  • AC O R P V S C H R I S T I A N O R V M


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    Table of Contents

    Corpus Christianorum Series latina 3

    Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis 4

    Corpus Christianorum Series graeca 9

    Corpus Christianorum Series Apocryphorum 11

    Corpus Christianorum Thesaurus Patrum graecorum 12

    Corpus Christianorum lexica latina Medii Aevi 13

    Corpus Christianorum Clavis Conciliorum Occidentalium 14

    Corpus Christianorum Conciliorum Oecumenicorum et generalium decreta 14

    Corpus Christianorum lingua Patrum 15

    Corpus Christianorum in Translation 16

    Corpus Christianorum Scholars Version 18

    Order form 20

    The catalogue includes new and forthcoming titles from November 2012 to October 2013.The general Catalogue of Corpus Christianorum which features an overview of all published titles is also available on request.



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    This catalogue includes new and forthcoming titles from November 2011 to October 2012.The general catalogue of Corpus Christianorum which features an overview of all published titles is also available on request.

    In 1947 Dom Eligius Dekkers OSB, of the Sint-Pietersabdij in Steenbrugge, drew up a plan for editing afresh a large number of key-texts from Early Christianity. His intention was to produce a real Corpus Christianorum,

    comprising new editions of the writings of Christian authors from Tertullian through to the Venerable Bede.

    Although some critics thought the project to be impracticable, Dom Eligius found support from the outset in Brepols Publishers in Turnhout. Collaboration started in 1951 with the publication of a highly valued and

    essential tool, the Clavis Patrum Latinorum, which paved the way for the future success of the series.

    The editions themselves followed from 1953 on. Today, sixty years later, Corpus Christianorum has grown to become the comprehensive and excellent collection of critical editions, studies and reference

    works with which we are all very familiar.

    New initiatives and academic partnerships within Corpus Christianorum have been established ever since, and new volumes and series were ever more regularly published. Currently, the best global overview is

    to be found at, including the recently updated and expanded Claves & Reference Works section.

    It will be clear from the website and from the present Catalogue of Recent & Forthcoming Titles that even after sixty years of ongoing efforts, Corpus Christianorum continues to flourish.

    See also:



    Rusticus diaconusRusticus Diaconus. Contra Acephalos S. Petri (ed.) xxv + 121 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCSL 100, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54530-1, 95 Available

    Il Contra Acephalos unopera polemica, dedi-cata alla confutazione delleresia monofisita, scritta dal diacono romano Rustico fra il 553 e il 564; si tratta di un dialogo fra lautore stes-so, portavoce di una cristologia strettamente calcedonese, ed un eretico che professa sostan-zialmente un monofisismo moderato di stam-po severiano, che per lo porta a parlare di tre

    nature nella Trinit, una dottrina generalmente stigmatizzata come triteita. La discussione vera e propria preceduta da un prologo nel quale vengono spiegati il contesto in cui nata lopera e le motivazioni che hanno spinto il suo autore ad intraprenderne la composizione.Lopera e il suo autore sono stati relativa-mente poco studiati, anche se negli ultimi anni sembra essere nato un certo interesse riguardo ad alcuni aspetti, in particolare linfluenza del pensiero, del linguaggio e del metodo teologico di Boezio sul Contra Acephalos.Il Contra Acephalos ha avuto probabilmente una circolazione piuttosto limitata: allo stato attuale delle nostre conoscenze, non risulta che lopera sia stata citata da altri autori e non sono conservati manoscritti che la riportino. Leditio princeps dellopera lAntidotum contra omnium fere saeculorum haereses di Johannes

    Sichardus, pubblicato a Basilea nel 1528, nel quale il trattato di Rustico inserito come ul-timo testo.LAntidotum alla base di tutte le successive edizioni del Contra Acephalos. Lopera fu infatti riprodotta nella seconda edizione della Sacra Bibliotheca Sanctorum Patrum pubblicata a Parigi nel 1589 da Marguerin de la Bigne, ripresa poi nella Maxima Bibliotheca veterum Patrum et antiquorum scriptorum ecclesiasticorum pubblicata a Lione nel 1677 e quindi pubbli-cata da Gallandi nella sua Bibliotheca veterum Patrum stampata a Venezia fra il 1765 e il 1781; questultima edizione, riprodotta nel volume 67 della Patrologia Latina, stata fino ad oggi ledizione di riferimento per lopera.In assenza di manoscritti, la presente edizione si basa ovviamente sulleditio princeps del Contra Acephalos; le differenze rispetto al testo del Migne sono segnalate in apparato.

    exegeticaGlossa in Apocalypsin e codice BibliothecaeVniuersitatis Cantabrigiensis Dd.X.16R. gryson (ed.) 153 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCSL 108G, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54743-5, 95 Available

    R epre par Guy Lobrichon dans le cadre de ses recherches sur les commentaires mdi-vaux de lApocalypse, la glose contenue dans un manuscrit breton des environs de lan 900, conserv aujourdhui la bibliothque uni-versitaire de Cambridge, relve de la mme

    tradition exgtique que le Commemoratorium de Apocalypsi, de la seconde moiti du septime sicle, dit dans de volume 107 du CCSL. Elle appartient incontestablement cette famille dcrits isols et tudis par Bernhard Bischoff dans un article fameux de 1954, o il en situait lorigine dans le milieu irlandais et la diaspora irlandaise du continent. Elle est tributaire, tout comme la recension augmente du Commemo-ratorium, due Thodulphe dOrlans, et le De enigmatibus ex Apocalypsi, dits dans le mme volume du CCSL, dun commentaire perdu de la premire moiti du huitime sicle, qui sins-pirait trs largement de Tyconius. Cest elle qui transmet le plus compltement et le plus exac-tement la contribution de leur source com-mune au dossier du matre africain. La glose dont on trouve ici ldition princeps apporte donc une pierre essentielle la reconstruction du commentaire perdu de Tyconius, publie

    rcemment dans le volume 107A du CCSL. On remarquera quelle est seule, avec Beatus, conserver les allusions la perscution des donatistes africains, qui ont t limines dans les autres reprsentants de la tradition tycon-ienne. Ce nest pas son seul intrt. ct de la langue et du texte biblique, lintroduction comporte un chapitre consacr lecclsiolo-gie trs particulire de la chrtient celtique dont mane cet crit.

    Monseigneur Roger Gryson, professeur m-rite lUniversit catholique de Louvain, est connu notamment par ses travaux sur lhistoire des institutions ecclsiastiques dans lantiquit, larianisme latin et la critique textuelle de la Bible latine.


    Franco Morenzoni est professeur dhistoire mdivale lUniversit de Genve. diteur des uvres relatives la prdication de Thomas de Chobham et dAlexandre dAshby, il dirige, avec Nicole Briou, la collection Bibliothque dHistoire Culturelle du Moyen ge (Brepols Publishers).

    Thologien de haut vol et pasteur zl, Guil-laume dAuvergne a t vque de Paris de 1228 1249. Proche de la cour captienne et des milieux mendiants de Paris, il a t tmoin et acteur des principaux vnements politiques et culturels qui ont caractris la vie du royaume et de sa capitale. Ses sermons, au nombre de 582, dont 25 transmis en deux ou trois versions diffrentes et plusieurs sous la forme de reportationes, sont ici dits pour la premire fois. Aprs les deux premiers volumes consacrs aux sermons de tempore, les deux autres proposeront ldition des sermons de sanctis et de communi sanctorum et de occasionibus.

    guillelmus AlvernusOpera homiletica IV. Sermones de communi sanctorum et de occasionibusF. Morenzoni (ed.)620 p., 155 x 240 mm, 2013, CCCM 230C, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53392-6, 325Available


    Also Available:

    guillelmus AlvernusOpera homiletica I. Sermones de tempore, I-CXXXVF. Morenzoni (ed.)lxxxviii + 567 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2010, CCCM 230, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53389-6, 340Available

    guillelmus AlvernusOpera homiletica II. Sermones de tempore, CXXXVI-CCCXXIIIF. Morenzoni (ed.)696 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2011, CCCM 230A, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53390-2, 340Available

    guillelmus AlvernusOpera homiletica III. Sermones de sanctis

    F. Morenzoni (ed.)399 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2012, CCCM 230B, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53391-9, 215Available

    Rupertus TuitiensisOpera apologeticaM. l. Arduini (ed.) cxiv + 382 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCCM 28, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54528-8, 265 Available

    Questo volume contiene ledizione critica delle opere polemiche di Ruperto di Deutz, in particolare dei trattati: Liber apologeticorum de uoluntate Dei; De omnipotentia Dei; Conflictus cum Nortberto; Quaestio utrum monachis liceat praedi-care; Epistula ad Euerhardum; De apologeticis suis; Quaestiones in quaedam capitula regulae Benedicti; Epistula ad Cononem; De uita uere apostolica.Il testo critico colma un importante vuoto nel pa-norama delledizione dellopera omnia di questo influente abate benedettino (ca. 1070-1129).

    This volume contains the critical edition of the polemic works of Rupert of Deutz, i.e. the fol-lowing treaties: Liber apologeticorum de uoluntate Dei; De omnipotentia Dei; Conflictus cum Nortberto; Quaestio utrum monachis liceat praedicare; Epistula ad Euerhardum; De apologeticis suis; Quaestiones in quaedam capitula regulae Benedicti; Epistula ad Cononem; De uita uere apostolica.The critical text fills an important gap in the publication of the works of this influential Bene-dictine Abbot (ca. 1070-1129).

  • 5exegeticaPsalterium Suthantoniense P. Nill (ed.) c + 456 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCCM 240, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53601-9, 300 This edition is part of the Scriptores Celtigenae subseriesAvailable

    The so-called Southampton Psalter (now housed at Cambridge, St Johns College, MS C. 9) was copied and decorated in Ireland in the late tenth or early eleventh century. It contains a full text of the Psalms (in the Gallican version), selected Canticles and prayers, as well as numer-ous accompanying glosses, mainly in Latin with some in Irish. The glosses, which appear to have been composed around the mid-ninth century, are quite unique both as a collection and (in an Irish context) for their allegorical (rather than historical) approach to interpreting the Psalms. Although they bear witness to dependence on certain Hiberno-Latin Psalter commentaries, their primary source is an anonymous commen-

    tary from southern Gaul composed in the early seventh century, the Glosa Psalmorum ex traditione seniorum. The present edition is the first one of this codex unicus whose glosses shed new light on Psalter exegesis in Early Medieval Ireland.

    Pdraig Nill, a professor in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, works on the vernacular and Latin literatures of Early Medieval Ireland and Anglo-Saxon England.


    diosa Tabulae generalis (op. 54) and Lectura super tertiam figuram Tabulae generalis (op. 55), written in Italy between 1294 and 1296, represent the exegetical apparatus of the Tabula. The Lectura compendiosa presents the contents of the Tabula in a synthetic way, as the title conveys. Of the second Lectura, originally devoted to the third figure of Lulls Art, only the first part has survived. It is related to the ten Artistic rules. Though be-ing propaedeutic to a more important work (Tabula generalis), these lectures should not be thought as marginal or as mere supplements. If on the one hand they refer to didactic practices and foster the spreading of the method through its simplification, on the other hand they testify and strengthen the centrality of the Art in Lulls thought.The Liber de sexto sensu, i.e. De affatu (op. 56) is an important little treatise on the philosophy of language, presenting language as a sixth sense added to the five classical senses. Flores amoris et intelligentiae (op. 57), the Disputatio quinque homi-num sapientium (op. 58), and the Petitio Raimundi pro conuersione infidelium ad Coelestinum V papam (op. 59), all three of them originally composed in Catalan and completed in Naples in 1294, were intended to be presented to pope Celestine V.

    Raimundus lullusOpera latina XXXV (54-60) annis 12941296 compositaC. Colomba, V. Tenge-wolf (eds.)approx. 500 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCCM 248, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54762-6, approx. 200 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    Volume XXXV of the Raimundi Lulli Opera latina comprises critical editions of Ramon Lulls Lectura compendiosa Tabulae generalis and Lectura super tertiam figuram Tabulae generalis (both ed-ited by Coralba Colomba), his Liber de affatu, Flores amoris et intelligentiae, Disputatio quinque ho-minum sapientium, as well as his petitions to Pope Celestine V and Boniface VIII (edited by Viola Tenge-Wolf ).In the Tabula generalis (completed in January 1294), Ramon Lull had introduced a rigid simpli-fication of the combinatorial mechanism which lies at the basis of his Art. Both his Lectura compen-

    AlcuinusDe fide Sanctae Trinitatis et de incarnatione Christi. Quaestiones de Sancta Trinitatee. Knibbs, e. A. Matter (eds.) lxxvi + 180 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2012, CCCM 249, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54209-6, 145 Available

    A lcuin wrote his De fide sanctae Trinitatis et de Incarnatione Christi in 802, as Charle-

    magne was concluding his decades-long war in Saxony. Considered by many to be Alcuins masterpiece, the De fide was one of the most widely read and circulated works in the entire Alcuinian corpus; today it survives in 100 me-dieval manuscripts. Alcuin wrote specifically to provide guidelines for the catechetical in-struction of pagan Saxons. His short treatise thus provides rare, direct evidence for the content of early medieval missionary preach-ing. Together with several companion texts, including a credal statement, a litany, and a se-ries of questions and answers addressed to Al-cuins pupil Fredegisus, the De fide sheds light on a wide range of Carolingian-era theological preoccupations, with discussions on topics as diverse as the procession of the Holy Spirit,

    the Incarnation, the two natures of Christ, and the resurrection of the body.

    Eric Knibbs is Assistant Professor of History at Williams College. E. Ann Matter is the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor in the Department of Re-ligious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Her previous editions include Paschasius Rad-bertuss De partu virginis (Corpus Christia-norum, Continuatio Mediaeualis 56C). She has published on medieval biblical exegesis and spirituality from the fifth to the sixteenth centuries, including The Voice of My Beloved: The Song of Songs in Western Medieval Christianity (Phila-delphia, 1990).

    After the popes premature resignation on De-cember 13, 1294, Lull prepared a revised Latin translation of the Petitio for Celestines successor Boniface VIII, the Petitio Raimundi pro conuer-sione infidelium ad Bonifatium VIII papam (op. 60).

    Coralba Colomba is currently a research assis-tant at the Universit del Salento (Lecce, Italy). She is also a scientific collaborator at SISMEL (Societ per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino), Florence, where she participates in different proj-ects (Medioevo latino, Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi, Manoscritti agiografici dellItalia del Sud). She holds a Ph.D. in Medi-eval Latin Philology. The critical edition of the Lectura compendiosa Tabulae generalis and the Lectura super tertiam figuram Tabulae generalis was the topic of her Ph.D. thesis.Viola Tenge-Wolf is a member of the editorial board of the Raimundi Lulli Opera Latina and editorial manager of the ROL-series since 2008. She has worked at the Raimundus-Lullus-Institut of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universitt Freiburg for more than twenty years.


    Hieronymus de MoraviaTractatus de musica C. Meyer, g. lobrichon, C. Hertel-geay (eds.) xxix + 280 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCCM 250, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54210-2, 185 Available

    le Tractatus de musica, de l aveu mme de lauteur, est une compilation destine lins-truction musicale des membres de lOrdre des Frres prcheurs pour guider leur jugement en matire de musique. Transmis par un manuscrit

    unique (Paris, BnF, latin 16663), il se prsente comme une encyclopdie des connaissances musicales la fin du XIIIe sicle, peut-tre la plus complte. En vingt-huit chapitres, lauteur synthtise les connaissances reues dans lUni-versit de Paris, reposant largement sur Boce, Gui dArezzo et Jean dAfflighem. Il livre enfin ltat de la rflexion contemporaine sur la com-position et les notations polyphoniques de la se-conde moiti du XIIIe sicle (Jean de Garlande, Francon de Cologne et Pierre le Picard).Lunique manuscrit qui transmet cette somme se compose de 94 feuillets dun format moyen, lcriture irrgulire et assez malhabile. Le texte, passablement fautif, a t corrig par deux relecteurs et assorti de plusieurs strates dannotations.

    Christian Meyer est chercheur au CNRS rattach au Centre de mdivistique Jean Schneider (ERL 7229 / MSH Universit de Lorraine). Ses travaux portent sur la thorie de la musique au Moyen ge et la diffusion de la posie liturgique en France et en Europe. Auteur dune dition des mesures de mono-cordes (1996), de traits de musique mesure et de contrepoint (1995), des traits issus de la tradition denseignement de Jean de Garlande (1998), et de nombreux articles sur la thorie et la pratique de la musique au Moyen ge.Guy Lobrichon, Professeur mrite (Universit dAvignon), est historien mdiviste. Entre autres publications sur lhistoire culturelle, intellectuelle et artistique du Moyen ge (La Bible au Moyen ge (2003), Hlose. Lamour et le savoir (2005)), il a collabor au Guide de la Musique du Moyen ge (1999) et assur ldition critique des Gestes des vques dAuxerre (2002, 2006).

    Iacobus de VitriacoVita Marie de OegniesR. Huygens (ed.) 241 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2012, CCCM 252, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54211-9, 140 Available

    Die religisen Strmungen im mittelalter-lichen Bistum Lttich und die darin beraus wichtige Rolle gewisser Frauen stehen zuneh-mend im Interesse der Forschung. Die wohl bekannteste Figur unter ihnen war die Maria von Oignies (gestorben 1213), deren letzte Le-bensjahre und Wirken ausfhrlich beschrieben wurden von Jakob von Vitry, der sie persnlich gekannt und erlebt hatte, bevor er zum Bischof von Akko und Kardinal-Bischof von Tusculum Frascati aufstieg, und dessen sterbliche Res-te schliesslich auch nach Oignies berfhrt wurden. Die von ihm verfasste Vita und eine etwas sptere Ergnzung dazu von Thomas von

    Cantimpr werden hier, zum ersten Mal seit der Ausgabe in den Acta Sanctorum von 1707, kritisch bearbeitet vorgelegt, und zwar nach dreissig Handschriften, wovon allein schon sechzehn noch aus dem 13. Jahrhundert. In zwei Appendices sind dazu noch ein bisher wenig bekanntes Schriftstck ber Jakob von Vitry selbst und die Historia fundationis der Priorei von Oignies neu ediert worden. Mehrere In-dices schliessen den Band ab, zu dem die 1992 ber Marie von Oignies promovierte Kirchen-historikerin Frau Dr. Iris Geyer in naher Zu-kunft noch eine bersetzung der Vita und des Supplementum beisteuern wird.

    SymbolaExplanationes fidei aevi CaroliniS. Keefe (ed.) 312 p., 165 x 245 mm, 2012, CCCM 254, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54406-9, 175 Available

    The texts edited in this volume belong to a far larger corpus of works used to explain the creedal faith in Carolingian collection volumes compiled for the instruction of the clergy. In a companion volume to this one, A Catalogue of Works Pertaining to the Explanation of the Creed in Carolingian Manuscripts (IPM, 63) over two hun-dred such texts, edited and unedited, have been identified, of which the texts edited here for the first time, with one exception, will make more of the corpus accessible. The texts are a product of the Carolingian Reform, an intense effort to raise the level of education of diocesan priests so that they could be knowledgeable instructors

    of the people. Their composers are anonymous, but they took time and trouble over these texts, not only in selecting, but also in reworking and rewording their sources for a particular audience or recipient. An analytical index briefly describes the nature and contents of each text and a de-tailed index of sources allows one to see how the composers used their sources.

    Dr Susan Keefe is Associate Professor of Church History at Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC.


    Iacobus de VitriacoSermones vulgares uel ad status I J. longre (ed.) approx. 550 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCCM 255, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54532-5, approx. 275 Publication date: Summer 2013

    Chanoine Oignies, archevque de Saint-Jean dAcre (1213-1228), puis cardinal de curie Rome, jusqu sa mort (1240), Jacques de Vitry fut un prdicateur clbre, et un auteur fcond. On redcouvre aujourdhui lintrt historique et pastoral de sa Vita de Marie de Oignies, de lHistoria orientalis et de lHistoria occidentalis,

    ouvrages qui viennent de bnficier de nou-velles ditions et de traductions. Tmoins de son intense activit oratoire en France, dans le pays de Lige, en Orient, plus de 400 sermons ont t transcrits avec soin. Jacques de Vitry les avait lui-mme rpartis en quatre collections : de tempore (193 sermons), de sanctis (105), ad sta-tus uel uulgares (75), feriales uel communes (26). Mis part le recueil de tempore dit en 1575, les autres sries nont fait lobjet que de rares publi-cations partielles.La prsente dition porte sur la moiti environ du recueil ad status, soit 36 sermons sadressant essentiellement un public clrical ou religieux : prlats, prtres, moines et moniales, chanoines, tudiants, juges et avocats, thologiens, prdi-cateurs, frres mineurs.Dix manuscrits ont t retenus. On a port grande attention lidentification des sources

    multiples dont sinspire chaque sermon, quelles soient bibliques, classiques, patristiques et m-divales. Une culture littraire et thologique exceptionnelle, un don dobservation nourri de diverses et souvent hautes responsabilits de lauteur, une synthse russie de la prise de parole et de sa transcription crite font du recueil ad sta-tus un tmoin exceptionnel de la prdication au premier tiers du XIIIe sicle.

    Jean Longre, directeur de recherche honoraire au CNRS (IRHT), a publi de nombreux travaux sur la prdication mdivale, les pnitentiels et manuels de confesseurs, les statuts synodaux. Il a tudi, entre autres auteurs, Alain de Lille, Pierre de Poitiers victorin, Maurice de Sully, Jacques de Vitry.

    exegeticaExpositiones Psalmorum duae sicut in codice Rothomagensi 24 asseruanturl. de Coninck (ed.) liii + 216 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCCM 256, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54533-2, 155 This edition is part of the Scriptores Celtigenae subseriesAvailable

    It is generally agreed that the double Psalter Rouen BM 24 (the Psalter of Saint-Ouen) goes back to 10th-century Ireland. Notes in the inner

    margin of its Hebraicum text have been used by L. De Coninck as a subsidiary source for the edition of the Latin epitome of Theodore of Mopsuestias commentary on the Psalms (CC SL, 88A).In the present volume, the same editor publishes two series of scholia which are particularly impor-tant, as they fill a lacuna in the actual knowledge of exegetical traditions in the Early Middle Ages.Up to Ps. 16:11, the Hebraicum contains ca. 250 marginal scholia borrowed from an anonymous commentary which shared the Antiochene concern for the Psalms literal sense and relevance to the post-Davidic history of the Jewish people, but left out of account the Messianic prophecies that had been admitted by most Antiochene ex-egetes and by Theodore himself. Irish provenance is unlikely, as the subjacent Psalter is either a Vetus Latina with several peculiar readings, or a Greek text. A small number of excerpts from this same commentary can be found in the pseudo-Bedan

    argumenta and in several Irish and Continental compilations from the end of the eighth until the beginning of the eleventh century; these addition-al testimonia are recorded in the apparatus locorum similium of the edition. Scholia inserted between the lines of the Hebrai-cum bear witness to the classical Irish exegetical school, explaining the Psalms in the light of post-Davidic Jewish history and of Davids own life as well. From Ps. 39:11 on, nearly all of these notes have a counterpart in the acephalous commentary Vaticanus Pal. lat. 68 (s. viii in., written in Northum-bria, ed. M. McNamara, Studi e Testi 310). The Rouen Psalter completes the Vatican commentary up to that point; the content of ca. 750 scholia on Pss. 1:1 39:10 was previously unknown.The edition contains a study on the MS. and all its components, as well as five indexes (biblicus, fontium, locorum similium, nominum et rerum, gram-maticus et orthographicus).

    Rodulfus TrudonensisGesta Abbatum Trudonensium I-VII. Accedunt Epistulae P. Tombeur (ed.) approx. 300 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCCM 257, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54534-9, approx. 160 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    R aoul ou Rodolphe de Saint-Trond (n vers 1070 et mort en 1138) est un auteur particulire-ment intressant et attachant. Il est reprsentatif du niveau de culture du pays Rhin-Meuse de la fin du XIe et du dbut du XIIe sicle. Il est sur-tout connu par les Gesta abbatum Trudonensium, la Chronique de labbaye de Saint-Trond, dont il entreprit la rdaction au XIIe sicle, et ce, avec

    un sens rare de la critique historique. Attentif la musique, il introduisit la rforme de Guy dArezzo dans les milieux belges et fut lauteur de pomes ainsi que de lettres dont quelques-unes nous sont parvenues. Le volume consacr aux uvres en prose rassemble les Gesta, livres I VII et les lettres. Un prochain volume reprendra luvre de son disciple et continuateur (Gesta, livres VIII XIII), que lditeur pense pouvoir identifier comme tant Gislebert de Saint-Trond. La minutie qui a prsid au respect des manus-crits du XIIe sicle rvlera des surprises intres-santes aux chercheurs, en mettant en relief des lments auxquels on na jamais prt attention.

    Lditeur, Paul Tombeur, est docteur en philo-sophie et lettres de lUniversit de Lige et ancien chercheur au Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique. Il fut professeur lUniversit Catholique de Louvain ( Louvain, puis Lou-

    vain-la-Neuve) de 1966 2001 et y enseigna particulirement la philologie mdiolatine, la pa-lographie latine et linitiation linformatique pour les sciences humaines. Il est lauteur de la premire analyse philologique systmatique dun auteur mdiolatin laide de linformatique. Il fut le fondateur en 1968 du Cetedoc, labora-toire dinformatique en sciences humaines, qui procda notamment la mise en ordinateur ds 1969 de lensemble des textes mdiolatins belges jusque 1200 et de trs nombreux autres corpus. Par la suite il fut linitiateur des bases de donnes textuelles et dictionnairique latines (cf. Brepolis latin). Depuis 2001 il assume la direction scien-tifique du CTLO (Centre Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium), centre tabli Turnhout.La bibliographie de lditeur jusque 2004 est in-tgralement reprise dans le volume dhommage que lui ont offert certains de ses anciens tudiants en 2005 sous le titre In principio erat verbum.


    Petrus de AlliacoQuestiones super primum, tertium et quartum librum Sententiarum I. Principia et questio circa Prologum M. Brinzei (ed.) approx. 325 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCCM 258, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54692-6, approx. 170 Publication date: Summer 2013

    Pierre dAilly, figure marquante de la scolas-tique tardive, est lauteur dune uvre encore in-dite, notamment son commentaire des Sentences. Cet ouvrage datant de 1378, dune haute tenue philosophique et thologique, reprsente une synthse de la pense de la fin du XIVe sicle, et annonce sous plusieurs aspects quelques mouve-ments dcisifs de lhistoire culturelle occidentale. Par une nouvelle vision de la thologie, il ouvre la voie la Rforme et inspire Luther dans sa posi-tion radicale par rapport certaines doctrines scolastiques. Les 4 Principia (leons inaugurales prcdant la lecture sur les Sentences) et le Pro-logue, qui donnent la matire de ce premier vo-lume du projet ditorial portant sur lintgralit du commentaire des Sentences de Pierre dAilly, reprsentent un tmoignage prcieux des dbats sur les limites de la connaissance humaine, la

    Nikolaus ManiacoriaSuffraganeus bibliotheceJ. C. linde (ed.) approx. 350 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCCM 262, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54838-8, approx. 180 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    Der Rmer Nicolaus Maniacoria (fl. Mitte des 12. Jahrhunderts) war ein produktiver und vielseitiger Autor, Herausgeber und Schreiber. Die Einleitung zu seinem Hauptwerk, dem Suf-

    fraganeus bibliothece, beeindruckt durch die in der Einleitung enthaltenen, bemerkenswerten berlegungen zur Entstehung von berliefe-rungsfehlern. Der Hauptteil des Textes setzt sich aus knappen Kommentaren zu den Bchern des Alten Testaments zusammen. Zum Einen zeich-net Maniacorias exegetische Arbeit sich durch seinen Fokus auf den Literalsinn sowie seine Erklrungen ungewhnlicher Worte aus. Zum Anderen spiegelt sich in dem Text sein Interesse am hebrischen Bibeltext und jdischer Exegese wider. Seine jdischen Hauptquellen sind dabei Raschi und Abraham ibn Esra, den er vielleicht persnlich kannte. Auch bietet Maniacoria einige biblische Lesarten, die sonst nicht in der lateinischen berlieferung belegt sind, die aber

    wrtlich mit dem Hebrischen bereinstimmen. Der Suffraganeus bibliothece ist somit ein frhes Zeugnis des wachsenden Interesses christlicher Gelehrter an der hebrischen Bibel sowie jdis-cher Bibelauslegung.

    Cornelia Linde ist Wissenschaftliche Mitarbei-terin fr Mittelalterliche Geschichte am Deuts-chen Historischen Institut London. Ein Schwer-punkt ihrer Forschung liegt auf der Geschichte der lateinischen Bibel und ihrer Exegese sowie der Philologiegeschichte.

    thologie comme science, la dfinition de la foi et de la loi divine.

    Monica Brinzei, chercheuse au CNRS, est rat-tache la section latine de lInstitut de Recherche et dHistoire des Textes, o elle dirige le projet ERC-THESIS qui porte sur la tradition des com-mentaires aux Sentences de Pierre Lombard entre 1350 et 1450. Entre autres publications sur Pierre dAilly ainsi que sur la production intellectuelle de la Facult de thologie la fin du Moyen ge, elle a collabor au projet concernant Le travail intellectuel la Facult des arts de Paris: textes et matres (ca. 1200-1500) (2009-2012) ainsi qu la Bibliographie annuelle du Moyen ge tardif (2011-2012).

  • 9Andronicus Camaterus

    Sacrum ArmamentariumA. Bucossi (ed.) approx. 220 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCSG 75, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54410-6, approx. 135 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    The Sacrum Armamentarium by Andronikos Kamateros is one of the most important and

    voluminous remaining Byzantine inedita from the 12th century. Written for Emperor Manuel Komnenos (1143-1180), this writing is a stock-pile of theological texts to be used in refuting the theological argumentations of the oppo-nents of the Orthodox Church. The Sacrum Armamentarium consists in two distinct parts: a first one dedicated to the Latin Church and a second one dedicated to the Ar-menian Church. Each part contains a dialogue between the emperor and the representatives sent from Rome and Armenia, claimed to be verbatim transcriptions of real discussions, and an anthological section.

    This volume presents the first critical edi-tion of the anti-Latin part only; the topics under discussion in this part cover two of the points of disagreement between Catholicism and Orthodoxy: the primacy of the Roman Church and the procession of the Holy Spirit, the Filioque.

    Alessandra Bucossi is Sophia Research Fellow in Byzantine Studies at the Centre for Hellenic Studies, Kings College London.

    AnonymusEtymologicum Symeonis -d. Baldi (ed.) approx. 500 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCSG 79, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54411-3, approx. 260 Publication date: Summer 2013

    The Etymologicum Symeonis is an important Byzantine dictionary, which was compiled in

    the first half of the twelfth century. It has been transmitted in two redactions: Etym. Sym. proper, and Magna Grammatica. The latter is a version of the Etym. Symeonis that has been enlarged, around the middle of the thirteenth century, on the basis of the Etymologicum Mag-num. Each redaction is preserved in two manu-scripts. This edition of letters is based upon a meticulous collation of the four manuscripts and also on a study of the primary sources used by the compiler of this dictionary (the unpub-lished Etym. Genuinum, Etym. Gudianum and other lexicographical texts). While letters and were had been already

    published in 1969 (Sell) and 1972 (Gunther), the critical edition of this section of the Etym. Symeonis was a long-time desideratum in Clas-sical and Byzantine studies, and opens up an-other part of this important text for scholarly research.

    Davide Baldi received his PhD degree at the University of Udine in May 2011. He specialized in the study of Greek manuscripts. Among others, his research interests lie on the transmission of the Corpus Aristotelicum and of the Pandectae.

    gregorius NazianzenusOpera: versio Iberica. VI: Orationes XI, XXI, XLIIB. Coulie (ed.) approx. 300 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCSG 78 (CN 26), HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54399-4, approx. 160This edition is part of the Corpus Nazianzenum subseries Publication date: Autumn 2013

    l es uvres de Grgoire de Nazianze (330-390) ont connu dans lensemble du monde grec et de lOrient chrtien un succs incomparable: traduits dans toutes les langues des Eglises orien-tales, les discours du Pre Cappadocien sont devenus des textes de rfrence communs pour des nations et des Eglises de langues et parfois de traditions diffrentes. En gorgien, les discours ont t traduits plusieurs reprises, et ont donn lieu des commentaires nombreux. Ldition cri-tique princeps des versions gorgiennes de ces textes a t entame dans le cadre du projet inter-national ddition des uvres de Grgoire de Nazianze, et fait lobjet dune collaboration entre le Centre dEtudes sur Grgoire de Nazianze de lUniversit catholique de Louvain et une quipe

    du Centre national des Manuscrits de Gorgie, Tbilisi. Cinq volumes ont dj t publis (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca, 36, 42, 45, 52 et 58 = Corpus Nazianzenum, 5, 9, 12, 17 et 20), contenant, dans lordre, les discours 1, 45, 44, 41, 15, 24, 19, 38, 43, 39 et 40, qui suivent lordre liturgique des dis-cours, en gorgien comme en grec. Les discours 11, 21 et 42, qui viennent ensuite dans lordre litur-gique, font lobjet de ce sixime volume. Ces trois discours existent dans deux versions gorgiennes diffrentes, dues respectivement Euthyme lHa-giorite et Ephrem Mtsire. Le volume contient, outre une introduction, le texte critique des deux discours dans leurs deux versions gorgiennes, un apparat critique dtaill et des notes comparant le texte gorgien son modle grec.



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    Nicephorus BlemmydesDe virtute et ascesi necnonIosephus RacendytesDe virtutee. gielen (ed.) approx. 220 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCSG 80, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54412-0, approx. 135 Publication date: Summer 2013

    Nicephorus Blemmydes was born as the sec-ond son of a doctor in Constantinople at the very end of the 12th century. In December 1224 he was ordained lector by patriarch Germanus II, which marked the beginning of a success-ful career in the Church, culminating in the

    foundation of an own monastery near Ephesus. Teaching, both on theological and secular topics, played a major part in his life as well. Among his pupils were George Acropolites and the future emperor Theodore II Lascaris. As to instruct his fellow monks in his monastery, Blemmydes wrote, among other things, four brief treatises, entitled De fide, De virtute et ascesi, De anima and De corpore, each of which might have originally been part of his Typikon, yet has been circulat-ing also independently. Up to now, only the De anima has been decently edited.This volume presents the first critical edition of the De virtute et ascesi of Nicephorus Blem-mydes, previously only available in an, at several places deficient, edition of 1784 by Dorotheos Voulismas. The Greek text itself is preceded by a detailed analysis of the manuscript tradition. Special attention is also given to the indirect tradition of this ethical treatise, for it had been

    included in full by the philosopher-monk Joseph Rhacendytes (ca. 1260 1330) in his Synopsis Variarum Disciplinarum. The main difference is the addition by Joseph of a passage from the opuscule Ad sanctissimum presbyterum Marinum of Maximus the Confessor (CPG 7697.1) after the introductory part of Blemmydes De virtute et ascesi. Also this De virtute of Josephs is presented here for the first time in a critical edition.

    Erika Gielen obtained a doctoral degree in Clas-sics from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Spring 2010, with a doctoral thesis which formed the basis of the current volume. Presently she is still attached to the same institution as post-doctoral researcher, working on a critical edition of the De corpore of Nicephorus Blemmydes.

    Titus BostrensisContra Manichaeos Libri I-IV Graece et Syriace cum fragmentis ex Johannis Damasceni Sacris ParallelisP.-H. Poirier, A. Roman, J. declerck, e. Crgheur (eds.) approx. 500 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCSG 82, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54414-4, approx. 275 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    R dig en 363-364, le trait Contre les Mani-chens de Titus de Bostra est la plus importante rfutation chrtienne du manichisme. Elle se distingue par sa composition en deux volets

    (rfutation rationnelle et rfutation scripturaire) et par la richesse de sa documentation (on y d-nombre prs de 150 citations manichennes). Prserv en grec aux deux-tiers et intgralement dans une version syriaque de la fin du IVe ou du d-but du du Ve sicle, cet ouvrage capital pour lhis-toire du christianisme ancien fait ici lobjet, pour la premire fois, dune dition critique synoptique intgrale des textes grec et syriaque, accompagne dune dition critique des extraits prservs en grec dans les Sacra Parallela de Jean Damascne. Une double traduction franaise annote du grec et syriaque la premire dans une langue moderne paratra dans la collection Corpus Christiano-rum in Translation. Ces deux ouvrages, ldition critique grco-syriaque et sa traduction franaise, vont permettre une redcouverte des sources manichennes et de leur rfutation sur une base philologique sre. Cette dition se fonde en effet sur une nouvelle collation complte de tous les tmoins, grecs et syriaque, et sur une comparaison du texte grec et de la version syriaque, prserve

    dans un tmoin plus ancien (dat de 411) que tous les manuscrits grecs.dition synoptique (en vis--vis) du grec et du syriaque, avec introduction critique et index bilingues grec-syriaque et syriaque-grec (Paul-Hubert Poirier et ric Crgheur pour le syriaque; Agathe Roman et Thomas S. Schmidt pour le grec).

    Les diteurs: A. Roman est chercheuse post-doc-torale en grec lUniversit Laval (Qubec), P.-H. Poirier est professeur dhistoire du chris-tianisme ancien lUniversit Laval (Qubec), E. Crgheur est chercheur post-doctoral en sciences des religions l Universit Laval (Qubec), J. Declerck a publi de nombreuses ditions de textes grecs dans la Series Graeca et prpare en ce moment une dition critique des Sacra Parallela de Jean Damascne.

    gregorius NazianzenusOpera: versio Arabica antiqua IV: Orationes XI, XLI (arab. 8, 12)J. grandHenry (ed.) approx. 300 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCSG 85 (CN 27), HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54934-7, approx. 160 This edition is part of the Corpus Nazianzenum subseries Publication date: Autumn 2013

    Il sagit ici de ldition critique de la version arabe des discours 11 ( Grgoire de Nysse) et

    41 (sur la Pentecte) de Grgoire de Nanzianze. Dans la majorit des cas, on peut constater que le texte de la version arabe du discours 11 suit le texte grec de la famille m plutt que celui de la famille grecque n, mais avec de nombreuses particularits propres la version arabe, en particulier celles qui apparaissent dans deux manuscripts du Sina par-mi les plus ancients de la version arabe de Grgoire. Pour diter la version arabe du discours 41 (sur la Pentecte), on dispose de deux familles de manus-cripts, la branche gypto-sinatique et la branche syrienne ou syro-libanaise, branches qui prsentent dans le discours 41 arabe de nombreux traits qui les opposent lune lautre. En ce qui concerne les rapports de cette version arabe avec le texte grec original, on constate que dans certains cas, la famille arabe x syrienne ou syro-libanaise a tendance suivre la famille n de

    manuscripts grecs, tandis que la famille arabe xyz a tendance suivre la famille m de manucripts grecs.

    Lauteur de ce livre, Jacques GrandHenry, dabord chercheur F.N.R.S puis professeur de langue et littrature arabe lU.C.L de 1969 2006, a fait partie du groupe fondateur du pro-jet dEditio major critica des Discours de Gr-goire de Nanzianze en langue grecque originale et dans leurs versions orientales (G. Garitte, J. Mossay, A. de Halleux, G. Lafontaine, J. Noret, J. GrandHenry). Il a ensuite dirig la section arabe de ce groupe, puis du centre, et a publi les ditions critiques de la version arabe des discours 24, 21, 40, 11, 41. Sa collaboratrice, Madame la Dr. Laurence Tuerlinckx, a publi les ditions cri-tiques de la version arabe des discours 1, 45 et 44.


  • 1 1

    Vita latina Adae et Evae J.-P. Pettorelli, J.-d. Kaestli, A. Frey, B. Outtier (eds.)xvi + 436 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCSA 18, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54543-1, 245 Available

    Vita latina Adae et Evae. Synopsis Vitae Adae et Evae Latine, Graece, Armeniace et IbericeJ.-P. Pettorelli, J.-d. Kaestli, A. Frey, B. Outtier (eds.)iv + 544 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCSA 19, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54544-8, 290 Available

    Quelle fut la destine dAdam et ve aprs leur expulsion du paradis? Le livre de la Gense nen dit quasiment rien, mais la Vie dAdam et ve raconte comment ils ont progressivement dcouvert les ralits constitutives de la condi-tion humaine : faim et recherche de la nour-riture, douleurs de lenfantement, hostilit du monde animal, maladie physique et mort. Cest la valeur anthropologique de ce rcit apocryphe qui a fascin Jean-Pierre Pettorelli et la conduit, au terme de sa carrire professionelle, entre-prendre et mener bien une tude exhaustive des manuscrits de la version latine en vue dune dition critique. Le prsent ouvrage, fruit de cette tude, apporte de nombreuses nouveauts. Il offre en regard le texte et la traduction des deux grandes recensions latines : la recension tradi-tionnelle ou vulgate (latin-V), dans une dition qui remplacera dsormais celles de Meyer (1878) et de Mozley (1929) ; la recension dcouverte par lauteur dans le manuscrit de Paris lat. 3832 (latin-P), reste beaucoup plus proche des formes textuelles conserves en grec, en armnien et en gorgien. Louvrage contient aussi ldition avec apparat critique de chacune des rdactions entre lesquelles se rpartissent les 105 manuscrits de latin-V : rdactions rhnanes (R), dAllemagne du Sud (A), anglaise (E), de Bohme (B), tardives (T), incunables (Inc). Ce panorama trs complet

    de la tradition latine intressera en particulier les savants qui tudient la rception de la Vie dAdam et ve dans les langues vernaculaires. Enfin, louvrage a t enrichi, linitiative du comit ditorial de la Series apocryphorum, dune synopse, labore frais nouveaux, qui permettra de com-parer de manire prcise les deux recensions latines, la Vie grecque avec sa traduction, selon un texte tabli ad hoc, et les versions armnienne et gorgienne dans une traduction de Bernard Outtier. Ldition nouvelle des textes latins et la synopse constitueront lavenir un instrument indispensable pour ltude des grandes questions qui restent en dbat propos de la Vie dAdam et ve, notamment celle de la filiation entre le texte conserv en grec et les versions anciennes, et celle du milieu dorigine, juif ou chrtien.

    Jean-Pierre Pettorelli (1928-2009) a ralis, aprs sa retraite, un extraordinaire travail de re-cherche, de collation et de classement des manuscrits latins de la Vie dAdam et ve. Encourag par Franois Dolbeau, il a dabord publi ldition des formes textuelles les plus anciennes. A la demande de lAELAC et avec son soutien, il a ensuite labor lensemble des ditions qui figurent dans le prsent volume de la Series apocryphorum.



    Avec la collaboration de l'association pour l'tude de la littrature apocryphe chrtienne

  • 1 2

    Procopius gazaeusThesaurus Procopii Gazaei. Opuscula Rhetorica et Oratoria, Epistulae et Fragmentae. Amato, B. Kindt (eds.) lxxxiii + 254 p. + 10 microfiches, 230 x 315 mm, 2013, CCTPG, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54856-2, approx. 250 Publication date: Summer 2013

    les volumes du Thesaurus Patrum Graeco-rum (CCTPG) fournissent aux chercheurs des concordances lemmatises et entirement

    dsambiguses des textes grecs des Pres de lglise et des historiens byzantins. Les mat-riaux lexicaux issus de ces analyses sont verss dans un dictionnaire lectronique, le Diction-naire Automatique Grec, outil de base de la lemmatisation. Ce nouveau titre de la collection propose la concordance dun auteur qui a sen-siblement marqu de son empreinte lhistoire de lexgse biblique ainsi que de la rhtorique des sicles tardifs, Procope de Gaza. N Gaza vers le deuxime quart du Ve sicle aprs J.-C., mort sans doute Gaza vers 526/530, Procope fut le chef de cette fameuse cole de Gaza qui cultive lart oratoire au plus haut point, dans le style grec attique des plus purs. Il passe la majeure partie de sa vie Gaza enseigner et crire, sans trop se mler des querelles tholo-giques de son poque. Procope est connu pour avoir rdig parmi les plus anciennes chanes

    exgtiques, sur lOctateuque, les livres des Rois, Isae, les Proverbes et le Cantique des Cantiques, ainsi que cent soixante-quatorze lettres, deux pangyriques (pour lempereur Anastase Ier et pour le dux Asiaticus), un pi-thalame pour Mls et Antonina, deux mono-dies, deux descriptions (dun horloge auto-mates et dune vaste fresque), quatres dialexeis et quatre ethopes ainsi que deux rfutations de luvre de Proclos. Il se sert comme sources des crits entre autres de Basile le Grand, Gr-goire de Nazianze et Cyrille dAlexandrie. Le prsent volume analyse le vocabulaire de tous les opuscules sophistiques et rhtoriques jusqu prsent connus ainsi que des Lettres et des fragments de tradition indirecte de Pro-cope. Un chapitre Procope et son uvre est consacr la prsentation dtaille de sa vie et de ses crits.


    le texte suivi est celui de ldition de V. Grecu publi en 1958. La concordance et les outils lexicographiques propres la collection sont accompagns dun index des mots emprunts au turc, larabe, au persan, au latin et aux lan-gues romanes. Les auteurs ont t accompagns dans leur entreprise par le Professeur Sophia Kotzabassi qui prpare une nouvelle dition de Doucas pour le Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzan-tinae. Comme le titre lindique, ce volume ex-plore galement le lexique de trois autres textes, uvres mineures qui, prises individuellement, ne pourraient faire lobjet dun thesaurus : i) un rcit anonyme du blocus de Constantinople impos par Byazd I entre 1394-1402, dit par P. Gautier en 1965 (= B.H.G. 1063z) ; ii) une narratio du sige de Constantinople men par le Sultan Murd II en 1422 rdig par Jean Cana-nos, publi par E. Pinto en 1977 (B.H.G. 1064) ; iii) une didascalie de Dorothe, archevque de Mitylne, adresse aux habitants de Constanti-nople durant ce mme sige et publie par Chr. Loparev en 1906.

    Bastien Kindt, doctorand lInstitut orientaliste de lUniversit catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique), a particip llaboration de plusieurs volumes du T.P.G. Ses travaux portent sur le traitement automatique du grec ancien, principalement sur les problmes de lemmatisa-tion et dannotation de corpus. Pour tout rensei-gnement, consulter le site Internet du Projet de recherche en lexicologie grecque ladresse Yannacopoulou est Docteur en infor-matique linguistique de lUniversit Paris-Est Marne-la-Valle (Paris, France). Sa recherche porte sur lanalyse morphologique et les parti-cularits flexionnelles de la langue savante et de la langue populaire, ainsi que sur lanalyse syn-taxique du grec moderne dans des systmes de traitement automatique des langues. Elle travaille la cration et la gestion de dictionnaires lectro-niques volumineux en plusieurs langues, partir de grands corpus. Actuellement, elle est co-fonda-trice dErgonotics SAS (Lille, France).

    ducasThesaurus Ducae Historiae Turcobyzantinae. Accedunt Concordantiae Narrationis de Obsidione Constantinopolitana a Ioanne Canano necnon Homiliarum a Dorotheo Mitylinensi et Anonymo AuctoreB. Kindt, A. Yannacopoulou (eds.)lxvii + 373 p. + 14 microfiches, 230 x 315 mm, 2012, CCTPG, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53421-3, 330 Available



    Joan esteveThe Liber elegantiarum by Joan Esteve. A Catalan-Latin dictionary at the crossroads of fifteenth-century European culturel. B. Polanco Roig (ed.) ccxvi + 439 p., 230 x 315 mm, 2013, LLF 5, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-52586-0, 395 Available

    The Liber elegantiarum (Venice 1489), by the Valencian notary Joan Esteve (fl. c. 1442-1487), is an outstanding and quiet original product of ear-ly humanistic European lexicography. Conceived partly as a bilingual Catalan-Latin dictionary, it by far surpasses this goal to become in addition an epistolary manual and an aid to grammar, be-sides providing an often picturesque collection of humanist sayings and literary excerpts. Above all it offers dramatic evidence of the multifacet-ted expansion of Italian humanism and the cru-cial role played by the brilliant Neapolitan court of the King of Aragon. As a Romance lexicon,

    Joan Esteves work is also one of the first great repertories to include the vernacular as a source language (slightly after Tranchedinis Vocabo-lario) and probably the first to be printed, before Palencias Universal Vocabulario (1490), Nebrijas Dictionarium (c. 1495) or Valla da Girgentis Vo-cabularium vulgare (1500).This edition of the Liber elegantiarum is com-prised of two main parts. The first consists of a complete introduction analysing the broad spec-trum of its historical, textual and lexicographical aspects. After a revision of previous studies and comments on the Liber elegantiarum, a thorough description and collation of all extant copies confirm that this is indeed a unique Venetian edi-tion, which can be reconstructed and explained by the new data provided. Information about the life and activities of the author, Joan Esteve, is also considerably expanded, namely concern-ing his stay in Italy and his various occupations in Naples, as a royal scribe and others, before practicing as a notary in Valencia. The work is conveniently framed within the context of the educational evolution in the late medieval period and its grammatical, rhetorical and lexicographi-cal traditions, thus better identifying and evaluat-ing the wide range of sources (from classical to mediaeval and humanist), that have been notably enlarged. Finally, the heterogeneous and loosely lexicographical technique is examined in detail.The second part is a complete critical edition of the dictionary itself. The critical apparatus is

    primarily aimed at recording its very frequent printing errors and the alternative readings found in its numerous sources. These include a full range of genres (lexicography, grammar, rhetoric, chronicle, novel, theatre, dietetics) and of periods, from classical (Festus, Fulgen-tius, Nonius Marcellus) to medieval (Papias, the Catholicon), and especially humanistic au-thors (Barzizza, Caoursin, Facio, Fieschi, Filelfo father and son, Perotti, Piccolomini, Platina Poggio or Valla), systematically identified and reported in the apparatus fontium. In the com-plementary section of notes (Adnotationum) comment is offered on the adaptation of the source texts, many of them lacking critical edi-tions and conveniently transcribed for the first time. Finally, a comprehensive Index fontium (of all souces and quotations) and a Bibliography are included.

    Llus B. Polanco Roig is Senior Lecturer at the University of Valencia. His research has focused on several areas embracing sociolinguistics, language planning and language history, mainly in relation to the Catalan language. Since 1989 he has been a member of the Secci Filolgica of the Institut d Estudis Catalans (Catalan Academy of Sciences and Letters).


    NOuVeAu ReCueIl DeS leXIqueS lATIN-FRANAIS Du MOYeN ge


    Clavis Conciliorum Occidentalium septem prioribus saeculis celebratorumA. weckwerth300 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCCS 3, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54820-3, approx. 200 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    Antiken Synoden kommt eine groe Be-deutung fr die Herausbildung kirchlicher Strukturen und Institutionen zu. Um die Be-schftigung mit ihnen zu erleichtern, ist in der Clauis conciliorum occidentalium die groe Zahl von westlichen Synodaldokumenten der ersten sieben Jahrhunderte in Form eines Index zusam-mengestellt. Jedes Konzil besitzt einen eigenen Eintrag, der die wichtigste Forschungsliteratur, Bemerkungen zur berlieferungsgeschichte der Synodalakten mitsamt einer kurzen Inhaltsan-gabe oder Synopse sowie antike und moderne bersetzungen enthlt. Darber hinaus sind auch solche Konzilien verzeichnet, deren Akten verloren sind. In diesem Fall werden die Quellen

    angefhrt, aus denen die Zusammenkunft einer Synode erschlossen werden kann. Sofern mg-lich, werden auch die Verhandlungsgegenstnde skizziert.

    Andreas Weckwerth studierte Katholische Theo-logie, Klassische Philologie und Geschichte. Er promovierte 2003 in Katholischer Theologie und 2006 in Klassischer Philologie. Zur Zeit ist er wissenschaftlicher Angestellter an der Universitt Bonn und Lehrbeauftragter an der Universitt Kln.


    The Medieval General Councils. From Constantinople IV (869/870) to Lateran V (1512-1517)Alberto Melloni, davide dainese (eds.)2 vols., approx. 1450 p., 160 x 245 mm, 2013, CCCOGD 2, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-52527-3, approx. 740 Publication date: Autumn 2013


    The volume in two tomes contains texts which define the creation of an independent Church during the Middle Ages. In it are the decrees of two Councils of Constantinople (869-870 and 879-880) and the general Councils of the medi-eval west starting from the First Lateran Council (1123) to the Fifth Lateran Council (1517), in-cluding the Councils of Pisa (1409), Pavia-Siena (1423) and Basel after the transferral to Ferrara

    TOME I869-870 Constantinople IV879-880 Constantinople IV1123 Lateran I1139 Lateran II1179 Lateran III1215 Lateran IV1245 Lyon I1274 Lyon II1311-1312 Vienne1409 Pisa1414-1418 Constance1423 Pavia-Siena

    TOME II1431-1449 Basel1437-1445 Ferrara Florence Rome1512-1517 Lateran V


    Accentus, distinctio, apex. Laccentazione grafica tra Grammatici Latini e papiri virgilianiM. C. Scappaticcioviii + 354 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2012, CCLP 6, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54438-0, 145 Available

    A ccentus, distinctio, apex. Laccentazione gra-fica tra Grammatici Latini e papiri virgiliani si propone come strumento funzionale allesegesi di alcune delle sregolate norme della Grammar of Legibility per utilizzare la fortunata espressione di Malcom Parkes e punto di partenza di una ricerca tutta da portare avanti: articolata lungo il doppio binario dei testi (i volumina virgiliani) e dei testi sui testi (le Artes grammaticae tardoan-tiche), lindagine focalizzata sul valore dei segni

    di accentazione grafica. Questi, del resto, costi-tuiscono un mezzo di lettura nella prassi, oltre che di unit grafematica, nella documentazione papiracea latina, espressione diretta della perfor-mance testuale e riflesso materiale della precettis-tica grammaticale.C un denominatore comune, infatti, in tutte le sezioni de accentibus e de distinctionibus delle Artes: laccentus e la distinctio in un contesto scolastico e didattico-didascalico (in particolare, nella pars Orientis dellImpero) non furono solo realt orale, ma, eredit delle , ebbe-ro compiutezza in una dimensione scritta. Parlare di nota, di figura, di forma e descrivere le modalit in cui tracciare segni significava fornire indicazio-ni su come vergare accentus e distinctiones e vederli, cos, incastonati in una realt che non fosse quella esclusivamente detta.La prima parte del volume unanalisi su accentus, distinctio ed apex, che punta ad illuminare non sol-tanto la dimensione orale ma, soprattutto, quella scritta e materiale. La seconda, invece, costituisce il tentativo di applicazione della normativa rin-tracciata attraverso lanalisi linguistica preceden-

    temente condotta allinterno della prassi, limita-tamente al novero dei papiri virgiliani.

    Maria Chiara Scappaticcio, dottore di ricerca presso lIstituto Italiano di Scienze Umane dal 2011, ha in corso un Post Doc presso il Cedopal dellUniversit de Lige, nella cui collana Papyro-logica Leodiensia ha in stampa Papyri Vergilia-nae. Lapporto della Papirologia alla Storia della Tradizione virgiliana (I VI d.C.). In relazione scientifica con il Dipartimento di Filologia Clas-sica F. Arnaldi dellUniversit degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, si sta attualmente occupando della tradizione grammaticale latina su papiro: i suoi interessi filologici, infatti, sono focalizzati sul ruolo dei testimoni letterari latini su papiro e sul loro contributo alla critica del testo (si ricordino gli studi sul PHerc. 817, il cosiddetto Carmen de bello Actiaco, oltre quelli sui papiri virgiliani) nonch sulla tradizione grammaticale latina nella Tarda Antichit.


    lcole de Cassiodore. Les figures extravagantes dans la tradition occidentaleA. grondeuxapprox. 400 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, CCLP 7, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54901-9, approx. 150 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    ltude des figures employes par Cassiodore dans son Expositio psalmorum et de leur postrit rpond plusieurs questions, celle de la consti-tution, au VIe sicle, dune terminologie savante

    qui puise des sources grecques, celle de la transmission dune branche du savoir antique au Moyen ge, celle enfin du rle des figures dans lexgse. De mme que les arts libraux se voulaient alors au service de lexgse, lhis-toire de ces disciplines peut en effet aujourdhui servir celle de lexgse. De Cassiodore Lanfranc, Manegold, Anselme de Laon, Bruno le Chartreux et Pierre Lombard , ltude de figures utilises pour commenter lcriture fait apparatre les liens entre certains commentaires medivaux, car le recours un vocabulaire sp-cialis trahit des filiations, et jette un clairage nouveau sur certains problmes dattribution. Elle met aussi en lumire les sources autres quexgtiques auxquelles certains matres ont

    eu recours, en liaison avec les commentaires de potes antiques enseigns dans les coles et la grammaire de Priscien. Elle rvle une double dynamique de remploi slectif de la termino-logie antique et de renouvellement original, ainsi quun va-et-vient entre arts libraux vers lexgse, puisque cette terminologie se trouve partiellement rcupre par les grammaires partir du XIIe sicle.

    Charge de Recherches au CNR S , Anne Grondeux consacre ses recherches lhistoire de la lexicographie (Liber glossarum), des thories grammaticales et de leur enseignement.


    Balduin von FordSermonesHildegard Brem O.Cist.454 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2012, CCT 4, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54655-1, 60 Available

    Die Predigten Balduins von Ford ( 1190), englischer Zisterzienserabt und spter Erz-bischof von Canterbury, gehren zu den Meis-terwerken monastischer Literatur des Mittelal-ters. Er behandelt in diesen 22 Ansprachen die

    Seligpreisungen der Heiligen Schrift, die Liebe, das Leben in Gemeinschaft, das Geheimnis der Eucharistie und Fragen des klsterlichen Lebens. Der Autor verbindet bei seinen Ausfhrungen folgerichtiges Denken, solide Kenntnis der Hei-ligen Schrift und der Theologie mit einer feinen Aufmerksamkeit fr geistliche Erfahrungen im Alltag. So kann er ber die Jahrhunderte hinweg den Leser unmittelbar ansprechen und zu einer Reflexion ber sich und seine Beziehung zu Gott anregen. Die deutsche bersetzung dieser Pre-digten ist die erste ihrer Art und erschliet somit neue Reichtmer der monastischen Theologie fr die Menschen unserer Zeit. Der zugrundeliegende Text dieses Bandes er-schien 1991 in der Reihe Corpus Christianorum

    Continuatio Mediaeualis als Balduinus de Forda, Sermones (CCCM 99), herausgegeben von Da-vid N. Bell. Die Ziffern am Seitenrand verweisen auf die entsprechenden Seiten der Edition.

    M. Hildegard Brem, Doktor der Philosophie und Magister der Naturwissenschaften, btis-sin der Zisterzienserinnenabtei Mariastern in sterreich, arbeitet seit Jahrzehnten an der ber-setzung lateinischer Texte der Zisterzienserlitera-tur. Sie wirkte auch mageblich bei der deutschen Gesamtherausgabe der Werke Bernhards von Clairvaux mit.


    John of SalisburyMetalogicon J.B. Hall, J.P. Haseldine369 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 12, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53398-8, 60 Available

    John of Salisbury has long been celebrated as one of the foremost humanists of the twelfth-century renaissance, an erudite correspondent, legal expert, historian, poet, diplomat and po-litical thinker, and clerk to two successive arch-bishops of Canterbury, Theobald and Thomas Becket. His Metalogicon, ostensibly a defence of the role of logic and of Aristotles Organon in the educational syllabus of the day, makes a powerful argument for an educational system of real prac-tical utility for society, one whose intellectual coherence and rigour should underpin political morality and rational governance. As such, it has been seen to stand alongside the more famous Policraticus as an integral part of the intellectual

    contribution of one of Europes great political theorists. Based on Johns own experiences as a student and a teacher, the treatise offers unique evidence of the educational system of twelfth-century Paris at a critical stage in the early devel-opment of the schools, and of the earliest recep-tion of the Aristotelian texts of the new logic. It is also an important contribution to the tradition of pedagogical and educational thought, with its unique attention to teaching methods and its belief in the purpose of education both for the formation of the person and for the good of soci-ety. The treatise has been accorded an important place in many modern scholarly debates, includ-ing those on the origins of the universities, on medieval philosophy and on medieval human-ism. This new translation is based on the edition of J.B. Hall, auxiliata K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, which appeared in Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaeualis as Iohannes Saresberiensis - Metalogicon (CCCM 98), and so makes available to the student and general reader for the first time a translation of a text of this important work established on modern critical principles. References to the cor-responding pages of the Corpus Christianorum edi-tion are provided in the margins of this translation.

    Professor J.B. Hall is Hildred Carlile Professor of Latin Emeritus, University of London. Apart from John of Salisbury, he has published books on the textual criticism of Claudian, Ovid and Sta-tius. Dr Julian P. Haseldine is Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Hull. He has edited the letters of Peter of Celle and pub-lished widely on medieval friendship and friend-ship networks.

  • 1 7

    william of MalmesburyOn LamentationsMichael winterbottomapprox. 410 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 13, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54849-4, 60 Publication date: Summer 2013

    william, a Benedictine monk of Malmes-bury in western England (died c. 1143), is well known as the author of two major historical works, on the English kings and bishops from the beginnings down to his own time. These and other works, especially several saints Lives, have always been easily accessible. But the com-mentary on Lamentations was not published in full until 2011. It presents itself as an abbrevia-tion of a ninth-century predecessor, one of very few who had commented on this book. William

    follows his precursor in applying the traditional threefold interpretation: literal (historical), al-legorical and moral. But he is no slavish imitator. He aims to re-write and improve on his source in both content and style. His characteristic mastery of the Bible and of an astonishingly wide range of classical and patristic literature is everywhere apparent. His Latin is elegant, not to say mannered and sometimes obscure, and presents many problems to the translator. William tells us that he had just turned forty, and had moved away from history to something more religious, that would conduce to his own moral improvement and to that of his readers. But the evils of the present age are often attacked, and commentary becomes moralising history by another means.A personal note, too, often comes through. William feels freer in this medium to comment adversely on the Norman conquest of England, and his struggles with the demons that tempted him and with his own conscience are often viv-

    idly evoked. Heartfelt prayers regularly round off the sections of his book. Profoundly influ-enced by Augustine, he made his commentary a meditation.The source text of this volume appeared in Cor-pus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaeualis as Willelmus Meldunensis monachus Liber super explanationem Lamentationum Ieremiae (CCCM 244). References to the corresponding pages of the Corpus Christianorum edition are provided in the margins of this translation.

    Michael Winterbottom (born in 1934) spent most of his career teaching in Oxford, where he was Corpus Christi Professor of Latin from 1993 to 2001; he has edited several Latin prose texts of the classical period, but for thirty years has been working especially on William of Malmesbury, in collaboration with R.M. Thomson.

    william durandRationale for the Divine Offices, IV.On the Mass and each Action Pertaining to itT. M. Thibodeau (ed.) approx. 520 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 14, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54879-1, 70 Publication date: Summer 2013

    william Durand (c. 1230-Nov. 1, 1296), Bishop of Mende, France, was unquestionably the most renowned liturgical scholar of the later Middle Ages. His encyclopedic allegori-cal exposition of the rites and worship services of the Latin Church, the Rationale divinorum

    officiorum, or Rationale for the divine offices, is the best known medieval work in its genre. Divided into eight books of varying length, the Rationale is exhaustive in its treatment of a wide variety of subjects: the church building and li-turgical art; the ministers of the church and their functions; liturgical vestments; the Mass and the Divine Office; the Churchs calendar and its feast days.Modern scholarship has clearly shown that Durands Rationale superseded all previous li-turgical commentaries within only a few years of its publication (c. 1292-1296). By the end of the fifteenth century, it had become one of the most widely disseminated treatises of its kind in western Europe.Book 4, Durands lengthy and detailed com-mentary on the Mass, has never been translated into English. The present volume makes this important text available for modern students of liturgy, musicology, theology, and art history for whom the original Latin text is not acces-

    sible. The present translation also provides ex-tensive annotation and explanation of Durands sometimes cryptic etymologies, while bringing to light important source material embedded within his commentary.The source text of this volume appeared in Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaeualis as Guillelmus Durantus - Rationale divinorum officiorum IV (CCCM 140). References to the corresponding pages of the Corpus Christiano-rum edition are provided in the margins of this translation.

    Timothy M. Thibodeau is Professor of History at Nazareth College of Rochester (USA). He co-edited, with Anselme Davril, O.S.B., the Latin edition of the Rationale that was published by Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeva-lis. He has previously translated into English the Prologue and Books 1-3 of the Rationale.

    Mnch MarkosAsketische Schriften des Mnchs Markos (s. XII)Philipp Roelliapprox. 240 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 15, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53396-4, 50 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    Dieser Band enthlt die asketischen Schriften des Mnches Markos (fl. um 1260) in deutscher bersetzung. Die umfangreichste darunter ist ein Vterflorilegium zur Erbauung der Schwester Irene des Kaisers Michael VIII. Palaiologos. Mar-kos vertritt einen traditionellen, untechnischen Hesychasmus und behandelt Gebet und Fasten besonders ausfhrlich. Unter seinen eigenen Traktaten findet sich eine Lebensanweisung an einen Laien, ein Typikon fr Nonnen und ein Widmungsbrief an Irene.

    Der zugrundeliegende Text dieses Bandes erschien in der Reihe Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca als Marcus monachus, Opera as-cetica. Florilegium et sermones tres (CCSG 72), herausgegeben von Philipp Roelli. Die Ziffern am Seitenrand verweisen auf die entsprechenden Seiten der Edition.

    Philipp Roelli ist am Mittellateinischen Seminar der Universitt Zrich ttig.


  • 1 8

    The Scholars Version series of Corpus Christianorum aims to make available editions of complete texts for researchers and students in a handy format and handily priced. Texts chosen for this series are reprints of the complete Corpus Christianorum volume(s) in question.


    Itineraria et alia geographica P. geyer et al. (ed.)

    870 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCSV, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54951-4, 65 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    The volume includes the complete text of the Itineraria et alia geographica as published in Corpus Christianorum, Series latina volumes 175 and 176.

    willelmus TyrensisChroniconC. Cardelle de Hartmann (ed.)

    1166 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCSV, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54952-1, 65 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    The volume includes the complete text of William of Tyres Chronicon as published in Corpus Christianorum, Contonuatio Mediaevalis volumes 63 and 63A.

    Claves apocryphorum Veteris et Novi Testamenti J.-C. Haelewyck

    539 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCSV, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54953-8, 65 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    The volume includes both the Claves of apoc-ryphal texts of the Old and the New Testament as published in Corpus Christianorum, Clavis apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti (1998) and Clavis apocryphorum Novi Testamenti (1992).

    Beda VenerabilisOpera didascalicaCh.w. Jones, C.B. Kendall, M.H. King, Fr. lipp (eds.)xxvi + 808 p., 130 x 205 mm, 2003, CCSV, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-51474-1, 50 Available

    The volume includes all of Bedes Opera didascalica as published in Corpus Christiano-rum, Series latina volumes 123A, 123B and 123C.

    Hildegardis BingensisSciviasA. Fhrktter, A. Carlevaris (eds.)lx + 917 p., 130 x 205 mm, 2003, CCSV, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-51475-8, 50 Available

    The volume includes the complete text of Hildegard of Bingens Scivias as published in Corpus Christianorum volumes 43 and 43A.

    gregorius MagnusMoralia in IobMarc Adriaen (ed.)

    2 vols., xxxvi + 1892 p., 130 x 205 mm, 2005, CCSV, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-51842-8, 80 Available

    The set of two volumes includes the com-plete text of Gregory the Greats Moralia in Iob as published in Corpus Christianorum, Se-ries latina volumes 143, 143A and 143B.

    Previous editions of Corpus Christionarum Scholars Version:


    Petrus AbaelardusOpera theologica

    2 vols., 2301 p. , 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCSV, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54956-9, 98 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    The set of two volumes includes the complete text of Peter Abelards theological works as pub-lished in Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Medi-aevalis volumes 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 190.

    AugustinusEnarrationes in Psalmose. dekkers, J. Fraipont (eds.)2 vols., 2279 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCSV, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54955-2, 98 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    The set of two volumes includes the complete text of Augustines Enarrationes in Psalmos as published in Corpus Christianorum, Series latina volumes 38, 39 and 40.

    Lexicon latinitatis medii aeviA. Blaise2 vols., 1886 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCSV, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54957-6, 98 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    The set of two volumes includes Albert Blaise's Lexicon latinitatis medii aevi as well as his less known but still valuable reference work on liturgy.

  • 1 9

    The Complete Ruusbroec.The original Middle Dutch text and a new English TranslationThom Mertens, guido de Baere (eds.)2 vols., approx. 1500 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCSV, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54954-5, 98 Publication date: Autumn 2013

    R uusbroec puts the Low Countries on the map of world literature. He is one of the most translated authors of Dutch literature and one of the few medieval writers who remained on-line throughout the ages until now.Ruusbroecs genius is paradoxal. His stylistic devices are rather simple but his wording flaw-less. He describes the most concrete details of daily life but dares to evoke the participation in the love life of the holy Trinity. He loves the Church but his criticism of its degenerated members anticipates Savonarola. He praises a

    secluded life but describes the real contempla-tive as a common person, being available to everyone.The set of two volumes includes the complete text of all of Ruusbroecs works, the original Middle Dutch version as well as the new English translation, as published in Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis volumes 101 to 110. A short introduction describing Ruusbroecs life and works, and the date and occasion of treatises and letters precedes the texts and a source appara-tus and index of sources follow it.

    Reviews of the complete text of all of Ruusbroec's works as published in Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis volumes 101 to 110:

    "For scholars of Ruusbroecs thought and works, this is quite simply the edition to use."John van Engen in: Speculum, October 1991, p. 947

    "The [...] edition will make known to many what is already known to some: Ruusbroec is one of the greatest medieval theologians of any kind." K. Emery, Jr. in: Speculum, 1985, p. 195

    "These meticulously presented texts and translations will make Ruusbroec better known and understood for English-speaking as well as for Dutch readers." J.P.H. Clark in: Downside Review, 110 (1992), p. 155

    "Die Edition ist zweifellos eine Bereicherung fr jeden an mittelniederlndischer Mystik Interessierten."G.S. in: Deutsches Archiv fr Erforschung des Mittelalters, 47 (1991), p. 651

    "Cet ouvrage est [...] un monument. Ldition des textes est soigne, fiable. "C. Lecouteux in: tudes germaniques, janvier-mars 1992, p. 75

    "Mit dieser sehr grndlichen und hilfreichen Edition werden die Werke des Mystikers Ruusbroec einem breiteren Publikum zugnglich gemacht. Sie liefert eine Grundlage fr vielfltige Forschungsinteresssen."

    E. Grthe in: Bulletin codicologique, 1990

    "Tutto ci dimostra come lintenzione degli editori di restituire al pubblico il testo ruusbroechiano in quanto possibile nella sua integrit, sia riuscita." G. della Croce in: Carmelus, 29 (1982), p. 167

    "Los estudios de la espiritualidad disponen de un instrumento de trabajo insustituible para el conocimiento de la doctrina del Admirable." F.A. in: Revista de Espiritualidad, s.a.

  • 2 0


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