Page 1: Cannabis Church to Hug Police along 40-Day March to Washington DC

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Anne Armstrong 401-304-6543 [email protected]

Alan Gordon 401-304-6020 [email protected]

Cannabis Church:

Police in Slave States Along

March Route to DC Will Be Hugged

[Providence, Rhode Island] Police entering the personal space of religious pilgrims will be

embraced in the traditional Sign of Peace, says The Healing Church of Rhode Island as they set

out on a 40 day march to Washington DC to bring R.I. cannabis to the President during the

Pope’s September 23 visit, according to Church Canon (Ecclesiastical law specialist) Alan


“Now that the role of the Hebrew KNHBSM plant in the original Biblical languages is known,

the 2 most influential cannabis users in the Western world both know they need to stop letting

cannabis Prohibition hurt people,” says Deaconess Anne Armstrong, who recently led steadfast

church members in a show of faith against federal police at the 1636 birthplace of US religious

freedom, the Sacred Well of American patriarch Roger Williams. There, church members prayed

with KNHBSM at the Well in front of a dozen armed police sent to stop them, over and over

again, during a pair of 10-day prayer services in May and July this year, resulting in a dozen

minor charges.

Church members believe that Well is the one prophesied in Revelations 22:2, where, in a city of

God (Providence), the Tree of Life’s healing leaves will finally be given back to humankind after

being locked away for original sin. The Healing Church’s doctrine is one of Biblical

Originalism, and Deaconess Armstrong says “once cannabis is put back into our perception of

the Biblical narrative, we see that the ancient Biblical authors collected and preserved a

tremendous storehouse of highly detailed information about the best ways to use this plant for

food, medicine and textiles.”

Regarding suggestions that “tough guy” police in states like NY, NJ, and PA might react with

tickets or confiscations, Gordon says “Really? We’re marching our Biblical KNHBSM to

confront 2 notorious ‘heads’ in DC, where it’s fully legal, as a religious pilgrimage. If a lawman

doesn’t want to be hugged, he needs to stay a respectful distance back, with the same respect

shown by State liquor license agents when they manage to take a sip of church Communion wine

without inspecting its alcohol content or making sure no one takes too much.” Gordon has had

himself arrested for cannabis more than a dozen times since 1993, but is still willing to work

with police. “Cops are my brothers, too,” he says, “and we need to make peace now.”

Page 2: Cannabis Church to Hug Police along 40-Day March to Washington DC

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Anne Armstrong 401-304-6543 [email protected]

Alan Gordon 401-304-6020 [email protected]

Deaconess Anne Armstrong and Canon Alan Gordon with cannabis plant

at Roger Williams’ Sacred Well
