
What capabilities should your visual effects and

animation studio ideally have?


This gives them the ability to consult on every aspect of the making to ensure that the project is completed in most effective, quick manner to meet the directors perspective.

Matte Painting

The ability to create any background that is needed and insert in your project


The ability to put together all the pieces of the puzzle and create a master piece


If they do not have the ability to execute this right, then you need a new studio!

3D Asset modelling

The image says it all!!

2D Animation

Some times old fashioned is the best way to go!

3D Animation

Everything about the world is in 3D today, then how can your videos lag behind? Your studio needs to have the resources to make this happen for you!

Flash animation

When everything else about you is unique, then why not your logo too?

Why should they be capable of this you ask? Because then they can create awesome high quality and engaging videos and movies for you like we have for our clients!

Do not believe us? Take a look at what we have done!

Visual effects for Marathi movie Baji

The maximum of visual effects created for any Marathi movie till date!

The OLX Grandpa Ad

Yup that was us too!


A corporate video for their future towers property

Digital video for Coriolis technologies

Contact us at

Karen Lewellen - +01 (310) 990-5121Toolbox Studio Pune - +91-020-4660 7590 [email protected]

Or fill in the enquiry form at
