nankivell. Numerousillusts. (Vols. 1 to 12). 12 vols., 8 vo, buckram, leatherlabels.^ London: 1905- ’10.

    155. HOBBYIST (THE). Edited by J. J. Hooper. Illus-trations. (Vols. I to V). 5 vols. bound in 2, 12mo and 8vo,cloth, leather labels. Winnipeg: 1909- ’13.

    156. ILLUSTRIERTES BRIEFMARKEN - JOURNAL.Organ fiir die Gesammt-Interessen der Briefmarkenkunde.Illustrations. (Vols. 33 to 40). 8 vols. in 4 binders, 8vo,uncut. Leipzig: 1906- ’13.

    157. JOURNAL OP THE PHILATELIC LITERATURESOCIETY. (THE). Facsimiles. (Vols. I-VI). 6 vols. boundin 3, 4to, half morocco. London: 1908- ’13.

    158. LEVE’S NEW PERFORATOR. Numerous illus-trations. (Vols. 20 to 25). 6 vols. bound in 3, 4to, cloth.

    Syracuse and N. Y. : 1901-1907.Commencing with Vol. 21 the name of the magazine was

    changed to “The Perforator.”








  • 159. LONDON PHILATELIST (THE) : The MonthlyJournal of the Philatelic Society, London. Edited by M. P.Castle. Portraits, numerous full-page plates of facsimiles,etc., etc. (Vols. 1 to 23). 23 vols., imp. 8vo, buckram, leatherlabels (Vols. 1 and 2 in half morocco). London: 1892-1914.

    One of the most esteemed and valuable of the phila-telic PUBLICATIONS. The set includes, separtely bound, GilbertHarrison’s “Envelopes and Wrappers of the United States.”

    ^ 160. MEKEEL’S WEEKLY STAMP NEWS. Numerousillusts. (Vols. 1 to 28). 28 vols. bound in 24, folio and 4to,half roan. St. Louis, etc. : 1891-1914.

    161. METROPOLITAN PHILATELIST (THE). Editedby C. B. Corwin, J. W. Scott and others. (Vols. 1 to 32 andduplicate of Vol. I). 32 vols. bound in 21, 8vo, buckram,leather labels (Vols. 19 and 22 bound together).

    New York: 1890-1914.

    162. MORLEY’S PHILATELIC JOURNAL. Edited byA. Preston Pearce. Numerous illustrations. (Vols. I to IX).9 vols., sm. 4to, cloth. Catford, England: 1900- ’08.

    163. NATIONAL PHILATELICAL SOCIETY OP NEWYORK. Bulletin of the. Nos. 1 to 3. 8vo, printed wrappers(small stamp on title, rebacked). New York: 1878-’79.


    164. NATIONAL PHILATELIST (THE). A MonthlyMagazine. Vol. I (all published). 8vo, cloth, leather label.

    New York: 1883.

    165. NEW YORK PHILATELIST (THE). Edited byA. Herbst and others. Portraits. (Vols. 1 to 14). 14 vols.bound in 3, 8vo, half morocco. New York, etc. : 1896-1903.

    166. NUMISMATIC AND PHILATELIC JOURNAL OPLONDON (THE). Edited by H. A. Ramsden. Numerousillusts. (Vols. I and II). 2 vols., 8vo, cloth.

    Yokohama: 1913.

    167. PHILADELPHIA STAMP NEWS. (A WeeklyMagazine). Vols. 1 to 6, April, 1910, to Mar. 27, 1915 (allpublished). 6 vols. in 5, 8vo, buckram, leather labels.

    Phila.: P. 0. Mann, 1910- ’15.

    168. PHILATELIC ADVISER (THE), and Stamp Mar-ket Journal. Edited by E. W. Wetherell. New Series. (Vols.I and II). 2 vols. in one, 8vo, buckram.

    Lond. : Bright & Son, 1908-1909.

    169. PHILATELIC CALIPORNIAN (THE). A Month-ly Magazine. Ed. by S. S., Peixotto. Vols. I and II. Illusts.8vo, buckram, leather label. San Prancisco: 1893- ’95.







  • 170. PHILATELIC ERA (THE). Edited by W. W.Jewett. (Vols. 5 to 18). 14 vols. in 13, 8vo and 4to, cloth,leather labels. Portland, Me. : 1891-1904.

    With Vol. IX the name of the magazine was changed to“The Weekly Philatelic Era.”


    PHILATELIC GAZETTE (THE). Edited by W. .W. Randall and others. Poriraiis and other illustrations. ^

    (Vols. I to IV). 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York: 1910-’14.172.

    PHILATELICAL JOURNAL (THE). An Illus-trated Monthly Magazine. Ed. by Edward L. Pemberton.Vol. I. Illustrations in colors. Sm. 4to, half morocco.

    Birmingham, England: (1872).Scarce.


    PHILATELIC JOURNAL OF AMERICA (THE).Vols. 1 to 24). Numerous illusts. 23 vols. bound in 24 vols.Large 8vo, etc., buckram, leather labels. St. Louis : 1885-1914.

    Commencing with Vol. 15 the title was changed to “Mekeel’s >Stamp Collector” and later (with Vol. 20, 1909). it was re-named the “Philatelic Journal of America.” This set includesthe Sample Copy (Vol. II, No. 24) which was issued for adver-tising purposes.


    PHILATELIC JOURNAL OP GREAT BRITAIN(THE). Illustrations. (Vols. 1 to 23, including 3 copiesof Vol. I). 21 vols., 8vo, buckram.

    Salisbury and London : 1891-1913.


    PHILATELIC JOURNAL OF INDIA (THE) . Vols.Ill to XVII. 14 vols., 8vo, buckram, leather labels. / 0

    Calcutta : Printed for the Philatelic Soc. of India, 1899-1913.Contains the Supplement on the Stamps of Sirmoor in Vol. X.

    176. PHILATELIC MONTHLY (THE). (Vols. 5 to 26).• 22 vols. bound in 7 vols., 8vo, buckram, leather labels. ^

    Phila.: 1879-1901.With Vol. 18 the name of the magazine was changed to “The

    Philatelic Monthly and World.”

    177. PHILATELIC OPINION. A Monthly Magazine for ^ ^Stamp Collectors. Vol. I, Oct.-Sept., 1912- ’13. 12mo, cloth, ^ ^

    leather label. Altadena, Calif. : 1912- ’13.

    178. PHILATELIC RECORD (THE). Edited by Mait-land Burnett, W. A. S. Westoby and others. Numerous photo-portraits of prominent collectors and illusts. of stamps, fac-similes, etc.. (Vols. 1 to 36, and duplicates of Vols. 4, 5 and >;11 with Stanley Gibbons imprint). 39 vols., sm. 8vo and 8vo(the last 19 vols. are in a different colored buckram and haveleather labels). London: 1879-1914.

    An highly important philatelic journal containing contribu-tions by many of the most eminent authorities. Vols. 1 and17 lack title-pages and frontispieces

    ;vol. 2 lacks frontispiece,

    title-page and index.


  • 179. PHILATELIC WORLD (THE). (Vol. I). 8vo,buckram, leather label. Brooklyn : R. R. Bogert, 1881.


    180. . Edited by A. J. Sell. Numerous illustrations.(Vols. I and II). 2 vols. in one, 8vo, cloth, leather label.

    London: 1908-10.

    181. PHILATELIST (HER). Organ fur Postwerth-zeichenkunde. Vereins-Zeitung des Internationalen Phila-telisten-Vereins, Dresden. Numerous illusts. (Vols. 10 to35). 26 vols., 8yo, cloth, leather labels. Dresden: 1889-1914.

    182. POSTAGE STAMP (THE). (An Illustrated Week-ly Journal for all Classes of Stamp Collectors). Edited byE. J. Nankivell. Illustrations. (Vols. I to XV). 15 vols.,sm. 4to, buckram, leather labels. London: 1907- T5.

    183. POST OFFICE (THE) : A Monthly Journal forStamp Collectors. Edited by Alvah Davison (and others).Illusts. 9 vols. in 5, 8vo, cloth (stamp on 3 titles).

    N. Y.: 1891- ’99.

    184. QUAKER CITY PHILATELIST (THE). OfficialOrgan of the Quaker City Philatelic Society and Section Inter-

    ^ ^nationaler Philatelisten Verein. (Vols. Ill to IX). 6 vols in J’

    3, 8vo, cloth, leather labels. Phila. : 1888- ’94.

    185. REDFIELD’S STAMP WEEKLY. Edited by L. C.Quackenbush. (Vols. I to VI). 6 vols. bound in 3, 4to, half ^roan. Smethport, Pa.: 1907-’10.

    186. REVUE PHILATELIQUE FRANQAISE (LA).(Nos. 131-174). Illusts. 8vo, buckram, leather label. , /


    [Paris: 1902- ’05].


    (A Monthly •’

    Magazine). Vols. I to III and Vol. IV, Nos. 1-3 (all pub-lished) . 8vo, bound in 3 vols., cloth, leather labels.

    Denver, Col., and New Oxford, Pa. : 1895-1908.

    188. SMITH (ALFRED, AND SONS) MONTHLY CIR- ., CULAR. Illusts. (Nos. 337 to 384). 2 vols., 4to, buckram, /"^’leather labels. London: 1903- ’06.

    189. STAMP ADVERTISER AND AUCTION RECORD(THE). A Monthly Magazine and Price List. Ed. by C. J. ^ viT"Phillips. Vol. I, Nos. 1 to 7. Royal 8vo, half morocco.

    (Birmingham) : 1889- ’90.

    190. STAMP ADVERTISER (THE);and Auction Rec- y /b)

    ord. Edited by Chas. J. Phillips. Vol. I, Nos. 1 to 7, Dec.,1889, to June, 1890. In one vol., 8vo, cloth. ^

    London: Gibbons, 1890. /

    The Same. Another copy.



  • 192. STAMP COLLECTING. (A Weekly Periodical).Conducted by D. B. Armstrong and R. E. R. Dalwigk. Vols.I and II. Illusts. 4to, buckram. London: 1913- '14.

    193. STAMP COLLECTOR (THE). (Incorporated withthe Junior Stamp Collector). Edited by J. A. Margoschis.Illustrations. (Vols. 5 to 16). 12 vols. bound in 9 vols., 8vo,cloth, leather labels. Birmingham, England: 1901- ’12.

    194. STAMP COLLECTOR (THE). Illustrations. (Vol.I). 8vo, cloth. Columbus, Ohio: 1909- ’10.

    195. STAMP COLLECTORS’ ANNUAL (THE). AYear of Philately. Edited by P. C. Bishop. Illusts. 8 2, 12mo, cloth. London: 1904-1911.

    196. STAMP COLLECTORS’ FIGARO (THE). Editedby E. W. Voute and others. Portraits and other illustrations.(Vols. I to V). 5 vols. bound in one, 8vo, buckram, leatherlabel. Chicago, etc.: 1887- ’90.

    Contains the Supplemental Leaf to Nos. 3 and 18 ; bound inVol. 1 is No. 9 of “The Hoosier Philatelist,” for Sept., 1889.

    197. STAMP COLLECTORS FORTNIGHTLY (THE).Edited by Harry Hilckes and Percy C. Bishop. Vols. 1 to20. Numerous illusts. 20 vols., 4to, buckram, leather labels.

    London: 1894-1914.In Vols. 4 to 7 the title-pages and Tables of Contents are


    198. STAMP-COLLECTOR’S MAGAZINE (THE). Ed-ited by C. W. Yiner and George 0. Taylor. Illustrated. (Vols.I-XII). 12 vols. bound in 6, sm. 4to, half morocco.

    London: 1863- ’74.All published. Rare.

    199. STAMP JOURNAL (THE). A Monthly Magazinedevoted to Philately and it’s Literature. Vols. I to VII. 7vols. in 5. 8vo, buckram, leather labels.

    Denver, Col., and Florida, N. Y. : 1908- ’14.

    200. STAMP LOVER (THE). Official Organ of theJunior Philatelic Society. Edited by F. J. Melville. Numer-ous illustrations. (Vols. I to VI). 6 vols., 4to, cloth, leatherlabels. London : 1909- ’14.

    201. STAMP-LOVERS’ WEEKLY (THE). Illusts.(Vols. I-IV) . 4 vols. in one, royal 8vo, buckram, leather label.

    Bethlehem, Pa.: 1904^06.With Vol. II. No. 7, the magazine is amalgamated with

    “Morrison’s Weekly Stamp Collector.”

    202. STAMP NEWS (THE). A Monthly Journal de-voted to Philately. Illustrations. (Vols. I, II and IX). 3vols. bound in 2, 8vo, cloth. London: 1882- ’93.






  • 203. STAMP NEWS ANNUAL (THE). Being a Christ-mas Number of the ‘'Stamp News.” Portraits. (Vols. I-VI).6 vols. bound in 2, sm. 4to, cloth.

    London and Plymouth: 1891- ’96.

    204. STAMPS. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY forYoung People, etc. Edited by Crawford Capen. Illustrations.(Vols. I and II). 2 vols. in one, 8vo, buckram, leather label.

    New York: 1896- ’98.

    205. STANLEY GIBBONS AND CO.’S MONTHLYJOURNAL. Edited by C. J. Phillips and E. B. Evans.Numerous plates and illusts. (Vols. 1 to 21). 21 vols, 8vo,buckram, leather labels. London: 1890-1913.

    206. TRIPET’S (P.) MONTHLY CIRCULAR. Illusts.(Vols. I to V). 5 vols. in one, 8vo, cloth. Boston: 1874-’78.

    207. TIMBRE-PISCAL (LE). Journal du Collection-neur. Illustrations. (Vols. 1 to 17). 17 vols. bound in 2,8vo, half morocco. Bruxelles, 1874- ’90.

    208. TIMBRE-POSTE (LE). Journal du Collectionneur.Illustrations. (Vols. 1 to 38). 38 vols. bound in 11 vols., sm.4to, half morocco. Bruxelles : 1863-1900.

    209. VIRGINIA PHILATELIST (THE). Edited byAugust Dietz. Portraits. (Vols. I to III). 3 vols. in one,8vo, cloth, leather label. Richmond, Va. : 1897-’98.

    210. WASHINGTON PHILATELIST (THE). A Month-ly Magazine. Vols. I to V. 5 vols. in one, 8vo, cloth, originalcovers bound in. Washington: 1892- ’94.

    211. WEST-END PHILATELIST (THE). (With whichis incorporated “Poole’s Monthly Philatelist”). Edited byB. W. H. Poole. Illustrations. (Vols. 6 to 11). 6 vols. boundin 3, 12mo, cloth, leather labels. London: 1910- ’15.

    212. WESTERN PHILATELIST (THE). (Official Jour-nal of the Chicago Philatelic Society). (Vols. I and II).2 vols. in one, 8vo, buckram, leather label. Chicago: 1887- ’88.

    All published.


    213. CATALOGUES. Stanley Gibbons’ (4th to 9th edi-tions) ;—Moens (6th ed. with Supplement and 189'2 ed.) :

    Roussin (5th ed.). Together 7 vols., cloth and half roan.V. p., V. d.

    214. . Scott (J. W. and Co.). Descriptive List ofall Postage Stamps, etc., 20th to 28th Editions. Illustrations


    some colored. 8 pamphlets bound in one, 8vo, buckram.N. Y.: 1870- ’74.



    3- -



    . Scott Stamp & Coin Co. ’s Postage Stamp Cata-logue (47th to 54th Editions) :—Durbin’s Price Catalogue,(9th to 18th Editions) :—Mekeel’s Standard Catalogue:

    Evan’s Philatelic Catalogue. 9 vols., 8vo, cloth, v. p., v. d.216.

    . De Coppet Auction Catalogue :—U. S. StampedEnvelopes (Horner) :—Proofs and Essays for U. S. Stampsand Envelopes (Mason) :—Plate Numbers (Bartels) andothers. 17 vols. v. p., v. d.


    . Catalogues, Address Books, etc. Ewen’s Stand-ard Priced Catalogue of British Stamps and Postmarks :— . /Morley’s Catalogue of the Revenue Stamps of the UnitedStates, Mexico and Central America, and others. 15 vols.

    V. p., V. d.

    218. MISCELLANEOUS. Catalogues, Price Lists, Mono-graphs, etc., etc. 100 pcs.

    219. . The Same. Another Lot. 100 pieces.


    . The Same. Another Lot. 100 pieces. o


    S, L. PARSONS & CO., INC., Printers,,. 45 Rose St., New York.

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