
Capitalization Rules

Uppercase UrsulaCapitalize words…

1. Indicating family relationships when they:

a. Are used as names or in place of names

(My sister said Grandma gets here tomorrow.)

b. Are used before a name

(My Aunt Susan likes to knit.)

Lowercase LarryDo NOT capitalize…

1. a family relationship word when it is used without a proper noun. (My aunt is coming in town.)

Capitalization Rules

Uppercase Ursula

2. When they are the first, last, and important words in a title (ex. The Last of the Mohicans)

3. Names of historical events, periods, and documents (ex. The Declaration of Independence)

Lowercase Larry

2. Articles (the, an, a) or conjunctions (and, or, but) or prepositions of fewer than 5 letters (from, to, of, etc.)

Capitalization Rules

Uppercase Ursula

4. Names of months, days, and holidays (ex. Monday, Thanksgiving, June)

Lowercase Larry

3. Seasons (fall, spring, summer, winter)

Let’s Practice!

The following sentences contain capitalization errors, misplaced commas,

or missing commas. Re-write each sentence on your white board with the

proper corrections. If the sentence looks perfect to you, write “NONE”.

After sneaking into the house later than he should have and being pretty sure his parents

hadn’t woken up Chuck accidentally kicked the cat.

up, Chuck

My aunt Betty loves to play poker.

Correction: Aunt Betty

After the school dance Joey took his date home.

Correction: After the school dance, Joey took his date home.

In history, we are learning about the revolutionary war.

Correction: In history, we are learning about the Revolutionary


She went to the store to buy eggs milk and hamburger meat.

Correction: She went to the store to buy eggs, milk, and hamburger


On tuesday we are learning about the history of labor day.

Correction: On Tuesday, we are learning about the history of Labor


Because my mother always forgets her glasses I bought a

case for her.Correction: Because my mother

always forgets her glasses, I bought a case for her.

Going to the zoo is so fun because you get to see all the

animals.Correction: None!

The choices for lunch were pizza chicken tacos or hot dogs.

Correction: The choices for lunch were pizza, chicken, tacos, or hot


Our football season is played in the fall.

Correction: None!

The best mornings are when dad cooks pancakes.

Correction: The best mornings are when Dad cooks pancakes.

Since I was already up I decided to go for a run.

Correction: Since I was already up, I decided to go for a run.

Don’t forget to take out the trash this afternoon.

No mistakes!

My brother’s favorite book is the catcher in the rye.

Correction: My brother’s favorite book is The Catcher in the Rye.

Out of love, and affection my sister cleaned my room.

Correction: Out of love and affection, my sister cleaned my


Julie said her Uncle is a professional skate boarder.

Correction: Julie said her uncle is a professional skate boarder.

The declaration of independence was adopted more than a year

after the Revolutionary War began.


The Declaration of Independence

During what seemed like a six-hour lecture about protons and

neutrons I fell asleep. During what seemed like a six-hour lecture about protons and

neutrons, I fell asleep.

By the time Angelo ate all the cheese dip and Triscuits all the

chocolate cake was gone. By the time Angelo ate all the

cheese dip and Triscuits, all the chocolate cake was gone.
