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  • 1. Cans For Cadets
    Sara Ann Moremen
    Ashley Douglass
    Brittany Stape
    Course EEX
    Spring 2010

At the beginning of the semester I didnt know what to think, I was overwhelmed and worried how to commit to a project so big. After sitting down and discussing the plan of action, we figured out a way to help our community clean up and raise money for our troops.
3. Engagement Activities
-We all inquired about the Fully Online Service Learning Experience.
-We meet every Thursday online at 9 pm.
-We made flyers to help raise awareness about out project and raise money.
4. Introduction to the Setting
5. Orlando Group Demographics
Ashley Douglass
Secondary Language Arts Major
Brittany Stape
Sara Ann Moremen
Elementary Education Major
6. Personal Demographics
My experience with this project was very empowering. It helped me to think about others before myself and I really learned a lot about different ways reach out and help our community.
I really enjoyed being hands on with this project. My fiance is currently stationed in Kuwait on a second tour of duty, so it meant a to me to see that members of the community hadnt forgotten about our troops.
It is so amazing to see people from your community help you out by simply giving you their soda cans when they are through with them. I loved watching the project from start to finish, shipping that box at the Post Office was the most incredible feeling!
7. Engagement Activities
Mostly Online! (chat with group every Thursday for an hour)
We recycled cans to raise money for supplies to send to the troops.
Asked Family and Friends to collect cans also.
Recycled cans at Top Dollar Recycling.
We bought supplies at the Local Walgreen's and Shipped them to Iraq.
8. Support Our
March 28th, 2010
Your contribution of clean aluminum cans will be recycled to raise money to send care packages to our troops in Iraq.
Monetary donations are also accepted!
For comments or questions, please e-mail:
[email protected]
Thank you for your contribution!
Sponsored by
UCF Teachers in Action
9. Recycling, Shopping and Shipping
10. Participant Demographics
11. Participant Demographics
Community: Impacted knowing they were taking part in making a difference.
Recycling Center: Thrilled to be part of such a thoughtful process.
Post Office: Were so helpful and efficient at getting the packages to Iraq safely!
12. Reflection
This experience has been an eye opener. We see that one simple can,can be saved by your entire community and recycled so that Troops in Iraq are able to have some candy to eat and some soap to wash with. We were so honored to be part of such a humbling experience!
13. Reflection
All together our group saved $213.00 (collecting cans)
We really came together as a group and worked hard, to support our troops.
As a future educator I realized while doing this project..that teaching is not only about the students learning, but about getting your students to become passionate about something.
14. God Bless our Troops!