Page 1: Candlelight : The Official Publication of DepEd Region III Eva Imingan- Editor-In-Chief

The athletes of Region III have posted record breaking perfor-mance in this year’s 56th Palarong Pambansa (also known as 2013 Palaro) held in the city of Duma-guete, Negros Oriental on April 21-27, establishing new records to con-quer for next year in four sporting events and went on to take home 12 gold medals to boot from seven categories played during the event.

Leading the pack of warriors who triumphed during the ac-tivity is Bryan Jay Pacheco who raised the bar in Javelin Throw by scoring a powerful hurl reach-ing 57.81 meters overthrowing old records set by Alleloid Lumabao in 2002 and Danilo Abra in 2012.

Meanwhile, the feat was also equaled by the swimming team with Rafael Barretto of Bulacan as he matched the seven-gold swim romp in the boys’ elemen-tary division while setting three Palaro marks and was awarded as the Most Valuable Player in Swimming Elementary Boys.

Barretto, the swimming lead-

ing contender, made a debut by topping the following swimming events: 50 meter butterfly, 50 meter freestyle, 100 meter but-terfly, 100 meter freestyle and the two medley relays of their swim-ming team by winning double gold medals and a record in one of the three categories where he joined 100 and 200 meter freestyle and the legendary 400x100meter medley relay with Bieber Pangan.

“ Commitment-Driven Performance by our Leaders, Character-Based Instruction for our Learners”

By Eva B. Imingan, EPS-OICRO3 athletes break records in Palaro’13

Great Triumph. Region III is on top of the game as RD Dr. Isabelita M. Borres, Education Program Supervisors II Guillermo Bog-

not and Odon Santiago receives the trophy as 4th Runner-up during the 2013 Palarong Pambansa as DepEd Sec-retary Armin Luistro and Dumaguete Mayor Manuel Chiquiting Teves Sagarbarria strike a pose to celebrate the great moment.

RD Borres distributes Reading Recovery toolkits

The Regional Director, Dr. Isabelita M. Borres distributed Reading Recov-ery Toolkit thru the Supply Division of the regional office to 20 recipient schools during Regional Training for School Paper Advisers held May 27-29 at RELC, Pulungbulu, Angeles

City. This is in consonance with the region’s total commitment to provid-ing quality basic education for all children, youth, and adults by the year 2015 which is the main objec-tive of the “Every Child a Reader Program” (ECARP) of the DepEd.

The said kits were received by winning SPAs Allan P. David (Ca-banatuan City); Perlita C. De Guz-man (Bulacan); Don Peter Bada (Zambales); Elizabeth Sto. Domingo (Olongapo City); Dan Mark Nieto and Romeo Valderama (SJDM); Rowena N. Dela Cruz, (Prenza NHS); Nar-

ciso Mendiola (Pampanga); Miro-zon Valdez (Cabanatuan City) just to name a few.The reading toolkit serves as an instructional material and a guide for developing effective balanced reading programs based on the principles for early grades developmental reading program .

Marie Ann Ligsay, EPS II

Page 2: Candlelight : The Official Publication of DepEd Region III Eva Imingan- Editor-In-Chief

A P R I L - J U N E 2 0 1 3 3NEWS

“ Commitment-Driven Performance by our Leaders, Character-Based Instruction for our Learners”

209 SPAs attend reg’l Confab on campus journalism

Some 209 School Paper Advis-ers (SPA) from the 20 divisions of Region III attended 2013 Regional Seminar Workshop for School Pa-per Advisers held on May 27-29 at the RELC, Pulungbulu Angeles City.

This event is in consonance to Re-gional Memorandum No. 122, series 2013, issued on May 17 this year that aims to further hone the journalistic competencies and skills of SPAs by equipping them with updated knowl-edge and strategies in coaching the different categories in campus jour-nalism both in English and Filipino.

Moreover, the said activity aims to further enhance sustainability of

Region III’s dynamism and leadership as a consistent winner in the arena of school paper publishing as shown by the recent performance during the 2012 NSPC held in Ormoc City.

The said resource speakers were Rene Aranda of the Philippine Star for cartooning; Aries Oliveros for Collaborative Desktop Publishing; Norberto Bana for Editorial writing; Elizabeth Raymundo for Scriptwrit-ing and Radio Broadcasting; Ru-pert Laxamana for feature writing/ page; Rex San Diego for sports writing and sportspage, and James Constantino Galvez for newswrit-ing and newspage, among others.

ASEC Ruiz graces Brigada’13 ceremony

The Assistant Secretary for Finance of the Department of Education (DepEd), Armando C. Ruiz attended the 2013 Division Kick Off Ceremony of Brigada Eskwela held at the Santa Rosa National High School,Santa Rosa, Nueva Ecija on May 20.

According to Ruiz, Brigada Eskwe-la refers to Bayanihan Spirit which involves the support of the DepEd officials, LGU’s, nurses and local of-ficials.

“Education is costly but it’s more costly if the children are not edu-

cated,” he stressed.The school was commended for

its outstanding performance in the implementation of Brigada Eskwela, an annual school-pre-opening main-tenance activity with active partici-pation of the community.

HONOR AND INTEGRITY.T h e D e p E d C e n t r a l L u z o n o f f i c i a l s d e m o n s t r a t i n g d i g n i t y a n d u p r i g h t -

n e s s i n t h e i r f o r m a l a t t i r e a s t h e y d a n c e r i g o d o n d e a m o r d u r i n g t h e M ayo r ’s N i g h t o f t h e C e n t r a l L u z o n R e g i o n a l A t h l e t i c A s s o c i a t i o n (C L R A A ) M e e t h e l d o n A p r i l 2 , 2 0 1 3 a t t h e Pa s u e l a , Ta r l a c C i t y.

by damaso i. educalan & tara anne r. valdez spa, Malolos city, bulacan

M r s. R o we n a C a o i l e ( c e n t e r ) r e -c e i ve s t h e P l a q u e o f R e c o g n i t i o n f r o m t h e R D I s a b e l i t a M . B o r r e s f o r b e i n g t h e B e s t I m p l e m e n t e r o f t h e 2 0 1 2 B r i g a d a E s k we l a i n a n i n -s e t p h o t o D e p E d S e c . A r m i n L u i s t r o s t r i ke s a p o s e w i t h M r s. C a o i l e .

Print media eyes to mold learners of ALS in PampangaIt is interesting to know if learn-

ers are reading outside the Community Learning Centers and what type of lit-eracy materials they are reading, also equally important, the reasons why they do not read.

This research study on the “Popular Print Media Literacy Among the Learn-ers of the Alternative Learning System in the Division of Pampanga” attempts to investigate the popular print media choice for ALS learners in the Province of Pampanga.

Based on the result of the survey questionnaire, majority of the respondent learners who answered “Yes” (91.13%) still find time to read outside their class-room/learning center. The most pre-ferred print media literacy outside the classroom/learning center was newspa-per (54.87%) which ranks first; and the

least preferred was comics (17.70%) which are fifth in rank. At home, the most print media literacy among learner respondents was the school textbook (37.50%) which is first in rank; and the least preferred was magazine (12.50%.) which is fifth in rank.

This study points out the importance of developing the reading habit, that is, their intrinsic desire to read. In this light, different types of pocketbooks aside from the school textbooks and ALS modules should be made available in the Community Learning Centers. More-over, comics-type educational reading materials should also be developed. Newspapers and magazines should also be made available in the Community Learning Centers. To cultivate the habit of reading from the learners is to start from what interest them most to read.

By Arnold C. Montemayor, EPS II

By wilfredo b. yap, eps ii