Download pdf - CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

Page 1: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson
Page 2: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson


The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany a successful completion of any task

would be incomplete without the mention of people who made it possible, success is the

epitome of hard work and perseverance, but steadfast of all is encouraging guidance.

So with gratitude I acknowledge all those whose guidance and encouragement

served as beacon of light and crowned our effort with success.

I am thankful to Dr. Vasudha Sharma, for being a constant inspiration and

providing all the facilities that needed throughout the work. I consider it a privilege and

honour to express my sincere gratitude to her constant encouragement and all the

support provided during this work.

I convey my sincere thanks to her valuable guidance throughout the tenure of this

work, and whose support and encouragement made this work possible.

Finally I would like to thank all my friends whose encouragement and support was


Thanking you,

Place: Dehradun


Page 3: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson


Name Pg no Introduction to Morgan Stanley

Rob parson

SWOT Analysis Leadership Traits

Paul Nasr SWOT Analysis

Leadership Traits

Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles Star Performer

Why Rob Parson was Star Performer? Importance of feedback

360 degree performance appraisal Rob Parson’s performance appraisal

Rating charts and graphs(individual and group)

Should Rob Parson be promoted?

Page 4: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

Introduction to Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley is an American multinational financial services corporation headquartered

in the Morgan Stanley Building, Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Morgan Stanley

operates in 24 countries and has more than 1300 offices and 60,000 employees. The main

areas of business for the firm today are Global Wealth Management, Institutional Securities,

and Investment Management.

The corporation, formed by J.P. Morgan & Co. partners Henry S. Morgan (grandson of J.P.

Morgan), Harold Stanley and others, came into existence on September 16, 1935, in

response to the Glass-Steagall Act that required the splitting of commercial and investment

banking businesses. In its first year the company operated with a 24% market share

(US$1.1 billion) in public offerings and private placements.

Vision: - “One-Firm Firm”

Mission: Our Goal is to be the world’s best investment bank and Firm of choice

for our clients, our people and our shareholders.

Page 5: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

Rob Parson

The case is about a young banker named Rob Parson, who was hired for a very challenging job of market coverage professional by the Paul Nasr, a senior managing director in Capital Market Services at Morgan Stanley for his outstanding performance and energetic attitude. Nasr promised him to promote to the position of managing director. Rob Parson did very well and with his efforts, he pushed Morgan Stanley from 10th position to 3rd within a very short span of time. With his efforts, he expanded the market share from 2% to 12.5%, which was an evidence of his outstanding and influential performance. Unfortunately, Rob Parson failed in building good relations with his peers and colleagues, which was of great importance for the firm. At Morgan Stanley, team work was of much more importance than individual work and the employees were not allowed to breach the rules of the firm for achieving a particular goal. In the situation, Rob Parson broke too many eggs to achieve his goals and objectives which greatly affected his relationships with his peers and colleagues.

Rob Parson’s performance evaluation is on its course and it became difficult for Paul Nasr to promote Rob Parson because of many negative views. At Morgan Stanley, a 360-Degree performance evaluation process was implemented where the professionals were evaluated by the superiors, colleagues and subordinates. Though, Rob Parson did very well in bringing clients to the firm but he had poor relations with his colleagues and subordinates and everyone had commented negatively during his performance evaluation. Rob Parson activities and qualities are not in agreement with the organization’s mission and culture.

Page 6: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

SWOT Analysis


The performance of Rob Parson is excellent with regard to his contribution in making the Morgan Stanley gain in its reputation and revenues. Prior to the Rob Parson the firm had been ranked tenth in the market and the market share was 2%. Rob Parson’s success starts from securing first time business with more than ten clients had secured major deals with existing clients and were generating substantial revenues for his desk. Morgan has now established third rank position with the market share increasing by 20% and is now 22%.

Rob Parson has extraordinary knowledge of the capital markets and potential clients in the market. On the other hand Morgan has done little in the capital markets business even with its most important business investment clients, this potential gap and a big opportunity were exploited by Rob Parson. The clients of the capital markets love and admire Rob Parson due to its extraordinary talent in the market, his client in all over the world meet him when they come into New York and have a dinner with him, due to the attractive and trustworthy personality of Rob Parson Morgan can get benefit from him.

Rob Parson has quality to invent needs of the customer, this means if a customer is in a position where something is impossible for him in front of him it is Rob Parson, who establishes and informs that customer that you can fulfil your needs in this way and make even customer astonished.


His weakness includes - Difficulty to adjust, Impatient, Skeptical Self- Denial, Lack of team player skill, Insincere. Three main areas are essential for Parson to develop which include leadership and

interpersonal skill to increase his fan following in the organization, continuous self-evaluation

so that the personal and professional flaws could be removed and the final areas that require

a higher need for development is to create the ability of teamwork.

Page 7: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson


Rob Parson needs to acquire certain management and leadership skills in order to be qualified for the designation of Managing director. This will at first bring a thought in the mind of Parson that he had been rejected from the promotion decision, and he might react in a disturbing way to the management. However, he will be assured that although his functional abilities are more than enough to be in the position of a managing director, but he needs to work on the people management skills.

The organization wanted to have a managing director who possesses good interpersonal skills to manage the relationship with clients and colleagues as well. If Parson keeps up his work to improve his skills, and align his goals with Morgan Stanley then he will be able to get promoted at the position of Managing director.


He is not adaptable to “One Firm Firm” vision. The internal evaluation will be based on interpersonal relationship of Parson with his colleagues and his rule abidance responsibility with the company. It had been observed that Parson used to ignore his responsibilities regarding organizational culture, his interaction with his colleagues was not remarkable. Subordinates and supervisors used harsh and abrasive words to provide feedback against Parson, as he was bringing business to the organization by ignoring organizational culture. These results reveal the inability of Parson to work in a team which is highly unacceptable at Morgan Stanley.

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Leadership Traits of Rob Parson-

1. Motivational skills – The relationship between Rob Parson and other

members of Morgan Stanley was not good. Even he was not interact

with them but his work motivated them. Because of he had brought on

new clients and expended his division’s market share dramatically

increasing it over 10%. Due to his dedication Morgan Stanley got third

rank in the market.

2. Creativity- He was very creative in his work and it add to his success as a

leader. We find him to be creative in his pitches to customers. If one

approaches did not work he tried another.

3. Intelligence- Due to this trait, Morgan Stanley was ranked third

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Paul Nasr

Paul Nasr was a highly regarded banker in a competing firm and he had a 20 year of

experience. John Mack who was president of Morgan Stanley, sought people who would

“shake up with culture”. So he was able to recruit Paul Nasr. Paul Nasr was a senior

managing director in Capital Market Services at Morgan Stanley. Paul Nasr had been

successful in the past in area of delivering capital market services to financial services firms

such as banks and insurance companies. Paul wanted a person who could build a much

more profit for Morgan Stanley, so he recruited Rob Parson because Rob had a knowledge

about these things.

Page 10: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

SWOT Analysis


Nasr had a 20 years of experience.

He was a highly regarded banker in a competing firm.


Nasr always treated Rob gentle with kid gloves .He never said to Rob Parson that his

nature toward his sub-ordinate was not good and it broke the culture of Morgan


Nasr believed that it had not mattered that Rob had been “breaking eggs”. Nasr

always deal with Parson‘s performance and the issues it raised.

He had less o experience that is why he did not understand that broken culture

person was not tolerated by Morgan Stanley.


Nasr assumed a leadership role in Morgan Stanley.

He was delivering the capital markets services to the banks and insurance.


He had a fear that Rob Parson will lose his job. Because he treated Rob like a

kid and Rob didn’t work according to mission of Morgan Stanley that is “one-

firm firm”. So Nasr had a fear of losing Parson.

And he had also fear of what his group member would say about me,that i

am treated Parson as a kid and ignore his mistakes always. Basically Paul is

acting as a protector or as a God father of Parson.

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Leadership Traits

1. Team player- Paul Nasr was a team player. He knew how to work in a team.

2. Performance- Nasr’s performance was good in a Morgan Stanley. He knew how to

deliver the capital market service.

3. Vision- A great leader’s courage to fulfil his vision comes from passion, not position.

He always followed visions of Morgan Stanley.

Page 12: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

MINSTZBERG’s Managerial roles

Rob Parson:

Intrapersonal Skill: Rob Parson is a work oriented and friendly guy as he bought

business in the organization due to his friendly skills he could maintain friendly relationship

with his employees.

Informational Skill: Rob Parson was not unable to adapt the work environment and

culture. He was not able to follow the company’s vision and mission due to lack of

informational skills.

Decisional Skill: Rob Parson bought Morgan Stanley from tenth to second position in the

Investment Firm market where his decisional skill worked very well. He did not take support

from outside or within the organization to take any kind of decision for his performance.

Paul Nasr:

Intrapersonal Skill: Paul Nasr lacked in intrapersonal skills. He was neither a good

manager nor a good leader. As he failed to give feedback to Rob Parson in time which led

Rob Parson’s not to adapt work environment properly.

Informational Skill: Paul Nasr did not give right feedback to Rob Parson on time. He did

not inform the authorities about the problem in right time.

Decisional Skill: Rob Parson would not have been facing lot of problem in the

organization to adapt the culture and maintaining relation with his colleagues due to lack of

decisional skills in Paul Nasr.

Page 13: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

Star Performer

• A person who is top performer in the organization and influence his team members

by his work.

• He is not only to do his own works effectively but he is able to work with other

people of the organization efficiently.

• Basic traits of star performer are:

1. Passion

2. Self-discipline

3. Humility

4. Trust

5. Communication

6. Emotional Intelligence

7. Team leadership

8. Political awareness

Page 14: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

Why was Rob Parson a Star Performer?

Rob Parson was a Star performer in Morgan Stanley as he bought significant income to the

company after joining the firm. He was sole responsible to bring Morgan Stanley in

Investment Firm Market from tenth to second position. Though Rob Parson was arrogant

with his co-workers and didn’t maintain the culture to the organisation but due to his goal

oriented nature he could maintain the relationship with different investors and bankers

outside the company. He was responsible for creating a huge profit margin to Morgan

Stanley in the market.

Page 15: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

Importance of Feedback:

Feedback is powerful as it helps people get on track, it serves as a guide to assist people to know how they and others perceive their performance.

Feedback can also be very motivating and energizing. It has strong links to employee satisfaction and productivity. People like to feel involved and identified with their organisation. Feedback can help achieve that state.

We have observed after working with hundreds of managers in all kinds of organisations that the most effective leaders have good antennae – they understand the impact that their behavior has on others. They subscribe to the time honored maxim – First know thyself! We do not have to agree with people’s perceptions but it is important to be aware of them. It is useful information that can inform our decisions and strategies.

• Feedback can improve performance

• Feedback is a tool for continued learning.

• It can motivate the employees

• It is an effective listening.

• It can develop their skills-

Professional skills

Management skills

One firm contribution

Page 16: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

360-degree performance appraisal:

A 360 degree appraisal is a type of employee performance review in which subordinates, co-

workers, and managers all anonymously rate the employee.

A performance appraisal is a systematic general and periodic process that assesses an

individual employee's job performance and productivity in relation to certain pre-

established criteria and organizational objectives. Other aspects of individual employees are

considered as well, such as organizational citizenship behavior, accomplishments, potential

for future improvement, strengths and weaknesses.

A central reason for the utilization of performance appraisals (PAs) is performance

improvement ("initially at the level of the individual employee, and ultimately at the level of

the organization"). Other fundamental reasons include "as a basis for employment decisions

(e.g. promotions, terminations, transfers), as criteria in research (e.g. test validation), to aid

with communication (e.g. allowing employees to know how they are doing and

organizational expectations), to establish personal objectives for training" programs, for

transmission of objective feedback for personal development, "as a means of

documentation to aid in keeping track of decisions and legal requirements" and in wage

and salary administration.


1. Team building.

2. Performance management.

3. Personal Development

4. Performance Review

5. Succession Planning

6. Team Development

7. Bonus Assignment

8. Administrative Actions

9. Organization Development

Page 17: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

Rob Parson’s 360-degree performance appraisal

Culture of Morgan Stanley says:

At Morgan Stanley, diversity is an opportunity – for clients, employees

and Firm. By valuing diverse perspectives, we can better serve our clients

while we help employees achieve their professional objectives. A

corporate culture that is open and inclusive is fundamental to our role as

a global leader constantly striving for excellence in all that we do

Paul Nasr initially wanted to recruit someone who was challenging for the job and would

bring great profits to the company. Parson wanted the opportunity to be creative and

wanted to be the senior managing director. Parson is a type of leader where he is interested

in his own opinion rather than others. The problem started where the culture of Morgan

Stanley came as they have to work in team actively. Paul Nasr hired Rob Parson not

necessarily as team player but to work for the betterment of the company. Now Rob is a

person who is wanted by the company for profit maximisation but how could they accept

Rob to adapt to the work environment if the company hiring practice didn’t support him

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Rating charts


Summary of Performance Rating:

Download/ Colleague Criteria

Direct Manager Score

Download Average score

Colleague Average score

1. Professional skills

A. Market and product knowledge 4.1 4.0 4.5

B. Analytical/Quantitative/Problem Solving Skills 4.2 4.0 3.8

C. Creativity 3.5 3.0 4.0

D. Initiative and Commitment 4.1 4.5 4.3

E. Judgement and Decision Making 3.2 3.0 3.8

F. Versatility 3.5 3.0 4.3

G. Oral Communication skills 3.9 3.5 4.0

H. Written Communication Skills


I. Professionalism 3.4 3.0 4.0

2. Commercial Orientation:

A.Relationship Management 3.8 3.5 4.3

B.Cross selling/Selling 3.2 3.0 3.7

C.Commercial Instincts/ Revenue Contribution 3.4 3.5 4.0

D.Enhances PBT/ Expense Control 3.5 4.0 3.0

E.Adherence to Firm policies/Limits 2.5 2.0 3.5

F.Deal Execution/Project Management 3.5 4.0 3.8

3.Management skills

A.Global Business Management 2.8 3.0 NA

B.Leadership and management of people 2.8 3.0 2.5

C.Evaluation, Development And Coaching 1.8 NA 2.0

D.Management of Diverse Workforce 2.5 NA 2.0

E.Mangaement of Firm's Resources 4.1 4.0 4.0

F.Time Management 3.2 3.5 3.5

G.Planning 4 3.0 3.7

4. One Firm Contribution

A. Team Player Skills 4 2.5 4.0

B. Contributes to MS and External related Community


Arithmetic Average 3.1 3.4 3.6

Overall Ratings 3.5 2.8

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Professional skills Commericial Orientation: Management skills One Firm Contribution

Aman's rating Graph

Direct Manager Score Download Average score Colleague Average score

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Summary of Performance Rating:

Download/ Colleague Criteria

Direct Manager Score

Download Average score

Colleague Average score

1. Professional skills

A. Market and product knowledge 4 4.0 4.5

B. Analytical/Quantitative/Problem Solving Skills 3.6 4.0 3.8

C. Creativity 3.3 3.0 4.0

D. Initiative and Commitment 4.5 4.5 4.3

E. Judgement and Decision Making 3 3.0 3.8

F. Versatility 4 3.0 4.3

G. Oral Communication skills 3 3.5 4.0

H. Written Communication Skills NA NA NA

I. Professionalism 3 3.0 4.0

2. Commercial Orientation:

A.Relationship Management 4 3.5 4.3

B.Cross selling/Selling 3 3.0 3.7

C.Commercial Instincts/ Revenue Contribution 3 3.5 4.0

D.Enhances PBT/ Expense Control 4.2 4.0 3.0

E.Adherence to Firm policies/Limits 2.5 2.0 3.5

F.Deal Execution/Project Management 3.5 4.0 3.8

3.Management skills

A.Global Business Management 3 3.0 NA

B.Leadership and management of people 2.5 3.0 2.5

C.Evaluation, Development And Coaching 2 NA 2.0

D.Management of Diverse Workforce 2 NA 2.0

E.Mangaement of Firm's Resources 3.5 4.0 4.0

F.Time Management 3 3.5 3.5

G.Planning 3 3.0 3.7

4. One Firm Contribution

A. Team Player Skills 3.5 2.5 4.0

B. Contributes to MS and External related Community NA NA NA

Arithmetic Average 3.0 3.4 3.6

Overall Ratings 3 3.5 2.8

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Professional skills Commericial Orientation: Management skills One Firm Contribution

Arunima's Rating Graph

Direct Manager Score Download Average score Colleague Average score

Page 22: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson


Summary of Performance Rating:

Download/ Colleague Criteria

Direct Manager Score

Download Average score

Colleague Average score

1. Professional skills

A. Market and product knowledge 4.4 4.0 4.5

B. Analytical/Quantitative/Problem Solving Skills 4 4.0 3.8

C. Creativity 3.5 3.0 4.0

D. Intiative and Commitment 4.3 4.5 4.3

E. Judgement and Decision Making 3.5 3.0 3.8

F. Versatility 4.1 3.0 4.3

G. Oral Communication skills 3.4 3.5 4.0

H. Written Communication Skills NA NA NA

I. Professionalism 3.5 3.0 4.0

2. Commercial Orientation:

A.Relationship Management 4.1 3.5 4.3

B.Cross selling/Selling 3.5 3.0 3.7

C.Commercial Instincts/ Revenue Contribution 4 3.5 4.0

D.Enhances PBT/ Expense Control 3.5 4.0 3.0

E.Adherence to Firm policies/Limits 3 2.0 3.5

F.Deal Execution/Project Management 4 4.0 3.8

3.Management skills

A.Global Business Management 3.6 3.0 NA

B.Leadership and management of people 2 3.0 2.5

C.Evaluation, Development And Coaching 3 NA 2.0

D.Management of Diverse Workforce 2 NA 2.0

E.Mangaement of Firm's Resources 4 4.0 4.0

F.Time Management 3.5 3.5 3.5

G.Planning 3.5 3.0 3.7

4. One Firm Contribution

A. Team Player Skills 3.5 2.5 4.0

B. Contributes to MS and External related Community NA NA NA

Arithmetic Average 3.25 3.4 3.6

Overall Ratings 3.5 3.5 2.8

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Professional skills Commericial Orientation: Management skills One Firm Contribution

Nausheen's Rating Graph

Direct Manager Score Download Average score Colleague Average score

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Summary of Performance Rating:

Download/ Colleague Criteria

Direct Manager Score

Download Average score

Colleague Average score

1. Professional skills

A. Market and product knowledge 4.5 4.0 4.5

B. Analytical/Quantitative/Problem Solving Skills 4.4 4.0 3.8

C. Creativity 4 3.0 4.0

D. Initiative and Commitment 3.5 4.5 4.3

E. Judgement and Decision Making 4.7 3.0 3.8

F. Versatility 3.0 4.3

G. Oral Communication skills 4 3.5 4.0

H. Written Communication Skills NA NA NA

I. Professionalism 4 3.0 4.0

2. Commercial Orientation:

A.Relationship Management 3.5 3.5 4.3

B.Cross selling/Selling 3.5 3.0 3.7

C.Commercial Instincts/ Revenue Contribution 4 3.5 4.0

D.Enhances PBT/ Expense Control 3.5 4.0 3.0

E.Adherence to Firm policies/Limits 3 2.0 3.5

F.Deal Execution/Project Management 4 4.0 3.8

3.Management skills

A.Global Business Management 4.5 3.0 NA

B.Leadership and management of people 3 3.0 2.5

C.Evaluation, Development And Coaching 2.5 NA 2.0

D.Management of Diverse Workforce NA NA 2.0

E.Mangaement of Firm's Resources 4 4.0 4.0

F.Time Management 3.7 3.5 3.5

G.Planning 3.7 3.0 3.7

4. One Firm Contribution

A. Team Player Skills 3.5 2.5 4.0

B. Contributes to MS and External related Community NA NA NA

Arithmetic Average 3.15 3.4 3.6

Overall Ratings 4 3.5 2.8

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Professional skills Commericial Orientation: Management skills One Firm Contribution

Priyanka's Rating Graph

Direct Manager Score Download Average score Colleague Average score

Page 26: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

Bhanu Priya’s

Summary of Performance Rating:

Download/ Colleague Criteria

Direct Manager Score

Download Average score

Colleague Average score

1. Professional skills

A. Market and product knowledge 4.2 4.0 4.5

B. Analytical/Quantitative/Problem Solving Skills 3.5 4.0 3.8

C. Creativity 3.4 3.0 4.0

D. Initiative and Commitment 4 4.5 4.3

E. Judgement and Decision Making 3.5 3.0 3.8

F. Versatility 3.3 3.0 4.3

G. Oral Communication skills 3.5 3.5 4.0

H. Written Communication Skills NA NA NA

I. Professionalism 3.5 3.0 4.0

2. Commercial Orientation:

A.Relationship Management 3.8 3.5 4.3

B.Cross selling/Selling 3.5 3.0 3.7

C.Commercial Instincts/ Revenue Contribution 3.8 3.5 4.0

D.Enhances PBT/ Expense Control 3 4.0 3.0

E.Adherence to Firm policies/Limits 2.2 2.0 3.5

F.Deal Execution/Project Management 3.7 4.0 3.8

3.Management skills

A.Global Business Management 4 3.0 NA

B.Leadership and management of people 2.2 3.0 2.5

C.Evaluation, Development And Coaching 2.2 NA 2.0

D.Management of Diverse Workforce 2 NA 2.0

E.Mangaement of Firm's Resources 4 4.0 4.0

F.Time Management 3.5 3.5 3.5

G.Planning 3.5 3.0 3.7

4. One Firm Contribution

A. Team Player Skills 2 2.5 4.0

B. Contributes to MS and External related Community NA NA NA

Arithmetic Average 3.0 3.4 3.6

Overall Ratings 3.0 3.5 2.8

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Professional skills Commericial Orientation: Management skills One Firm Contribution

Priya's Rating Graph

Direct Manager Score Download Average score Colleague Average score

Page 28: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson


Summary of Performance Rating:

Download/ Colleague Criteria

Direct Manager Score

Download Average score

Colleague Average score

1. Professional skills

A. Market and product knowledge 4.1 4.0 4.5

B. Analytical/Quantitative/Problem Solving Skills 4 4.0 3.8

C. Creativity 3.6 3.0 4.0

D. Initiative and Commitment 4.1 4.5 4.3

E. Judgement and Decision Making 3.6 3.0 3.8

F. Versatility 4.2 3.0 4.3

G. Oral Communication skills 3.6 3.5 4.0

H. Written Communication Skills NA NA NA

I. Professionalism 3.8 3.0 4.0

2. Commercial Orientation:

A.Relationship Management 4.3 3.5 4.3

B.Cross selling/Selling 3.5 3.0 3.7

C.Commercial Instincts/ Revenue Contribution 4 3.5 4.0

D.Enhances PBT/ Expense Control 3.4 4.0 3.0

E.Adherence to Firm policies/Limits 3 2.0 3.5

F.Deal Execution/Project Management 4 4.0 3.8

3.Management skills

A.Global Business Management 3 3.0 NA

B.Leadership and management of people 2 3.0 2.5

C.Evaluation, Development And Coaching 2.5 NA 2.0

D.Management of Diverse Workforce 2 NA 2.0

E.Mangaement of Firm's Resources 4 4.0 4.0

F.Time Management 3.2 3.5 3.5

G.Planning 4 3.0 3.7

4. One Firm Contribution

A. Team Player Skills 3.4 2.5 4.0

B. Contributes to MS and External related Community NA NA NA

Arithmetic Average 3.20 3.4 3.6

Overall Ratings 3.5 3.5 2.8

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Professional skills Commericial Orientation: Management skills One Firm Contribution

Shivam's Rating graph

Direct Manager Score Download Average score Colleague Average score

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Group’s rating chart

Summary of Performance Rating:

Download/ Colleague Criteria

Direct Manager Score

Download Average score

Colleague Average score

1. Professional skills

A. Market and product knowledge 4.3 4.0 4.5

B. Analytical/Quantitative/Problem Solving Skills 3.5 4.0 3.8

C. Creativity 3.5 3.0 4.0

D. Initiative and Commitment 4.0 4.5 4.3

E. Judgement and Decision Making 3.5 3.0 3.8

F. Versatility 3.0 3.0 4.3

G. Oral Communication skills 3.1 3.5 4.0

H. Written Communication Skills NA NA NA

I. Professionalism 3.7 3.0 4.0

2. Commercial Orientation:

A.Relationship Management 4.0 3.5 4.3

B.Cross selling/Selling 4.0 3.0 3.7

C.Commercial Instincts/ Revenue Contribution 3.5 3.5 4.0

D.Enhances PBT/ Expense Control 3.5 4.0 3.0

E.Adherence to Firm policies/Limits 2.7 2.0 3.5

F.Deal Execution/Project Management 3.6 4.0 3.8

3.Management skills

A.Global Business Management 3.1 3.0 NA

B.Leadership and management of people 2.2 3.0 2.5

C.Evaluation, Development And Coaching 2.3 NA 2.0

D.Management of Diverse Workforce 2.3 NA 2.0

E.Mangaement of Firm's Resources 4.0 4.0 4.0

F.Time Management 4.0 3.5 3.5

G.Planning 3.8 3.0 3.7

4. One Firm Contribution

A. Team Player Skills 2.3 2.5 4.0

B. Contributes to MS and External related Community NA NA NA

Arithmetic Average 3.1 3.4 3.6

Overall Ratings 3.5 3.5 2.8

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Professional skills Commericial Orientation: Management skills One Firm Contribution

Group rating graph

Direct Manager Score Download Average score Colleague Average score

Page 32: CASE STUDY OF Rob Parson

Should We Promote Rob Parson?

Rob Parson should be promoted because:

Basic objective of every organization is profit maximization and wealth maximization

in which Rob person is an expert.

As per the mission statement Rob person is good with client and have good

knowledge on product and market. The only think Rob violated the company norms

which is team work. Morgan Stanley had an ‘Up or Out’ promotion system with

steep hierarchy.

Next option is to fire him and if he is fired it would be great loss to the firm. Made

significant gains in building Morgan Stanley’s reputation and revenues.

Rob parson helped Morgan Stanley gaining position in the market from 10th to 3rd

which adds market value to the company.
